
The man in black who wanted to break the rules didn't even have time to let out a scream this time, so he fell on his back and fell to the ground with the same crossbow bolts as before...


"Just this little skill... also want to do something wrong in my Huangfu? It's ridiculous..."

I don't know how far away from the fortress, but in a word, there seems to be a woman's light ridicule from the distance on the other side... An unusual predicament, coupled with the weak woman's ridicule, when did Du Win's group of dead men feel such a thing? Tired?

"Damn! Don't run away, you woman! Wait for me..."

"Ah ah ah..."

The same thing happened again. The man in black, who lost his mind, broke into an entrance at will, but stepped on the spike without warning at the entrance, and was directly pierced through the foot plate, and cried out in pain.

Chapter [-] Dangerous, approaching

"Sir... there are still corpses here!"

"Good guy...I haven't seen it just now, you all look up..."

As soon as he got started, the fresh bloody smell came in his nostrils, causing Yi Xiaotian to frown.

But the most surprising thing is not the strange smell, but the crooked corpses that fell in the courtyard just entered the door...

Just outside the door, there were several corpses of men in black. There were several more corpses when they entered the door. It seems that before they came, the people of the Yellow Mansion had already encountered this group of men in black of unknown origin. .

The most unimaginable thing is that these men in black died tragically, and none of the servants of the Huang Mansion seemed to be killed.

Xu Chu suddenly felt agitated, because he inadvertently felt rain dripping on the top of his head, and when he reached out to touch it, he touched the blood on his hand. The man in black is hanging on the courtyard wall—

"Sir...this...what the hell is going on here? Mr. Huang never told us that there are so many strange traps in his house!"

Xu Chu has been fighting in the battlefield for many years. He has seen traps, and agencies have actually seen them, but most of them are just some simple deep pits... tripping horses... These things have been used on the battlefield for a long time.

What are the things in Huang Chengyan's house?

Looking around, the bamboo spear emerging from the courtyard wall, and then point forward... the automatic crossbow hidden in the door frame, and—

Everyone moved forward slowly, and finally stopped in front of the weird and frightening "city" in the yard.

"Sir, is this...?"

Le Jin swallowed, and like all the soldiers behind Yi Xiaotian, they were a little surprised by the sudden scene in front of them.

Yi Xiaotian has been silent, holding his chin in his hand, squinting his eyes, and scrutinizing the ingenious objects in front of him. He actually already knows who the designers of these organs are...

"Now... I seem to want to see you even more."

In my impression, Huang Yueying seems to be in another time and space, and mostly acts as a good wife and mother. Although Zhuge Liang's children have not reached his level, but with Huang Yueying, a parallel, upright, well-behaved mother's teachings, they Basically, they have grown into the backbone of the loyal ministers of Shu Han in the future.

Because of Huang Yueying's existence, Zhuge Liang can devote himself to his own career... And such a talented woman, who was famous for her talent in her early years, is rumored to be a great inventor who helped Zhuge Liang to design many ingenious mechanical weapons.

Therefore, Yi Xiaotian knew at a glance that all these novelties were probably made by this Huang Yueying who had never met before.

It's just that right now, they are more important to save people... They don't know how many people in black are. They only know that Huang Chengyan said that most of the servants in the family are simple countrymen-this is usually peaceful Huang Chengyan, who is not a member of the family, is inseparable from the relationship, so in terms of combat effectiveness, Yi Xiaotian can't expect this group of people to be able to pick up weapons and have the ability to fight back in self-defense like those evil servants of the Mafu.

Although the mechanism is clever, it cannot match the powerful manpower after all.

"Don't act rashly... If I'm not mistaken, this is actually a mechanism for the people of the Huang family to delay time."

"Huh? Procrastination?"

Xu Chu was stunned. He wanted to jump up and jump over these iron walls, but was immediately distracted by Yi Xiaotian's next move.

Yi Xiaotian picked up a breastplate of the man in black who fell on the ground at random, and then threw it into the air - the same plot happened again, everything was as Yi Xiaotian expected, all arrows were fired at once, The copper breastplate was shot out of its original shape under the clanging sound.

A piece of broken copper and iron fell to the ground, sending a chill down Xu Chu's back.

"What kind of killing mechanism is this? I'm afraid this old man Huang Chengyan wants us to die?"

Le Jin was a little angry, asking them to save people, but also leaving them such a dangerous institution, doesn't this make it clear that he is trying to harm them?

However, Yi Xiaotian glanced at Le Jin with anger:

"Le Jin! Think twice before you speak!"

"It is impossible for Mr. Huang to deceive us. If I am not mistaken, Mr. Huang should know the shortcuts to open these organs, but you know..."

It was the first time that Le Jin saw Yi Xiaotian beating him, so he subconsciously didn't dare to answer.

On second thought, it seems that this is the case...

"Huang Lao's physical condition will not allow him to mess around again. The difficulties here must be solved by us - time waits for no one!"

After Yi Xiaotian finished speaking, he walked forward without hesitation...


The Huang Mansion is very big... This is the house that the Cai family bought in the east of the city many years ago.

Huang Chengyan became Cai Si's son-in-law, so Cai Si also left this idle house to Huang Chengyan.

After years of renovation, the Huangfu's several acres of land should be regarded as one of the largest mansions in the city.

But it is precisely because of this that Yi Xiaotian and the others have set up a greater difficulty.

But at the same time... Du Wen's dead man also suffered a lot of hidden losses because of the size of the Yellow House——

The direction of the back mountain…

Huang Chengyan was in high spirits and transformed the area around the back mountain into a different landscape style.

The wing rooms are scattered, and there seem to be several thatched huts in the forest in the distance. There is a small lake in the house, and there is also a lake in the house.

In such a quiet and elegant environment, more than ten long knives suddenly appeared.

In the firewood room, Xiao Aliang and Old Wei anxiously looked at Er Niu lying on the weeds, their eyes filled with worry.

Erniu was sweating profusely, his face was blue, and the clothes on his body had been torn apart - there were dart blades scattered on the ground, and the wounds on his body were caused by these dart blades.

The small stove in the firewood room was on fire, and the water in the medicine pot gradually boiled. Huang Yueying was not afraid of being scalded. Seeing that the medicine had been fried, she took down the medicine pot directly.

By the way, I did not forget to remind Ah Liang and Lao Wei to quickly put out the flames in the furnace, so as not to be seen that someone was in the woodshed...

Of course... all these actions are just stopgap measures, if the killer doesn't even search the house thoroughly, then it's not a killer.

"Er Niu, drinking these will make you feel better..."

Under the veil, Huang Yueying was still the calmest and gentlest person on the field.

Today's unexpected situation has allowed Huang Yueying to fully demonstrate her talent as a future talker of the Huang family.

It's a pity... she's done everything she can.

In fact, those institutions were nothing but her reckless actions on weekdays, and some small hobbies never thought they would face such a severe test.

It's just... if there were no organs, their situation today would be even more difficult.

" go...leave me alone..."

Erniu opened his eyes with difficulty, he was panting heavily, although the injury on his body was visible in his eyes, he felt extremely guilty.

"Old take the young lady away...Er Niu is very honored to be able to work in the Huang Mansion in this life...If there is another life, I will definitely be a cow and a horse for the young lady and the master..."

"What are you talking about! The most urgent task now is to drink these medicines! Er Niu, are you not listening to my orders?"

Huang Yueying seemed a little angry. After several persuasion, Erniu finally drank the soup with guilt...

However, they did not know that danger was approaching—


Chapter five hundred and fourteen is all over?

Er Niu coughed a few times...

Old Wei and A Liang became frightened because of this. They tried their best to stuff the straw and haystacks in front of the door, as if they wanted to reduce the noise in the woodshed as much as possible.

Even so, Huang Yueying did not blame Er Niu, but gently wiped the decoction from the corner of Er Niu's mouth.

Er Niu gasped in pain—time went by every minute and second, every second passed, Er Niu's life became more critical, and every second passed, their situation became more dangerous.

A Liang quietly stuck to the door, wanting to inquire about the sound outside the door.

"Why so quiet..."

"Now, shouldn't those men in black come to the back mountain long ago?"

Allan said quietly.

Old Wei also had a nervous expression on his face, and said:

"Maybe they went somewhere else... Sister Lin and the others must not be discovered..."

Under the guidance of Lao Wei, the servants headed by Mrs. Lin went to the cellar in the forest in the mansion... It is reasonable to say that there should be more hidden - covered with fallen leaves and trees to block the view, if it is not for the mansion. The structure is particularly familiar, and few people will know the location of the cellar.

However, Huang Yueying rejected Lao Wei's suggestion to hide in the cellar.

She just said:

"Two cows can't die..."

So without hesitation, he went to the firewood room and treated Er Niu's injuries...

"Miss... there seems to be no one outside the door..."

"Should we move to the cellar?"

Allan said anxiously.

Er Niu's injury has been treated as well as possible, and the medicine has been taken. Now he is staying in the firewood room, which is tantamount to throwing himself into the net...

Seeing that Erniu's expression was much more relaxed, Huang Yueying thought for a while, and then looked at Old Wei who was already hinting to her.

"Alright... Ah Liang, check again to see if there is anyone outside the door, if not..."

"We'll quickly move to the cellar!"

Huang Yueying said firmly.

A Liang had a look of joy on his face, so he finally quietly opened a crack in the door. He looked around, only to see the courtyard behind the mountain where no one was around—

"No one! Miss, let's go!"

A Liang immediately opened the door and took the lead to wave to the three of them. He smiled very happily. There is nothing more reassuring than going to a safer place.

It's just that he only stood outside the door for three breaths——

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