
But Guan Yu's subordinates are all sad at the moment...because as long as they have a little normal thinking ability, they all know...even if they don't kill Cao Cao, even if they just capture Cao Cao alive, they are good friends.

Seeing the resentful eyes of all his subordinates, Guan Yu's long face turned even redder.

"Everyone is looking at what Ben will do! This matter is all done by one person, so of course, Ben will do things alone, and it has nothing to do with you!"

"But...General...that's Cao Cao..."

"Cough cough... I would have known!"


I don't know how long it took, maybe half an hour, the towering cliffs on both sides made it difficult to tell where the sun was, but... Judging from the breathless appearance of the passers-by, they definitely chased after a long time.

Gan Ning, Cheng Pu, and Ling Tong Xu Sheng and other generals of Soochow Wu led their troops to Huarong - but they happened to meet Guan Yu's returning team.

However, when they saw Guan Yu walking past them with an arrogant look, and there was not even a single hair of Cao Jun in the army, they were angry:

"Where's Cao Cao!"

At this time, Guan Yu made no secret of it, raised his head, looked at these Soochow generals with his nostrils, and said quite proudly:

"Let it go!"

The five hundred and thirtieth chapters are born bright, He Shengtian


Liu Bei had been waiting for most of the night in the tent beside Wulin Mountain, and he was waiting for the head of Cao Cao's Xiang Shang.

And Zhuge Liang, who was fully prepared, repeatedly comforted Liu Bei, telling him that Cao Cao would die today...

However, after Guan Yu led a group of soldiers and horses to return, the matter was completely declared a failure.

Liu Bei's hand was stabbed by the shards of the wine glass, and the blood was not stopping at this moment.

And Guan Yu knelt before Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang with his head held high.

"Second brother! How could you let Cao Cao go!!"

"Do you know that if Cao Cao is released, we will never have such an opportunity in the future!!"

Liu Bei's eyes were about to pop out, and Guan Yu couldn't open his eyes with his mouth full of spittle.

On the other hand, Zhuge Liang was so shocked that he didn't even have time to fan his fan.


the reason is simple…

If it really develops like a certain time and space, Guan Yu should let Cao Cao go, which should be in Zhuge Liang's control, because if Cao Cao doesn't leave... Liu Bei will have no chance to breathe... It is impossible to get Jingzhou, and it is even more impossible to have the latter enter Sichuan and enter Shu and become king. Chance to be King...

Because without Cao Cao, they couldn't control Soochow, and they fought back and forth. After all, they were just tool people.

But now...it's different...

Just because of the existence of one person—

"General Guan is confused!!"

Zhuge Liang has some qualities, even if he is angry, he has not lost his temper.

But his disappointment and regret were palpable.

"Our only chance now is to wait until Cao Cao's head has fallen, and take advantage of the chaos in the world to take a share of the pie..."

"But now the general has released Cao Cao... With that Yi Xiaotian... How could Cao Cao have the chance to make mistakes in the future?"

Yes... The key to everything lies in the existence of Yi Xiaotian.

Now as long as they are discerning people, whether it is Zhou Yu or Zhuge Liang, or even Sun Quan and Liu Bei, they all understand that Cao Cao is terrible?But it is terrifying. He controls the entire North, with uncountable wealth and soldiers...

But the really scary person is that Yi Xiaotian who just simply made a plan behind Cao Cao and won half of the world for him!

"Everything is over, everything is over! General Guan... How did we tell you?"

"Second brother, I know that you value loyalty and that Cao Cao used to be kind to you...but...but...Cao Cao is a thief! He is a thief who usurped the Han Dynasty!"

"You let a thief live, you gave your benevolence and righteousness to a thief! If Cao Cao swept the world in the future! The Han Dynasty perished! What you did today... is to ruin the hard work of countless people who want to help the Han Dynasty. Congeal!"

Liu Bei is about to cry... This time he is not acting, he is really about to cry stupidly by Guan Yu...

"General Guan... Even if you don't kill him Cao Cao, you just capture him alive... retreat [-] steps... Even if you only let Cao Cao go and kill all the ministers and generals around him... it's better than now... than the current result. I don't know how much…”

Zhuge Liang shook his head, and Guan Yu in front of him seemed to finally wake up...

Guan Yu was a little sluggish, a little confused about the situation... So many words lingered in his ears, and his mind seemed to explode.


"But what? What excuse do you have!"

Liu Bei took out his straw sandals and was about to greet Guan Yu. No matter what Guan Yu said now, he could ignite Liu Bei's anger.

Now... where is the so-called brotherhood?Liu Bei watched helplessly as his chance to dominate the world was ruined by the blushing idiot in front of him like a monkey's butt. He was so angry!

And Guan Yu said aggrievedly:

"But Cheng...cough, Cao Cao said, it was the owner of Yizhuang who told him that I would ambush them in Huarong Road. In fact, it was your design...you expected me to let him go, so you deliberately put me in peace. In Huarong, so... as long as I come back, the counselor and the elder brother, you will be very happy that I didn't kill him..."

"Big brother! Big brother! You... what's wrong with you!"

Guan Yu all at once repeated a lot of words that Cao Cao and his Barabara said at night to the two in front of him.

And after hearing that Yi Xiaotian had counted all these things, he suddenly felt a whirlwind.

Guan Yu hurriedly stepped forward to help Liu Bei, but was kicked away by Liu Bei...

And Zhuge Liang was stunned, let alone the fan, the feather fan slipped from Zhuge Liang's palm, and his mind was greatly shaken at this moment——

"This... is this also in your calculations! Yi Xiaotian!"

Obviously, the words Cao Cao said were only to kill people, and to play such things on the ground, Cao Cao was still quite good at it.

Yi Xiaotian does know that if Cao Cao loses Huarong and goes away according to the normal historical trend, Guan Yu will definitely not be able to kill him, but this point, he did not fully explain...because he did not want Cao Cao to be stupid when he had the kit. Only then can he return from a big defeat in Chibi... It's a pity that things went wrong.

Cao Cao's words planted seeds in Guan Yu's ears, but Guan Yu was extremely simple, and he repeated the words Cao Cao told him to Zhuge Liang and Liu Bei.

Murder is heartbreaking.

And Zhuge Liang...

Zhuge Liang is arrogant, and he always feels that he is not much worse than Yi Xiaotian.

Therefore, he also pretended to leave a trick for Liu Bei... in order to be better than Guo Yi Xiaotian.

However, he was afraid, Yi Xiaotian... He didn't dare to admit that he was afraid of Yi Xiaotian, but the plan he made for Guan Yu had completely exposed his thoughts.

And now... Boss Cao has no intention of intervening, and the words of murder and punishment have fallen into Zhuge Liang's ears.

Liu Bei fell... but he quickly recovered himself. When he was thinking about how to deal with the mess that followed, he saw an eight-foot figure suddenly collapsed in front of him.

"Things of conspiracy...such as the Tower of Thousand Layers...hehe...I thought I was on the second floor and Yi Xiaotian was on the first floor...I didn't expect that...he was on the fifth floor!"

"Since Shengliang ... He Shengtian! I'm not reconciled! I'm not reconciled!!"

Zhuge Liang lay down in front of the two of them, his trembling hands stretched out towards the sky, he shouted a few times, and in front of the public, he even spit out a blood mist.

"Master! Master! Master, you must not be in trouble!"

Zhuge Liang passed out under Liu Bei's call, and before he lost consciousness, he was still chanting the same sentence, "When the light is born, why is it born"...


"What! Was that Guan Yu let go?"


Zhou Yu, who got the news, was so angry that he was almost exasperated, but fortunately, he was worried about Liu Bei's people before, and the key was not to worry about Zhuge Liang, a man on a par with him...

Fearing that something would change, he ordered tens of thousands of horses and let Gan Ning and the others follow Cao Cao's route to catch up.

Now the news came back that Gan Ning and the others had already crossed Huarong and went to Jiangling...

Whether he can catch up with Cao Cao depends on this move!

Zhou Yu was in and out of the camp... Liu Bei wanted to kill Cao Cao, that was because they were afraid of Yi Xiaotian, even if they gave up the chance to secure a third of the world, they would kill him.

And what about Zhou Yu?

Zhou Yu's situation is better, as long as he can kill Cao Cao, Soochow is the dominant one... The world can be lucrative!

Chapter Five Hundred and Thirty-Five

Cao Cao naturally did not know that Zhuge Liang vomited blood and fainted.

He has a goal now, as long as they can return to Jiangling, they still have a chance...

However, when Zhang He, who went to Jiangling to inquire about the situation, came back, he only told Cao Cao a piece of news that made him a little desperate...

"Prime Minister... Jiangling... ran out of food..."

Zhang He was trembling all over, not because he was afraid, but because he braved the rainstorm to go to Jiangling to inquire about the news... One day and one night, when he came back, he was cold and trembling involuntarily.

It's raining... When Cao Cao heard the news, a pea-sized rain was floating in the sky.

The rain hits the ground and can splash quite high water.

The soldiers were about to be unable to hold on, and were exhausted day and night. Although the sun could not be seen at this moment, it was already approaching evening... At this time, Zhang He also brought even more despairing news.

The joy of escaping death only lasted for less than a while, and everyone's high emotions were completely extinguished by this heavy rain and bad news.

"The truth...I know...let's go..."

Cao Cao didn't say much. The soldiers had already fought to the limit. If they didn't give them some thoughts at this moment, I am afraid that many people would fall on the spot and never stand up again.

So...in any case, they are going back to Gangneung.

A deadly silence swept the entire army. Cao Cao did not announce the news to the soldiers behind him. This was the best decision he could make in such a desperate situation.


Cao Cao called Zhang Liao, and Zhang Liao rushed to him immediately.

"The end is here!"

Zhang Liao, who was soaked by the rain, was pale at the moment, but there was still the firmness in his eyes that was unique to a general.

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