It is also closely related to his own personality. The so-called Erzhuzi spirit of "it's sunny and the rain stops, you think you can do it" is very pitiful in this era.



Outside Nanpi City, Cao Jun Dazhai.

"Ha ha ha ha…"

Disappointing laughter resounded throughout the barracks... Cao Cao laughed happily.

"I didn't expect that Qingzhou is so vulnerable, either giving up resistance or fleeing from the city, Yuan Tan is really gone!"

Cao Cao sighed with a smile while wielding his beard.


Jia Xu nodded, he seemed to have thought of something, and immediately reminded him.

"I did hear a rumor that it was spreading in the whole Qingzhou during this period of time... It was all about Cao Sikong's great achievements! Executing Tao Qian, pacifying Yuan Shu, killing Lu Bu, and killing Yuan Shao, the Liu Bei who beat him ran away, panicking. Like a bereaved dog, such merits, such deeds, one after another, one after another in Qingzhou, how can these defenders still have the mood to resist?"


Hearing this, Cao Cao laughed again, and he waved his hand, "How can it be so exaggerated? Others don't know, don't you Jia Wenhe? I, Cao Cao's wars in the north and south, of course, have a small part of the credit, but the other half The credit goes to Brother Yi!"

Having said this, Cao Cao paused for a while and continued. "Wenhe, I'll tell you a secret, do you know it? Why are there words that are favorable to our army all over Qingzhou?"

Hmm... As soon as Cao Cao's question was raised, Jia Xu scratched his head, he really didn't understand.

It stands to reason that such a detailed listing and such rigorous dissemination should definitely not be unplanned, that is to say, it is very likely that someone did it deliberately!It's been planned for a long time!

But?Spread from outside?easier said than done?

internal?Who would help Cao Cao like this?

For a while, Jia Xu couldn't understand.


Seeing Jia Xu's appearance, Cao Cao laughed heartily again. When the laughter subsided, Cao Cao put his hand on Jia Xu's shoulder and explained with a smile. "Actually, it was Yuan Tan's own daughter, Yuan Yi, who spread these remarks!"


Jia Xu's eyes suddenly opened, and Cao Cao's words followed.

"Yes, it was sent back to Nanpi City some time ago, the wife of my third son Zhang'er!"

Speaking of this, Cao Cao waved his hand, "Before the expedition, she specifically sought me out to discuss this matter with me. Between her father's clan and her husband's clan, she firmly chose the latter and chose to stand on the side of our Cao clan. , help us kill our relatives righteously. Zhang'er really married a good lady who knows righteousness!"

some emotion...


Jia Xu's mouth twitched, he thought more deeply, but he still didn't understand.

"Cao Sikong, isn't it right? Yuan Yi is just a mere woman. Her husband's family is fighting with her father's family, so she should have lost her mind? How can she be so profound and righteous? This decision is very decisive, but it's not like Is it something a young woman can do?"

Jia Xu immediately questioned…

Cao Cao nodded. "Yes, I had doubts at first, so I specially sent Hu Benjun to investigate, and only then did I know that my daughter-in-law had been in contact with someone before..."

"Who?" Jia Xu asked.

"The daughter of the Zhen family - Zhen Luo." Cao Cao said Zhen Luo's name immediately, as if afraid that Jia Xu would not understand, he added another sentence. "Zhen Luo has been staying in Youjian Villa for a while, following Brother Yi's side!"

Huh... All of a sudden, Jia Xu understood.

No wonder, in such a complicated situation, a little woman can make such a wise decision, and it is Brother Yi's idea to dare to love.

Hey... With such a product, Jia Xu really thinks Brother Yi is very clever.

After such remarks spread, this Yuan Tan's daughter was successfully whitewashed and became a hero of Cao Jun. In the second half of her life, life will be better;

Cao Cao can also easily find Qingzhou.

This is really a clever arrangement that kills two birds with one stone!

Hehe, as expected of the shopkeeper Yi, even if he is not on the battlefield, his actions are enough to influence the current situation in Qingzhou.

——Awesome, Shopkeeper Yi!



Chapter [-] Strange things often happen, especially this year

The place in Guanzhong, Chang'an City.

In a mansion, Diaochan, Cai Zhaoji, and Lu Lingqi seemed to be discussing something.


With a soft cry, Lu Lingqi let out a long breath, and reached out her hand to knock on the forehead, looking a little sad.

"Sister Zhaoji, Sister Diaochan... I didn't expect this business to be so difficult to do. It takes so much effort just to acquire these plots of land, but also to develop them, develop business, and relocate people, alas... this is one after another. It's so hard!"

Lu Lingqi grew up in a military barracks. She doesn't like red makeup and loves armed.

This time to develop business here, I just feel that the head is big...

I can't wait to break my head into two pieces.

Speaking of which, my husband transferred a lot of coins from Xudu and Chenliu to Guan, but this is too much money, is it a pain?

Which one of the business areas should you focus on?

There are too many choices, and the actual operation is not small, it is hard work.

At this point, Lu Lingqi faintly admires Diaochan and Cai Zhaoji... These two sisters are in the hall and the kitchen, and their accounts are clearly organized...

In particular, Diaochan, who knows nothing about business, consults Cai Zhaoji all the time. Now, she is a competent person for the development and construction of Chang'an City.

"Keep going, it will be hard to do business." Cai Zhaoji persuaded...

She also sighed. "You haven't experienced it yet... There used to be a liquor store in Suanzao County, Chenliu County. At that time... I couldn't make ends meet, and even the guys couldn't afford it. My husband and I have been persevering for many years!"

After that period of time, Cai Zhaoji felt that the problems in front of her were not problems...

Speaking of this, she raised her eyes and looked around...

At least there are a lot of helpful guys.

Some of these people were sent by Zhong Yao, some were sent by Wang Yixun, and some were hired with a lot of money...

In a word, all the talented people who can help the commercial development of Chang'an City are gathered here!

Cai Zhaoji pondered, now she is much happier than when she and her husband fought alone... At least, giving orders, there is a faint feeling of being a hostess.

"Yes, let's work harder!" Diaochan raised her thin hand and wiped the sweat on her forehead.

The next moment directly entered the state. "Zhao Ji... I think the business of winemaking, cloth, and horse farms you mentioned can be developed first, as well as the reclamation of agriculture. This is the key to the people in Guanzhong being able to move back!"


Hearing this, everyone called out to be an expert, but Lu Lingqi felt that she was crazy... Sister Diaochan must be stunned.

Mr. is really cruel, it is such a difficult thing to stay.

But, whether it was Sister Diaochan or Sister Zhaoji, they did their best, alas... It's really the gentleman who moved his mouth, and the three girls are going to run away and break their legs.

Thinking of this, Lu Lingqi shook her head, and her heart couldn't help being distracted.

But at this time...

A letter came from Xu Youjian Villa, and the people who sent it were Yi Xiaotian and Lu Lingqi.

Seeing this, Lu Lingqi was taken aback for a moment. Since it was a letter sent to her and her husband, it must be related to the blacksmith shop of Youjian Villa.

Lu Lingqi didn't dare to be careless, and immediately opened the bamboo slips, and quickly scanned the dense small characters on the letterhead...

It doesn't matter.

At first glance, Lu Lingqi's face is pale, oh my god... the blacksmith shop, something really happened!

Phew...he took a deep breath.

Lu Lingqi rewrote the letter and instructed the courier that the letter must be delivered to the hands of Mr.

With such a big thing, Lu Lingqi is in trouble, her expression is just six words——

- "I can't do it!"



Qingzhou, Nanpi City.

The blood-colored setting sun filled the sky, dyeing this bloody battlefield red.

dong dong dong...

The drums sounded like thunder, and the countless Cao troops attacked Nanpi City like a tide. Suddenly, the screams of killing and the screams were intertwined.

Cao Cao's attack on Yuan Tan started, and the battle was particularly intense.

"Kill in..."

"Kill Yuan Tan..."

"Rush rush..."

Numerous Cao Jun's eyes radiated bloodthirsty cold light. They erected ladders, held shields, and madly attacked the only lonely city under Yuan Tan's command - Nanpi City.

The soldiers were already red-eyed, and with a loud scream, they climbed up the tower as if they were desperate...

The boulders thrown by the thunder chariot cooperated with Cao Jun's offensive, causing Yuan Jun to suffer heavy losses again and again.

Although Nanpi City is full of turmoil, most people know that this battle is not to be fought at all... But it seems that they have a very strong fighting spirit.

Yuan Jun, who fought the last battle, caused Cao Jun to suffer great losses!

Cao Cao, who witnessed the battlefield from a distance, was stunned...

Yuan Tan's sudden extraordinary performance made Cao Cao, a veteran of many battles, feel a little weird...

As if... Yuan Jun is now desperate.

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