He almost gritted his teeth and said this sentence, but Yi Xiaotian's next answer only made him feel that he was being tricked for no reason.

"Not much, not much... You each have a mountain, each family has a mountain, such as Xiangshan, Fanshan and so on..."

"Yi Xiaotian!!"

Ma Liang roared directly.

However, Yi Xiaotian continued to smile and said:

"Also, it seems that the fourth master still doesn't know how much the salt is going to sell for... Well, let me set a price for the fourth master, five hundred dollars and one stone. How much do you want and how much do I have."

"Five hundred dollars?"

Not only was Ma Liang stunned, but the family members who had arrived late didn't seem to have imagined that the price of this salt was so cheap.

"Buy! I'll buy! I'll buy as many as I have!"

But... but what's with the smirk of the people around you?

Ma Liang raised his head and looked at Yi Xiaotian, Zhen Luo, Huang Yueying and others who couldn't help laughing in front of him. Even Xu Chu and Le Jin were grinning at them from inside the door.

He suddenly looked around for a week and saw a group of people who were laughing until their stomachs hurt, and finally couldn't help shouting:

"What are you laughing at! What are you laughing at!"

"Fourth Master, we only need fifty dollars to buy salt!"

"Yi Xiaotian!!"

Ma Liang completely exploded, and took the knife directly to cut Yi Xiaotian, but Yi Xiaotian didn't panic at all, he suddenly shouted at the separated crowd.

"Today is the opening of my own salt shop! A thousand stones of refined salt, all! Department! Free! Free! Give away!"


Ma Liang was suddenly pushed by the crazy crowd, the people went crazy, they swarmed directly, and the people of the family alliance were like rootless duckweeds, floating in the crowd.

After a while there was no audio-

And what about Ma Liang?

I heard that when Ma Liang was found later, his clothes were trampled into the color of loess, and integrated with the whole earth, how miserable and miserable the appearance was.


The five hundred and twentieth eight chapters are the remnants and defeated generals

Marian fell...

Just when he thought he had secured the victory and would take advantage of this victory to drive out Yi Xiaotian, he was knocked down by the sudden collapse of the salt price.

He thought that Yi Xiaotian's strategy was just to buy and sell at a loss, or even give it away, to drag down the private salt business of their family alliance.

So he felt that Yi Xiaotian was just trying to hold on, but he was just forcing a smile.

However, Ma Liang, who did not understand the situation at all, after a day of waiting and hearing the news from the other families, he just woke up from the bed and passed out again.

The news was very simple, and after a few chats, Ma Liang was given an unbearable crit.

"Four...Fourth Master...you...don't get excited, just listen to me slowly..."

Li Yue knelt on the bed, shaking uncontrollably.

There was fear in his eyes, most of which was the kind of fear that he couldn't understand what he saw...

"The gate to the south of the city opened, and dozens of ox carts came in from outside the city, all of which were snowflake salt from a salt shop... It seems that there are nearly [-] stone..."

So Ma Liang passed out...

Because the two refined salt wells in Xiangshan and Fanshan may not produce [-] stones of refined salt a year…

The Aristocratic Family Alliance has completely lost... The already weak alliance relationship has completely collapsed after today.

As for Yi Xiaotian, no one mentions whether to sanction or not... Hehe, Yi Xiaotian makes a lot of money, and when Youjian Villa is built... It would be good if Yi Xiaotian didn't sanction them... So smart people have already Started playing dead - what about the smarter ones?

The wiser Huang Chengyan smiled with his hands on his back. Looking at the crude salt mine continuously mined in the Lumen Mountain Salt Mining Field, after a series of wonderful operations, it soon turned into pure white, crystal-like, snow-like refined salt. After that, he just felt refreshed...he hadn't felt so refreshed in decades.

"Master Yi, you are really a noble of my Huang family..."

Huang Chengyan is in a particularly good mood these days - Yi Xiaotian won a big victory in the private salt business battle, defeating the mighty aristocratic alliance, which is of course something to be happy about...

It's just the things that can make him Huang Chengyan happy enough to walk with the wind... Of course, there are only happy things about Huang Yueying.

"Daughter...you have to take advantage of this opportunity..."

Huang Chengyan's eyes were full of anticipation... He looked in the direction of the villa... There, these days, Yi Xiaotian has been hanging out with Huang Yueying...


Of course, if Huang Chengyan knew that Yi Xiaotian was pulling Huang Yueying every day, not for anything else, but to explore the possibility of military use of ingenuity, Huang Chengyan might vomit blood on the spot...

It's just that the two people involved are obviously enjoying it...

Lumen Mountain, on the mountainside, in the small temporary stronghold, the smoke is rising from the smoke...

Zhen Luo seemed to have prepared a meal in the room, holding his cuffs, three or two drops of sweat dripped down his cheeks on his forehead, and the hair soaked in sweat made Zhen Luo in the mist even more hazy and beautiful.

She picked up the food, stretched out the curtain, and shouted to the two people who were fighting in the courtyard:

"Sir! Sister Yueying, the food is ready!"


As Yi Xiaotian said, he honestly invited Huang Yueying to give full play to her talents... And Huang Yueying was in it because she felt that her talents had been fully displayed.

So now, Yi Xiaotian gave him this opportunity.


The theme is weapons, and the reason why Yi Xiaotian thought of this was naturally because the agency in front of the gate of the Yellow Mansion was inspired...

"Continuous crossbow... Can you do it?"

There are machine guns in later generations, that kind of thing is a real battlefield killer, and in the Han Dynasty...there was a legendary weapon, that is, the Yuanrong crossbow called Zhuge Liannu...

A single shot of ten crossbow bursts, but in the written records, it seems to mention that if the Zhuge crossbow is heavy and complicated according to the previous specifications, it is difficult to carry it with you, and the effect is excellent when defending the city.

As for the Zhuge Liannu, after seeing Huang Yueying's magical ingenuity, Yi Xiaotian only said a few words:

"Zhuge Liang's villager made such exaggerated things? Just kidding..."

Yes, after visiting the extremely exaggerated precision linkage mechanisms in the Yellow Mansion, everyone will have the urge to swear.

So Yi Xiaotian also understands why there will be Zhuge Liannu in later generations. It is actually a rumor that Huang Yueying helped Zhuge Liang. Looking at this, Yi Xiaotian feels that if Zhuge Liang really paid more attention back then, Huang Yueying could create more horror. 's weapon.


"It's my fault that you, Zhuge Villager, don't have that fortune..."

So Yi Xiaotian informed Huang Yueying about the design of the Zhuge Crossbow, and discussed with her how much it would cost to mass-produce this kind of thing...

But for now...let's eat first...

"I'm coming!"

Yi Xiaotian responded to the room, and said to Huang Yueying, who was still frowning in front of him:

"Let's come here today... Take a rest after dinner, and we'll continue."

Huang Yueying listened to Yi Xiaotian saying this, and put down the tools in her hand... She changed and changed the drawings in front of her. In one day, Yi Xiaotian had already seen the prototype of Zhuge Liannu... and I had to sigh, Huang Yueying's Superb craftsmanship.

"It's according to Mr.

Huang Yueying smiled, revealing her own charm...


There are still fifty miles away from Xiangyang…

A chaotic sound of hooves broke the silence of the forest...

The birds and beasts seemed to be frightened and fled in all directions...

A group of cavalry is galloping down the narrow mountain road... However, the broken armor on their bodies shows that they are not here to announce the good news...

"Zixiao! Still... how far is it!"

The person at the head has a disheveled hair... his body is muddy, if not for the saber around his waist, he can still show his extraordinary identity. From a distance, this rough man on horse is simply a bum to the extreme...

"Prime Minister! It's not far away! Wen Yuan has already taken a step forward, and when he arrives in Xiangyang... Master Yi will definitely have a solution!"

The blood-soaked general was carrying a long knife, the knife was stained with blood, and it seemed that they had experienced a bloody battle not long ago...

He is Cao Ren, Cao Cao's general. At this moment, he is simply unprecedented.

"Prime Minister!"

There was a sudden call from behind. It was a team of tigers and leopards. Their speed was extremely fast. Judging from the blood stains on their bodies, they had just experienced the battle.

"The prime minister is General Yu! General Yu and the others are here!"

Cao Ren shouted excitedly, and Cao Cao, who was just fleeing in front of him, heard that Yu Jin was coming, and he didn't care about the beauty, so he pulled his horse and turned around...

I saw Cao Cao shouting at Yu Jin:

"Where's Dian Wei! Didn't I tell you to go back to him! What about others!"

In the silence... only the sound of horses' hooves came, and the surroundings were dead silent...

The dust on Yu Jin's face... His face was bleak, he seemed to be struggling for a long time... In the end he could only answer with a trembling voice:

"The prime minister... General Dian Wei... died in battle..."


Chapter [-] Leave it to me

Cao Ren clearly saw that Cao Cao's body was shaking.

In the wind, Cao Cao's messy beard and hair fluttered, and in the wind, Cao Cao's tears were gushing.

"Dian Wei... did he say anything..."

The trembling voice contained pain, Cao Cao closed his lips tightly, and then struggled to say these words.

Yu Jin didn't cry, the blue veins on Yu Jin's neck collapsed, he was patient, but the tiger and leopard riders who saw Dian Wei's body behind them burst into tears...

"General Dian Wei... He still faces the river even if he died in battle... I heard the soldiers who survived by chance say... Before the general, he died... I hope the Prime Minister can be safe... I hope the Prime Minister can remember the words of Villa Master Yi... I hope this kind of thing will never happen again. will not happen…"

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