Cao Cao pulled out the sword of green scorpion, and his arrogance rose to the sky. He was like a survivor standing on the ruins, stubbornly shouting at the enemy who brought disaster.

It's a pity... When an eight-foot-long, long-bearded general with a long sword and a blood-red BMW appeared in the distance on the gorge, all of Cao Cao's previous heroics were instantly swallowed by him...

The suffocating atmosphere swept the audience——

Cao Cao's eyes were straight, his mouth was slightly open, his lips were trembling, and the breeze brushed his beard, which was like fluffy grass, he was stunned, and he kept mumbling in the air:

"This... is this impossible?"

Yi Xiaotian lied to himself?

Are you walking slowly?

Or...the other party has all been counted?

The confidence that had taken a whole night to build up suddenly collapsed at this moment.

Cao Cao feels that he has been abandoned by the world, because what he just said has come true...

"Impossible... Brother Yi couldn't lie to me..."

However, the roars of Cao Rendian, Wei and the others beside him, as if they were facing a great enemy, had already told him very clearly that there were soldiers in ambush in the distance, and the long-bearded man with the sword was the peerless warrior who once killed Yan Liang and executed Wen Chou for him. Guan Yu... Guan Yunchang...

"Protect the Prime Minister!"

"Protect the Prime Minister!"

Zhang Liao shouted desperately, and the soldiers who were tired of running for their lives, like birds with a bow, gathered towards Cao Cao.

The horses under them also seem to be able to break through in such a tight siege because they only have more than a thousand soldiers and horses?

As the depths of the forest, more and more human heads appeared, not only in front of them...behind the mountains, in the forest, no less than [-] elite soldiers and horses, just in this small Huarong Road, quietly watching Cao Cao.

Under such circumstances... the silence of ten breaths passed... Cao Cao opened his mouth at the nostalgic figure in the distance:

"Yun Chang... stay safe..."

Zhang Liao, Dian Wei, and the others all stared nervously at Guan Yu in the distance... for fear that he would jump up and kill his horse down the mountain. At that time... it would be too late for them to react - just because he was Guan Yunchang.

Guan Yu closed his eyes tightly, pursed his lips, the sky was not bright, but his rosy face made him not angry.

He heard...he heard Cao Cao's call, and this call awakened his memory of not knowing how long ago...

Under Cao Cao, he fought against Yuan Shao's army many times, beheaded Yan Liangwen Chou, and made him famous.

The red rabbit under him seemed to recognize Cao Cao, neighing and waving his head.

Because of this... Guan Yu's heart is even more chaotic... He remembered that before he left, he had sworn to Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang in the army:

"If you can't kill Cao Cao, Yu is willing to be dealt with by military law!"

How firm I said before, how violently it is shaken now.

Under such entanglement, Guan Yu also spoke:

"Prime Minister... stay safe..."

Suddenly he heard Guan Yu's words... Cao Cao's heart thumped, something suddenly fell, and he remembered all the things Yi Xiaotian had said to him...

What Guan Yu is destined to be unable to keep, and this person is loyal... betrayed by others... blah blah blah.

Fragmented memories flew past before his eyes, and Cao Cao's heart beat faster and faster.

A sense of tension filled his body, and he had an unrealistic association in his mind-could it be that Brother Yi had already counted the moment that there would be today at that time?

The trembling heart made Cao Cao instantly realize that this was his best chance to escape, so he stepped off the horse directly in front of everyone's eyes.

"Prime Minister! You... what are you going to do!"

Zhang Liao and Dian Wei were all panicked, but Cao Cao waved at them directly and firmly, with the sword of azure beside him, the soul of the actor in Cao Cao's body was burning:

"No one is allowed to come up!"

"This is the end of the matter, there is no escape from the wings! This life of the truth... is handed over to Chang Yun!"

Tears flashed from the corners of Cao Cao's eyes, but he had a resolute expression on his face...

So... Guan Yu broke the defense, and the psychological defense line collapsed instantly.

Chapter [-]: Yun Chang, I came first

Cao Cao, who was slowly walking towards him in the distance, made Guan Yu instantly messy.

Is there any calmness in his eyes?

The knuckles of his fingers gripping the blade were whitish.

His mouth also kept exhaling hot breath.

"What is this... Could this be..."

Guan Yu felt that something was stuck in his throat. He stared straight at Cao Cao, who was walking towards him with his head held high, and heard Cao Cao's "heart words" that could be recorded in the annals of history:

"Yun Chang... Mingming... This Prime Minister came first, but... He couldn't take you as his own... Since that day, Prime Minister can't think about the day, can't sleep at night... How could I have thought that you and I have it? On such a day when the armies face each other..."

"That's all... If it's Yun Chang, I'll definitely be able to understand the true heart..."

"I lost to Zhou Yu, I lost to Zhuge Liang... I am unwilling..."

Cao Cao burst into tears, and the tears wet his beard. He put the green sword across his neck and smiled bleakly against the wind.

"But if in the die in your hands, Chang Yun, it's not a bad ending."

"Come on... Yun Chang... Let this grievance come to an end. I also hope that after this prime minister's death... Yun Chang will recall the past and be able to remember that there was once a person named Cao Mengde who treated you sincerely..."

Cao Cao closed his eyes and walked towards Guan Yu with firm steps.

Good guy... Where have Liu Bei's soldiers seen such a scene?The bows and crossbows in their hands were hanging aside, and some soldiers who were already holding spears and preparing for a battle watched Cao Cao's performance eagerly.

But... but when they looked at their main general, they saw Guan Yu angrily slashing Qinglong Yanyue into the ground in front of him.

Guan Yu burst into tears.

In fact, the moment Cao Cao came to him, he had already collapsed.

He couldn't accept such an unkind and unjust self, and all the backlogged emotions rushed out of his mind under Cao Cao's proper guidance.

Guan Yu... decided to uphold his own righteousness in the face of right and wrong.

Cao Cao heard the loud noise of the sand and stone splashing in the distance, and his whole body was jolted. He thought that Guan Yu was really going to cut himself.

It's just that his professionalism as an actor tells him that acting... must be done well.

So he looked up firmly, but saw Guan Yu throwing the long knife and crying to himself.

"Prime Minister! It's Guan Yu who almost gave up his righteousness... It's Guan Yu who doesn't deserve to be a gentleman!"

"Prime Minister! You are the real invincible benevolence and righteousness! Guan Yu... Guan Yu would like to apologize to death today! Kill me!"

Cao Cao was stupid. He really didn't expect Guan Yu's reaction to be so big. Seeing a big man as strong as an ox rushing towards him at the speed of a hundred meters sprint, everyone would panic!

"Yun Chang Yun Chang! You... don't... hey... slow down, don't get excited!!"

Zhang Liao and the others were also stupid. In fact, from the moment Cao Cao dismounted, they did not dare to speak out.

Some people saw that Cao Cao was going to die recklessly, and their emotions were quite excited. They wanted to step forward to stop Cao Cao, but only Jia Xu, who was on the side, saw it thoroughly, and hurriedly pulled those people back.

"You can't let you ruin this play!"

Jia Xu was extremely nervous. He really didn't expect that Cao Cao would be so bold, but... if he wanted to escape, it seemed that there was only one way to go.


Its daybreak.

The light in the morning, sprinkled in the forest, sprinkled in the mountains, this quiet feeling, as if nothing has happened here.

And this light seems to be sprinkled in the hearts of everyone around Cao Cao, making them feel suddenly enlightened.


No one dared to say this, for fear that the other party would wake up.

But they all thought so.

Because at this moment, Guan Yu is seriously saying goodbye to Cao Cao.

The two cupped their hands and clasped their fists, but they were only ten feet apart.

And at this distance of ten feet, the positions of the two armies were switched.

At the exit of Huarong Ridge was Cao Cao's remnant defeated generals, and in the mountains, it was Guan Yu who saw Cao Cao off from a distance.

And this scene was separated from the reunion of old friends when they first came here—

"Yun Chang... Is this really good?"

Cao Cao's eyes seemed to be sad and reluctant. His brows were wrinkled, and the image of Guan Yu, not for himself, was presented in front of everyone's eyes.

"Prime Minister... Let's go, Yu... Not that kind of ungrateful villain... If it wasn't for the Prime Minister's words, Yu would have almost abandoned the faith of his life... And by then, even if he regretted it, he would have no regrets..."

Guan Yu sternly stern, and what he said was beyond doubt. He was proud of the decision he made, and he did not notice Cao Cao's rather painful "smirking".

Well, he felt that Cao Cao was still worried about him, and he felt more and more that his decision was right.

But Cao Cao really just couldn't contain the joy in his heart... This is a mortal situation... And after talking to Guan Yu, he knew that if he went on the road, at this moment, Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun would have been killed.

It turns out... It turns out that all this is really Yi Xiaotian's calculations... He knows that as long as he meets Guan Yu, it means that they have escaped.

"Brother Yi really won't lie to me... How could Brother Yi lie to me!"

Of course, I can't say what's in my heart...

So Cao Cao was really holding back his laughter, and it was quite painful.

"Sacrificing one's life for righteousness... What the predecessors did, Yu also did it!"

Guan Yu cocked his head arrogantly, while Cao Cao reluctantly said goodbye with a sad face:

"Chang Yun! must take care! If...the truth is that can't stay under Liu Bei's hands, the door of the truth will always be open for you!"

"No need to say more! Prime Minister take care!"

"Long Yun! Take care!"

The two turned around at the same time, Cao Cao's army walked outside Huarong under his command, while Guan Yu giggled to himself as he listened to the sound of the horses' hooves gradually receding.

He felt that what he had done was right... Even if he was really punished according to military law for the sake of letting Cao Cao go today... Then he also felt that he had no regrets in this life.

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