But?What can we do?

Yuan Jun's front line is so long?If they don't divide their troops to control the important roads, Yuan's army can go around at any time and destroy Cao Cao's food routes...

Also, fighting positional warfare is what Yuan Shao is best at.

Back then, to defeat Gongsun Zan, Yuan Shao was relying on positional warfare, which was Yuan Shao's specialty.

It is for this reason that the atmosphere of the entire Cao camp in the army tent is particularly cold...

Cao Cao was silent, and all the advisors expressed their opinions, but... it seemed that there was no good way.

"Big brother... it's not good, it's not good!"

When everyone was at a loss, Cao Ren hurried into it.

He was hit by an arrow on the armor of his left arm. It was not serious, but there were also drips of blood. Looking at his cheek, it was even more dismal and embarrassed...

"Zixiao, what's going on? This embarrassed look."

Cao Cao asked him suspiciously, he was a little curious, Cao Ren is in charge of intelligence work, and it stands to reason that he should not have contact with the enemy. It looked flat.


Cao Ren sighed, and when he mentioned this, he was angry. He turned his body, and through the door curtain... extended his hand to Yuan Shao's camp not far away. "Big brother, look... Yuan Shao has Tushan in his camp!"

Following Cao Ren's words, everyone stuck their heads and looked opposite, it doesn't matter if they don't...

After a closer look, he really found that Yuan Shao's camp had piled up mountains of earth, and then looked at the top of the hill, and there were tall wooden buildings, and on the top of the wooden buildings, there were strong archers standing.

"Whoosh", "whoosh", "whoosh..." There was a sound of breaking through the air, and countless arrows poured down from the sky above the Guandu camp like rain.


The crowd hadn't recovered yet, but they were seeing a pitch-black arrow streak across a beautiful arc and shot straight onto the table in the central army tent.

clang clang...

Because of the strength of the black lacquer arrow, the table top trembled, and at the same time, Xu Chu outside the door roared.

"Guard Cao Gong!"

Almost at the same time, countless tiger ben soldiers raised huge shields to wrap the Zhongjun Dazhai tightly, just like a zongzi.

This time, the big guy is completely back to his senses...

Dare to love Yuan Shao's infrastructure construction in his barracks.

Countless arrows were shot into the Guandu camp, not to mention the unbridled laughter of Yuan Jun.


"Cao Thief, eat Grandpa's arrow!"

"It's me, it's me... Let me shoot Cao Cao with one arrow... Hahaha..."

Faintly, I could still hear the rampant shouting of Yuan Jun's soldiers on the arrow tower.

"Bang..." Xiahou Yuan couldn't bear it any longer, he immediately clenched his fists and slammed the table, "Meng De, I'm going to shoot down the Yuan Jun on the arrow tower."

Without waiting for Cao Cao to agree, Xiahou Yuan strode out of the camp.

At this time, the soldiers in Cao's camp were like turtles, and the big guys raised their shields over their heads to defend against the arrows shot out of thin air, even so.

"Ah..." Similar wailing sounds, the screams of being shot by arrows, still sounded continuously in Cao's camp.

Xiahou Yuan couldn't bear it any longer, he directly lit up his archers and set up to shoot against Yuan Jun...

But it seems that Xiahou Yuan thinks too much...

Yuan Jun shot arrows from a high place, taking advantage of the terrain. Cao Jun's archers couldn't shoot that high at all... On the contrary, they only had one encounter, and dozens of them were shot dead!

Xiahou Yuan was angry and bent his bow himself...

But even he couldn't shoot on Yuan Jun's Tupo Arrow Tower. If not all of his soldiers were desperately protected with shields, Xiahou Yuan would have been shot into a hedgehog at this moment.


Yuan Jun's rampant laughter became louder and louder.

The entire Cao Camp was suddenly enveloped in a silent atmosphere...

These archers on the hills not only brought physical damage to Cao Jun, but also... psychological trauma. Cao Jun hid behind shields and did not dare to walk around, for fear of being caught by an arrow. Take your own life.

All of a sudden, the entire Cao Jun's soldiers were in a timid mood, and the military heart began to shake at this moment!

Big guy is suffocated!

The enemy is right in front of you, and you can't shoot, so you just want to fight back... If you can't get it right, you will be shot through first. How... how can you fight this battle?


Cao Cao in the big tent witnessed all this, he let out a long breath, frowned tightly, and the whole person became nervous.

Yuan Shao really has his own way of fighting positional warfare. Before he fights, he makes all Cao Cao's soldiers terrified...

It just so happens that this kind of emotion can't be eased by a few words of encouragement and encouragement...

In order to completely eliminate it, it is necessary to…

With this in mind, Cao Cao raised his eyes again. He stared at the arrow tower on the Tupo slope in Yuan Jun's camp, and his heart fell into deep thought, what should I do?Is there any way to pull up the wooden tall buildings on these mounds in Yuanying?

If it goes on like this, the soldiers of the three armies are afraid that they will be driven crazy.


At this time, Cao Cao turned a hundred rounds together, what a ruthless arrow tower offensive, Yuan Shao, Yuan Shao, you really can't be underestimated!



Chapter [-] There is a problem, look for Brother Yi


At this moment, a group of scouts returned from outside the village. They galloped into the tent of the central army with a rain of arrows on their heads. One of the scouts hit the back with an arrow and fell to the ground, unable to get up again. .

Seeing this scene, Cao Cao sighed for a while, and he didn't have time to speak.

The eager voice of the first scout sounded again.

Obviously, what he wants to report is urgent, and big things... "My lord, the big thing is bad, our army's food route was cut off, and all the food and grass sent from Xuchang City were intercepted by Yuan Jun..."


If we talk about Tupo and Arrow Tower, they only make Cao Cao feel aggrieved and afraid...

So... the news that the food and grass were robbed was enough to make Cao Cao's whole heart collapse all of a sudden.

You must know that the food and grass in the army could not last for a few days. What Cao Cao was waiting for and looking forward to was the food that Xun Yu sent from Xuducheng. It can be said that this is life-saving food.


Cao Cao's cheeks showed a trace of panic, but it was only for a moment. He was used to seeing strong winds and waves. He knew very well that at this time, he... As the commander of the three armies, he had to withstand it. Whenever there was any sign of collapse in his heart, In the whole three armies, the Guandu situation that Brother Yi finally planned... It's all over!

"It's okay..."

The extremely sonorous words came out of Cao Cao's mouth, and he tried his best to calm down his mood.

Huh...he took a breath, and then he raised his voice.

"Everyone, don't panic, the existing food in our army is enough to support the next delivery of the military food. You will hurry back to Xudu City and inform Xun Lingjun... Let him raise food and grass immediately, this time must not be lost!"

What Cao Cao said was a lie.

Several core military generals, such as Xun You, such as Jia Xu, such as Xi Zhicai, such as Cao Ren, they know that Cao Ying's current food and grass have reached the point of exhaustion.

This time the food and forage were robbed, and the impact was far more serious than expected. It is likely to be a turning point in the entire Guandu situation, and even cause Cao Jun to collapse without a fight.

But now.

The more they saw Cao Cao pretending to be calm, the more anxious their hearts became. The mounds of arrow towers, the looting of food and grass, and the changes in the situation were beyond everyone's expectations. What should we do?


A discussion in the central army tent came to an abrupt end, and several core advisors stayed behind. They seemed to understand Cao Cao's mood the best.

"Master... or..." Xi Zhicai said.

But before he could finish speaking, he saw Cao Cao caressing his forehead with one hand and holding the table with the other.

As Brother Yi said, this former eldest brother may have many weaknesses and weaknesses in character, but in the field he is familiar with, especially in the field of positional warfare and protracted warfare, his strength is beyond doubt. , even compared to Cao Cao not much.


Cao Cao let out a long breath again... He waved his hand to indicate that Xi Zhi didn't need to say more, but he comforted him aloud: "Everyone, you have to be mentally prepared, maybe Guandu Port, we really can't hold it anymore!"

Huo... This is, admit defeat?

All the advisors were shocked. In their impression, it was the first time that Cao Cao was so frustrated.

But everyone understands in their hearts that now Yuan Jun has already seized the opportunity in the positional battle, Cao Jun's soldiers are afraid of the arrow tower, and even have a feeling of timidity; The rest of the food supply is also stretched thin. At this time... it seems that the only thing that can be done is to give up Guandu Port, take a step back, and continue to compete with Yuan Shao in Yanzhou.

But, step back, step back...

The big guy understands in his heart that this retreat, the situation finally created will collapse in an instant, and the countless princes who are watching and the governors of various states and counties are afraid that they will all take action. This is a move that will affect the whole body. , If you don't go well, you are likely to fall into a doomed situation.

Jia Xu lowered his head, he was also thinking, he was thinking about how to persuade Cao Cao... He can't retreat, once he retreats, it will be completely finished. He Jia Xu has fooled people for half his life. ,Stick to it!

and many more…

Suddenly Jia Xu thought of something.

After the discussion just ended, he had a simple conversation with the scout, and got a detail, a tiny detail, about the looted food and grass.

Among the food and grass... An inconspicuous convoy transported seventy altars of fine wine from Dukang Village, which was also looted by Yuan Jun.

This is not the point. The point is that from the very beginning of the Battle of Guandu, Cao Cao had clearly banned drinking in the army. It is a bit meaningful that these seventy altars of fine wine have been transported here.

How smart Jia Xu is, combined with Dukang Village... He immediately expected that this wine is likely to be related to Yi Xiaotian. As for... Why Yi Xiaotian sent wine to the military camp, this is unknown.

It's just... Jia Xu felt that this was not easy, and he could just use this to remind Cao Cao.

Thinking about this...

Jia Xu took a step forward. "Duke Cao, I heard that among the food and forage brought to the military camp this time, there are seventy jars of fine wine from the cellar. I thought that this must not be Xun Lingjun's idea, so I inquired again, and only then did I find out that this wine was. It's from Dukang Village!"

Huh... Dukang Village.

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