Cao Cao nodded dumbly. Brother Yi is an expert. Experts always have some knowledge that ordinary people cannot understand. Cao Cao can still understand this.

"No matter what, Ju Shou's being placed under house arrest can be regarded as a solution to Cao Cao's confidant!"

Speaking of this, Cao Cao couldn't help but sigh.

"Brother Yi, I just wondered, is this Yuan Shao so stupid? How can he always miss out on good advice, and the most intelligent people are not reused by his side..."

Mentioning this... Cao Cao felt very distressed for Ju Shou and Tian Feng, and he found that he couldn't understand the former big brother. Yuan Shao was too inaccurate to see people and things, right?

"Hahahaha..." Yi Xiaotian laughed out loud. "Don't say that you can't understand Yuan Shao, the Junjie under his command probably can't understand him either, but the one who can understand him is a villain!"

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian lifted the wine bowl, took a sip, moistened his throat, and then continued to speak.

"Yuan Shao is a man who is born to be the enemy of correct opinions. In fact, it is very simple to be his advisor. The first thing you should learn is to speak the opposite, to put forward diametrically opposite opinions. For example, if you want him to go east, you have to On the other hand, Ximian is better, if you want him to fight a war of attrition for Cao Cao, you have to say that it is safer to fight quickly..."

"Even, if you want Yuan Shao to promote himself, Yuan Shao will tell him to get out of the way. On the contrary, Yuan Shao not only does not approve, but also promotes him!"

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian spread his hands, and he was quite emotional. "Who let this group of Jizhou talents stand up to such a master as Yuan Shao, indecision is the second thing, and you have to learn to think in the opposite direction...everywhere, it's the opposite, alas, isn't this embarrassing!"

Yi Xiaotian spread his hands, expressing helplessness...

Hahaha... Cao Cao laughed heartily.

Brother Yi's analysis was really thorough, and he literally wrote Yuan Shao's character on paper.

Cao Cao couldn't stop shouting in his heart... Yuan Benchu, Yuan Benchu, your mother-in-law is a strange one!

Had a good chat...

Yi Xiaotian suddenly thought of something, and he asked curiously with his chin in one hand. "Hidden brother? How about Guan Yu's place? I thought he should leave soon, right?"

Yi Xiaotian blinked, obviously very curious about this question.

Cao Cao waved his hand. "Don't worry, Cao Cao is so wise, he has already made perfect preparations for this, Guan Yu can't leave..."

Uh...what is perfect preparation?

Yi Xiaotian became curious, "Brother, what did Cao Cao prepare for? So confident? Could it be that the news of Liu Bei's stay in Yuan Ying can be concealed?"

"No, no, no..." Cao Cao smiled and waved his hand. "This is also thanks to Brother Yi, who proposed to use Guan Yu's sharp knife to restrain Yan Liang and Wen Chou's fierceness..."

"This move not only killed Hebei Shuangsha, but also killed Guan Yu's road to return. Brother Yi, think about it, if Yuan Shao knew that Guan Yu killed two of his favorite generals, then... he would do something to Liu Bei. what?"

Speaking of this, Cao Cao paused for a while, then laughed.

"Haha... I must have killed Liu Bei out of rage. At that time, Liu Bei was killed by Yuan Shao's sword, and Guan Yu would definitely be loyal to Cao Cao to avenge Liu Bei... What's more, Cao Cao gave Guan Yu a small feast for three days and five There is a big feast in the sky, gold on horseback, silver on dismounting... Jewelry, mansions, and horses are not spared, and high officials and wealth are captured by hand.

Cao Cao patted his chest and looked confident...

Unexpectedly, the expression returned by Yi Xiaotian surprised Cao Cao. The whole thing was just four words - a big shock!

That's right... Yi Xiaotian was stunned!

He asked directly.

"Brother lie, are you thinking too much? Or did you not wake up from a dream? Or..."

Yi Xiaotian seemed to suddenly think of something, and he hurriedly greeted Cao Cao to move his chopsticks...

"...Hurry up, hurry up, brother, you also have to eat some food, don't patronize and drink, how much do you have to drink to make you have such an illusion?"

Ugh... hallucinations!

Cao Cao is a little confused?Guan Yu stay?How could it be a hallucination?



Chapter [-] Cao Cao treats his generals in vain, how can he know that Guan Yu will not surrender to Cao

"Brother Yi, you speak clearly..." Cao Cao shook his head with a shock. "I'm not drunk, I'm sober here... I dare to say that Guan Yu can't go, he can't go, he has to help Cao Cao destroy Yuan Shao!"


Seeing Cao Cao, the blind man running to the south wall, without turning his head, Yi Xiaotian let out a sigh, and then shook his head.

"Brother lie, let me ask you, Cao Cao gave Guan Yu a lot of shirts, right? But which one is Guan Yu wearing outside?"


Yi Xiaotian's sudden question made Cao Cao's face froze, and then he thought for a while.

"He never wore the new shirt that Cao Cao gave him... Whether it was beheading Yanliang or executing Wen Chou, he was still wearing that worn-out shirt." Cao Cao replied immediately...

This is also where he is puzzled. Is Guan Yu as frugal as Cao Cao?New three years, old three years, three years of sewing and patching?

Cao Cao is still thinking about it... Yi Xiaotian, your words have come out one after another.

"This is incredible! I'm afraid I don't know why!" Yi Xiaotian spread his hands. "The old shirt was given by his eldest brother Liu Bei. He wears the old robe, as if he can see his brother, so... even if Cao Cao gave him a luxurious robe, he would not wear it! ."


Cao Cao's heart trembled, he felt that Guan Yu was digging his heart with the Qinglong Yanyue Knife...

I haven't felt the pain yet, Yi Xiaotian's words came out.

"Brother lie, let me ask you again, Cao Cao gave Guan Yu countless gold and silver jewelry, silk and satin, stunning beauties, horses and soldiers? Which one was Guan Yu the happiest when he received it?"

"Red Rabbit Horse!"

Cao Cao didn't need to think about this question at all, and he immediately blurted out an answer.

Because, this... Cao Cao was impressed.

Speaking of which, during this period of time, no matter what Cao Cao rewarded Guan Yu, he had a paralyzed expression on his face, but this red rabbit horse, when he got it, Guan Yu was like a treasure, and his joy was beyond words!

"Yeah... I think it has to be Chituma too! But why does Chituma make Guan Yu so happy?"

Yi Xiaotian sighed and then explained. "This is because the red rabbit and horse travel thousands of miles a day, and Guan Yu thought about it. As long as he learns of Liu Bei's whereabouts, he will be able to see it in one day..."

Ah... Cao Cao's mood suddenly became cold and cold, as if the cold wind shuttled into his body, and it was very cold.

He even regretted giving it to Guan Yu Chituma...

"Ah... ah, what a fool to lie to brother!"

Yi Xiaotian then shook his head, this time he did not ask, but recited a poem, a poem that later generations praised Guan Yu.

"A mighty man is a hero, and he lives in a separate house. Cao Cao treats him in vain. How could Guan Yu not surrender to Cao!"


Cao Cao's expression froze for a moment, he felt a little dazed in his head...

Even more, he felt that a heavy hammer slammed into his heart, and it hurt, not too painful, but severe suffocation.

and many more…

Cao Cao suddenly remembered that even if Guan Yu had a righteousness against Yuntian and was determined to follow Liu Bei, it was an indisputable fact that he killed Yan Liang and Wen Chou. Can Yuan Shao let Liu Bei go?Liu Bei is cold, so Guan Yu has to stay!

Thinking of this, Cao Cao's mood became calmer.

"Yes... Brother Yi, what you said is reasonable. Guan Yu did not surrender to Cao Cao, but that was before Liu Bei died. If Liu Bei was killed by Yuan Shao... then..."

Cao Cao only spoke half of what he said...

Yi Xiaotian is a smart man, and he will definitely understand what he means. Once Liu Bei is dead, Guan Yu will not be able to surrender to Cao Cao. It is a matter of staying in Cao's camp and avenging Liu Bei's hatred.

However, Yi Xiaotian then shook his head, and today his head is like a rattle!

"Hidden brother, hid brother, why have you forgotten, what is Liu Bei's unique skill... is to run away and cry! If he could die so easily under Yuan Shao's hands, then what would he call... Liu, a handicraft weaver, The king who escaped in troubled times, who is going to defect to whoever is finished, the crying child has candy to eat, Xuande?"


Cao Cao was stunned for a moment. He pondered, Brother Yi meant that Liu Bei could escape this disaster.

I thought about this, but I heard the footsteps of "Tadata" coming from behind...

Accompanied by the footsteps, there is also a hurried shout of "Big Brother...Big Brother..."

Cao Cao turned around and saw that it was Cao Ren. His heart tightened and he muttered to himself, could it be Yuan Shao's new defeat?Crazy enough to send troops to attack again?

The face is tight now...

At this time, Cao Ren had already stepped into the pavilion.

Yi Xiaotian took the initiative to pour a bowl of wine and hand it to Cao Ren. "Brother Ren, please slow down... You shouldn't be in such a hurry, right? What's the matter, Yuan Shao is here to kill again?"

"No no no..."

Cao Ren drank the wine to moisten his throat while waving his hand, and immediately opened his mouth.

"It's Guan Yu. When Guan Yu heard the news that Liu Bei was ordered to go south to join Liu Biao, he went to Cao Cao specially to resign. Cao Cao didn't dare to see him, and he was just undecided!"

What?Guan Yu resigns...

Cao Cao's expression suddenly stunned, this, this, this... What should I say about Brother Yi?Is it a proverb, or a crow's mouth!

How good things or bad things, brother Yi can predict everything, Cao Cao's mouth twitched, he found that his throat had been blocked, and he couldn't make a sound at all.

He took it, he was drunk.

Liu Bei, you must die, how could you escape Yuan Shao's clutches and return to your sister Nan, Nan, Nan, Nan!

Cao Cao was about to cry, he felt that Guan Yu's departure had entered the countdown... can this be good!

On the other hand, Yi Xiaotian was only slightly touched when he heard the news.

Then...the whole person returned to normal, who is Guan Yu?The Temple of the Earth, the God of Wealth, a god who must worship every time he takes a test, if he can stay in Caoying, he will not be worthy of the four characters of "loyalty and unparalleled".

However, seeing that Cao Cao's sadness was no greater than his death, Yi Xiaotian was very sympathetic, and he patted Cao Cao's shoulder.

"Hidden brother, it's not so, isn't it just that Guan Yu has been lost, Cao Cao hasn't cried yet, why do you feel that you are here...about to burst into tears!"

"Alas..." Cao Cao sighed deeply. After several months of contact, he fell in love with Guan Yu...

Such a divine general is still the rare "overbearing one-knife-style" divine general in the world in Brother Yi's mouth. He is so loyal and wise, and speaking from his heart, Cao Cao is reluctant to bear it!

I can't bear to let him go, let alone kill him...

But Liu Bei was so cheapened in vain, and Guan Yu became a hindrance to his future hegemony. He... he was not reconciled!

Therefore... Now Cao Cao's expression is very complicated, and his mood is even more complicated.

Yi Xiaotian reached out and patted Cao Cao's shoulder again.

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