Cai Cheng reminded on the side that what he said was just the truth.

Because Xiangyang and even Jingzhou, with the exception of Lingling in Shannan and other Jingnan, which are slightly poorer, the rest of the counties are extremely rich. Even rural households are definitely in a state of surplus.

Under such economic conditions, no one would be foolish enough to eat the coarse salt that only refugees would eat.

"I hope so..."

Ma Liang also felt that he was a little worried too much. As for coarse salt, no matter how much Yi Xiaotian produced, it couldn't shake the foundation of their family's salt industry.

After thinking about it, I dismissed the idea.

"That's it, starting from tomorrow, we will also buy private salt from the private sector at a fair price. The prince and Luo Gong, the negotiation on the salt road outside the city of Xiangyang will trouble the two of them..."

"Don't worry, Fourth Master, as long as we unite, we will be able to lock this ignorant Yi Xiaotian to death!"

"Within three days, his salt shop will close down because of indiscriminate, and then Yi Xiaotian will understand how stupid it is to be against us."

Amidst the laughter, Yi Xiaotian's fate of the salt shop seemed to be completely finalized.


Lumen Mountain, among the mountains.

Yi Xiaotian was greeting everyone, and built the framework of the salt quarry overnight. If there is no accident, a salt quarry that includes two huge coarse salt mines will be completed tomorrow.

And by then...

There is a confident light in Yi Xiaotian's eyes.

"Masters, times are about to change."

You are a genius, remember for a second:

Chapter [-] Next is the moment to witness a miracle

On the second day, all salt shops in Xiangyang City opened their doors as usual——

Especially the big salt shops like Ma's Salt Shop and Cai's Salt Shop, which have a large inventory of refined salt, they even put out almost the same signboard as Youjian Salt Shop:

The price of a stone is [-] yuan for coarse salt, [-] yuan for green salt, and finally [-] yuan for refined salt.

It's the same as how much you get.

This is good, those salt merchants who got the wind early yesterday, seized the opportunity and sold more private salt to the salt shops of the Ma family and the Cai family.

For nothing else... Yesterday, even if Li Yue didn't seal Youjian Salt Shop, they didn't dare to act rashly.

No, wait for the party to win forever, instead of trusting an outsider with deep pockets, it is better to sell all the inventory to the old brand in Xiangyang City - both peace of mind and peace of mind.

The acquisition of salt shops in the West City is in full swing. On the contrary, the Youjian salt shop located on the bank of the Qinghe River is not only a bit depressed compared to yesterday.

Across the street, someone watched from a distance, pointing at the deserted Youjian salt shop.

And the shopkeeper of the salt shop seemed to be unaware, and was still sunbathing leisurely on the bench.

"Send a letter back... Said that there are no merchants coming to sell salt in a salt shop. Just let the fourth master and the others rest assured..."

The eyes hiding in the dark are always staring at Youjian Yanpu's movements, to see if Yi Xiaotian has more moves.

But after an afternoon, even if only a few people came to sell salt, Yi Xiaotian showed no signs of panic.

On the contrary, the clerks who were still enthusiastic—Xu Chu Lejin and Huang Yueying Zhenluo seemed to be unaware of it, and treated any customer who came to sell salt with respect.

"They really don't plan to make money, don't you think it's strange?"

Even if there are such doubts in the heart, the stalkers in the dark are just subordinates, how can they speak?


Pang Degong is alone today, it seems that he is the boy of his book boy who was left at home by him, and the purpose of his visit today is very simple, just to see what the strange village owner Yi Xiaotian wants to do next. matter.

Pang Degong is slender, with long hair in a bun, smiling and walking like the wind.

After going around and entering the city, he soon arrived in front of Youjian's salt shop, and when he saw this terrifying scene, Duke Pang De frowned slightly:

"Master Yi... The harassment is still there, the mountain people come uninvited..."

Pang Degong called himself a mountain citizen because he had already passed away the grievances of the world, and entrusted the rest of his life in the deep mountains and old forests. Naturally, he ridiculed himself as a "mountain citizen".

And his life can not be studied, Yi Xiaotian asked yesterday, he only said that he has a character, it is "shangchang".

"Where, where, if Mr. Pang is willing to come to Yimou's small shop, it is already a compliment. How dare you ask for more?"

This is a polite remark, but Duke Pang De did not come to chat with Yi Xiaotian, so he pressed his throat and asked suspiciously:

"This... what's the situation?"

He spread his hands, referring to this terrifying scene. It stands to reason that according to yesterday's price, Yi Xiaotian's business should still be booming today.

Yi Xiaotian smiled without saying a word.

It was just that Tuo Zhenluo sent a small bag of salt to Duke Pang De.

Pang Degong took the salt in the cloth bag, his face full of doubts, and tilted his head to look at Yi Xiaotian who was smiling.

"Master Yi, this a gift to me?"

"Hehe, Pang Gong can take it if he needs it, but I want Pang Gong to have a little taste of this salt."

Yi Xiaotian sold out, and Pang Degong pursed his mouth and thought for a while...

"Of course it's possible, but...Is there anything special about this salt, the owner of Yi Zhuang?"

Pang Degong asked suspiciously, but he didn't stop with his hands. He directly reached out and stirred the cloth bag a little. Then he pulled out his fingers, and the slender index fingers were now covered with a layer of crystal clear and translucent as white as winter snowflakes. grain…

And after Pang Degong's eyes were attracted by the crystal particles, he didn't speak for a long time...

With a shocked look in his eyes, he put his finger to the tip of his tongue—

The pure feeling in the mouth without any impurities instantly made Pang Degong very awake.

He opened his eyes wide, and while looking at Yi Xiaotian, he was speechless, and he put his fingers into the cloth bag again without a trace.

Another bite...

Even though he knew that too much salt was bad for his health, Duke Pound was deeply immersed in this wonderful taste.

" this refined salt? No...I have the refined salt of Ma's and Cai's, but I have never tasted such a direct and mellow taste..."

"This... Master Yi! Could this be your trump card?"

Pang Degong exclaimed, and everyone on the side who had witnessed the miracle earlier today all smiled and looked at Pang Degong - because they seemed to see themselves in the early morning...


This morning in time rewind.

Just when Ma Liang and many other family owners were busy preparing the capital to fight against Yi Xiaotian Youjian Yanpu's acquisition plan in the daytime, a loud noise like a thunderbolt came from the mountain in the Lumen Mountains, alarming the barren mountain. All the birds and beasts of Yeling.

But Yi Xiaotian, who was excitedly watching the opening of the salt mine, and the middle-aged people who had already built the fire according to Yi Xiaotian's request by his side, had mixed feelings at the moment.

"Sister Wanzhen, you know a lot, do you know what Mr. is doing?"

After two or three days of communication, Zhen Luo and Huang Yueying were actually very close.

Although Zhen Luo was a little older than Huang Yueying, the two had a quiet and active temperament, and they had a sense of commensurability as sisters.

The two of them, who have nothing to say, seem to have to discuss some personal matters about someone in depth every day at night, and for this, the person concerned seems to be single-minded, only focusing on the salt field he is about to dig into.

"I don't know... It's just that, looking at the appearance of Mr., it seems that he has planned to do something for a long time..."

Huang Yueying pursed her lips, thinking about it, she couldn't figure out what Yi Xiaotian was doing now.

He only told everyone that what will happen today will change some order of the whole world to a certain extent——

Xu Chu and Le Jin were guarding the cauldron, adding firewood and passing the time boringly. If it wasn't for the loud noise, they would probably have fallen asleep.

But after the loud noise, everyone looked nervously at the two salt mines deep in the mountain...


I don't know who shouted, and suddenly a vigorous figure came out of the hole.

Xu Chu stood up directly and recognized Cao Ying's soldier at a glance. The soldier was sweating profusely, and the armor on his body was already soaked with sweat, but this couldn't resist the bright smile on his face.

He shouted loudly:

"Villager! Villager! The first coarse salt mine is here!"

The man ran wildly, holding a large piece of "baby" in his arms, and rushed towards Yi Xiaotian panting.

And Yi Xiaotian finally showed a rather proud smile.

"You can see, don't blink!"

"Next, it's time to witness the miracle!"


Chapter [-]: Be a Patriarch

It turned out that because of Yi Xiaotian's instructions yesterday, the soldiers at night worked hard to dig out the first real rough salt mine today.

For the soldiers, coarse salt is a thing they are all too familiar with. Before there is no pork jerky rich in Youjian Mountain Villa, if you want to add some flavor to the rations you carry with you when you are marching and fighting, salted salt cloth , or some kosher salt that you carry with you, that is the foil for all their flavors.

Crude salt is not completely unprocessed, but it is still no match for the crystals of refined salt scraped directly from salt wells.

Coarse salt, even after some simple treatments, still contains many impurities mixed in when the salt mines were mined.

A catty of salt, half a catty of sand, isn't it just coarse salt?

This kind of good friend who is quite friendly to the soldiers, it is indeed a rather new thing that they will mine it by themselves one day.

But Yi Xiaotian told them that in the future, he would let everyone eat refined salt...

Just this sentence-

This sentence ignited the enthusiasm of all the soldiers, so they worked hard all night, and hundreds of soldiers worked hard in this mountain. Just now, they finally mined a huge coarse salt mine from the crack.


"Have you done everything you want to do now?"

Yi Xiaotian couldn't hide the excitement on his face. He held the big salt block and rushed directly in front of Huang Yueying and Zhen Luo. The two hurriedly nodded and took out a large number of well-sewn sachets from the luggage on the side. General cloth bag.

Yes, the big cloth bag, the key is the stuff inside, so Zhen Luo and Huang Yueying really don't understand the meaning of Yi Xiaotian wanting this kind of thing.

"Sir... it's all here!"

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