If Huang Chengyan is the precious daughter of Huang Yueying, then after the old Wei head's daughter is married, he will also treat Huang Yueying as his own niece.

Don't look at the fact that the Huang family has never entertained people in Xiangyang City. This is mostly because Huang Chengyan is unwilling to take those crooked ways when dealing with his family's business.

Others say that they are doing well and sitting upright, and most of them will be talked about by the people in Xiangyang city... But if Huang Chengyan, the old man, said that he never did those things that steal chickens and dogs, no one would not believe it - and therefore, Huang Chengyan This kind of celebrity who does not conspire with other aristocratic families has been dubbed the name of sour Confucianism by everyone early on.

In such an era when everyone is wading in muddy waters, if a clear lotus suddenly appears, most likely, the clear lotus will also be polluted as a dirty thing.

It's just that Huang Chengyan himself has a weird temper, so he doesn't care about these things.

The only thing he cares about is his own daughter. Now she is twenty-eight years old, but no one has come to marry her... No matter how hysterical his general Huang Yueying said outside, this matter of yellow hair and black skin alone is enough to make many good sons-in-law in the city stay away.

And the culprit behind all these reasons is Huang Chengyan himself——

Because... Huang Chengyan doesn't think his daughter is ugly, but he thinks that his daughter looks like a fairy, and often talks about Huang Yueying's yellow hair and black skin——

But this matter, in the ears of others, is not a general meaning...

Yellow hair?

Black skin?

what monster is this?

People from Xiangyang, and even people from Jingzhou, who have never seen such a description of a woman these days, have all developed various unrealistic fantasies about Huang Yueying in Huang Chengyan's mouth.

Huang Yueying, who is hidden in her boudoir, is inherently introverted. When she was young and went out, every time she covered her face with a veil, others felt that Huang Yueying did not dare to show her ugliness in front of outsiders.

...public opinion is the most dangerous...no matter when...

When the feudal lords from all over the world were fighting, there was a man named Yi Xiaotian who took this sentence to the limit. In military affairs, public opinion can be used to kill the enemy, let alone ordinary times?

Huang Yueying was deeply affected by it, and over time, Huang Yueying did not want to go out again... One is that she did not want to listen to those hurtful gossips, and the other is that during this period, Huang Yueying fell in love with some strange little hobbies...


Time pulls back to the present.

If he went according to the normal arrangement, Huang Chengyan should have gone back when Old Wei was sitting and finishing the work.

It's just... It's extraordinarily quiet outside the mansion today, there are no vegetable vendors, no businessmen... let alone the sound of children playing... Slowly, Old Wei suddenly felt a little strange.

"Master should come back too?"

He muttered, put down his work, said hello to everyone, then walked around the courtyard and went to the gate to check the situation.

Unexpectedly, he just crossed the screen and came to the courtyard wall. The concierge who came to greet him was still smiling, but fell to the ground at the next moment...

Old Wei's eyes were about to split, and when the doorman fell to the ground, a series of muffled noises were made, which was clearly the sound of weapons piercing into flesh!

He hurriedly stepped forward and pulled up the young concierge who had fallen to the ground, but saw a scene of blood dripping from behind him - it was a dart, and several darts that penetrated deep into the flesh were inserted directly behind the concierge. He was dying, but he muttered:

"Quick...go and protect the young lady...go to inform the master...Lao Wei...I...I'm afraid..."

"What are you talking about! Stand up for me! Don't close your eyes!"

Old Wei yelled, but he actually wanted to refresh the doorman...

However, at this moment, a mutation suddenly occurred——

On the old tree outside the door, the man in black who had already aimed at Lao Wei's body smiled and looked at the two people who were moving slowly:

"When I take the lives of these two people, you will break through the door!"

Under the tree, a group of people in black hiding in the shadows seemed to be ready to kill... The dazzling butcher's knife in their hands was the best proof.

The man in black on the tree is obviously a master of darts. He played with two dart blades with Hong Luo quite easily, and he kept doing it. Seeing that Lao Wei seemed to have some difficulty in moving, he caught this moment at a glance. A fleeting opportunity.

The master man in black jumped up, and the dart blade in his hand has always been killing people invisibly. I saw that he shot as fast as the wind, kicking on the courtyard wall with his right arm and shaking several times——



The imaginary dart did not appear, the man in black was stiff, like a wooden stake, standing in the air...

Yes... He clearly just stepped on the towering courtyard wall, but the whole person is suspended in the air——

No reason... just because a bamboo spear with an extremely sharp tip and a thick spear-like spear directly penetrated the body of the man in black at this moment.

He vomited blood in his mouth, and his right arm maintained the position of throwing darts before, but the two darts in his hand could no longer be thrown out.

He looked at the bamboo spear that sank into his chest in disbelief, and in the most unwilling voice, he stumbled and shouted:

"There are... there are traps... from... through the gate..."

After shouting this sentence, he died.

This scene stunned all the dead of the Du family... Yes, they thought it would be a massacre when they came here, and they didn't even think that anyone would be injured because of it, but before they broke into the Huangfu mansion , and he was the first to lose a companion...

Resentment and shame drove everyone's killing intent. They didn't think much about it at all. After listening to the last words of their companions, they directly planned to enter through the gate... However...


It seems that some mechanism was triggered, and the pear-like crossbow arrows poured out from the gate of the Huangfu.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--"

One after another, the screams made the people who were already huddled in their homes completely dare not imagine what kind of horrific massacre happened outside——

The five hundred and twelfth chapter Qi Qiao array, the following grams

Old Wei tried his best to drag people from the courtyard to the alley. The bloodstains along the way basically showed how serious the injury of the concierge was at the moment.

Old Wei sat on the ground, he didn't hear the panicked voices of the servants, but heard the screams one after another outside the mansion. Knowing what happened, he hurriedly ran to the side room to look for Huang Yueying.

"Miss! Miss! Where are you!"

"Old Wei! We're all... what happened outside! In the end... Who the hell touched the organ?"

If you say you're not afraid, that's a lie. The servants swept away their festive appearance before, and now they're all scared out of their wits, pretending to be calm and hiding in the house.

On the other side, among the curtains, there is a woman with an excellent figure and an attractive back. Sitting in front of a large wooden gossip tray, slender hands are looming under the tent, and if you look carefully, someone may be able to see it. The woman is constantly moving some delicate wooden handles on the tray with her slender fingers.

Although the tray is small, outside the tent, from under the wooden base of the tray, there are a terrifying number of mechanism links. The power of rotation drives more and more shafts to go somewhere outside the house.

In the entire partial room, the unique sound of the collision of the organs spread out of the room and spread throughout the entire palace... It seems that this historic mansion is undergoing some incredible changes.

"Miss! I've found you... Erniu is injured... We have to deal with his injury as soon as possible..."

In fact, it can be seen from Lao Wei's reaction that everyone in their house is actually not surprised by this exaggerated mechanism, and it is the enemy outside the door that really makes them panic.

Each of them trusts the thin woman in front of them, even Lao Wei...

When an accident happened in the mansion, it was immediately clear who was the real person in the Huang mansion.

When Lao Wei's voice came, he heard the woman change the weak tone of the girl's house before, and replaced it with a calm and murderous voice:

"I see, Lao Wei, first help Er Niu to the vicinity of the firewood house, go to the warehouse to get clean cotton cloth to stop the bleeding of Er Niu, remember...don't touch his wound..."

"Miss... Erniu was injured by the dart blade... At this moment, there are still many behind him..."

"Don't unplug it, if you don't want Erniu to die so quickly..."

"Eh! It's..."

Old Wei hurriedly followed what Huang Yueying said, where there was still the slightest feeling of old and frail, his thin physique burst out with endless power.

When Lao Wei went out, Huang Yueying's rather calm voice still didn't stop:

"Sister Lin, please go to my room and bring the clever bird on my table..."

"Forget it...Little A Liang!"

"Miss! Ah Liang is here!"

Sister Lin was a woman in her thirties, and she looked a little scared at the moment. After all, she just glanced at the blood stains outside the door, and she was already speechless.

Instead, he was called Xiao A Liang...

A boy who seemed to be only fourteen or fifteen years old squeezed out from the crowd. He was sweating profusely, and he could see that he was also quite nervous. However, after being taught by Huang Yueying, he immediately stood up.

"Liang, do you remember the little bird I made for you before? Go to my room and get it quickly..."

"Oh! Don't worry, miss! Ah Liang knows what it is..."

A Liang slipped out of the door.

Followed by another orderly order: pen and ink, farm implements in the warehouse... Some are for self-defense, some are for sending letters...

At this moment, Huang Yueying, just like Huang Chengyan boasted, is familiar with ancient and modern, astronomical calendar, omniscient...

Even if it is likened to a military adviser who is strategizing in the military tent, why is it inferior?

Not to mention... At this moment, the gossip tray in front of Huang Yueying... She called it: the KitKat tray, which is holding the lives of everyone in the mansion.


The door was broken, or, in other words, Du Wen's dead soldiers braved the arrows and broke into the Yellow House abruptly——

Little did they know that just as they stepped into the mansion, they heard the door behind them closing...

It seemed that someone had let them in on purpose.

This kind of strange scene after scene, placed on ordinary people, should have been too frightened to take care of themselves, if they were not dead soldiers trained by Du Wen with a lot of money, their psychological quality is still excellent, even this moment will make them nervous.

"Don't panic! Look at the blood on the ground! Some of them are already injured! Just find out where they are hiding... Catching them all in one go is enough to deliver the mission!"

The words of the man in black are really shabby, not to mention the corpse that is still hanging on the wall of the courtyard, just the dead men in black who fell under the burst of arrows outside the door, there are not seven or eight, There are three or five...

There are only about thirty of them...

As soon as they entered the door, they had already lost as much as [-]%-shame... No matter whether they went back or not, they would never be able to run away and be scolded by Duwin.

Years of training experience have allowed them to stabilize their position in such a situation.

Continuing to explore and move forward, their every step seems to be desperate...

Suddenly... in the courtyard of the entrance, a strange vibration suddenly occurred. While the men in black panicked, a strangely shaped "palace" suddenly appeared in front of them...

Said to be a palace, in fact, from the outside, it looks more like a fortress composed of walls made of iron.

And the fortress has several entrances, so the situation of inviting you to enter the urn makes the man in black feel like his lungs will explode.

"Who the hell is making fun of us! You mustn't let us catch it... Otherwise, it will be cheap for you to be cut into pieces!"

People in black who shouldn't be talking so much nonsense can only use trash talk to cover up their timidity.

Some people are better at light work, and immediately ignored the obstacles of the fortress, intending to jump directly over the iron plate that is as high as the courtyard wall. come...

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