

Because of Yi Xiaotian's recommendation, Cao Cao directly promoted a group of Yuan's descendants, especially Chen Lin and Gao Rou.

These two people are in charge of Yecheng's documents and files, and the other is in charge of Yecheng's legal system and public security... For a time, everyone in the common people is happy and convinced.

There was also a small interlude in the middle of this...

Chen Lin didn't say anything. After all, it was a pen. Cao Cao used his pen to criticize the enemy.

But Gao Rou... still caused some controversy. The reason is that he is in such an important position as Yecheng Ling, but he is cousins ​​with Bingzhou Governor Gao Gan. This makes people have to doubt his motives and plots. .

To this end, Cao Cao also specially brought a group of advisers and military generals to visit Gao Rou's government office late at night to investigate whether he was doing things fairly and enforcing the law justly as rumored.

A strategist and a general are still thinking about finding a little bit of Gao Rou's handle, and directly pull him off the horse!

never thought...

Entering the main hall of the ya office...

But when he saw that Gao Rou fell asleep holding the document, he looked very tired, as if he was dealing with government affairs until late at night.

Cao Cao was very moved by his advisors and generals, and his ability and diligence suddenly became recognized.

Cao Cao even took off his coat and put it on him, and the group quietly left.

Since then, the entire Cao Ying generals and advisors have never questioned the identity of Gao Rou's Ye City Commander in the slightest.


The governance issues within Jizhou are almost resolved.

Next... It's time to clean up the Yuan clan's remnants and conquer the three states.

Cao Cao defied the public opinion, gave up recuperation, and directly chose to settle the remnants of the Yuan clan in one go... The unfortunate person who bears the brunt of this is Yuan Tan.

However, before conquering Yuan Tan, Cao Cao did two things.

The first one, according to Yi Xiaotian's strategy, held a commendation meeting for Yuan's surrendered generals in Yecheng, and rewarded those generals who surrendered...

What is "shrimp and pig heart", this is a bit "killing and killing heart"...

As soon as this commendation meeting came out, the officials of the Yuan clan in the entire northern region, including civil servants, military generals, and the prefects of various counties and counties, began to sway in their hearts one by one.

Even many people secretly sent letters to Cao Cao.

It was stated that wherever the army went, they immediately opened the city gate and offered the city to surrender!

At this point, Cao Cao was quite surprised, and the commendation meeting received excellent results.

The entire Northern Territory, the entire Yuan clan's remnant, was shrouded in a strange atmosphere at once... Cao Cao liked this.

The second thing, Cao Cao returned the wife of his third son Cao Zhang and Yuan Tan's daughter Yuan Yi to Yuan Tan...

This approach is very particular. In ancient times, the act of returning a married woman had only one meaning - a unilateral declaration of war!

You have to pay for it when you come out...

You Yuan Tan are taking advantage of Cao Cao and Yuan Shang's attack and defense of Ye City to become bigger and stronger, and you are trying to watch the fire from the other side of the bank and take advantage of the fisherman. Isn't this rubbing Cao Cao's IQ on the ground?

Not not reporting, time is not here!

According to Brother Yi's strategic plan, the first battle to pacify the northern border and destroy the Yuan clan, and the most important battle is this Qingzhou, this Nanpi City, and it is Yuan Tan's head.


... Just a day before Cao Cao sent Yuan Tan's daughter Yuan Yi back to Nanpi City, there was a small episode.

Yuan Yi took the initiative to meet Cao Cao, and the two talked for two hours.

No one knows what's being talked about here, but a lot of people have noticed.

When Yuan Yi came out, her face was covered with tears, as if she had just experienced a cry of pear blossoms and rain, but her eyes became more and more resolute...

It was as if the hardest decision had been made.


In the seventh year of Jian'an, in December, Cao Cao, who had rested for three months, led his troops to attack Yuan Tan.

In the middle of winter, the north wind is howling and the snow is flying.

The snow in the sky has rendered the whole world into a misty piece, but the bloodthirsty murderous intent has already revealed a hideous face in the ice and snow...

This coldness, this bitterness, this coldness is colder than frost, and it penetrates the heart.

Cao Cao led the army to Qingzhou. In this battle, Yi Xiaotian emphasized many times that it must be attacked with lightning speed. the closer!

That's why...

In the battle of Nanpi, Cao Cao led the most elite corps, the iron armored tiger and leopard cavalry led by Cao Chun, the trap camp led by Gao Shun, the Bingzhou wolf cavalry led by Zhang Liao, and the Qingzhou soldiers led by Le Jin and Li Dian.

This is already the strongest lineup that Cao Cao can come up with.

As the saying goes, the beginning of everything is difficult, and the first step of Brother Yi's strategic plan must be a triumph, a great victory!

Whether it is Yuan Tan, Nanpi City, or the North... Cao Cao is determined to win this battle!



Chapter [-] The husband's family, or the father's family?It's a tough choice

Nanpi City…

The whole city was shrouded in a strange atmosphere. I don't know where it came from. There were rumors that were extremely unfavorable to Yuan Jun.

If it's just a rumor, it's nothing.

However, this rumor was extremely true to everyone, extremely heart-wrenching and piercing.

As for the content of this rumor, without him, it revolves around a person's name - Cao Cao!

Speaking of which, Cao Cao's reputation in the Central Plains and the North over the years is not generally loud. If nothing else, those who have played against him will end badly.

The first was Tao Qian, who dared to loot the Cao family's motorcade, almost killed Cao Cao's father, was beaten all the way, and died in anger the next year.

After Yuan Shu became emperor, he seemed to ignore Cao Cao, the "Song of the Son of Heaven". As a result, Yuan Shu's power was also beaten by Cao Cao.

And then there's Lu Bu...

At first, it also caused some trouble for Cao Cao, and even became a thorn in Cao Cao's eyes and a thorn in the flesh. The Battle of Yanzhou lasted for two years.

But the further he went, the weaker and weaker Lu Bu became. In the end, he was submerged in water, and this unparalleled general became cold.

Besides, Yuan Shao was so powerful and domineering back then, he was invincible.

But Guandu was defeated, Cangting was defeated, and the elite soldiers under Cao Cao, Welding General, were beheaded by Cao Cao, and those who surrendered were surrendered. The grain, baggage, and equipment accumulated over the years became Cao Cao's spoils of war. Yuan Shao also died because of this. .

The luckiest one is Liu Bei. He was the luckier, and he was the first to realize that Cao Cao couldn't be messed with, so he fled as soon as he touched Cao Cao, and fled to Jingzhou to avoid Cao Cao's edge!

in summary…

The Cao Cao of these years is basically the terminator of the local tyrants in the Central Plains and the North.

No matter how arrogant or arrogant you are, but as long as you meet Cao Cao, that will definitely end, the key is that the end is still very miserable.

Now... Cao Cao's glorious deeds over the years are what is being disseminated and discussed in the streets and alleys of Nanpi City, the military barracks and government offices.

One after another, one by one, the end of each local tyrant made all Yuan Jun's soldiers and generals feel chills, panic, and panic in their hearts.

And these rumors that are extremely unfavorable to the Yuan family, no one would have thought that it was Yuan Tan's precious daughter, Yuan Yi, who was sent back by Cao Cao, and quietly spread.

Because of Zhen Luo's persuasion...

Yuan Yi knew that she had to choose between the family and Lang Jun.

In addition to girls, people who marry and pour out water, even if they were favored in Yuan Ying before they got married, but now that they are returned, Yuan Yi will definitely be scorned everywhere.

Moreover, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the destruction of the Yuan clan is inevitable. Is this still a choice?

If you marry a chicken, follow a chicken, marry a dog, follow a dog, and marry Cao Zhang, then... the heart must stand on Cao Ying's side. If you have no status, you can fight for your own status. If you have no feelings, you can move your husband with practical actions!


In front of the boudoir, Yuan Yi, who was looking at the moonlight from a distance, sighed softly. "Sister Luo'er is right. Since ancient times, loyalty and filial piety have been difficult to achieve... I am willing to give up, and I am willing to give up... I'm sorry, dad, I'm sorry, mother... my daughter can't help herself."



huh, huh, huh...

A long gasping sound spread throughout the lobby of the Nanpi City Government Office.

Cao Cao's army was pressing down on the territory, Nanpi City was roaring, and under internal and external troubles, let alone others, even Yuan Tan was extremely afraid.

The unfavorable remarks spread by Yuan Yi not only frightened other people, but also frightened his father to death.

Can you be afraid?

Even if Yuan Tan's wings are now hardened, he can't compare to his father Yuan Shao, his uncle Yuan Shu, or even his younger brother Yuan Shang when it comes to his abilities.

My mind is broken...

Hearing of the unfavorable battle reports from the front line, which was lost again, and which was the surrender of the city, Yuan Tan's heart felt as if he had been caught by a cat.

On the one hand, he was afraid of losing to Cao Cao, and on the other hand, he hoped that Cao Cao would come sooner!

With the passage of time, Yuan Tan's confidence gradually fades away...

It was as if someone was holding a knife around Yuan Tan's neck, and it kept dangling around. Yuan Tan hoped that the knife would not be cut off, and he hoped that he would just cut it down, so as not to be terrified... all day long.

Just as Yuan Tan was still thinking about whether to die or not, how to die?

When tobeornottobe's philosophical question... Cao Cao's army has already approached the city.

In an instant, the advisors proposed "waiting for work", "robbing the camp at night", and "attacking halfway through", all of which seemed to Yuan Tan to be bullshit.

Who is Cao Cao? The "local tyrant" terminator.

Yuan Tan thought that he might not be able to hold on for a few more days. If he really led the army to attack, what awaited him was a cool song...

Speaking of which, Yuan Tan was still a hero when he was two-faced, but facing Cao Cao, his true nature was undoubtedly exposed.

This is due to his daughter Yuan Yi...

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