
Chapter [-] Shili Taolin is not as good as Yuan Datou's tombstone

Yecheng, thirty miles east of the city.

This is the foothold of the Yecheng branch of Youjian Villa selected by Cao Cao for Yi Xiaotian...

The ten-day-long construction has begun to take shape... A wine shop, a blacksmith shop, a medical office, a study, a private school, and a horse farm are all available...

However, it is a little embarrassing that it is precisely this key point that the cultivation of Shili Peach Forest has encountered a little trouble.

One can't be removed.

Or, to be more precise, Cao Cao murmured in his heart that he really wanted to demolish this place.

As for the reason... without him, the place where the Shili Peach Forest was planted was Yuan Shao's cemetery.

Speaking of which, although Yuan Shao was ultimately a loser in his life, in the end, he also served as the leader of the eighteen princes; he was the ruler of Qing, Ji, You, and the four states; he also fought Wuhuan, Xianbei, The Southern Huns and Gongsun Zan kneel and sing to conquer...

Strictly speaking, it is also a generation of heroes.

However, as soon as he died, his three sons and one nephew could not extricate themselves from the fun of fighting with each other. Instead, the cemetery of this "general" was chosen so hasty and desolate.

Of course…

Now that this problem has been thrown to Cao Cao, should Yuan Shao's grave be moved?Still not moving?

If you move it, it will be a generation of heroes, and he is also Cao Cao's former eldest brother. If you really want to lead it, it is not kind. I am afraid that someone will poke Cao Cao's spine.

If you don't move... Brother Yi, there is a villa, where Shili Taoyuan is quiet and quiet, but there is an extra piece of Yuan Shao's monument, thinking about it, it's quite infiltrating...

Not to mention that Brother Yi doesn't know martial arts, he certainly won't be too daring.

It's his martial arts skills, always thinking about Yuan Shao sleeping beside him, what a terrifying thing, this... This is a bit unkind to Brother Yi.


Facing Yuan Shao's cemetery, Cao Cao scratched his head and felt a little emotional, "Big brother, big brother, you won't let people live in peace, and you won't let people stop when they're dead!"

Worry, really worry.

Cao Cao is still sighing...

"Hidden brother..."

However, he heard a roar behind him. This voice, Cao Cao again, again, again, couldn't be more familiar, wasn't it the Yi Xiaotian he was thinking about?

He... he's back?

Cao Cao hurriedly turned around, only to see a man and a woman stepping off the carriage in front of a luxurious carriage. Compared with Cai Zhaoji, I have not given more, and it is the appearance of a man and a woman...


When Cao Cao rolled his eyes, the one next to Brother Yi was...

In an instant, a sentence floated in Cao Cao's forehead - there are Er Qiao in the south, Zhen Mi Qiao in Hebei, the beautiful and smart woman next to Brother Yi is probably Zhen Mi, right?


In just a moment, Cao Cao shook his head subconsciously, he felt that he could not be Yi Xiaotian's father-in-law.

Nima, this Zhen Mi and Brother Yi are also a good match. Whether it is appearance, talent, or literary talent, it seems that he has to compare his daughter Cao Jie properly!

Cao Cao knocked on the forehead, which was a bit embarrassing. Brother Yi's father-in-law is not easy to be!

"Cough cough... Brother Yi..." Cao Cao cleared his throat and walked quickly towards Yi Xiaotian. "Long time no see, Brother Yi, you make me think so hard!"

"Brother lie, there are girls watching like this, don't be so nauseous." Yi Xiaotian waved his hand and glanced at Zhen Luo who was beside him.

"Little girl Zhen Luo has seen Master Concealer!" Zhen Luo saluted Cao Cao, looking very educated...

The sound is pleasant, even the cry of a lark.

Cao Cao felt envy in his heart.

"Miss Zhenluo doesn't need to be more polite, my husband and I are a life-threatening friendship, a brother who shares life and death... Since you follow Brother Yi, then you are my Cao... ah no... I am the sister of Amu, if you need anything, just do it. carry."

Speaking of this, Cao Cao couldn't help but get closer to Yi Xiaotian and whispered a word in his ear. "Brother Yi, this is the future brother and sister, right? Haha?"

Yi Xiaotian pushed Cao Cao away and told the truth. He just met him and he didn't do anything right?

Zhen Luo looked at their "intimate" appearance, it was like brothers who had reunited after a long absence joking with each other, playing and playing, which was very interesting.

She was also considered interesting, and immediately saluted again.

"Mr. and Lord Concealer meet again after a long absence. Luo'er will not disturb the two of them. Luo'er will go back to Zhen Mansion first. Lord Concealer must come to Zhen Mansion when he has time, and our Zhen family must be very entertaining."

During the conversation all the way, from Yi Xiaotian's mouth, Zhen Luo also knew that Mr. has a good brother, that is, this brother.

It is for this reason that Zhen Luo has always maintained awe and respect for Cao Cao...

But hiddenly, Zhen Luo could feel that this brother-in-law seemed to exude a domineering aura all the time... This kind of aura is very rare, even Yuan Shao in the past never had it!

Zhen Luodong was watching the fire, she was a little curious, but she didn't dare to wait any longer. After saying goodbye, she left slowly.

Cao Cao hurriedly ordered Cao Ren. "Aren, Haosheng escorts Miss Zhenluo back to the mansion!"

"Don't worry, big brother!" Cao Ren agreed, and then he greeted several guards and sent Zhen Luo back to the house together...

At this moment, in front of Yuan Shao's tombstone, only Cao Cao and Yi Xiaotian were left.


"Brother? I saw it all the way in the carriage. Are you sighing with a long beard?" Yi Xiaotian asked curiously, he seemed to have noticed the tombstone behind Cao Cao. "Yo? Whose tombstone is it? To make brother lie so sentimental..."

Uh... Cao Cao is a little embarrassed!

Yi Xiaotian has taken a step to the left, rubbed his eyes, and fixed his eyes.

"Hey... isn't this Yuan Datou, ah no, Yuan Benchu's tombstone? Yuan Shao is also considered a hero of a generation, why is the cemetery so sloppy? So desolate? I'm still thinking about it very grand!"


Mentioning this, Cao Cao laughed out loud. "Brother Yi, you're thinking too much! Yuan Shao's three sons and one nephew are profiting from each other and attacking each other, how can they manage their tombstones! It's good to have this loess, but... his tombstones are a bit disappointing. "

Speaking of this, Cao Cao paused for a while, frowning slightly.

"I was thinking about planting a [-]-mile peach forest here, and this way, the Youjian Villa in Yecheng is the same as those in Xuducheng and Chenliu County!"


Cao Cao was still sighing, Yi Xiaotian waved his hand directly, and the whole person didn't seem to care. "Brother lie, you are wrong, how can there be Yuan Shao's tombstone in Shili Taolin!"

ah... ah...

Cao Cao thought it was very fresh... How come there is no Yuan Shao's tombstone in this ten-mile peach forest?

This one is quiet and elegant, one is a terrifying forest man... When did Brother Yi's aesthetics change?Could it be that after a trip to Guanzhong, the whole person's temperament has changed?This…

Cao Cao was thinking... Yi Xiaotian's voice came out next.

"Brother lie, what do you think... Shili Taolin is just a place to cultivate sentiments. If you really want to talk about making money, Yuan Shao's tombstone seems to make more money!"

When it comes to money, Yi Xiaotian's eyes are shining, dazzling and golden. "Brother, do you know the tomb of the First Emperor?"

Ah... the mausoleum of the first emperor?

How can it be more and more outrageous?Cao Cao was a little stunned. Brother Yi was still the same brother Yi. Whether it was his speech or his behavior, he simply didn't play cards according to the routine?

"Brother Yi, what does this have to do with the first emperor's tomb?" Cao Cao became more and more curious.

"This is a big relationship!" Yi Xiaotian raised his hand. "You don't know how much money the Shi Emperor's mausoleum can make a year?"

Just talking about this, Yi Xiaotian suddenly realized that this... he seemed to be a bit ahead of his time.

The Terracotta Warriors and Horses have not been excavated in this era, and the Mausoleum of the First Emperor is not a tourist attraction... How would you know that the dead man's money is so good!

Thinking about it this way, it's a good way to make money!

Yi Xiaotian's mind changed rapidly.

Cao Cao frowned... He didn't know how much money the Shi Emperor's tomb could make a year, but, according to Yi Xiaotian's suggestion, he made a lot of money from robbing the tomb of the king's tomb. .

Although it's a little shabby.

"Cough..." Cao Cao coughed. "Brother Yi... Are you talking about people lighting wax? Ghosts blowing lanterns? That tomb robbery fight?"

"No no no..." Yi Xiaotian waved his hands again and again. "This is something that damages yin and morality. I have to do it by Cao Cao, but I won't do it..."

This sentence directly made Cao Cao worried!

Before the heart-piercing knife was pulled out from his heart, Yi Xiaotian's words came out one after another.

"Actually, it's very simple, what do you think about it, brother, it's similar to the first emperor, similar to Yuan Shao, they all had a lot of followers during their lifetime, and they are of great cultural value. They can use this to develop people to come and see them, and collect expensive coins along the way! "

"For example, in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, the people look up to the majesty of the First Emperor who swept the six kingdoms and ruled the world, and naturally they are willing to spend some money to see what his tomb looks like! Go and observe him up close, such as Yuan Shao's mausoleum, The educational significance is more, more, more, more profound.”

"Brother, what do you think, a person has a million soldiers, civil servants like clouds, military generals like rain, but he failed suddenly, how did he fail? How does he belong after he fails? How can we avoid these failures? These are all thought-provoking. Ah, the maintenance is not complete, once this scenic spot is established, a large number of literati and pranksters will come here to discuss and discuss... Yuan Shao's cemetery is in Youjian Villa, which is a great benefit to the business of the villa!"

"Besides... we can also open a forum, teach lectures, and compare Yuan Shao and Cao Cao! For example... let me talk about the topic of Yuan Shao and Cao Cao, I can talk about it for three days and three nights!"

and many more…

As soon as Yi Xiaotian said this, Cao Cao was very curious.

He wasn't interested in Yuan Shao's cemetery as a scenic spot, and he wasn't even interested in this way of making money from the dead, but he could do it, as long as Brother Yi was happy.

But... he was very curious about the comparison between Yuan Shao and Cao Cao that you mentioned, Yi Xiaotian...

What is the difference between Cao Cao and Yuan Shao in Brother Yi's eyes?

Where did Cao Cao win?

And where did Yuan Shao lose?

Suddenly, Cao Cao's ears perked up.

Yi Xiaotian's next words, he is more and more earnest and urgent...



Chapter three hundred and seventieth salty eat radish light worry

"Brother Yi, tell me first, what's the difference between Yuan Shao and Cao Cao?"

Cao Cao was so curious that he couldn't help asking. "Why did Yuan Shao defeat with a great advantage, and why did Cao Cao come back from the wind? What does this have to do with their characters?"

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