Ma Su suddenly got a little angry, no matter how much he hates Ma Yong at the moment, Ma Yong is reliable in helping him, even if Ma Yong is a dog, this is his dog, and others are not qualified to teach him.

As soon as Ma Su closed his waist fan, the patrolling soldiers and horses outside the door swarmed in.

However, Xu Chu suddenly stood in front of Ma Su, and he roared at the soldiers and horses outside the door:

"I see who dares to step over this threshold!"

The deafening roar echoed in Ma Su's ears. Ma Su had a splitting headache for a while, and he finally covered his ears, and was also taken a few steps back by Xu Chu's astonishing aura.

What made him even more angry was that when he turned back, none of the soldiers and horses he brought with him really dared to take a step forward.

Even if the halberds had entered the door, their feet were obediently kept outside the door.

"You! You guys..."

Ma Su was stunned. He thought he would be able to show off his strength with the soldiers, but who would have thought that the soldiers brought out by Cai Cheng would be so cowardly.

There was a woman on the opposite side. Besides Wang Can, there were only two people. These soldiers didn't dare to come.

"Little... little master..."

Some soldiers shrank their heads and called out.

"Young should go back, we're afraid we won't be able to protect you..."

When Yi Xiaotian heard this, he finally couldn't help laughing.

"Ha ha ha ha…"

"You... what are you laughing at!"

"I laugh at you, the young master of the Ma family, who doesn't even dare to take away the servants. I laugh at you for being domineering, but you are just someone who bullies the weak and fears the tough."

"Xu Chu, let him go."

Yi Xiaotian's ridicule was almost slapped to the face, Xu Chu heard the words, and when he let go of his hand in disdain, Ma Yong fell to the ground, because Xu Chu lost it casually, and Ma Yong didn't have any arms to support him— —

This is good, Ma Yong's face fell to the ground, and a few front teeth collapsed immediately, and blood spurted out of his mouth. The scene was very bloody...

"I'm angry too! Do you really think that I, Ma Su, dare not touch you? I don't care if you are Yi Xiaotian or Yi Datian, give it to me! Take this man down and put him in the dungeon of my Ma family, I will be ruthless. Teach him a hard lesson!"

Ma Su was finally completely anxious, he threw his fan, pointed at Yi Xiaotian and Xu Chu and roared, and the people outside the door also looked around, seeming to make up their minds.


Xu Chu slashed his sword horizontally and was about to splash blood on the inn when suddenly a rather urgent shout came from a distance:

"Fifth brother! No way! No way! Stop it for me! Put down your weapons!"

Yi Xiaotian narrowed his eyes slightly, and seemed a little disappointed.

"It seems that someone with discernment finally came to save Ma Su?"

Chapter [-]: Ma Su is frivolous, Baimei saves the field

A strong sense of crisis made Ma Su immediately stop.

Although he was extremely angry, he did not lose his basic thinking ability.

He was also thinking about the origin of Yi Xiaotian before, but he didn't have a clue when he thought about it.

I can only think that the other party is also a son from where.

As for the strong man beside Yi Xiaotian... He heard that the name of this person was Xu Chu, but he never thought of this Xu Chu and Xu Chu, the Marquis of Guannei in Cao Cao's army.

How can there be such a coincidence in the world?Marquis of Guannei as a guard for a young master?

After considering such contradictions, Ma Su issued the order to arrest people. It can be said that he has considered everything that can be judged by his existing information.

But the voice outside the door was the moment that woke him up.

There were people galloping in the streets, the hooves of the horses were fast, and the people on the horse were very anxious.

He was originally handling official business in Fancheng, but in one night he heard that a man named Yi Xiaotian came to Xiangyang with a guard named Xu Chu, combined with the current domineering and domineering of his younger brother, he was worried about the conflict between the two sides. He rushed back to Xiangyang overnight.

When I came to Fuzhong early in the morning, as expected, I heard the servants say that Ma Su took a group of soldiers and horses to an inn looking for trouble. When he secretly screamed that something was wrong, he rushed here without stopping.

Hundreds of soldiers and horses saw the young man on the horse from a distance. Of course, the most eye-catching, or the most recognizable thing about this person is the white on his eyebrows.

Baimei Ma Liang, Ma Su's fourth brother, is only in his twenties now, but he is more stable than Ma Su, and he started his career early. It seems that his future is bright.

"Fifth brother! This person can't be hurt!"

Ma Liang was thin, and the bumpy ride made him panting. After he got off the horse, he stumbled and almost fell, but he rushed into the door.

Seeing that Ma Su was standing at the front, and there was a strong man and a calm young man in front of Ma Su, Ma Liang quickly got the information and made a judgment.

"Dare to ask if the strong man is Xu Chu, Hou of Guannei?"

He stopped Ma Su, who was tangled and puzzled, behind him, and stepped forward and cupped his hands.

Seeing that the visitor was a weak scholar, Xu Chu lost his mood:

"Hey, what a disappointment."

"The Marquis of Guannei can't be. After I, Xu Chu, was dismissed by Prime Minister Cao, now I'm just a guard for Mr.

Good guy, the beads of sweat on Ma Liang's forehead flowed directly down his nose.

And Ma Su, who was behind him, was even more shocked, and his heart almost stopped with fright.

"Is it really that tiger idiot Xu Chu? This... What is the origin of this person?"

Ma Su's eyes widened in disbelief.

Yi Xiaotian looked at the young man who suddenly appeared in front of him with interest, especially after seeing the white hairs between his eyebrows, he immediately realized the identity of this person.

"Are you Ma Liang who is called the most handsome man with white eyebrows?"

Yi Xiaotian asked.

Ma Liang was also surprised, but he didn't expect the other party to know his identity, and hurriedly replied:

"Don't dare to be worthy, it's just a false name. If you compare it with the master of Yi Zhuang, who has devised a strategy for Cao Cheng and won thousands of miles, it is really insignificant..."

Ma Su just stared at his fourth brother in a sluggish way and started talking to the other party, and suddenly realized that he seemed to be really hasty - if he really did it today, I'm afraid he would really lose his relationship with the other party. Opportunity to fight...

"Master Yi?"

Ma Su left a question mark in his heart and didn't say a word more.

Wang Can also stared blankly at this scene. Before, he thought that they were really going to fight in this inn. Fortunately, someone stopped the dispute, otherwise he really didn't know how to deal with Cao Cao.

"Today... Today is my fifth brother's, isn't it, Liang is here to apologize to you all..."

"Fifth brother, come here too, and make amends for the owner of Yizhuang, we may have to deal with each other in the future..."

With an embarrassed smile on his face, Ma Liang hurriedly pulled Ma Su over and motioned for him to apologize to Yi Xiaotian.

This time, Ma Su completely couldn't imagine the other party's backing.

"I? Dao...Apologize?"

Ma Su pointed to his nose and asked in disbelief.

Ma Yong, who was on the side, finally dealt with the front teeth and stopped the blood. He came from the door, clutching a rag, and immediately heard Ma Liang's words. Ma Yong, who could not see the situation at all, stepped forward and shouted:

"Fourth Master! This hairy boy beat up our domestic servants yesterday, and put me upstairs with all kinds of ties, but today the little master came to save me, we can't just let them go! "

"Since Fourth Master, you want to relax, then let me, Ma Yonglai, take this breath for the young master!"

"Brothers! Follow me!"

Ma Yong's snoring seems to have a feeling of being a dog, but it's a pity that he doesn't know how much information he missed in the short time he left the inn.

Everyone watched Ma Yong roll up his sleeves and walked in front of Yi Xiaotian like a fool, and then Xu Chu appeared again.


The incomparably crisp sound of slaps came, and Ma Yong only felt a whirlwind, accompanied by a sense of dizziness, and the two white molars flew out again with bloodshots.


Ma Yong fell to the ground, unconscious.

Zhen Luo covered her mouth and couldn't help muttering beside Yi Xiaotian:

"Sir, is there really something wrong with this person's mind?"

"Who knows?"

Yi Xiaotian shrugged.

Ma Liang and Ma Su did not see it at all, and Ma Liang handed over:

"Thank you for the villa master and the Hou Ye who took the initiative to teach the evil servant. There is this evil servant in the family who has also ruined the fifth brother. When we go back, we will deal with this person properly. "

"Hehe, where is it, it turns out that the evil servant has a long history, then Yi blamed the young master for this matter. If it scared the young master, Yi also said sorry here."

Yi Xiaotian waved his robe, turned directly to the table, drank tea, and no longer looked at Ma Su and Ma Liang.

Ma Su seems to have a lot to say, because Yi Xiaotian's last words completely prevailed. The implication is that, just like educating children, after easily forgiving Ma Su, he also humbled himself by the way.

But just as Ma Su wanted to speak, Ma Liang pulled Ma Su's sleeve out of the inn.

The soldiers and horses dispersed, leaving teeth and blood on the ground.

From the beginning to the end, Wang Can was shocked by Yi Xiaotian's composure, Xu Chu's bravery, and even more afraid of the Ma family's revenge... Yi Xiaotian smiled and shook his head, showing a meaningful expression. said:

"This young man is too impetuous, I'm afraid he has never experienced setbacks... But this Ma Liang..."

Zhen Luo is intelligent by nature. Although he doesn't know much about marching and combat, he still has a lot of experience in interpersonal communication.

She said worriedly from the side:

"This Ma Liang is very clear-headed, and in just a few words, the fault is attributed to Ma Yong... Sir, we should pay more attention to this person in the future."

"Do not worry…"

Yi Xiaotian took a sip of tea and said leisurely:

"What we have in the future is the opportunity to deal with each other."


Chapter four hundred and eighty fifth hard work Gao Le Wenqian

As the sun went down, there were bursts of roars from the Mafu.

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