Even... the whole process went so smoothly, Cao Cao felt very surprised!

Sure enough, as Brother Yi said...

Liu Bei is a man who leaves his wife behind as soon as he encounters a problem and runs away alone.

But... He also often hangs out with his good friends Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, eats and sleeps together... Seriously ignores the feelings of the two ladies, and the two ladies have long been resentful against him.

Strictly speaking, this time Cao Cao succeeded in greening Liu Bei, not because of his skillful means, nor because of Yi Xiaotian's ingenious plan, that is simply four words - a matter of course!

The so-called, asking the canal is so clear that there is a source of living water.

Liu Bei is not benevolent, so he can't allow the two ladies, Gan and Mi, to be unjust?What's more... Cao Cao is so proficient in stealing a wife that he can no longer be proficient!


Everything is going according to Yi Xiaotian's plan.

Cao Cao deliberately blocked the departure of Guan Yu and the two Liu ladies.

Next, it is the story of Guan Yu, who is very fond of seeing him, hangs the seal and seals the gold, passes five levels and kills six generals... The story of leaving Cao Ying with his two sister-in-laws.

However, I am afraid that even Guan Yu himself does not know that all of this is a big picture planned by Cao Cao and Yi Xiaotian.

It seems that he successfully escaped from Cao Cao's clutches with his two sister-in-laws...

But in fact, they have brought one more person on this trip, a 'good' son whose real identity is strange, but in the future, he can inherit Liu Bei's great cause and even destroy Liu Bei's great cause!

Cao Cao's "seed" was completely buried under this arrangement.


Say the other side!

Liu Bei was still immersed in the joy of the return of his wife and brother.

Naturally, he never imagined that there would be another surprise waiting for him a year later.

He would never have thought that he, who had not had a son for most of his life, would be "happy to be a father".

This double joy has not yet fallen... Cao Cao kept giving him the third most important gift.

Liu Bei had just fooled Liu Pi into rebelling openly, and was about to make a surprise attack on Xudu from Runan, and he was going to take money from the bottom of the pot.

Never thought, he is faster, Cao Cao is faster!

It was as if Cao Cao had anticipated it early in the morning.

It was only after the rebellion in the south of Runan that Cao Cao sent Cao Ren directly with [-] cavalry to kill him.

A rush to kill... Even if Liu Bei's second brother Guan Yu and third brother Zhang Fei have returned, they are still as Yi Xiaotian analyzed.

Liu Bei's core elite troops had long since been completely separated due to several defeats, and their subordinates were only led by some trilogy assigned by Yuan Shao's subordinates.

After a blitzkrieg, Liu Bei was defeated again.

Da da da…

The rapid sound of hooves resounded on the banks of the Huai River.

More than a dozen disgraced knights are fleeing along the banks of the Huai River...

That's right, the leader is Liu Bei. This time, I don't know why, when he ran away, he took his brother and his wife with him, but at the same speed as a turtle, he really ran out!

It seems that this time, Cao Cao's side is not very determined to pursue, and beheaded Liu Pi of Runan. After the rebellion was quelled, Cao Ren immediately rushed back to Guandu without even paying attention to Liu Bei.

Liu Bei felt deeply insulted, and even more than the insult was the sense of helplessness and failure that he had never won in his life.


A sense of powerlessness welled up in his heart, facing the Huai River, he raised his head and sighed.

"Huaihe, Huaihe, so far in the game with Cao Cao, I, Liu Bei, have not won a single victory? Is Cao Cao too powerful? Or is my Liu Bei too incompetent? If I also had a heroic army, would I be Cao Cao's opponent!"

some emotion...

Liu Bei thought again of the defeat of Runan, how could Cao Cao be so quick, he Liu Bei had just turned against Liu Pi on the front foot, and Cao Ren's cavalry on the back foot came to kill him, without giving a chance to breathe.

This thing is amazing enough.

However, in the battle with Cao Ren, Cao Ren was stunned to seize the weakness of his unfamiliar Liu Bei soldiers and the incompatibility of command and dispatch.


Cao Cao expected that Liu Pihui of Runan would rebel and dispatch troops in advance to quell the chaos... Although it is unbelievable, it is reasonable.

But...his weakness was found by Cao Cao without reservation, and even... infinitely amplified by Cao Cao, it felt a bit like a routine.

just like…

This was not a fair fight at all, it was clearly a long-planned raid.

Liu Bei only felt that he had been seen through from the very beginning.

Cao Cao seemed to have his eyes open, and he predicted every step in advance... He had the upper hand everywhere, and this battle was really impossible to fight.

Liu Bei's heart was filled with infinite emotion... He suddenly wanted to cry, but there was a feeling of wanting to cry without tears.

It's as if there is an invisible hand that is always controlling everything... Let Liu Bei lose again and again, and let him Liu Bei have no chance to turn over at all!

"Big brother..." Guan Yu seemed to suddenly think of something. "I secretly found something when I was in Caoying..."

"Second brother, tell me..." Liu Bei's tone was very low, and his spirit was also very sluggish.

It seems that even the intelligence about Cao Ying could not brighten Liu Bei's spirits.

Guan Yu lightly wielded his beard, and he reminded...

"In Xudu, Cao Cao always likes to go to a villa when he encounters difficulties, called Youjian Villa... Later, when Cao and Yuan had a decisive battle in Guandu, he encountered difficulties in Guandu Port, and Cao Cao always went to a village in the south of Guandu."

"In Cao's camp, this is no longer a secret. Cao Cao, who is in distress, will always be radiant and refreshed when he returns to these two places. !"

"That's not the point... Often when he comes back, the plans he makes are unexpected, but he can always kill him and live again... This is the case with Zhan Yan Liang, and the same with Zhu Wen Chou."

Speaking of this, Guan Yu's expression became more serious. "Brother, this is actually not the key. The most important thing is that I have privately investigated this Youjian Villa and the village in the south of Guandu... I found that the owner of both is the same mysterious man. He is the villa's owner. The owner of the village is the shopkeeper of the wine shop, the head of the private school, and the owner of the village..."

"In short, I suspect that this guy has been making plans for Cao Cao, and it's this guy who has made the eldest brother repeatedly and repeatedly defeated!"

call out…

Guan Yu said this.

Liu Bei's eyes snapped open, staring round and huge.

He murmured incredulously. "How...there is such a thing, actually...there is such a strange person? Why does this strange person help Cao or Han?"



Chapter [-] Lights up the technology tree, the situation reverses

Ten miles north of Guandu Port, Yuan Jun Dazhai.

Yuan Shao wanted to cry very much. He was really drunk. From the beginning of the duel between Cao and Yuan, he found that he was always being tricked by Cao Cao, and he was beaten everywhere...

Although it is said that his family has a great career, a large number of soldiers and a large number of soldiers, he has lost a few battles, and suffered some small setbacks, so he will not be stagnant from now on.

But what Yuan Shao was most convinced was that he clearly had the upper hand, so how could the situation of the Guandu battle fall to Cao Cao's side again and again?Drunk, really drunk.

From the public opinion war, diplomatic war, and psychological war before the war, Yuan Shao was always under the control of Cao Cao.

Not to mention the two battles between Baima and Yanjin, which damaged two generals and tens of thousands of elite riders.

It's better now, even the trick of stealing the house has been seen by Cao Cao. It's nothing. Cao Cao used his own way to treat others, but he harassed his rear. This made Yuan Shao crazy!

It seems that the entire situation in Guandu is extremely unfavorable for Yuan Jun and Yuan Shao!

Yuan Shao's whole mind came up with only four words - Lan Shou, Shiitake Mushroom!

Until then...

He just had a taste of it, and the advice given by the military advisor Ju was not unreasonable.

Although the Yuan army has a large number, its combat power is weaker than that of the Cao army.


Cao Cao's army was strong in combat, but there was a shortage of military resources and provisions compared to Yuan Shao's side, which meant that Cao Cao's logistics could not keep up.

Since you can't win quickly, then simply drag it on...

It seems that the repeated defeats have allowed Yuan Shao's wisdom to sublimate. At this moment, he figured out...

With his backing on a large area of ​​Hebei, he had a steady stream of supplies, and he had food in his hands.

If you really have to fight for consumption, in the end, you can consume Cao Cao to death!

Thinking of this, Yuan Shao pursed his lips, thought for half a stick of incense, and finally clenched his fists, as if he had made up his mind.

"Just do it..."

He intends to use Ju's proposal to fight a protracted war, a positional war.

But... Yuan Shao didn't plan to bypass Ju Shou and reuse Ju Shou...

His heart is as big as a fingernail, and he holds a grudge. He must not allow anyone who is not a dog licker to appear around him.

"Send the three armies to form camps and advance step by step... The east and west joint operations for dozens of miles will stretch the front line."

Yuan Shao immediately ordered...

When the military order came out, he slapped his mouth, and the corners of his mouth grinned aggressively. "Cao A is hiding, Cao A is hiding, the frontal battlefield is always calculated, hum, then I will spend it with you, let's see who can afford it!"

In a word, Yuan Shao's eyes flashed a gleam of sharpness.




The atmosphere in Guandu Caoying was extremely cold.

As for the reason, Yuan Jun adopted the method of forming a camp before and after advancing step by step.

As a counter-party, it stands to reason that in the face of Yuan Shao's aggressive posture, Cao Cao could only divide his troops and set up a tit-for-tat camp against the enemy.

In Cao Cao's view, once this confrontation and consumption situation is formed, it is extremely unfavorable for him.

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