"Meng De, Meng De..." Cao Ren hurried over...

"Zixiao? You can send Miss Zhenluo back to Zhen's house." Cao Cao regained his senses, and he immediately controlled his emotions.

"Send it back." Cao Ren replied in detail. "The Zhen Mansion is preparing for the wedding of Yingchuan talent Guo Jia and the second lady of the Zhen family... Brother Yi is in a hurry to get here, I'm afraid he forgot to prepare the gift?"

Um... congratulations?

Hearing this, Cao Cao rolled his eyes.

Without congratulations, brother Yi has no face, how can this be done?

Brother Yi's face is the face of his Cao Cao... Come on, this brother Yi is not prepared, he Cao Cao will help brother Yi to prepare, not only to prepare, but also to prepare magnificently.

With this in mind, Cao Cao asked Cao Ren urgently. "What about my sword-wielding general, Xia Houen?"

Cao Cao looked around and couldn't find Xia Houen, and immediately waved his hand. "Zixiao, you go to find him, and order him to take the Qing Sujian to Zhen Mansion immediately. The Qing Sui sword is my Cao Cao's saber. Seeing this sword is like seeing me, and it is a congratulatory gift. This is my brother's gift. Is your face big enough?"

"Enough, enough!" Cao Ren decided to step back with a wisp of beard.

"Wait!" Cao Cao seemed to think of something again. "I don't think it's enough. This Guo Jia and Guo Fengxiao are also considered talents in Yingchuan. He has a good relationship with Brother Yi. What else do we have to give him..."

"What do you mean by eldest brother?" Cao Ren asked anxiously...

Hahaha... Cao Cao laughed out loud, and immediately took out a 'decree' from his arms!



Yecheng, Zhen Mansion.

The big red lanterns hang high, and today's Zhen Mansion is very lively...

Now, the entire Zhen Mansion is busy with the upcoming wedding of Guo Jia and the second lady Zhen Tuo, which is very lively... Both Zhen Yi and Zhen Yao are extremely satisfied with this son-in-law and brother-in-law.

After all... Guo Jia, Yingchuan's talent is in the front, which can make Cao Cao value it very much. There is the brotherhood of Yi Xiaotian, the owner of the villa, and the family is in the water and fire. The big guy treats him Guo Jia. Home is looking forward to...

Guo Jia doesn't care about fame and fortune, so he doesn't care much about "in-law".

Of course, when Yi Xiaotian heard that Guo Jia was going to be the son-in-law, his heart still throbbed.

After all, he came here from time travel, and I watched too much, too, too, too many videos like the "son-in-law" in the previous life...

Under Yi Xiaotian's influence, the son-in-law should go to take a foot wash every day, and be slapped and slapped at the fan, right?

Guo Jia still has hope of counterattack. If he is not careful, he can become a "crooked dragon king".

I thought about it... Yi Xiaotian's tears were about to flow down.

But when he really entered the Zhen Mansion, he realized that it was not the case at all...

The Zhen family's son-in-law is fragrant...

In this Zhen family, where men are superior to women, even if it is a son-in-law, his status in the family is all at a glance.

The Zhen family, who are all the stars holding the moon, are going to provide Guo Jia...

Do you want to do this?Is Zhenfu so fragrant?

For a time, Yi Xiaotian wanted to be the son-in-law of Zhen's house...

"Sir, you are here!"

Zhen Luo noticed Yi Xiaotian, she hurried to Yi Xiaotian's side, took his arm with both hands, and the soft words came out one after another.

"Second sister and Guo Gongzi's big wedding is waiting for you. Guo Gongzi said, if you don't come, this marriage will be postponed forever..."

uh... as for what?

Yi Xiaotian scratched his head, knowing that he would not be coercing blindly with his brother lie in front of Yuan Shao's grave, delaying the night of the wedding of Fengxiao.

"Luo'er? Where is the filial piety?" Yi Xiaotian looked around, with the exception of a group of disciples from Zhen Fu who were busy...

Where is Guo Jia's figure?

"In the house!" Zhen Luo replied with a smile. "The Zhen Mansion has rules. Before the big wedding, Mr. Guo and his elder sister must see each other... and..."

"What else do I have to do?" Yi Xiaotian couldn't figure out the rules of Guo Mansion for a while.

It stands to reason that this is about to get married. Shouldn't it be covered with a red hijab and wait for a lively marriage?Could it be that the specifications of the son-in-law of the Zhen family are different?

Without waiting for Yi Xiaotian to continue to ask questions, Zhen Luo directly took his hand, "Sir, just come and see it with me."

As he spoke, Zhen Luo took Yi Xiaotian directly into a luxurious courtyard.

This pavilion... It doesn't seem to be as noisy as the outside, there are only a few maids standing in front of the door, You Zizai "giggled" with a smile...

And what came out of the house was the crisp voice of a young gentleman, who seemed to be struggling a little, was a little eager to welcome and refused, and was a little bit unable to stop...

"Tuo'er, don't do this, I... I can't stand it, slow down, lighten up..."

Yi Xiaotian could tell that this was Guo Jia's voice.

Can, can, can, can... This is not scientific?

Is the Zhen family so open?No bridal candle yet?Just... just like this in front of so many people?

From Guo Jia's words, Yi Xiaotian has a feeling of fantasy...

The point is, is the second Miss Zhen family so proactive?

Ha ha... Yi Xiaotian is really haha!

He feels that he does not read much, and his knowledge is short...

"Sir, sir..."

Seeing Yi Xiaotian in a daze, Zhen Luo pulled his shoulder, Yi Xiaotian just woke up and turned around, and Zhen Luo's voice continued. "Come on, let's go in and see?"

I'm going... can I watch this too?What if the family does shameful things again?

Yi Xiaotian waved his hands again and again, "I don't want it anymore..."

Unexpectedly, Zhen Luo pulled him directly into the pavilion...

It doesn't matter if he doesn't enter, when he enters the pavilion, Yi Xiaotian feels that his three views are all broken. Of course, his previous guess was wrong, very wrong...

Where is this shameful thing?

It's a hundred times more powerful than shyness!

At this moment, the second lady of the Zhen family is washing Guo Jia and Guo Fengxiao's feet...

Across the distance, Yi Xiaotian can smell the smell of feet... But, Miss Zhen's second lady didn't mind at all, so she carefully washed Guo Jia's feet up and down.

While washing my feet, I muttered something...

Yi Xiaotian listened to two sentences, Huo... Dare to be affectionate, the second lady of the Zhen family is reciting "Nv Xun" and "Nv Jie"...

I'm darling...

A son-in-law asked his wife to wash her feet in person, and while washing her feet, she recited "Nv's Training". These seven words are full - "Please whip me, Langjun...", which has a strong sense of sight!

Yi Xiaotian was stunned, if this is the rule of Zhen's house, then... Yi Xiaotian really wants to yell, let go of that girl, let me come, how many girls are there in Zhen's house, how much do I want from Yi Xiaotian!



Chapter [-]: Don't be too lazy when doing things, be careful with a steel knife behind your back

The wedding of Guo Jia and the second Miss Zhen family is in full swing...

During the wedding…

Zhen Luo is always by Yi Xiaotian's side, she sometimes holds Yi Xiaotian's arm;

Sometimes the whole body leans towards him, it seems that the belonging of the second sister also gave Zhen Luo great encouragement, making her more and more dare to pursue her own happiness.

Of course, the wedding wasn't all smooth sailing...

In the Zhen family's rules, the husband-in-law enjoys the same treatment as his own son, but he has to pass a few hurdles in succession at the wedding.

But among these rules, some of the tests were not entered by the son-in-law himself, but by his brothers and friends.

Originally, it was just a process.

But this time, for some reason, it seemed crucial.


"Master Guo..."

In front of Zhen Tuo's boudoir, Zhen Yan, the second son of the Zhen family, spoke in a serious and meticulous tone.

"There are still three hurdles before Mr. Guo enters this boudoir and joins our Zhen family. After these three hurdles have passed, you are our own member of the Zhen family, and I will treat you as a younger brother, but you can't get through... The ancestors of the Zhen family can There are rules, women from the Zhen family don't marry mediocre talents!"

What Zhen Yan said was serious, but it was actually a wedding...

This custom was common in ancient times…

Of course, it wasn't as serious as it was said. Most of them were just a little bit of trouble and had some problems. The big guy was so happy, and the marriage went on normally.

But... this time is different, Zhen Yan is the second son of the Zhen family, because of the early death of the Zhen family's son.

He is the proper first-in-line heir to the Zhen family. He has a good relationship with Xu You's nephew, Xu Yuan. Xu Yuanke has always been thinking about the second girl of the Zhen family...

Moreover, in the Battle of Guandu, Xu You helped Cao Cao defeat Yuan Shao, and now the status of the Xu family has risen, and it is invincible...

It seems that it has become the first famous family in Hebei.

Considering the overall situation of the Zhen family, Zhen Yan is also more willing to marry the Xu family.

It's just that he has deep wisdom and does not show resistance to Guo Jia on the surface, but secretly intends to use this marriage trouble to set up some obstacles, so that Guo Jia can't come down from the stage and retreat in spite of difficulties.

"Since it's a rule passed down by the ancestors of the Zhen family, even though the second brother sets a question, I, Guo Jia, will pass the test one by one!"

Guo Jia bowed her hands... She looked very confident.

"Ha ha ha ha…"

Zhen Yan laughed loudly. "I've heard for a long time that Guo Jia and Guo Fengxiao are talented and talented in Yingchuan, but our Zhen family's exam questions are not only about your talent, but your popularity and vision. Choose one, I have three difficulties on my side, if he passes the test, even if you pass the test!"

Speaking of this, Zhen Yan was still smiling, but the corners of his mouth were slightly curved, which was meaningful.

Yi Xiaotian already felt that the atmosphere of this marriage was a little wrong.

"Second brother... It's just a formality. Just ask the question. Is it difficult, and the second brother is planning to fail the test?"

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