"Hidden brother... Actually, Guan Yu is gone, we have to look at this matter from two aspects."

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian slapped his mouth. He seemed to have fiddled with something early in the morning. At this time... the whole person felt a little eager to try.

—— "Brother lie, in fact, I figured out a plan early in the morning... a plan that can only be implemented when Guan Yu leaves, and is crucial to Cao Cao's success in his hegemony."

- "Brother lie, do you want to listen?"



Chapter [-] The True Identity of Adou, the Secret History of the Three Kingdoms

"Brother Yi? What's the plan? Let's hear it."

Seeing Yi Xiaotian's serious look, Cao Cao raised his brows, and he moved his head closer, curious.

Even, he still held a glimmer of fantasies, thinking that Yi Xiaotian could not keep Guan Yu, after all, in Cao Cao's view, Brother Yi seems to be omnipotent!

Cao Cao here is full of fantasies and fantasies.

Yi Xiaotian rolled his eyes and immediately asked a question, a question that made Cao Cao's jaw drop. "Brother, are you interested in Liu Bei's two wives?"

ah... ah...

When asked this question, Cao Cao was completely stunned.

Let's say no, he Cao Cao is not interested in a wife, not to mention Liu Bei's wife... Let's say yes, he has three chapters with Guan Yu, can't offend the two Liu ladies... This...

Cao Cao really didn't understand what Yi Xiaotian's question meant. It was obviously tempting him to make mistakes!

With this in mind, Cao Cao shook his head against his will, waved his hand, and answered immediately. "I'm not that Cao Cao, how can I be interested in other people's wives!"

"Haha..." Yi Xiaotian smiled when he heard the words, "Brother lie, you know it well! How do you know... I'm talking about Cao Cao... and Cao Cao's unique hobby for wives!"

Cao Cao felt like he was going to pee, he couldn't even hear whether Brother Yi was praising him or hurting him!

For a while, the entire cheek looked a little embarrassed.

"Brother lie, I will tell you in detail." Yi Xiaotian smiled and sighed. "Liu Bei is in his forties this year, isn't he? His wife hasn't married less often, so why hasn't he given birth to a child?"

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian changed the subject.

"Brother, let's take a look at Cao Cao, let's not talk about Cao Ang and Cao Shuo who gave birth to the late Mrs. Liu. Mrs. Bian alone gave birth to four cubs, and the rest are other people's wives who are included in the harem, such as Zhang Xiu's. Aunt Mrs. Zou, such as the wife of the cuckold Qin Yilu, and the wife of Yuan Shu... Previously, even if it was difficult to give birth, no matter how bad it was... Once married to Cao Cao, there would be something wrong... Brother, what do you think this means! "

This... what does this mean?

There was a hint of surprise in Cao Cao's eyes, and immediately, he glanced at Yi Xiaotian full of doubts. "Brother Yi? This means that Cao Cao can give birth? Can he give birth... He Liu Bei can't give birth, can't give birth?"

After saying this, Cao Cao felt that it was wrong. Brother Yi must have other meanings.

A manly man, how can a hero be judged by the number of children born?

Unexpectedly, as soon as Cao Cao's voice fell, Yi Xiaotian slapped the table directly. "Brother lie, I just want to express this meaning!"


Cao Cao was really stunned. Brother Yi boasted that he was useful, but in this respect...how could he still be a little bit ashamed!

"Brother Yi..."

Cao Cao knocked on his forehead, he was full of question marks... asked hurriedly. "This Cao Cao can give birth, he can give birth, Liu Bei can't give birth... he won't give birth, what does this have to do with Guan Yu leaving Cao's camp? What does this have to do with Cao Cao's future hegemony?"

Cao Cao really couldn't connect the various things in the middle. He felt that his IQ was not enough, and he felt that his IQ was being rubbed on the ground by Brother Yi!

"Brother lie, what do you think..."

At the same time, Yi Xiaotian's words came one after another.

"Why is Liu Bei in his [-]s and still has no children, that means he must be very cold to several wives on weekdays, plus his small body is not enough. But Guan Yu is so obsessed with him, thousands of miles away. I have to find him, so I have a bold guess..."

"What?" Cao Cao found that he was being led astray by Brother Yi's words... He became gossipy, especially with Liu Bei's gossip.

"Liu Bei is probably a base!" Yi Xiaotian blurted out directly, afraid that Cao Cao would not understand, he explained it directly. "He and Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are the true love, so what is Mrs. Gan, Mrs. Mi's is just a tool to unite the clan..."

What Yi Xiaotian said was very firm.

Of course, his words were not fabricated out of thin air.

Whoever studies the history of the Three Kingdoms does not know that the great wife of Wei, the love of Lolita in Soochow, and Shu Han are all bases... For the concept of "base" of Shu Han, Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Taoyuan's three bases are the first to bear the brunt!

In addition, if we analyze it according to the official history and the records in the ancient books, it is true that Guan Yu left Cao Ying at this point in time, but in fact he did not take Liu Bei's two wives with him.

In other words... the two ladies, Gan and Mi, were still in Cao Ying, and they were not returned to Liu Bei until six years later, that is, the year before Zhao Zilong's Changbanpo savior.

As for why it was sent back to Liu Bei, this is very meaningful.

As for the ten months after returning Mrs. Gan to Liu Bei, Liu Bei, who had never had a son, gave birth to a fat boy Liu Chan, which is also very meaningful.

Also... Zhao Yun was in Cao's camp ten times in and ten out with his young master Liu Chan in his arms. Why did Cao Cao resolutely not allow arrows to be released?Is it simply because you admire Zhao Yun's bravery?To cherish talents... No, no, no... Cao Cao is the number one slaughtering knife in the world, he will not be so kind, and he is not allowed to shoot arrows. Is this also related to Liu Shan's identity... This point is also meaningful!

Thinking again, after Zhao Yun rode alone on the Savior, when he handed the child back to Liu Bei, Liu Bei directly smashed Liu Chan to the ground. Is this behavior normal?Tiger poison does not eat children!What does this mean? It means that Liu Bei dislikes this child, why does he dislike it?Liu Bei didn't say anything, his heart was bitter!

More than that, historically, after Cao Cao captured Hanzhong, his subordinates persuaded him to go south and take Yizhou!But Cao Cao famously said, "Have Long been restored to look at Shu?" Instead of taking this wise decision, he went to attack Sun Quan instead!Why?Did he also consider the relationship between Liu Shan and him?He felt that one day, sooner or later, when Liu Bei was cold and Liu Chan was in the position, wouldn't Shu be Wei as well? How could a father and son be able to distinguish so clearly?

In addition, in the later period... Liu Chan pretended to be crazy and sold stupid again and again, and again and again, subtly killed Zhuge Liang;

The big Weixiong soldiers pressed close to Luoyang, and the soldiers on the front line were still fighting bloody battles. Liu Shan opened the door directly and surrendered...

Even in the end, he was reluctant to think about Shu in Cao Ying and got a good death...

All of this, is there a pair of invisible hands pushing them and connecting them one by one?

Only those who have studied this history in depth would question this...

The key is that the time axis is too consistent, and all the signs show that Liu Bei is completely green...

You know, in the official history, Liu Bei married Mrs. Gan, Mrs. Mi, Sun Xiaomei, Empress Wu... This is still recorded, there are probably more concubines who have not been recorded, but apart from Liu Chan, none of them have come out. This is very detailed. !Very explainable!

Thinking of Mrs. Gan's detention in Cao Cao for six years, and... Cao Cao's unique passion for wives, and Cao Cao, a mature man's unique attraction to grief-stricken wives, the protection is not complete, Liu Bei's heir is really thanks to Cao Cao. Assist.

Thinking of this, Yi Xiaotian felt that he was playing chess...

In the next game, he can turn Liu Bei and Liu Xuande's forehead into a shocking situation of green grassland.



The two hundred and seventieth chapter of the Qingqingyuan grass, one year old and one withered prosperity

"Brother Yi... What are you trying to express?"

Seeing Yi Xiaotian pondering deeply, Cao Cao couldn't help but ask. He suddenly felt that today's conversation seemed a bit sinister.

Brother Yi, shouldn't he be thinking...

Without waiting for Cao Cao to think deeply, Yi Xiaotian blurted out. "My plan is to deceive my brother and propose to Cao Cao, so that Cao Cao can quietly take care of Mrs. Gan and Mrs. Mi. Liu Bei has no son, so he just... Cao Cao can help Liu Bei give birth to a son, this way... Even if Liu Bei becomes the biggest and strongest Now, Cao Cao doesn't need to worry, in this future world, the future situation, who is working for whom is uncertain!"

as predicted…

In an instant, Cao Cao's face was congested with blood. He, who had always been shameless in the field of "good wife", suddenly turned red and red.

This kind of thing is done in private, how can it be said in such an open and honest way.

You can be shameless when you do things, but you still have to keep a little face when you talk, you can't be so obvious to others!Cao Cao is sorry!


After a short period of amazement, Cao Cao's mind changed sharply, and he had already begun to think carefully about this issue.

Speaking of which, in today's world, Liu Bei is the only person who really makes him jealous. Cao Cao really doesn't pay attention to a paper tiger like Yuan Shao.

But Liu Bei can run faster than a rabbit, cry, and has the reputation of benevolence and righteousness, so it's not easy to deal with!

If the protection is not complete, give him a chance in the future. This Liu Bei... is really like a dragon entering the sea and a tiger entering the forest...

Cao Cao is really worried about this occasionally.


Brother Yi's proposal seems to open the door to a new world. You Liu Bei can run faster than a rabbit, but your wife can't run fast. It's not... it's still in my hands... I can't catch you, you can catch it Live with your wife and make a fuss from your wife!

Hiss, thinking about it this way, Cao Cao feels that there is such a taste. He never considers himself a hero, not to mention this kind of love between men and women, who can say for sure!It's all... out of love!

Cao Cao faintly felt that this was feasible...

He felt that Liu Bei had neglected several wives so much that they were not in good balance, and he really had a chance.

You must know that he Cao Cao has quite a lot of experience in the field of capturing wives, and he can be called the wife killer of this era.

"Brother Yi." Cao Cao said. "Although this is a bit of a loss, but...it's a second plan! If Mrs. Gan can really give birth to a boy, Liu Bei will be overjoyed, and at the same time it will relieve Cao Cao's serious worries!"

"Brother lied through!"

Yi Xiaotian grinned, and he laughed out loud. "Actually, the core of this matter... It's not whether Cao Cao can handle Madam Gan, but how can he hide from Guan Yu and Liu Bei's eyes after he handles Madam Gan, so that they don't doubt it!"

Huh... Cao Cao thought about it carefully, that's the truth!

He simply didn't think about this tedious problem. Since Brother Yi raised it, he must have a way to solve it.

"Brother Yi... don't be a jerk, tell me what you think!"

"This is..."

Yi Xiaotian rolled his eyes. "The so-called reluctance that the child cannot be trapped by the wolf, Guan Yu wants to leave, and Cao Cao can't let him go easily. You can set up some obstacles, so that Guan Yu can't be seen behind closed doors. Get Mrs Gan..."

"I don't worry about getting Mrs. Gan, Cao Cao is still very talented in this aspect... I can't keep up with it. After getting Mrs. Gan, Mrs. Mi also got it. Next, Guan Yu will definitely leave, and Cao Cao will simply be a good friend. Sending the two ladies away with him seems to be able to use Madam Gan... At the very least, the future heir of Liu Bei must know who his biological father is!"

"This step is not enough. In order to further hide the sky and cross the sea, Guan Yu has to set up a lot of barriers and sacrifice some trash fish on his way to find Liu Bei. Simply... let him pass five barriers and kill six generals, the more he struggles. With the strength to escort the two ladies, the more they can hide their affairs with Cao Cao, and the less they will be suspicious... The more precious the two ladies will be when they return home."

"Next... I don't need to say it, it's just a step-by-step development... Cao Cao should fight Yuan Shao and Yuan Shao, and Liu Bei should flee everywhere. I'm afraid that if he was killed, Liu Bei would not have thought that Cao Cao had buried a nail beside him. It's gone!"

Yi Xiaotian's remarks came out, and he thought of all the problems in advance...

The key is that every step is arranged just right, and more importantly, he, Cao Cao, is happy to do it.

To tell the truth, he Cao Cao has long been thinking about these two Mrs. Liu!

In the past, whether it was because of the "three chapters" with Guan Yu, or because of concerns about Mrs. Liu Zhenlie... I never did it.

Today, Yi Xiaotian talked about it in detail, and dared to feel that the relationship between Liu Bei and these two Mrs. Liu was not good. If it was a Guan Yu...then...

These two Mrs. Liu... have accumulated a deep grudge against Liu Bei in their boudoir for so long.

For Cao Cao, this is not a matter of God dropping the pie, it will come naturally...

To deal with women, Cao Cao asks himself that he is not as good as Yi Xiaotian, but Cao Cao thinks he is good enough compared to Liu Bei!Hehe, to deal with the two ladies, Gan and Mi, if they don't keep everything together, it's just a quick horse-drawn cart—it's an easy and comfortable thing!In the absence of balance, it is still your love and my wish!

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