The inn hasn't closed yet, mainly because the blood stains that Ma Yong sprayed on the ground is really difficult to remove. Although the shopkeeper has received a sum of money from Ma Liang, he is still in shock.

However, the reason why he was still in shock was not because of the events of the day.

A familiar figure appeared at the door, and the shopkeeper seemed even more nervous, as if he knew that the other party would come here, he hurriedly greeted him.

"Master Wang! You've come... Then, you... there seem to be some things left in your room. We put them in your room as they are, and you can take them."

"It turns out that this is the case, you, the shopkeeper, have a heart."

Wang Can bowed his hands and bowed. In order to compensate the shopkeeper, he put down another hundreds of dollars in compensation on the table.

The shopkeeper was sweating profusely and kept bowing to Wang Can, making Wang Can a little embarrassed, but he also knew that Yi Xiaotian and others were waiting for him, so he didn't hesitate and went upstairs.

The shopkeeper watched Wang Can go upstairs, slumped to the ground with a thud, staring straight at a black figure in the corner of the hall - the black figure was shrouded in a pitch-black hat, unable to see his face, even Can't tell the difference between male and female.

Until he walked slowly to the shopkeeper's cabinet, and said softly:

"You did a good job and saved your life... Now, get out."

Hearing this sentence, how dare the shopkeeper dare to stop?

The shitty shopkeeper ran out of the gate of the inn, screaming and screaming in the street, alarming a group of merchants.


At the same time, Wang Can, who went upstairs, naturally did not know what happened downstairs after he left.

He just followed the route in his memory and found the room where Zhen Luo lived before.

He didn't know what his mood was when he opened the door.

It's just that when he saw a group of black shadows sitting under the hats sitting inside the door, he knew that he might have to break his appointment.

"Can I take someone else's package?"

Wang Can smiled miserably, and then the men in black rushed up.

The door was closed, as if nothing had happened.


The barracks outside the city were not far from the original stronghold of the Xiangyang defenders.

Perhaps it was to monitor these descending soldiers. Except for staying in his tent at night, Le Jin practiced soldiers in the battalion of the Xiangyang garrison on weekdays.

But today is different. Today, the soldiers under Le Jin are always waiting for Le Jin to give orders.

With the arrival of several figures, the tense atmosphere was finally relieved.

"Le Wenqian! Come out and meet the owner of Villa Yi!"

Xu Chu shouted to the camp in his iconic loud voice.

Fortunately, the soldiers in front of the camp recognized Xu Chu's appearance from a distance, and they subconsciously blocked their ears so as not to faint from Xu Chu's powerful roar.

"What's the noise! ​​Isn't this coming!"

Le Jin is also a brave and courageous person. Don't look at Xu Chu's open mouth. In fact, when he was in the army, Le Jin, Xu Chu and Dian Wei were the loud voices who could get along well.

For example, Yu Jin and Zhang Liao have a hint of Confucianism. They want to have a good relationship with these people, but they are a little clueless.

Le Jin put on his armor and was sharp, and simply led several battalions of troops and horses out of the village, and prepared a rather flamboyant welcome ceremony for Yi Xiaotian.

Yi Xiaotian was also a little helpless, watching Le Jin coming from the army, especially Le Jin's big mouth, which was exactly the same as Xu Chu's simple and honest, Le Jin was strong, but his voice was still not small.

With a big wave of his hand, the soldiers of the battalion set up their halberds and spears one after another, slamming the ground heavily.

The rumbling sound of weapons like thunder made the Xiangyang soldiers in the next camp frightened and shivered.


Chapter four hundred and eighty seventh point soldiers, enter the city, find people

When he came to the camp, Le Jin naturally wouldn't torture his soldiers anymore. Instead, he was like a curious big boy, chasing after Yi Xiaotian to ask about the city in the daytime.

Of course, after hearing that Xu Chu just gave Ma Yong a few slaps, and Ma Liang came to the rescue, Le Jin was greatly disappointed:

"In the end, this kid has a big life. I have been here in Xiangyang for a few days, and I have heard a lot of clumsy deeds about this young man, but none of these Xiangyang people dared to stand up against this person, which is really puzzling. "

Several people had already entered the tent, Xu Chu took off his breastplate and sat on the soft slump, muttering in his mouth:

"Hey, let's count that kid's life, it's so stuffy everywhere in Xiangyang city, it's really uncomfortable, and there's that Ma Liang, although his kid's words are much nicer than that Ma Su, but I always feel that this person is in his heart. dissatisfied."

"That's what I said..."

Yi Xiaotian rubbed his tired forehead, Zhen Luo obediently walked aside, pinched his shoulders for Yi Xiaotian, and looked at Le Jin and Xu Chu with envy.

It's just that Yi Xiaotian didn't realize this, and he then replied with Le Jin's words:

"In the daytime, I heard from the king that the Ma family's family business accounts for [-]% of the income of the entire Xiangyang, not to mention that Xiangyang is already well-developed in business, and many people point to the Ma family's Ma Su to provide them with stable protection. It's not an exaggeration to say that half of the people in Xiangyang City look at Ma Su's face."

"The Cai family is obsessed with power and has mastered military power, while the Kuai family is desperately trying to squeeze into Prime Minister Cao's strategist group. In fact, these nobles in Xiangyang are not simple at all, and even to a certain extent, they are more than you look. to be united.”

"As soon as Prime Minister Cao returned from the southern expedition, he was destined to express his stance on these noble families. If they fought each other like the famous families in Yecheng back then, Xiangyang would soon be divided and dealt with, but today's Xiangyang is indeed monolithic. No matter how dissatisfied the people are, they will not vent their bias towards a stable life.”

Yi Xiaotian said a lot about the situation in Xiangyang with one mouth, and Le Jin and Xu Chu scratched their heads.

"It's still a scholar like you, Lord Yizhuang, who sees things thoroughly. I've been here in Xiangyang for a few days. Every day, I can't wait to get rid of a few so-called celebrities who are so powerful. These people live like loach and talk strangely. Very uncomfortable."

Le Jin finally settled down, didn't vomit unpleasantly, drank a glass of wine, and then expressed his dissatisfaction.

"Then Liu Cong is also a useless person. After his father died, he would stay in the prefectural shepherd's house all day long. If I hadn't personally come to look for him, he might not know when he would go out."

"By the way... This is the title deed document you asked for, the owner of Yizhuang. Half of the surrounding mountains belong to the Cai family, and half belong to the Ma family..."

Suddenly remembering something, Le Jin hurriedly took out a thick stack of documents from his arms.

Seeing this, Yi Xiaotian also smiled with satisfaction.

"It's really helpful. General Le is indeed the right-hand man of Prime Minister Cao."

"Hey, if anything, it's all your fault, the villa master. We are here to help you build the villa on the order of the prime minister. It's all a matter of your own accord!"

Le Jin smiled and touched his head. He felt that there was nothing wrong with doing things with people like Yi Xiaotian. The difference between Yi Xiaotian and those military advisers was that Yi Xiaotian was always so approachable when he spoke.

Of course, Yi Xiaotian's focus was not here. He looked at the land deeds, which mountain was purchased by when and at what price, and he had changed hands several times.

After looking at it for half an hour, Yi Xiaotian also had a general understanding of the surrounding situation.

"Most of the mountains of the Cai family are ancestral lands, but these lands of the Ma family... seem to have been purchased from others at extremely low prices in the past two years?"

"Not only that, I heard that there are several salt wells on the top of the Ma's family. The Ma family has made great progress in business in recent years, thanks to those salt wells."

Le Jin pouted and said angrily.

"Salt well?"

Yi Xiaotian's eyes lit up.

"Is it the private salt well of the Ma family?"

"Mostly so. I have never found a text about the Ma family's report on the discovery of the salt well in the state shepherd's house."

Le Jin replied, but Xu Chu listened and said angrily:

"How unreasonable is this, the Ma family behaves so erratically that they don't even care about the government?"

But soon, Zhen Luo opened her mouth. Since following Yi Xiaotian, Zhen Luo has become more and more courageous. At least in many aspects, she dares to express her own voice and express her own opinions, and many times, she sees Things are far more thorough than those of Xu Chu.

"I'm afraid it's not that the Ma family doesn't take the government seriously... but there is a reason for the government's acquiescence in this matter, right?"

"Luo'er is right. I'm afraid that's the case. Liu Biao has monopolized Jingzhou for so many years, and he has relied on the unswerving support of these nobles for him, but how could those nobles just help Liu Biao to rise to the top?"

"Most of these salt wells are benefits that Liu Biao promised them."

Xu Chu rubbed his head, his face twisted a little:

"The matter in Xiangyang is too complicated, isn't it? It's not like those states and counties in the north at all..."

"Emperor Tiangao is far away."

Yi Xiaotian smiled.

There were more ideas in his mind, but the matter had to wait for Wang Can to come back before making a conclusion.

Wang Can's behavior is checked by him, and Yi Xiaotian feels that even if Wang Can is not suitable for officialdom, he will provide him with a lot of help in the future.

What he said to be discussed in the evening was the issue of choosing the site for the villa.

But... as time passed by, Yi Xiaotian's expression became more and more solemn.

Zhen Luo was the first to speak, and she asked worriedly:

"Could it be that Brother Wang was locked in the city gate? Why haven't you come back yet?"

It's getting late, and it's been two full hours since the group parted ways...

"Impossible. I told the captain of the city guard tonight to let him go when he sees that it is the master bookkeeper who is out of the city. Is the master bookkeeper Wang really lost?"

Le Jin made a joke and wanted to ease the atmosphere, but Yi Xiaotian never said a word.

Another half an hour was midnight.

The candles flickered, and only the tent where Yi Xiaotian was in the entire army was still brightly lit.

Just now Yi Xiaotian sent away Zhen Luo. Because of the difference between men and women, Yi Xiaotian specially asked Le Jin to divide a separate tent for her.

But before leaving, Zhen Luo nervously asked if there was something wrong with Wang Can, but Yi Xiaotian put it off on the grounds that they would handle the matter.

until midnight...


Xu Chu's eyes were bloodshot, but this was not caused by sleepiness.

Just because Yi Xiaotian said something:

"Wang Can may have been arrested, Ma Su..."

Le Jin also called Yi Xiaotian and realized the seriousness of the situation.

As Yi Xiaotian opened his eyes, this was the first time Le Jin saw a literati can exude such a chilling killing intent.

"Xu Chu, and General Le, please order Qi soldiers and horses and come with me into the city."


Chapter [-] Today is the chilling Xiangyang

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