Cai Cheng looked helplessly at Ma Su, who kept dropping things, and didn't know how to persuade him.

Ma Liang, who was beside him, drank his tea quietly, without any intention of stopping him.

"Let him fall, fifth brother, he really didn't take advantage of it today..."

"Young Master Cai, you don't have to blame yourself. Ordinary people have similar reactions when they see that ten thousand enemies, tigers, and idiots. To be honest, I'm also glad that your soldiers and horses didn't rush to the top. Otherwise, they won't give up today. Both the family and the Cai family may suffer.”


Ma Liang frowned and sighed at Cai Cheng:

"Young Master Cai doesn't really think that there are only four people present in Yi Xiaotian today?"

"Fourth mean?"

Ma Liang recalled the scene outside the city when he returned to Xiangyang City.

There is a troop left by Cao Cao outside the city. They haven't communicated with the officials in the city for a long time.

"I heard that the people stationed outside the city are the Marquis of Guangchang Ting, General Zhechong Lejin's team, there are a full three thousand... I think they are the army that Cao Cao left to fight against this Yi Xiaotian..."


Cai Cheng was suddenly speechless, his eyes widened.

Who has never heard of Hou Lejin in Guangchang Pavilion?When the Yellow Turbans were conquered, Le Jin was a fierce general who shook the world. This time Cao Cao's southern expedition, he specially left Le Jin in Xiangyang, just for the owner of a villa?

Seeing Cai Cheng's expression of disbelief, Ma Liang told Cai Cheng the story he had previously told Ma Su about the owner of Yi Zhuang of unknown origin.

And to put it bluntly, Ma Su smashed things violently today, the reason is that after hearing about Yi Xiaotian, the helplessness in his heart turned into anger.


"Prime Minister Cao has such a strange person under his tent? The key is this person... This person is still so young, this..."

After Cai Cheng listened to it, the whole worldview was turned upside down.

What is this all about?

If you don’t predict a prophet once, you can predict a prophet again and again. Are such people still human?

When he thought that Ma Su had found trouble with such a person earlier, Cai Cheng was suddenly a little scared, and he also agreed with Ma Liang's sentence, "Fortunately, I didn't make a move."

Finally... Ma Su is tired.

He dragged his tired body, shook his head, and even walked to the hall with his hair disheveled and sat between the two.

"Little Master..."

Cai Cheng wanted to speak, but Ma Su didn't even raise his head.

"Fifth brother, don't be so angry, although this man is strategizing on the march and battle, and even has Cao Cao's backing, but Cao Cao can't take care of Xiangyang all the time, when the time is right, you can naturally find it in other areas, fifth brother. Back on the field."

Ma Liang's mind is meticulous, and he can basically think calmly no matter what.

But Ma Su is different. Ma Su is proud of his talents, and he is also the proud son of the Ma family. He has countless properties under him.

"Fourth brother, thank you for today..."

However, the only person he respects is Ma Liang, the fourth brother.

He knew that Ma Liang was all for his consideration today.

"Fifth brother, your temper is too violent, it's a good thing to be young and frivolous, our Ma family also has such capital for you to play, but no matter what it is, I hope you can think twice before you act, so as not to stumble and regret it. It's too late."

"Yeah, Young Master, it's fortunate that the fourth brother is here today. You don't have to worry. If there is any trouble in the future, I, Cai Cheng, will definitely be the first to stand up for you."


Ma Su replied, and it looked much better.

Ma Liang finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fifth brother, I must rush back to Fancheng as soon as possible. Prime Minister Cao gave me to take care of Xinye's side. Today, I have left my post without permission. It can only help here."

"Remember... when you are not ready to fight against this Yi Xiaotian, it is the best policy to try your best."

After all, Ma Liang left some instructions and left the Ma residence with the respectful escort of the two of them.

Cai Cheng didn't seem to feel anything wrong, and after saying hello to Ma Su, he also resigned.

After sending everyone off, Ma Su finally sat down alone.

No one saw how terrifying the killing intent in his eyes, and no one knew what he was thinking right now.

"Yi Xiaotian...hehe..."


"What? There are three thousand soldiers and horses outside the city waiting to go to the city at any time?"

When Wang Can heard Yi Xiaotian say this, his soul was almost broken.

He didn't even know that today's small conflict almost caused such a big chaos.

If three thousand soldiers and horses entered the city, let alone the five hundred, the entire Mafu would probably be leveled by that army.

"Unfortunately, if there is no Ma Liang, we will have one less big trouble in the future."

Yi Xiaotian looked quite relaxed, and the four of them were walking out of the city with their horses at the moment.

They are going to visit Le Jin outside the city.

Because Cao Cao stayed behind, one reason was to protect Yi Xiaotian, and the other reason, of course, was to leave it to Yi Xiaotian as a messenger, so that he could build a villa as soon as possible.

Yes, Le Jin, the general of the Cao army who fought in the southern and northern wars, stayed in Xiangyang and could not go south with the army, because he was recruited as a coolie for Yi Xiaotian.

"Hmph, Wen Qian is quite acquainted, and he knows that following his husband, this credit is no less than accompanying the army, so his attitude is quite correct."

"If I received this task, it would be too late to be happy!"

Xu Chu was talking witty and sounded quite simple and honest. Who would have thought that such a simple and honest man could be so fierce in the daytime?

"This... Brother Yi, it seems that I'm still thinking too much..."

Wang Can was a little sluggish, and he was hit too much today, especially after knowing that the two groups of people involved in the conflict because of him were so terrifying, he felt a sense of guilt spontaneously.

But Yi Xiaotian said with a smile:

"Hahaha, Brother Wang doesn't need to care about these details. I am quite sure of your character. I believe that Prime Minister Cao also chose you to be the principal of Xiangyang because he saw the difference between Ma Su and you."

"Here, I would like to congratulate Brother Wang for his smooth career. In the future, I will see you in the temples and halls!"

"I really can't afford it, I can't afford it... I, Wang Can, how can he be, how can he be!"

"Hey! Just listen, Wang Can, why are you like a mother-in-law!"

Seeing that Wang Can was about to cry again, Xu Chu hurriedly took a shot, causing Wang Can to stumble.

And Zhen Luo suddenly heard Xu Chu say this, walked aside angrily, and directly twisted the flesh on Xu Chu's arm, Xu Chu cried out in pain:

"What's wrong with the girls! There are so many sisters around Mr.... All of them are Mr.'s good helpers!"

"Right, right...don't...Miss Luo'er, take it easy, take it easy!"


Yi Xiaotian smiled very happily. In the laughter, everyone walked out of the city, but they didn't know that in the dark alley, many eyes were already staring at them.


Chapter four hundred and eighty-six parting ways, or yin and yang separated

"Ah! Forgot to take the package left at the inn yesterday!"

Approaching the city gate, Zhen Luo exclaimed, covering her mouth with her small hand, with an embarrassed expression on her face.

"This... it's better to let me get it for Miss Luo'er? When you first arrived in Xiangyang, you must not even recognize this neighborhood. Fortunately, the inn is not far from the city gate. Everyone, go ahead and I will come. ."

Wang Can felt guilty for everyone in his heart and didn't say it, but he had already decided that he would help these people to gain a firm foothold in Xiangyang within the scope of his ability.

"Ah... this is not good, it's obviously Luo Er's fault, and I have to trouble you, Brother Wang..."

Luo Er was a little embarrassed. She glanced at Wang Can and asked Yi Xiaotian for advice.

Yi Xiaotian couldn't see Wang Can's thoughts. He knew that scribes like Wang Can, although they were always friendly on the surface, actually had the highest self-esteem.

So he followed Wang Can's words and said:

"Let this matter be left to Brother Wang. It's getting late. You are a girl alone in the city. If you can't find a way, it's quite dangerous."

"All right…"

Zhen Luo thought about the late weather, in this unfamiliar Xiangyang, not to mention it was okay, but she was really a little timid.

Wang Can smiled, greeted a few people directly, and left the team.

"Brother Wang, come back as soon as possible, there are still many things to discuss with Brother Wang at night."

"Don't worry, I'll be back when I go... Remember that the package that Miss Luoer said was a light blue cloth bag?"

"Um... That's right! Thank you, Brother Wang!"

Zhen Luo smiled every day, and Wang Can nodded and resigned.

The four parted ways at the gate of the city. Although they knew that this might be just a short separation, Yi Xiaotian had a trace of erratic unease in his heart.

He watched Wang Can go away, and finally disappeared at the entrance of the alley. After stopping for a long time, he was called out by Zhen Luo and Xu Chu.

"Sir, what happened?"

"It's okay, let's go. General Le should have been waiting for a long time."


For Wang Can, the streets and alleys of Xiangyang City are like familiar roads. The sun sets, and all the shops in the city close their doors. Only a few vendors still want to sell more goods in the last hours of the day. On the street, At a glance, it is extremely depressed.

Perhaps it is really the reason why Cao Cao entered Xiangyang. The city of Xiangyang, which was once full of vitality, is now showing a sense of chill.

Fortunately, the gentle night wind was blowing at night, so that Wang Can, whose heartstrings were tense, would not be overwhelmed by this strange atmosphere.

He patted his face to wake himself up a bit:

"Wang Can, from now on, you really need to straighten your waist, stand among these romantic figures, and leave your own traces..."

Thinking of this, Wang Cana's resentment that he had been suppressed for nearly ten years slowly melted away at this moment.

He went around in circles, in fact, he chose a shortcut. After two sticks of incense, he came to the inn where the conflict occurred during the day again.

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