His smile froze on his face.

"Miss... let Lao Wei carry him, you go first..."



The door was half-closed, and A Liang was still beckoning outside the door for the first breath, calling to them, and the last breath——

The door of Willow's firewood shed shattered, and under the flying sawdust, A Liang's body flew upside down and smashed the door.

His body was like a chaffinch that fell in mid-air, it planted its weak head into the haystack, a blood mist spewed out of his mouth, and after he let out a groan, he groaned in pain.

"Protect...Protect Miss..."

A Liang clutched his chest that seemed to have been seriously injured, even though his mouth was full of blood, he still struggled to get up and stood in front of Huang Yueying who was not far away.

Old Wei was stunned, and hurriedly picked up the pitchfork on the grass beside him, his hands trembling against his chest, although his eyes were fierce, but his body had already betrayed him - he saw a few bright long knives, The fear from his heart made him unable to resist at all.

As if raising his eyebrows, the man in black outside the door raised his legs high and walked into the room quite flamboyantly.

The sunlight outside the door spilled into the dim woodshed, but everyone did not feel the slightest warmth from the sunlight.

It's all over-

This is Lao Wei's truest thought.

Now he only thought about how to stand in front of Huang Yueying, but after more and more people in black at the door, he slowly dismissed this idea.

"You...you don't deceive people too much! If any of you dare to touch my eldest lady...I...I..."

When Lao Wei spoke, his eyes were straight and bloodshot inside, but this roar and shout was very much like the last roar of a trapped beast before it fell.

Ah Liang vomited out another mouthful of blood, but this did not prevent him from opening his hands in front of Huang Yueying...

"Haha... don't worry, come one by one, all will die."

The anger and contempt in the eyes of the black-clothed man at the head had already fully reflected his mood.

Today's Huang Mansion and his party are their shameful battle. After they go back, they will be severely punished by Du Win no matter what, but before that, the power that Du Win gave them was their last channel to vent.

"You... Who are you! Who sent you here!"

Just when Lao Wei and A Liang were most nervous, Huang Yueying slowly stood up, walked past them, and questioned each other in a rather serious tone.

"Miss! It's dangerous here!"

A Liang was just about to stand in front of Huang Yueying, but was stopped by Huang Yueying. Huang Yueying just gave her a light look, hoping that A Liang could understand that now... to be able to buy even a single minute of time, for them, extremely important.


The strange voices resounding in the mansion have not stopped since just now, the people in black do not understand the meaning, but Huang Yueying knows...

"Are you the daughter of that Huang Laogou?"

The man in black laughed and looked at Huang Yueying, who was shrouded in veil—because of the veil and the sleeves, Huang Yueying was the only one exposed outside, only her breathtaking eyes.

Seeing Huang Yueying's sternness, the man in black seemed to be a little disappointed. After discussing a few words with his companions, he seemed to have come up with a very nasty idea.

"A Cheng ugly girl, A Cheng ugly girl..."

"Tut tut-"

"What do you want to do?"

Huang Yueying's eyes are quite fierce. People in black have never seen women with such aura. If they are not psychologically strong and have absolute initiative, I believe many people would not dare to confront Huang Yueying like this.

But now, the eyes of the people in black have become strange and strange, their eyes wandering around the incomparably tight part of Huang Yueying's cover, the first one stepped forward, pointed a knife at Huang Yueying, and said with a smile that was not a smile:

"To save your lives... OK."


As soon as he turned his voice, his eyes moved away from the shivering Old Wei and A Liang, and he stared at Huang Yueying's veil and said:

"Take off this veil, and we will leave you alone..."

"Take off your headscarf, and we'll put another person..."

"Finally, tear off your eye-catching sleeves... It's not that we can't consider letting you all go... It's all in your hands, woman."

Finally, the people in black started laughing one after another. Listening to their laughter, how could Lao Wei and A Liang not be clear, the other party was just trying to tease their own young lady.

"Damn... you thieves who are inferior to pigs and dogs! I... I'm going to fight with you!"

Old Wei regards Huang Yueying as his relatives, and the virginity of a woman is a big thing in anyone's eyes. If this group of scoundrels succeed, he, an elder, even if he died here today, would not be able to explain to Huang Chengyan, who trusted him.

Driven by anger, Lao Wei raised his fork and was about to rush forward. Huang Yueying was inattentive and did not stop Lao Wei. Lao Wei rushed directly in front of the man in black.

"Humph! Seeking death!"

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the man in black, he raised his hand and slashed the pitchfork with a knife, and then lifted his foot on Old Wei's chest——

Lao Wei fell down in response, the man in black put the knife directly on Lao Wei's neck and stepped on his chest...

"I only count three."

"The life of this old man is in your hands."


After the man in black finished speaking, he heard an incomparably decisive voice:



Chapter [-] What kind of face is this?


Huang Yueying closed her eyes with anger in her voice, and directly called to stop the behavior of the man in black.

"Little...Miss! No way!"

A-liang knelt on the ground weakly, prostrate in front of Huang Yueying, his chest hurt badly, but he could not tolerate these men in black insulting Huang Yueying like this.

This is... this is the lady they respect the most!



Old Wei heard Huang Yueying's shouting in great pain, and with tears in his eyes, he reached out to Huang Yueying with a trembling voice.

But the man in black stepped on his chest with force, causing him to spit out a blood mist.

"I told you to let him go! I will do everything you say!"

"Ha ha…"

The man in black sneered, raised his neck, motioned Huang Yueying to take off the veil.

"I really want to see how ugly the daughter Huang Laogou brags about..."

"Hmph, I think if it's not really ugly and can't see people, how can you cover your face, even your own servants can't see her true face?"

"Isn't that so!"

"Ugly girls are ugly girls... Do you really think that you are some kind of stunning woman?"

The filthy words blurted out, these men in black were tired of today's defeat and could only vent their anger on Huang Yueying.


Under the desperate eyes of Old Wei and Ah Liang, Huang Yueying took a step forward and slowly raised her slender arm.

A pair of delicate and slender hands suddenly appeared beyond the cuffs, which made the group of men in black look a little dazed.

dark skin?

It is rumored that they have heard a lot. Everyone knows that Huang Yueying has yellow hair and black skin, but these hands...

Huang Yueying's hand was gently placed on the side of her temple, and she gently took off the delicate silver-white hairpin.

It was as if the clouds and mists in the sky were cleared away, revealing a blue sky, and the hand of the man in black holding the knife froze.

Just because they saw the face behind the veil——

Erniu looked at the young lady in the distance in pain, and could only see a back, but vaguely remembered that when he entered the Huang family when he was young, he was once a loyal valet of his own young lady.

And the lady at that time had no face.

The severe pain on his body made Er Niu unconscious, and he just muttered:

"Miss... How can you be an ugly girl? Miss is the most beautiful woman in the world..."

Immediately afterwards, he was unconscious.

"Release Lao Wei... I have done what you said..."

After revealing an indescribable face, Huang Yueying said calmly.

The strange thing is that the men in black who were aggressive before, now it is like saying, what Huang Yueying says, what they do.

Old Wei's feet were removed, and Old Wei struggled to escape to Huang Yueying's side.

"Miss...you...what are you doing?"

In addition to shaking his head and sighing, he only had hatred for the group of men in black in his eyes.

"Miss, you once said that one day, your wishful husband will accept everything from you without hesitation, and then you will take off the veil... this group... this group of villains..."

Old Wei's tears flowed, and he pointed at the man in black with his finger angrily, but the man in black didn't speak.

"They don't deserve to see your face!"

"Old Wei... that's enough, as long as you can save you, why should you care about these rules?"

Huang Yueying laughed.

"Hey! You... have you talked enough!"

"I said that, if you want to save this group of trash, you just..."

The man in black swallowed his saliva and didn't finish his words, because Huang Yueying had already done what they said.

The turban tightly bound on her head slowly fell from her hair as Huang Yueying untied the ribbon.

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