
"Who the hell called you dead!"

A figure actually drew a long shadow in this rainy night, smashing into the crowd gathered by the soldiers of the Eastern Wu Dynasty in front of it like a flying flaming star.

Really like a landslide, Dian Wei's jump actually directly overturned all the enemies within nearly fifty steps in front of him.

Many people don't even know how they died. The soldiers of the Eastern Wu Dynasty who died most miserably were at the feet of Dian Wei at the moment. Dian Wei stepped on them with a big hole in their chests. kind of panic.

"General... General..."

"Where can you talk so much, little bastard! Go away for me!"

Dian Wei pulled up the young soldier who had fallen from the horse and was about to be stabbed to death by the soldiers of Soochow, and sent him far away with one kick.

The soldier didn't have time to thank him, but when he saw Dian Wei dodging again, he pulled out a frightened tiger and leopard cavalry from among the dead.

One, two...five...ten...Dian Wei just passed through the battlefield without a shadow, killing the soldiers of Soochow Wu to the point of being unable to parry.

Finally, under such circumstances, a burly figure rushed out of the Soochow soldiers, holding a ring-backed sword, and locked Dian Wei's back in silence.


Gan Ning only had Dian Wei in his eyes.

He licked the corner of his mouth excitedly, and the hand holding the knife even trembled.


The warhorse jumped up and directly crossed the heads of three or two Eastern Wu soldiers. With a knife, Hanmang showed his unique murderous aura in the rainy night, and this scene was taken by Yu Jin, who had just sent the last soldier away. See…

Yu Jin's eyes were about to split, and he hurriedly shouted at Dianwei:

"Classic! Be careful..."

It was just the next scene that made everyone's eyes widen, unable to say a word.


Just when Gan Ning felt that he had succeeded in this blow and that his long knife had almost taken off Dian Wei's head, he saw...

In the darkness of the night, he saw a pair of eyes glowing green in a trance... What kind of eyes were they?At that moment, Gan Ning only felt that his soul was dispelled by this glance. He was stiff all over, as if he was haunted by evil spirits... The feeling of suffocation came from his chest, and he didn't have time to say a word—

Because next, it's not Hanmang... but an afterimage that is better than Hanmang cuts through the rain curtain.

Drops of blood flew between the spire of the halberd and the rain, and everything in the world seemed to stop.

Gan Ning could only feel a huge force coming from his crotch.

So he had to look under him... In front of his eyes, the horse didn't have time to let out a single scream, and was blasted out with a black halberd, along with its head and reins.

Gan Ning didn't know how long he had been flying, all he knew was that when he fell heavily to the ground, the rain was slapping his face mercilessly, and he didn't even have the courage to hold the big knife standing beside him...

"Come again! Who dares to come! Your grandfather Dian Wei is here today, and you have the ability to take your grandfather's head!"

After the ridicule, I don't know why... Maybe God does not allow such a peerless general to appear in the world-he threw a thunder on the mountain top...


Accompanied by a thunderous sound like the roar of dragons and tigers, golden thunders as thick as tree trunks bombarded the top of the mountain.

Between flying sand and rocks, mountains collapse, boulders run...

Yu Jin and Zhang He were still standing at the mountain pass, unaware that a terrifying boulder was rolling towards them.

Just in a hurry, it was still Dian Wei... He saw the boulder, so he thought about any consequences—

Dian Wei rushed over...

When the smoke cleared... Zhang He was stunned, while Yu Jin simply cried out.


Dian Wei smiled, his arms sticking together in an unimaginable way - his arm was broken, and the flesh and stubble were exposed at the moment.

He used his arms to hold up the huge boulder that weighed thousands of pounds. Even if the blood on his chest was dripping, even if his arms were broken because of it, he was still smiling.

"General Zhang, Lao Yu... remember to tell Mr. Yi the last sentence, Awei is not a coward-"


Chapter five hundred and thirty-seven, sir, I want to drink

Yu Jin is crying!

Cursing the man in front of him, while the speechless Zhang He's lips trembled, he wanted to reach out—

Behind Dian Wei, there was suddenly the sound of the soldiers of the Eastern Wu Dynasty shouting and killing with [-]% fear and [-]% anger.

"He...he is only one person! He...his hand is broken! And...what are you afraid of!"

" long as we get on together, we can...kill him!"

"Kill him! Kill him!"

The Soochow Soldier was ridiculously encouraging himself with such words, Dian Wei just sneered - blood swept across his forehead, his body seemed to have reached the limit, so he turned his head and maintained the posture of supporting the boulder , said to the two people in front of him: "Still stunned? Don't you plan to leave? Are you planning to let Lao Tzu die under this stone?"

Dian Wei laughed and scolded, as if he didn't feel the pain at all.

"Dian Wei, listen carefully..."

Zhang He trembled and said to Dian Wei, his tone was a little hurried, and the words were a little unclear.

But he still said:

"Listen well...don't die...don't fight them head-on, you surrender! Just surrender! We will tell the Prime Minister, we will definitely come and redeem you... Until then... Until then, you motherfucker is not allowed Die! Did you hear that!"

"Whatever they want! We'll get you back!"

In response, Dian Wei nodded with a smile.


Zhang He and Yu Jin left, and soldiers from Soochow rushed up.

Dian Wei smiled and looked at the group of cowards in front of him. He looked at his arms, which were only slightly glued together, and didn't think much about it...

The soldiers of the Eastern Wu Dynasty felt that Dian Wei was going to die. Seeing that Dian Wei had not moved for a long time, someone who was not afraid of death finally rushed up excitedly.

No reason... The head of such a strong general is covered with a thousand taels of gold, for money, for officials—people die for wealth, birds die for food, so they rushed up the mountain and killed to the mountain pass at the end of the gorge, They...want to snatch that precious head.

However...the scene in front of them, for some reason, was suddenly shrouded in a dark giant shadow.

Because it was a rainy night, the line of sight was blurred, and someone asked suspiciously:

"Why is this wind so strong?"

He only felt that the scene in front of him was changing rapidly, and the shocked faces that crossed in front of him seemed to be staring at him...

Oh... It turns out that a poor man whose head was taken flying by the boulder, his head was hanging on the sharp corner of the boulder. After the boulder fell to the ground again, he was crushed into minced meat without any suspense...

The boulder charged down the mountain with unparalleled strength, killing countless soldiers and horses along the way.

The figure at Yamaguchi gradually became the devil in the eyes of many people.

Under the thunder... the rocks kept rolling down, and the figure used his mutilated arm, one... after another, and threw it towards the crowded places of the Soochow army.



During this period, Cheng Pu did not know how many times he had given orders to retreat, but even so... the figure on the mountain seemed to have endless power, and kept throwing boulders down the mountain...

Finally... after the last loud bang, no more boulders fell.

The rain stopped...

The first rays of light shot into the valley during the day, illuminating this miserable battlefield.

The broken limbs raised the entire mountain road several feet, and the rain and blood mixed together to form a small river, which slowly flowed down the mountain to the feet of Chengpu.

The further you look at the mountain pass, the more horrific the scene becomes.

The corpses piled up in front of the burly figure formed a wall. After the majestic wind blew, the corpses on the "wall" rolled down... That's a hundred lives.

On a whole gorge that is only three or five miles long, there is a picture of hell.

The timid, can't even look directly...

Cheng Pu, on the other hand, looked directly at him and rode his horse towards the mountain pass quietly.

There...a goblin...stands silently...seemingly waiting for him.


Dian Wei didn't know what he was thinking.

He felt warm.

He couldn't feel the pain in his body, but seeing his halberd fall to one side, he reached over and held the halberd in his hand.

He felt a little tired and couldn't lift his eyelids.

So he said:

"Damn, it's the first time I've been so sleepy in my life."

Too bad no one could hear his voice...

Dian Wei saw someone walking towards him, but he felt so tired, so he planned to scare the other party.

He planted the halberds heavily at his feet, folded his arms, raised his head, and leaned his back on the boulder behind him.

Oh... Yes, he didn't throw the last boulder beside him into the crowd, because he put the boulder on top of the mountain pass, firmly blocking the way of the Soochow chasers.

This is the loud noise.

The figure in the distance stopped, and Dian Wei smiled:

"Sure enough, he is also a coward."

Seeing that the other party didn't move, Dian Wei planned to sleep for a while—

In a dream... it seems that the Prime Minister is waving to him.

In the dream, he also saw his benefactor... Yes, even though he was named Awei from the beginning to the end, Dianwei didn't regret it. The benefactor, Mr. Yi gave him the opportunity to become famous in the world. He felt that the benefactor called him no matter what. is allowed.

"Sir, I have a craving for a drink."

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