But it is obvious that Cao Jun is fatal. In terms of spiritual and ideological understanding, he is already a grade lower than Yuan Jun. This is the opposite, and Cao Jun is starting to suffer!

Wave after wave of offensive was blocked one after another...

In the smooth Qingzhou battlefield, Cao Cao frowned for the first time.

"That's not right... When did Yuan Jun have such a formidable combat power?"

Cao Cao frowned and asked...

Jia Xu also shook his head. "Yeah, Yuan Jun has no fighting spirit along the way. How did he get to Nanpi City? Instead, he was united and his morale was high! Even if it was a last-ditch battle, Yuan Jun wouldn't suddenly burst out several times his previous combat power, right?"

Speaking of this, Jia Xu raised his brows and suggested. "Cao Sikong, why don't we suspend the siege today... Let's find out what happened in Nanpi City?"

Hearing this, Cao Cao nodded heavily, even though he was still a little unwilling.


Because of Yuan Yi's help, the entire Qingzhou was taken down without a single shot. Only the lonely city in Nanpi was left, but it broke out with amazing fighting power. In this regard, Cao Cao seems very strange...

The most important thing is that Brother Yi's strategy did not mention this one. It seems that even Brother Yi did not expect that Yuan Tan would perform exceptionally well!

"Ming Jin withdraws troops!"

Cao Cao exhaled and ordered immediately.

In the first round of Nanpi's siege, from day to dusk, Cao Cao retreated voluntarily.


In the middle of the night, the Chinese army tent.

Previously, there had just been a discussion here, and everyone expressed their own views on the skyrocketing combat effectiveness of Yuan Jun.

However, for everyone's proposal... Cao Cao does not seem to agree.

Cao Cao wouldn't naively think that Yuan Tan suddenly got enlightened, or that Yuan Tan had discovered some famous general...

All these views are too bullshit, fooling a three-year-old child is okay, but Cao Cao doesn't believe it!

How much does Yuan Tan weigh?He Cao Cao knows best.

In Yuan Tan's life, in addition to dealing with individual lords with poor combat effectiveness, such as Tian Kai and Kong Rong, he also occasionally won a few victories.

Yuan Tan has never won against a reliable opponent.

I can't beat my brother, I can't beat Cao Cao, the point is, I've been beaten many times and I can't see any improvement...

If it is said that such a person can be enlightened, can be discerned, and can turn around, Cao Cao can only respond with the word "hehe".

From the bottom of his heart, Cao Cao looked down on Yuan Tan...


The key question is, why did the defenders of Nanpi City break out such astonishing combat power?

Cao Cao discussed with the advisors all night, and pondered for a whole night, but they didn't come up with a reason...

Whoa, whoa, whoa...

The wolf's pen was flying, and Cao Cao densely wrote countless small characters in seal script on a bamboo slip. While writing, he instructed Jia Xu.

"Wenhe, you immediately pass this letter to my disciple Xiao, who is in Yecheng. Zixiao is now in Youjian Villa. The strange phenomenon in Nanpi City, I'm afraid I can only ask him to ask Brother Yi for advice."

Cao Cao's expression was serious and his tone was meticulous.

After the letter was written, Cao Cao reviewed it again, and then quickly handed it over to Jia Xu.

Jia Xu took it carefully. He knew very well that this matter was a big deal, and he didn't dare to slack off... He immediately quit the big account and dispatched his confidants [-] miles to rush to Yecheng.


After arranging all this, Jia Xu just took a breath.

He raised his head and looked at the sky... while shaking his head, he muttered.

"Weird things often happen, especially this year..."

With a sigh, Jia Xu continued to shake his head and said. "Fortunately, every time Cao Sikong encounters strange things, there is always Yi Xiaotian to help solve it. Cao Sikong is really lucky, hehe, I am afraid that God has already destined it, and it is time for Cao Sikong to end this chaotic world!"

Thinking of this, Jia Xu's eyes flashed Yi Xiaotian's appearance...

He came back to his senses... thinking about it in his heart.

This strange thing in Nanpi City?How should shopkeeper Yi solve it?



Chapter [-] Aunt Zhen, I don't want to work hard

In Yecheng, there is a villa.

"Sir, I have your letterhead..."

Early in the morning, Zhen Luo hurried over with a bamboo slip.

During this period of time, with the help of Cao Ren, there was a villa in Yecheng. The servants, cooks, and craftsmen had basically been hired, and the wine shop, blacksmith shop, and medical office could all operate normally.

It's just... Yecheng has just experienced the war, and there is no business. The only two people in the huge restaurant are Yi Xiaotian and Zhen Luo, but they seem a little depressed.


Yi Xiaotian took the bamboo slip, and at a glance, it was written - Youjian Villa, opened by Mr. Yi and Miss Lu.

Huh... It turned out to be the joint name of Yi Xiaotian and Lu Lingqi?

Similar to Lu Lingqi's reaction when she saw the letterhead, Yi Xiaotian immediately judged that there was something wrong with the blacksmith shop in the villa.

Yi Xiaotian hurried to open here...

Zhen Luo's voice came out, "Sir, I heard the messenger say that this letter was first sent to Chang'an City. After Miss Lu Lingqi read it, her face turned pale, and she hurriedly sent the messenger to Yecheng... so urgent, is it urgent? ?"

Yi Xiaotian didn't answer, he unfolded the letterhead directly...

After a rough scan, his brows furrowed a lot.

Something happened, something happened...

The mine supplying Shanghao iron in Xiapi City was flooded by flash floods.

In a short period of time, there is no way to mine it, let alone transport high-quality iron to a blacksmith shop in Xudu City to forge refined steel!

Can be…

The blacksmith shop has just accepted Cao Cao's order, which is an order for [-] stainless steel halberds, and the money is paid first, which is a bit embarrassing.

Without high-quality iron, it means that there is no material in the process of pouring steel.

Yi Xiaotian's brows furrowed tightly.

You must know... Now that Cao Cao is pacifying the northern border, the demand for the steel halberd is extremely urgent, and the two sides have agreed on the delivery time, and Cao Cao is also very generous in money...

As soon as this happened, if the delivery could not be delivered on time, it would be a trivial matter to lose face. The key is to lose credibility. Even if you lied to your brother in front of Cao Cao, it would be extremely embarrassing!I'm afraid I'm going to lose myself at home.


Yi Xiaotian rarely worries, this time he is really melancholy.

The problem is still to be solved...

Greater China has a vast land and resources. Will it be possible to excavate high-quality iron in other places?

Yi Xiaotian moved in this direction, his mind turned sharply.

You must know that due to the backward mining skills, there are only three places where Dahan can dig out high-quality iron—Xiapi City in Xuzhou; Yecheng in Jizhou; Jiangxia City in Jingzhou…

and many more…

All of a sudden, Yi Xiaotian raised his brows, Yecheng in Jizhou?

Isn't he Yi Xiaotian in Yecheng now?

Speaking of which, Yecheng was his hometown before he crossed over. He still knew that his hometown was rich in iron and iron.

According to the records of ancient books and documents, the discovery of iron and iron in Yecheng seems to be fifteen years after Jian'an, that is, eight years later...

Cao Cao completely swept the northern border, only in a five-fingered mountain in Yecheng, he found that this place was comparable to the iron mining area of ​​Xiapi City in Xuzhou.

Combining with Yi Xiaotian's familiarity with his hometown of Handan and Anyang before crossing the road, he hurriedly took out a detailed map of Yecheng and swept over some mountains...

He did not forget to ask Zhen Luo.

"Sister Luo'er? Is there a mountain in Yecheng? It's like five fingers... The middle finger is broken!"

Yi Xiaotian is very impressed...

The location where the iron was excavated was between the mountains where the middle finger was cut off. This was the pillar industry of their city before the crossing, so Yi Xiaotian was very impressed.

"Mr. seems to be referring to... Broken Finger Mountain." Zhen Luo replied...

"It should be!" Yi Xiaotian pulled Zhen Luo in front of him and asked her to point out the location of the 'Broken Finger Mountain' on the map.

Zhen Luo thought for a while, drew a circle on the map with his finger, and pointed out the approximate location...

"It's almost . . . right here."

Yi Xiaotian thought silently in his heart... Then the corners of his mouth grinned, revealing a long-lost smile. If a new iron excavation site can be excavated, the problem will be solved, and even... you can make a lot of money!

But at this moment, Zhen Luo seemed to think of something.

"Sir, I remembered, this Broken Finger Mountain is actually a barren mountain... For hundreds of years, it has been owned by the Xu family, and it seems that they can't grow food, so why do the Xu family plan to sell it to our Zhen family? It's just daddy. I felt it was useless to ask for it, so I refused!"

Zhen Luo blurted out these words.

Yi Xiaotian slapped his mouth, this Broken Finger Mountain is actually owned by a barren mountain, which is not easy to handle.

If it is a barren mountain, then according to Cao Cao's decree, the barren land and barren mountains, whoever planted and exploited it belonged to whoever, only had to pay the full amount of land tax...

Yi Xiaotian can easily occupy this mountain.

But now... it seems impossible to prostitute for nothing, so... you can only buy it with money, right?

Since it's a barren mountain, wouldn't it be too expensive?

Yi Xiaotian pouted and thought carefully... How much is the right amount?


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