"General he...he wants to see the prime minister rule the world..."

"it is good!!"

When Yu Jin was almost crying, after the last sentence, Cao Cao cried bitterly, Cao Ren shouted, thousands of cavalry, under this south wind, sent their last farewell to the souls who had left them...


Outside the city of Xiangyang, in front of Lumen Mountain, the horse that was foaming at the mouth due to the [-]-mile rush fell to the ground and never got up again.

The muddy general struggled to get up from the ground.

He didn't say any excuses and didn't make any shouts.

He dragged his tired body and walked step by step towards the mountain... there... there was their only hope.


Before the hut, Yi Xiaotian stretched.

Delicious food, accompanied by beautiful women, it should be the time of spring breeze, but Yi Xiaotian always feels that something is going on in his heart, and he can't express it for a long time.

"Sir, are you going to keep busy?"

Zhen Luo walked gently from behind and stood beside her very well-behaved. She asked with a smile, as if she was worried about Yi Xiaotian's body.

After all, Yi Xiaotian has been busy in the past few days, and has not had a good rest for a long time.

"Time waits for no one, finish the crossbow sooner... The army that hides from my brother will be stronger sooner-"

"Speaking of which, it's been ten days since Brother Concealed and the others went to Chibi. If it goes well... the news should have come by now."

However, Yi Xiaotian just mentioned it casually. He knows that there are many variables in the army, and it will be sooner or later... As long as he follows his tips, most of them will not go wrong.

Of course, he was flustered before, so he wrote a tip for Brother Hidden - I hope it's best if you don't use it...


However, what to be afraid of, what to come.

When Yi Xiaotian had just walked out of the hut, stood in the courtyard, and looked at the mountains and forests from a distance, two figures seemed to be galloping towards him in the distant path.

Before Yi Xiaotian could meet him, Xu Chu's characteristic loud voice passed through countless trees and came to the front of the house.

"Sir! It's not good! General Zhang is here to report! Chibi... Prime Minister is defeated!"

"What did you say!!"

Yi Xiaotian's eyes widened, and there was an unbelievable look in his eyes——

"This... how is this possible?"

But as the two got closer.

When Zhang Liao's bruised and exhausted appearance came into view, Yi Xiaotian finally realized that this thing... really happened...

Yi Xiaotian directly stepped over the low fence and rushed in the direction of Xu Chu.

And Zhang Liao was being carried by Xu Chu, and at this moment, he looked like he was dying, and he couldn't hold it anymore...

Yi Xiaotian rushed to Xu Chu and kept asking Zhang Liao:

"Where is brother lie! What happened to the prime minister!"

"If I'm not mistaken, if Chibi is defeated, Brother Hide should return from Huarong with Cao Cao..."

"General Zhang? General Zhang wake up!"

"Yueying! Hurry up and get the herbs from the house! General Zhang lost too much blood..."


Zhang Liao woke up and took the soup that Yi Xiaotian personally prepared for him. The warm feeling made Zhang Liao cough suddenly.

"General Zhang! You are awake!"

With a pale face, Zhang Liao used all his strength to say to Yi Xiaotian:

"The prime minister and the master are fine..."

In fact, at this time, even if Zhang Liao lost his mind, he still did not forget Cao Cao's order not to reveal his true identity to Yi Xiaotian.

"Hua Rong Dao... Guan Yunchang let us go... Now... cough..."

He coughed violently again, Zhang Liao used his last strength, pointed to the mountain road in the south of Xiangyang City outside the door, and said to Yi Xiaotian:

"Master Concealer is behind... Jiangling has fallen, and the soldiers from the Sun and Liu families are chasing after our army... Master Yi... You must save Master Concealer..."

"General Zhang, take a rest, I know everything... I'll go right now!"

Yi Xiaotian experienced the initial panic, and as the only person who could turn the tide, he was the first to regain his composure.

Zhang Liao fainted again.

The silence of the house.

Huang Yueying was quite unfamiliar with such a scene, trembling all over, and Zhen Luo also hugged Huang Yueying silently.

Le Jin, who came to hear the news, exploded when he saw Zhang Liao who was covered in bruises.

"What the hell is going on! Who did it! Zhang Wenyuan! You mustn't die!"

Le Jin rushed directly to the bed. If Xu Chu hadn't stopped him, Zhang Liao would not have died, and he would have been scared to death by Le Jin.

"Chibi... We lost..."

Xu Chu no longer had the kind of silly smile he had in the past. At this moment, his expression was solemn, and he told Le Jin the matter word by word.

Le Jin people are stupid. In his consciousness, he never thought that Chibi and the others would lose.

"This...how is it possible...you...you are not lying to me, are you? Ah? Hahaha, I know you are lying to me, stop making trouble..."

Le Jin laughed, as if he wanted to dispel the desertedness with laughter.

Yi Xiaotian stood up and patted Le Jin's shoulder:

"General Le... Order the troops and horses, we'll pick them up..."

After all, Yi Xiaotian turned around silently, and walked out of the hut first, walking with such firmness—

Because he knows that this time, he will face the most severe test since he came to this era...


God knows how reassured Cao Cao felt when he saw Yi Xiaotian, but after reassurance, what filled his heart was endless regret and pain...

Tears of unwillingness swirled in the corners of his eyes. The big man should have had tears without flicking, but this time... Cao Cao really couldn't bear such a blow...

Thousands of words come together in one sentence:

"Brother Yi, save me..."

Yi Xiaotian led Le Jin and Xu Chu, led three thousand elite soldiers, and received Cao Cao safely outside the city of Xiangyang.

Yi Xiaotian dismounted, and Cao Cao dismounted.

The two met, and Cao Cao fell directly to the ground.

"Brother Yi... all gone... [-] troops..."

"And... Ave..."

After hearing Awei's name, Yi Xiaotian suddenly shuddered.

"Is that so... Is Awei gone too..."

Not asking, but regretting...

It was not Yi Xiaotian who reacted most violently, but Xu Chu, who was fully armed and went into battle again.

Yi Xiaotian thought that Awei was the guard of Master Li, but Xu Chu... Xu Chu knew that Awei was his good brother Dian Wei, who was born and died.

Countless memories flashed before my eyes.

Xu Chu... This mountain-like man, at this moment, left fiery tears.

I don't know why, God doesn't make beauty, but at this moment it started pouring downpour.

The rumbling thunder sounded, like the thunderous roar that Dian Wei was familiar with.

But now, everything is in the past.

The rain mixed with the tears on everyone's faces, and flowed into the ground together, disappearing without a trace.

"I know... so now..."

Yi Xiaotian squatted down slowly, and patted the back of the master lightly.

Give him a smile, the smile that always appears when you are in trouble.

"Leave it all to me."


Chapter Five Hundred and Thirty The Most Unforgettable In This Life

In the Battle of Chibi, Cao's army was defeated.

Without controversy, it has become another earth-shattering event in this era.

The invincible Cao Jun, why did he lose, and why did he lose so miserably...


In Xiangyang City, Yi Xiaotian and the Aristocratic Family Alliance are fighting hard.

And at the same time…

Wulin Port, Cao Jun's camp.

Someone came quickly outside the tent, and the sound of footsteps made everyone in the tent notice the sound.


At this moment, Cao Cao is discussing with everyone in the tent about the final decisive battle, how they should arrange it so that they can defeat the Sun and Liu allied forces in one sweep...

Huang Gai will come to meet each other tonight, with nearly [-] sailors and [-] sailors, as long as things work out...

The voice outside the door made Cao Cao raise his head, he waved his hand, and replied in a strong voice:

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