"Very helpful!"

Yi Xiaotian nodded heavily, affirming the efforts of the two daughters. Being able to feel needed will bring great satisfaction to people. This is true for Zhen Luo, and even more so for Huang Yueying.

On the other side, Yi Xiaotian hurriedly brought a cloth bag and greeted another group of soldiers who had been busy near the shallow rocky beach for a long time:

"If there are enough pebbles, bring them up as soon as possible!"

In short, after the half-pillar incense, everything was gathered in front of everyone.

At this moment, in the Lumen Mountain Col, there is no sound.

The furnace in the center was burning with raging flames, and in the huge bronze cauldron on the furnace, the water was hot and still boiling.

"Sir... This is already the biggest 'pot' I can find. In bigger ones, I really can't find it..."

The big cauldron is the key, and there are many pots and pans that Xu Chu invited around the cauldron. In a word, this seemingly incomparably fancy scene is really overwhelming.

Xu Chu scratched his head, just like Le Jin, Zhen Luo and Huang Yueying who were standing around Dading, they were still in the fog.

And Yi Xiaotian stood in front of the tripod and shouted to the soldiers who surrounded the open space on the third and third floors:

"The era when people can't eat refined salt will cease to exist from today on!"

"Xu Chu! Do as I say, step by step, and don't make any mistakes!"


Xu Chu responded and directly followed Yi Xiaotian's instructions, and started a series of operations that no one else could understand.

And then everyone understood why Yi Xiaotian only called Xu Chu for help-because this big cauldron, only a person like Xu Chu who was born with divine power could play back and forth like this...


Under the shocking gaze of the crowd.

The huge salt mine was thrown into boiling water, and many soldiers who were hesitant to say anything just wanted to stop their general, but Yi Xiaotian waved to stop them——

"What are the general and the village owner doing! If the salt mine is thrown into the water, will the salt still be eaten?"

This was the common thought of everyone, but Yi Xiaotian was in no hurry and instructed Xu Chu to stir the boiling water in the big cauldron with a huge spoon.

Circle, circle, circle.

The water became more and more turbid, and the hearts of everyone were tightly tied together.

And the salt mine, in the eyes of everyone's nervousness, slowly disappeared.

Soon, the pebbles that Yi Xiaotian asked the soldiers to pick up, as well as the cloth bags that Huang Yueying and Zhen Luo rushed to make overnight, all came in handy—

Under Yi Xiaotian's command, the turbid salt water was poured by Xu Chu into small containers filled with pebbles and cloth bags one after another.

Just this step made Huang Yueying suddenly want to realize something——

She stepped forward and looked at the small gravel and various impurities left on the rocks and the surface of the cloth bag in surprise, and instantly realized that Yi Xiaotian was filtering the boiled salt water.

From the moment she discovered this fact, she began to look forward to what magical things would happen in the end, in front of this small open space.

Everyone was exhausted. The key point was that the salt mine was huge and there was a lot of water. Even if the containers were heavy, it was quite laborious to move them.

Under the command of Yi Xiaotian, everyone saw the result of their hard work——

The water is clear.

After repeating this operation over and over, the water became clearer and clearer.

Finally, when Yi Xiaotian told everyone to re-inject all the filtered water into the cauldron, all the efforts ushered in the last-minute result.

"Add fire and fire! Dry the water!"

Yi Xiaotian himself also joined the lineup of adding firewood. As the saying goes, when everyone gathers firewood, the flame is high, the big cauldron is heated by the hot fire, and the water in the cauldron decreases rapidly with the change of time.

After about half an hour—


The bottom of the tripod made an extremely harsh sound, and along with the harsh sound, bursts of smoke came out of the tripod.

At this moment, everyone was quite nervous.

During this process, Huang Yueying, who had already expected the result, looked at the man sweating profusely in front of him in disbelief.

"First... sir... is it over?"

She clenched her hands nervously and asked first.

Yi Xiaotian walked slowly to the front of the tripod, just looked in, and then laughed out loud.

He also didn't care about the temperature in the cauldron, and directly reached out and grabbed it from the incomparably dark cauldron.

From the moment Yi Xiaotian took his hand out of the cauldron, his name was recorded in the history books in another way——

Thousands of years later, people often talk about this prosperous variety of cuisines.

Can't forget the existence of Yi Xiaotian, who is called the ancestor.

Yes, the so-called changing history is like this. On this day, Yi Xiaotian grabbed a handful of crystal clear salt from the tripod.

He casually threw salt as white as snow at the hands of the soldiers, as if thinking that they were announcing the victory of the battle.

This is refined salt... pure enough to crush the so-called fine salt - the real refined salt purified from the coarse salt mines that are called poor.

While tasting the unimaginable refined salt, the soldiers recalled their past experiences and the rhetoric that Yi Xiaotian made today.

Many people burst into tears -


Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty-Six The King of Bringing Goods, Yi Xiaotian

The three days passed through people's fingers like flowing water.

The three-day period was short, but it was enough for the Aristocratic Family Alliance to access the entire private salt market.

It can be said that after their joint efforts, there is no loose salt on the market in Xiangyang today. For example, Zhang Luo's two families have completely controlled the few salt roads they only have, and completely cut off the possibility of scattered traders selling salt. .

And during these three days, the patriarchs headed by Ma Liang spent a lot of money, and a lot of gold flowed out of the house like a free gift, and flowed into the hands of those retail merchants who made convenient money.

As the saying goes, the immortals fight - but the difference is that this time the mortals have benefited.

Ma Liang stared at the appalling ledger in front of him, his heart was bleeding all the time, and the heads of the other families didn't look too good.

"Yang Huaimin, who arrived in the east of the city, spit out the more than [-] stone salts in his house. The acquisition during this period can be considered to be over."

"I said that you don't have to be too painful... Isn't everything in order to completely strangle Yi Xiaotian's business path?"

Ma Liang snorted coldly, and when Yi Xiaotian was mentioned, everyone's expressions improved.

"Is there any news from the person sent by Mr. Xi to follow? We will jointly change the price today. Whether it is coarse salt or refined salt, the salt price will be reduced by [-]% - if Yi Xiaotian finds out, I'm afraid he will vomit blood."

Zhang Jian said with a sneer, his words did not conceal their viciousness.

Yes, just this morning, before the final sale was completed, the salt shops in Xiangyang City that belonged to the Aristocratic Family Alliance adjusted their salt prices one after another.

This kind of thing is of course a good thing for the common people, but if it is for Yi Xiaotian who has no supply, if he does not follow up on this price, he will still do business at the original high salt price. Salt, only the portion that rots in the stomach.

And what if he follows up?

"The news hasn't come yet, but I guess it will be soon..."

"I heard that Yi Xiaotian is doing business in the north and has accumulated a lot of property, but if he wants to spend with us on this salt..."

"Ha ha…"

Xi Ming licked his teeth, and a rather fierce light appeared in his eyes.

"In any case, it is impossible for him to spend more than the seven of us... asking for money? What we have is the capital to spend with him!"

Du Wen hated Yi Xiaotian to the core, not to mention the matter of the Huang family, if there was no Yi Xiaotian, how could his shot be so disgraced?

During the conversation, Li Yue had already greeted many servants of the Mafu, and began to carry refined salt from outside the residence to the residence.

"Fourth Master! The goods have arrived! This is the last batch!"

Li Yue saved his life, mainly because there is really no one in the Ma House now, and facts have proved that after that, Li Yue, who has been honest a lot, is still quite reliable, and the previous things will not be investigated.

He looked into the door, and when Ma Liang heard it, he spread his hands toward everyone in the room.

"Everyone... it's over..."

"After a while, clean up, I think we are ready to take over the so-called 'Youjian Villa'!"


Ma Liang jokingly said the words "Youjian Villa", and the sarcasm in his words was undisguised.

Yi Xiaotian?What kind of thing is Yi Xiaotian, dare to fight against Ma Liang?

And... Ma Liang smiled, but no one could actually see the fierceness hidden deep in his eyes.

Huluo and Pingyang were bullied by dogs and beat down dogs, how could Ma Liang not seize this opportunity?

His younger brother was killed by Yi Xiaotian, this feud - Ma Liang could not forget until he died.

"Come, come! Drink and drink!"

Drinking at noon is actually quite strange, but who made today's opportunity so rare?

They were made to run around by Yi Xiaotian before, but now that the layout is complete, Yi Xiaotian can't escape, they are happy, that's natural...

Li Yue looked at everyone cheerfully in front of the door, and was already imagining the scene where he stepped on Yi Xiaotian's face with his feet, and then fought back bravely at Xu Chu, the reckless man.

"Tut tut-"

Li Yue smirked, but was suddenly knocked to the ground by a huge force beside him.

He whimpered, and immediately fell a dog and ate shit. Fortunately, the steps were right in front of him. Li Yue knocked on his front teeth, and two blood lines flew out along the path in front of the door.


Li Yue let out a scream, but the call sign that overcame his scream made all the heads of the family in the room frightened.

"Masters! No no no no no... not good!!"

"The salt shop... the salt shop... it's all over!"

"Yi Xiaotian...there...there is a salt shop...fine salt! It's over... it's all over!"

The middle-aged man who knocked over Li Yue cried and rolled in the courtyard.

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