Ma Liang recognized that this was a shopkeeper of his salt shop - so Ma Liang's heart almost came to his throat.

What he cried was a shrill, heart-piercing cry, and it almost made a few patriarchs feel that their death was imminent...

But the fact is...

When one salt shop owner after another ran to the mansion crying, and they all screamed and wailed and said the same name, all the owners finally realized that something was wrong——


Dongcheng, Qinghe River.

Perhaps the entire Qinghe Street has never been as crowded as it is today in the decades since it was built.

The black crowd was like a wave after wave after wave.

The weather, which should have been quite cool, was actually turned by such a crowded scene.

People were sweating profusely, but they didn't realize they were doing something stupid.

"Don't... hey, don't squeeze me!"

"First come, first come, do you understand!"

"Can you hurry up in the front! The back is still rushing!"

"What are you arguing about! Didn't you see that we didn't buy it before?"

An extremely anxious urging pushed the impetuous atmosphere to **.

In sharp contrast, in front of an ordinary store with a small storefront, people rushed to take out their coins and kept sending them forward, hoping to throw all their money in front of the store. The leisurely face of the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper warmed a cup of hot tea in his hand, smiling, not showing the slightest nervousness.

The two beautiful women beside them were quickly keeping accounts and collecting money—under the table, in the huge wooden box, the consistent and consistent coins flew into the box like rain—

Soon, the big wooden box snapped together, and a strong man walked out of the room, carrying the big wooden box full of coins expressionlessly towards the inner room, he swept the wooden box horizontally, and the More than a dozen wooden boxes full of money were piled together.

This is the income of Yanpu for half an afternoon.

"Don't worry, don't worry! Line up one by one, refined salt... as much as you want... Today's revenue has exceeded expectations, so in order to give back to the fathers and the villagers, I will say a price!"

As if he was afraid that others would not hear, Yi Xiaotian shouted at the crowd, his hands hanging high in the air, like a god-

Everyone looked at Yi Xiaotian eagerly, and many people swallowed, waiting for Yi Xiaotian's next record price that is very likely to appear...

Yi Xiaotian's waist fan fell on the table with a snap...

"Fifty money, one person is limited to ten stones, and the last ten thousand stones!"

As soon as I heard the price of fifty cents, well, the people who bought the salt went crazy.

Because everyone has seen those lucky people who have already bought refined salt from Youjian Salt Shop this morning... that kind of snowflake-like fineness... Fifty cents?

This is good. In order to buy salt, people who will do anything to buy salt are crying and shouting to squeeze forward, swimming in the water, crowding on the ground, flying in the sky——

Good guy, the one flying in the sky has to squeeze forward even after climbing the roof!

The grand occasion completely frightened a group of homeowners who had just come to the scene.


Chapter [-]: Son of the Earth, Fourth Master Ma

Ma Liang, who came to hear the news, couldn't believe what he saw in his dreams.


Suddenly a scream exploded in the crowd.

Li Yue covered his buttocks, tears were about to be squeezed out, his two front teeth had already collapsed, because the incident happened suddenly, and there was no time to pursue it.

Who knew that he was suddenly kicked on the buttocks, and when he looked back, it was Ma Liang's face ashen.

"Four... Fourth Master! You... why are you kicking me, it hurts to death!"

"It wasn't a dream..."

Ma Liang's face became even worse.

"Explore it for me! What the hell is going on! Why are there so many people!"

Ma Liang roared helplessly, looking like a drunken dude.

But no one dared to refute Ma Liang's order.

Of course, it wasn't just Ma Liang, the heads of the families hurriedly ordered their servants to go forward to inquire about the news, but when they first came into contact with the line that was lined up on the street, something unacceptable happened to everyone.

"Little brother, don't blame us for warning you, if you want to jump in the queue, you're welcome!"

At first glance, it was a strong man who had worked in the fields for many years. With this southern county accent, he was directly in front of several domestic servants who were about to jump in line.

Good guy, where did the servants in the Ma family and the Cai family suffer from this kind of anger?

In other words, after so many years, as long as it is something from a family, even a dog, these ordinary people in the city have to go around.

When his temper comes, he can't stop it. The servants are all gearing up, and they don't need to ask for instructions, they just lean over to the peasant.

However, what happened next was really shocking—

"Ahhh! My legs!"

"Help...Help! Don't slap your face, don't slap your face! I haven't married a wife yet!"

"Whoops! Who kicked my ass!"

A horrific scene appeared on the long street. Of course, the peasant man alone could not beat such a group of evil servants, not to mention that some evil servants even took sticks and stepped forward to demonstrate——

However, today is different.

These peasants who rush to buy salt are ruthless people who work in the wind and the sun on weekdays without any problems.

Today, when I heard that there is such a low price of refined salt in this city, they don't care if you are a family member or not, as long as you dare to jump in the queue, I will be beaten when I come!

Yes... People who rely on the ground to eat are so cute.

The wicked servants were beaten and screamed, and after a while, they ran back in a jerk.

This made Ma Liang's lungs almost burst with anger.

"Trash! Trash! It's all a bunch of trash!"

"Give me the knife! Bring the knife!"

Ma Liang couldn't help it at all, and took the bright ring-head knife from the servant on the side... This is something that only exists in the army, and it was brought by Ma Liang at this moment.

"Get out of here whoever doesn't want to die!"

Ma Liang's grim face really frightened some ordinary people who came to grab salt.

Only then did someone respond...

"It's the fourth master of the Ma family here!"

"It's broken, it's broken, and the other patriarchs of the Aristocratic Family Alliance, they are all here!"

"I'm afraid this is going to cause trouble for the shopkeeper in front!"

"Then...then can I still buy this salt?"

The crowd murmured, but most people who were afraid of death still gave Ma Liang a little way.

The flesh at the corners of Ma Liang's eyes kept trembling, and if the anger in his chest didn't come out, he would probably suffer from a problem.

The world knows that the fourth master of the Ma family is as gentle as jade, knowledgeable and personable.

But today, the white hair on Ma Liang's eyebrows is swaggering in the wind like the proud crown of a cockfighting cock.

Ma Liang, who went away with murderous intent, had only one purpose, to see what the hell Yi Xiaotian was up to...if possible...if...he planned to make a complete conclusion with Yi Xiaotian.

Ma Liang's mind was already a little sluggish, even the noble family patriarchs behind him didn't dare to act rashly at this moment, everyone just moved forward in silence, slowly approaching the incomparably ordinary shop.

"Don't worry, don't worry, it's all there! Prepare your money and pay for delivery... We have someone in our store to deliver salt to your door, don't worry!"

"Need not…"

"Isn't this, the fourth master of the Ma family?"

Yi Xiaotian's leisurely and contented appearance was thoroughly seen by Ma Liang, and the more relaxed Yi Xiaotian was, the more intense the anger in Ma Mian's heart.

"Why... the fourth master also heard the news, can't you come to buy my refined salt?"

Yi Xiaotian rubbed his neck and said with a half-smile.

"Yi Xiaotian... Where did you get the refined salt!"

Ma Liang just took a look inside the house, and his anger could not be contained, because the salt in the room was always showing that Yi Xiaotian had definitely found another source of supply.

And this... is the most unacceptable thing for Ma Liang.

"Well... Does the fourth master want to do a business?"

Yi Xiaotian's tone was teasing, and Ma Liang was even more angry. His voice was a little out of control, with a sullen voice like the low roar of a trapped beast:

"What business?"

"Hehe, don't be so fierce... I can't lose you..."

"I have a recipe for refined salt here, and this salt..."

Yi Xiaotian took out a bag of refined salt and threw it directly into Ma Liang's hands.

"It's up to you, Fourth Master, to judge whether it's worth changing?"

Ma Liang took the salt bag sluggishly, and all the owners followed with great curiosity. They looked nervously into the salt bag. When they saw the whiteness, they felt like something exploded in their heads. .

I don't know who started it, twisted a handful of crystal salt grains from the salt bag, and put it on the tip of the tongue under the watchful eyes of everyone...

"Exquisite...Fourth the best..."

The man was stupid, he just repeated the same word in his mouth...

According to the gourd painting, all the members of the Aristocratic Family Alliance made the same move-a twist, a lick, and then the whole person became sluggish.

Ma Liang is stupid, although this quality of salt, although he doesn't want to admit it, is indeed better than the refined salt they sell.

Ma Liang was trembling all over, holding on to his spirit and saying to Yi Xiaotian:

"What do you want in exchange?"

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