The so-called use of bronze as a mirror can help you correct your clothes, take history as a mirror, you can know the ups and downs, and people can be a mirror, you can understand the pros and cons.

Although these words were not summed up by Cao Cao, Cao Cao was very transparent in his heart. He had learned a lot from Yuan Shao, and he could also draw more lessons from failure.

This is very important for the establishment of dynasty hegemony.

"Brother lie, really want to hear?" Yi Xiaotian asked back.

"Brother Yi, don't betray you, tell me quickly." Cao Cao looked forward more and more.

"Okay...then I'll talk about Yuan Shao and Cao Cao,'s going to be a long story to talk about. It has to start from when they were young." Yi Xiaotian waved his hand and smiled slightly, recalling the memory in his mind. It is the total of the two when they were young.

"Speaking of which, Yuan Shao and Cao Cao were teenage friends as early as the Han Lingdi period. When they were young, they rebelled together, acted naughty together, and stole brides together. When they were a little older, they became 'angry youths' together and served as the eighth of the West Garden together. Colonel. Cao Cao wrote to Emperor Ling many times, directly admonishing the eunuch for wronging the country, Yuan Shao was more direct, and directly executed all the eunuchs in the palace with a big sword."

"Later, when Dong Zhuo was in chaos, Cao Cao and Chen Liu raised his army to call on the princes of the world to fight against Dong. Yuan Shao was also the first to respond, and he also became the leader of the [-] princes. After Cao Cao was defeated by Dong Zhuo's general Xu Rong in Xingyang, he was exhausted. At that time, the eldest brother Yuan Shao rewarded him with a bowl of rice and pretended that he was the prefect of Dongjun. Only then did he plan to pursue Yanzhou, attack Xuzhou, and welcome the princes of the emperor. It is no exaggeration. In the beginning, Cao Cao grew up slowly under Yuan Shao's wings."

Huh... Hearing this, Cao Cao felt a sense of disappointment.

He was a little bit sad, especially what Yi Xiaotian mentioned. He and Yuan Shao grew up together and experienced a lot. They helped each other, ah no... It was Yuan Shao, the big brother, who helped him a lot.

Especially after the defeat of Xingyang, the assistance to Cao Cao can be regarded as a life-saving grace!


Things backfired, they were born in troubled times after all, even if Cao Cao attacked Tao Qian, Yuan Shu, and Lu Bu in the next process, Yuan Shao and he were still friends who helped each other on the surface, but in fact the concept was completely different. The two have embarked on a road of hegemony that has the same goal, and the relationship between the two has become more and more distant!

call out…

With this in mind, Cao Cao inevitably sighed!

"Brother lie, why are you still sad?"

Seeing that Cao Cao's expression was a bit wrong, Yi Xiaotian took the initiative to ask... "I'm talking about Cao Cao and Yuan Shao. It's not sentimental to hide my brother... If I really want to be sentimental, it should be Cao Cao's sentimental? Moved by their intricate, love-and-kill story?"


Cao Cao felt his throat choked up.

Cough cough... He coughed and nodded immediately. "My tears are low. Listening to Brother Yi's speech, I am really moved. After all, they were the best friends and closest brothers when they were young!"

"That's saying... yes... no."

Yi Xiaotian nodded and shook his head again.

"There is no eternal friendship in this world, only eternal interests... With the continuous expansion of Cao Cao's power and Yuan Shao's pacification of the northern border, they are bound to have a battle in the Central Plains. We must choose one of the two, and whether it is Cao Cao or Yuan Shao, they will all choose the latter..."

Yi Xiaotian continued to talk. He seemed to intend to retell the story of Cao and Yuan Zhengba on Yuan Shao's grave. Some.

With this in mind, Yi Xiaotian continued.

"After the three battles of Guandu, Cangting and Yecheng, Cao Cao ruthlessly eroded all the foundations of his teenage playmate, and then stood on the fertile land of Jizhou as a victor. For Cao Cao, in his heart, There must be mixed joys and sorrows, the joy is that I no longer have a strong enemy in the north, and the worry is that although I have achieved dominance, I walked over on the corpses of my childhood friends..."

"If I were Cao Cao, I would definitely rush to Yuan Shao's grave and cry a lot, as a tribute to this friend who grew up with me, a comrade-in-arms who used to be on the same front, an enemy who was incompatible... Improvising a poem, even his view of the world will be sublimated."

Not to mention, being told by Yi Xiaotian like this, Cao Cao really felt a little poetic, and his emotions were rendered here, and the words and poems were about to come out.

However, after all, Cao Cao resisted this urge, and he still had to be a little more subtle and not reveal it.

"Brother Yi, you talk so much... nothing more than mentioning the love and hatred between Cao Cao and Yuan Shao who fell in love with each other."

Cao Cao patted his chest lightly, as if to calm himself down, and then opened his mouth. "But... the difference between the two, you didn't tell the reasons for their success or failure..."

"Well, isn't it obvious?"

Yi Xiaotian smiled slightly, then waved his hand. "Brother lie, I'll tell you one more interesting story! It's a story that happened when Cao Cao and Yuan Shao's [-]th Route allied forces against Dong..."


Cao Cao pricked up his ears for a while, and Brother Yi told Cao Cao the story of Cao Cao, which was new.

Cao Cao was very curious, what exactly is this story?If he doesn't even know the party involved, isn't Brother Yi just ignoring him?

Just thinking of this, Yi Xiaotian's words came out.

"At that time, Cao Cao and Yuan Shao sent troops to attack Dong Zhuo, and Yuan Shao asked Cao Cao a question - 'If our cause of attacking Dong fails, where do you plan to start over?' On the surface, this question is asking for a way out, but in fact it is Exploring the thoughts and ideas of both sides on the concept of world competition."

call out…

After being reminded by Yi Xiaotian, Cao Cao really recalled that there was such a thing!

The impression is quite deep, as for how did Cao Cao answer him?How did Yuan Shao answer?After many years, I can't remember.


He can't remember clearly here, but Yi Xiaotian remembers it clearly!

I saw Yi Xiaotian standing with his hands behind his back and continued talking.

"Cao Cao didn't answer directly at that time, but instead asked Yuan Shao - 'How about you?', Yuan Shao's answer was - 'I will occupy Hebei, block the land of Yan and Dai, and then annex those ethnic minorities, It should be possible to fight for the world in the south!’…”


Cao Cao remembered it thoroughly. Yuan Shao's original words were: "I am based on the river in the south, block Yan and Dai in the north, and join the army of the Rong and Di, and go to the south to fight for the world. Can I help you?"

This time, Brother Yi told it in easy-to-understand words. Cao Cao nodded again and again, but he never thought about it. Even these private words are only his words when Cao Cao talked with Yuan Shao. Bar?

Of course, Yuan Shao did this in the future, occupying the north of the Yellow River, defeating Gongsun Zan, Liu Yu and others, conquering the Xianbei and Xiongnu by kneeling and singing, and calling Wuhuan a brother... Become the largest prince in the world!

But... it seems...

Cao Cao suddenly sounded, his words at that time, huh... It was precisely these words, compared with Yuan Shao, who made a high judgment!

Without waiting for Cao Cao to think about it, Yi Xiaotian's words came one after another.

"Hidden brother, in the face of Yuan Shao's swearing words, Cao Cao's answer at that time was understated, but extremely incisive - 'I will use my power to use my talents, and I will compete with the world with morality, so that I can be invincible'!"

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian paused, his eyes raised slightly to look at Cao Cao.

"Brother, Cao Cao and Yuan Shao's dialogue, you taste, you carefully taste. Why Yuan Shao can only dominate the northern border, but Cao Cao can compete in the world, just from their concept and structure, the two sides decide the difference... The difference is not a star and a half!"


——I am the intellect of the world, and I control it with the Tao, and I can do anything!

This is what Cao Cao said.

Now... after such an aftertaste, it seems... his Cao Cao's pattern is not a bit bigger than Yuan Shao's.

It is true that the tyranny of military strength and power can make people compete for hegemony for a while, but the reuse of talents and the acceptance of the world's talents are the eternal truth of the great cause!

And Yi Xiaotian is precisely the most important evidence.

To reuse Yi Xiaotian, not hesitate to conceal his identity, not hesitate to give up countless wealth, but also let him show his talents, and let him participate in Cao Cao's hegemony.

Wasn't what Cao Cao did to Yi Xiaotian just to appoint a talented person?

Thinking of this, Cao Cao couldn't help laughing out loud.

He understands, he is completely transparent...

Yuan Shao lost in talent, and Cao Cao's appointment of talent was beyond the reach of the three Yuan Benchus tied together.

Thinking of this, Cao Cao couldn't help but throw another question.

"Brother Yi, what you said, I'm really clear, but... Now, there is still a question, Yuan Shao's family? How to deal with it?"


Yi Xiaotian waved his hand. "Brother Liu is asking about the wife of Yuan Shao, who helped the younger son Yuan Shang to be the heir, and caused the brothers to fight, and indirectly made great contributions to Cao Cao, Mrs. Liu, right?"

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian smiled lightly. "There's no need to worry about hiding from your brother. Cao Cao has a famous saying - 'Go in peace, your son is my son, your mother is my mother, and your wife is me...' So, hide from brother, let's just Don't worry about eating radishes too salty, according to Cao Cao's temperament, you know..."

After saying a word, Yi Xiaotian looked at the time, waved his hand, and said goodbye. "Okay, I'll go back to Zhen Mansion first, brother Feng Xiao is still there waiting for me!"

In a word, Yi Xiaotian turned around and walked away slowly.

Only Cao Cao was left stunned and messy in front of Yuan Shao's tombstone...

A good sentence, your wife is my wife. The more you say, the more interesting it is. Sure enough, the one who knows him the most, Ah Wu, ah no... The one who knows Cao Cao best is Brother Yi!



Chapter [-] Let go of that girl and let me come

After Yi Xiaotian left.

Cao Cao pondered for a long time in front of Yuan Shao's tombstone...

In addition to pondering, to accept Yuan Shao's wife, let Yuan Shao's wife, Yuan Shu's wife, this pair of good concubines serve him at the same time, to satisfy his special collection psychology and hobby of his wife.

It seems that, as Yi Xiaotian said, Cao Cao also had a new understanding of life.

After all, Cao Cao is in his forties now...

In ancient times, being able to live more than [-] years old could already be called longevity.

At this age, Cao Cao has already stepped into the coffin with half a foot.

Cao Cao even realized that he himself is not far from death. After his death, he will be as desolate as Yuan Shao. He even has to be regarded as a scenic spot, so that Brother Yi can make a lot of money!

It is estimated that Yuan Shao could wake up again and fight with Brother Yi if he knew anything about it...

Of course, that's not the point. The point is that, like Yuan Shao, who robbed the world in his lifetime, he would only occupy six feet of land after his death.


Cao Cao couldn't help but let out a sigh...

Then, he thought of his hometown of Qiao County, the river, the joy of playing and playing by the river with his friends back then, and the ants who accompanied him in his lonely childhood after his mother Ding left. , and even thought of Yi Xiaotian from Suanzao County, Chenliu County...

Was moved by Yi brother so emotionally.

For a time, Cao Cao was full of emotion, and it was really poetic...

He hurriedly picked up his pen and wrote a ci and fu - "But the East and the West".

The description seems to be his emotion when he was walking from the east gate of Yecheng to the west gate of Yecheng when he was patrolling the city... In fact, it was only after paying homage to Yuan Shao, but the feeling in his heart after talking with Brother Yi.

——Ran Ran is a veteran, when will he return to his hometown.

——The dragon hides the clear spring, and the beast steps up the hill.

——When the fox dies, he returns to Shouqiu, and his hometown is safe and hopeful.

Thinking of this, Cao Cao pondered, just like he missed Qiao County, in Brother Yi's heart, the hometown of Suanzao County, Chenliu County, he is afraid it will be extremely difficult to forget!

While feeling sad...

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