
Thinking of this, the corners of Cao Cao's mouth grinned, and his smile was very charming... This was the first time he showed such a smile.

Although it is not authentic, but... Cao Cao likes it very much and is very pleased.

"Brother Yi, just do as you said..."

"Bang!" Cao Cao made a decision immediately, and he seemed quite excited. "Brother Yi... I'm going to report to Cao Cao. Brother Yi sees it so clearly. I think with Cao Cao's ability, these two ladies of Liu Bei will definitely be able to capture them."


Compared to Yi Cao Cao's excitement, Yi Xiaotian seemed very calm, he stretched out his index finger, made a "shush" gesture, and murmured. "low profile…"

After the plan, Yi Xiaotian returned to the modesty of the past.

Who is the real father of this Adou who can't be helped?

This strange conjecture made by Yi Xiaotian from ancient books, this bizarre and unthinkable plan...

In any case, this game... Yi Xiaotian is set in advance, as for... what kind of chain reaction will happen in the future because of this incident, for a while, he still has some expectations!

Speaking of which, everyone is happy about this... Yi Xiaotian feels that he has done a good thing!

For the two Mrs. Liu, it's just that my husband likes men, and he leaves them behind every three days... Is this enough of a day?

It is time to seek some new comfort in some places, to live, there is always some hope!

As far as Cao Cao is concerned, not only holding the beauty back, but also letting his opponent Liu Bei put the green grassland on his head... Whether it is physically or mentally, it is a burst of sourness!

For Liu Bei, it seems that he really lacks a son. After all, he is not confused at forty. If this is placed before Yi Xiaotian's time-travel, Bao Qi must be a frequent visitor to Tongji Hospital, right?

Thinking of this, Yi Xiaotian smiled lightly.

and many more…

Suddenly, Yi Xiaotian thought of something again.

Seeing that Cao Cao stood up and was ready to say goodbye, he hurriedly grabbed Cao Cao.

"Brother, I just talked with you about Liu Bei's two ladies, but I forgot about the business."

"Brother Ren didn't mention that Liu Bei was ordered to go south to contact Liu Biao? I think... contacting Liu Biao is false, to open up a second battlefield outside the battlefields of Cao and Yuan Guandu, and wait for an opportunity to attack Xudu... This is his purpose! "

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian suddenly stood up.

He thought of this time period, the upcoming war of stealing from Cao and Yuan.

It seems... Cao Cao really has such a person in the rear... Under Liu Bei's tinkering, he is about to rebel!

And this rebellion brought Cao Cao a little trouble!



Chapter [-] If you can't beat the frontal group, you can still steal your home

Rebellious?It's still a rebellion in the rear, which is no small matter.

Cao Cao's footsteps stopped, and his mind changed quickly...

Because in the past there was a foreshadowing of being stolen by Lu Bu, now... Cao Cao's subordinates, Si, Xu, Yan, Yu... The four prefectures, the county governors and state shepherds are all trusted confidants and loyal people.

Cao Cao really couldn't figure it out, who would it be?Betray him at this juncture!

With this in mind, Cao Cao hurriedly asked. "Brother Yi, who would rebel against Cao Cao? Who would dare to rebel against Cao Cao? It stands to reason that the prefects of the prefectures and counties were all chosen by Cao Cao himself, so there shouldn't be any mistakes!"

Between words, Cao Cao became nervous.

"Hidden brother... let's be honest." Yi Xiaotian pursed his lips. "In the current situation, there are many people who want to rebel against Cao Cao... It's just to see if they have the guts!"

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian raised his voice a bit, but instead started talking about the situation.

"Even now Cao Cao has two big victories in a row, and he has also beheaded Yan Liang and Wen Chou. It seems that he has the upper hand... However, from the overall situation, Cao Cao's side is still not optimistic. To put it bluntly, these two big victories were used for In exchange for Liyang City, Baima Village, and Yanjin Village, now, Cao Cao's defense line has been further shrunk, Yuan Shao has further advanced to Guandu..."

"Such a situation is very delicate. Many of Cao Cao's county guards must begin to activate their minds. They must think that the final result of the dispute between Cao and Yuan must be Yuan Shao's victory and Cao Cao's defeat... Since they have already determined that Yuan Shao is the final winner. , then... it's better to curry favor with Yuan Shao earlier!"

"That's why some people who seem to be loyal but are actually on both ends of the head are about to show their sharp horns..."

Yi Xiaotian talked a lot about…

Studying this history, he deeply knows that Cao Cao's territory is calm on the surface... but in fact undercurrents are surging...

Many officials who seemed to be loyal to Cao Cao had actually secretly contacted Yuan Shao behind their backs and began to pave the way.

If it weren't for the two big wins, Cao Cao's backyard would have caught fire long ago...

How can you wait until now!

Yi Xiaotian sighed...

His words surprised Cao Cao, Cao Cao frowned and sighed. "Brother Yi, if you say so, Cao Cao is in danger now..."

Cao Cao's heart is like a mirror... The so-called stick is the first bird.

Cao Cao is not surprised that there are people on both sides of the first mouse in Cao's camp...

But what Cao Cao wanted to do was to defeat the first guy who dared to come forward.

The so-called front door to drive the tiger, the back door to enter the wolf, is a crisis, but also a challenge, if you directly kill the first wolf in the back door, all the wolf cubs will not be able to hug the head and the mouse...

So here comes the question?Who is this wolf head?

With this in mind, Cao Cao clenched his fists with both hands, and his eyes became cold. "Brother Yi has always been insightful in people's hearts, so just say it bluntly. Now who is the first to rebel, who is the first to stab Cao Cao in the back?"

This question was thrown, Yi Xiaotian blinked his eyes, and immediately opened his mouth.

"This person has the same surname as Liu Bei, and his single name has one character—Liu Pi... Speaking of which, he was originally the leader of the Yellow Turban Army, and he didn't have any loyalty in his eyes. After Cao Cao welcomed the emperor, he was invincible in whatever the soldiers pointed at... Forced to be deterred, He led the crowd to sacrifice Runan and surrendered to Cao Cao."

"But... these years, he has not handed over his military power, and it seems that he is keeping his own feet and nothing has happened. In fact, this kind of person is the most stubborn, the most calculating, and the most terrifying... Under the current situation, he You must have already started to think about it, since the battle between Cao and Yuan is doomed, if you don’t rebel now, then the price will drop after Yuan Shao wins…”

Huh... Liu Pi!Runan!

Hearing this, Cao Cao rolled his eyes. At first, he didn't doubt Liu Pi very much, but Yi Xiaotian said that Liu Pi was born in the yellow turban, and he has not surrendered his military power for four or five years, which is extremely suspicious... This guy, seemingly harmless to humans and animals, is really dangerous as Brother Yi said...


Cao Cao faintly felt that Brother Yi was probably right again this time. If he said that there would really be a rebellious "early bird" in his own rear, then... it must be Liu Bei!

"Brother Yi, I will propose to Cao Cao and send someone to replace him!" Cao Cao said loudly. "You have to take precautions before it happens!"

He blurted out a word, and without thinking, Yi Xiaotian waved his hands again and again.

"Late, late..."

Yi Xiaotian pursed his lips.

"Has Liu Bei left from Yuan Shao? This guy runs faster than a rabbit. When Cao Cao sends someone to deal with Liu Pi, I am afraid that Liu Bei has already been blatantly rebelled by Liu Bei... It is better to do this useless credit. …”

Yi Xiaotian blinked his eyes, then blurted out.

"It's better to prepare in advance, let's wait for Liu Pi to rebel, and then... strike him directly..."

"After all, Liu Pi is a Yellow Turban thief, and his subordinates are not strong enough to fight. Even if Liu Bei's troops are rushing to help, Liu Bei's soldiers and horses have long since been separated after several defeats. What he brought here this time is just a part of Yuan Shao's division. , the soldiers are unfamiliar, the combat effectiveness is low, and Cao Cao does not even need to go out in person, only need to send a big general to make a lightning strike, and it will be successful!"

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian paused.

"As long as Liu Pi cools down, it will have a sufficient deterrent effect on the other states and counties at both ends of the head mouse. In this way, Cao Cao's rear is even more impregnable!"

"The so-called 'follow the way of the other'. Brother lie, you can also remind Cao Cao... He can use Hanoi as a springboard, bypass Guandu directly, and send a small group of troops to harass Yuan Shao's rear."

"What's the matter, as long as he Yuan Benchu ​​is a 'little master of stealing a home', Cao Mengde is not allowed to make inferences? Who can't steal a home if he can't be beaten head-on!"

Huo...From attacking each other to stealing home from each other!

Hehe... If you can't beat a frontal group, who wouldn't steal a home!

Once these two sentences come out...

Cao Cao's eyes flashed, and one of them used his own way to return to him...

If Brother Yi's prediction is accurate...then the next stage of the Guandu Battle is likely to change from "attacking each other" to "stealing each other's homes".

Of course, with Yi Xiaotian's prediction, Cao Cao is not afraid at all!

Even, he was certain that Yuan Shao, the eldest brother, was going to suffer another big loss in stealing the house, hahaha.

Cao Cao laughed out of frustration, he suddenly felt that he felt a little sympathetic to Yuan Shao...

Speaking of which - fighting with Yuan Shao is a lot of fun

But Yuan Shao fighting with Brother Yi - that's just a heart-pounding cold, and his heart is flying!

Thinking of this, Cao Cao had a beard, and he raised the wine bowl in front of him. What he said seemed to be grateful, but also seemed to be purely affectionate... "Brother Yi, this time you have to help me make a great contribution."

"I've finished this bowl, you can do whatever you want!"

"Thousands of words are in wine."



Chapter [-] Cao Cao's "seed" has been planted!

Guandu is located in the upper reaches of the Great Wall, on the shore of the Bian River, and is the barrier to the northeast of Xudu City…

Now here, Cao and Yuan have already set up their battles. It seems that they are sharpening their knives, and a decisive battle seems to be imminent.

Cao Cao and Yuan Shao chose to confront each other tacitly.

This is closely related to Cao Cao's previous victory, his morale is like a rainbow, but his troops are lacking, and he dare not attack rashly; Yuan Shao's troops have an absolute advantage, but he is worried about the low morale of the three armies, and hesitantly does not fight... It is closely related...

Of course.

The tranquility on the surface could not hide the secret contest between the two sides.

Cao Cao used the land of Hanoi captured before the Battle of Guandu as a springboard to harass the rear of Yuan Shao's army.

This move made Yuan Shao very annoyed, and Yuan Shao's strategy of harassing the enemy's rear was also in progress.

He dispatched Liu Bei to go deep behind the enemy, and in Runan, he joined forces with Liu Pi, the leader of the Yellow Turbans who had already joined Yuan Shao, to open up the second battlefield and wait for the opportunity to sneak attack Xudu.

At the same time, Guan Yu also heard about the whereabouts of his eldest brother Liu Bei, and planned to leave Cao Cao and go to defect.

To his surprise, for more than ten days... Cao Cao was not seen behind closed doors.

It's not that Cao Cao really did not see him behind closed doors... At this time, Cao Cao had already sneaked back to Xudu, taking advantage of his identity and power... He made a beautiful coincidence, avoided all eyes, and successfully captured Gan and Mi. The heart of a lady.

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