"Brother Hide, let me ask you again, can Zhang Xiu draw such a fine sand table in such a short period of time like Cao Cao and Brother Hide?" Yi Xiaotian then asked...

"Probably not!" Cao Cao's tone was hesitant at first, and then he seemed to have figured out something, and he was extremely determined. "Definitely not!"

The reason for this judgment.

It is based on this period of time, the content of the information.

Zhang Xiu and Liu Biao were busy transporting food and grass and conquering the checkpoints along the way. The time was already very tight, so how could they have the energy to study the local terrain.

"This is incredible!"

Yi Xiaotian spread his hands, with a bit of contempt for his opponent in his words.

"That's right, Zhang Xiu and Liu Biao have conquered some new levels and towns, but in terms of their familiarity with the terrain, they are far from Cao Cao's. In addition, the two mountains are steep, and the cavalry's advantage cannot be used at all. ."

"If I were Jia Xu, I would naturally move the battle line back to Anzhong Mountain, a place suitable for cavalry charges."

"Even if Liu Biao was reluctant to evacuate, but his soldiers had been sparsely in battle for a long time and adapted to the local terrain, they would not be Cao Cao's opponents at all. There was no need to simulate the first two battles. win."

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian looked directly at Cao Cao. "So, the two cities of Wuyang and Huyang, which are hiding from my brother's concerns, can be won without bloodshed!"

Huo... Cao Cao was a little surprised at first, but soon, he agreed with Yi Xiaotian's point of view.

Immediately he nodded heavily.

In fact, at this point, he and Yi Xiaotian's ideas can be said to coincide.

Cao Cao is too familiar with these two terrains. Although it is not like Brother Yi said, the dog can also win, but Cao Cao is confident that either the opponent will give up, and as long as he fights, he will be sure to win.

So here comes a new question, An Zhongshan?How to attack?

"Brother Yi, then I'll start to seize the mountain!" Cao Cao also piled up his wooden pawns near Anzhong Mountain.

Yi Xiaotian's wooden sign is on one hill, and his wooden sign is on another hill!

"Not busy!" Just as Cao Cao was eager to try and take An Zhongshan, Yi Xiaotian waved his hand... "Brother lie, I forgot to tell you, our battle has a major premise!"

Huo...major premise?

Cao Cao was stunned for a moment, waiting for Yi Xiaotian's words.

I saw Yi Xiaotian raised his hand. "The main premise is that Cao Cao has received a piece of information that Xu Ducheng was attacked, and he must withdraw as soon as possible!"

Ah... Xudu was surrounded?

Cao Cao is stunned...

"Brother Yi, this is not fair!" Cao Cao quit. "Why do you fight so well that Xu Ducheng can be surrounded!"

As soon as the so-called major premise of Yi Xiaotian came out, Cao Cao was stunned. This sand table also simulates a hammer... He can only flee in a hurry?

The point is, now that his soldiers and horses have been trapped in the Anzhong Mountains, how can it be so easy to escape?Whenever the other party covers up and kills, it will be dangerous.

"Brother lie, the army has no constant power, and the water has no constant shape... How can you conclude that Yuan Shao, Ma Teng, Han Sui, Lu Bu, and Liu Bei will not come to steal their homes?"

Yi Xiaotian spread his hands, looking innocent. "Back then, when Cao Cao went to Xuzhou, the base camp Yanzhou was stolen by Lu Bu? It took a lot of work to get it back!"

uh... this...

Cao Cao was at a loss for words, the key point was that Yi Xiaotian's words could not be refuted.

Cao Cao shook his head helplessly. He simply stopped talking, and carefully deployed the evacuation troops.

Contrary to Yi Xiaotian's expectations, Brother Hsu was very familiar with the terrain, and even the evacuation troops were very good at it.

In order to avoid the enemy's pursuit along the way, he actually sent the three armies to camp normally on the surface, but behind the scenes, he sent his soldiers to secretly dig dangerous roads in the mountains.

For a few days, the excavation of the dangerous road was completed, and the army was evacuated in secret.

"Brother lie, your move, clearly setting up camp and trying to attack, secretly digging dangerous roads to evacuate in secret, it is really clever, and it is indeed Cao Cao's chief advisor!"

Yi Xiaotian praised…

Cao Cao waved his hand, "It may not be completely concealed, maybe Zhang Xiu's scouts can detect one or two!"

Hearing this, Yi Xiaotian nodded, and without hesitation, he immediately dispatched his own cavalry to chase... "Yes, brother lie, I really found out, no, I sent troops to chase you!"

Yi Xiaotian immediately pushed the cavalry forward.

Zhang Xiu's troops were all cavalry, and they chased very fast. It stands to reason that Cao Cao might not be able to retreat completely.

Seeing that the troops that Yi Xiaotian was chasing were about to approach, Cao Cao laughed "hahaha", and then he turned his head.With a smile, he said, "Brother Yi, you have been tricked!"

Sure enough, Yi Xiaotian noticed that Cao Cao's army in the front army was actually the rear army, but the rear army was the front army, and the position of the commander was also in the back, so he was obviously prepared.

With his laughter, Cao Cao twisted these wooden signs, and after a while the army changed into the former army, killing a carbine!

Unsurprisingly, the troops on Yi Xiaotian's side were defeated!

"Brother, you are so cunning!" Yi Xiaotian said with a smile...

"Where, where!" Cao Cao was also laughing. It was the first time he defeated Brother Yi in the sand table exercise.

Cao Cao packed up the victorious army while setting up a square formation, and this time he really evacuated.

On the contrary, it was Yi Xiaotian. He brought the cavalry troops back to Mount Anzhong. Then, under Cao Cao's eyes, he led his troops to launch a pursuit again... This is the pursuit and defeat, and the defeat and the pursuit again.

It was precisely this act that made Cao Cao pale in shock, and even countless beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.


After Cao Cao's victory, he was eager to evacuate, so he changed the positions of the front army and the rear army, and the commander did not personally empress!And at this time, the enemy army was defeated and chased again... It was a big surprise to him.

The result can be imagined, Cao Jun was defeated!


Even if it was just a sand table simulation, Cao Cao took a long breath.

"Failed, defeated..."

It was completely different from the proud appearance after winning Yi Xiaotian's "first kill". At this time, his face was pale, and he murmured in his mouth. "I'm careless, I'm careless! Brother Yi, I lost! I lost so thoroughly!"

Cao Cao You felt afraid...

Fortunately, this is just a sand table. If it is a real battle, if Jia Xu and Jia Laodu can make such a deployment... No, Brother Yi is playing Jia Xu, and he can make such a move of defeating and chasing after him. Jia Xu will definitely be able to do it.

call out…

Cao Cao gasped again.

If it is an actual battle, then, even if he has established a situation of sufficient advantages and captured as many sites as possible, it is because of this carelessness that if he is not careful, he will hand over all of them again!

Sure enough, soldiers are impermanent, and water is impermanent. It is really hard to guard against...

Just when Cao Cao was lost in thought and lost, Yi Xiaotian tapped him on the shoulder.

"Brother lie, you have done a good enough job. According to Cao Cao's nature, the more critical things are, the more calm he will be. Now that he has to evacuate, he must personally cut off the situation and arrange everything in an orderly manner, so the first time to pursue, Zhang Xiu's army will be defeated!"

"However, Cao Cao must be in a hurry to hurry. It is impossible to keep the front army and the rear army exchanged, and he will not always be in the rear. Therefore, if he leads the army to chase again, it must be a great victory!"

Yi Xiaotian explained the details in detail.

What he had to do was to lie to his brother to make Cao Cao aware of the details of the battle in Wancheng.

In a five-to-five battle, the fight is about the details.

It seems that he was afraid that his brother could not fully understand, Yi Xiaotian then reminded.

"Chasing and then losing, and losing and then chasing, this kind of strategy, based on what I know about Jia Xu, he will definitely be able to plan it. Therefore, I must make Cao Cao have a [-]% reverence for Jia Xu, and be careful about everything. Son! If you think too much... don't be careless, this is a terrible opponent!"


Cao Cao exhaled heavily and nodded immediately.

Thanks to Brother Yi's guidance this time, otherwise, even if Cao Cao had paid enough attention to Jia Xu, it would still be far from enough.

Jia Xu is more powerful than he imagined!

Simply, he still has the help of Yi brother!

Jia Xu is indeed a terrifying opponent, but Brother Yi, his insight and his prediction of the battle situation, I am afraid that the word "terrible" is not enough to describe and summarize.

For a time, Cao Cao's feelings for Yi Xiaotian flashed eight big characters in his forehead - his wisdom is like a demon, and he is so terrifying!



Chapter [-] Take two steps, take two steps without illness


Under Cao Cao's big move to acquire amethyst with the power of the Central Plains, a medical department also worked at full capacity and prepared cold food powder day and night.

Hushang's little spy sent thousands of horses as scheduled, divided into a dozen batches, each batch of hundreds of horses, which lasted for a month, mighty...

There is also an additional horse farm in the villa for the purpose of keeping horses in captivity.

This is Yi Xiaotian's new economic growth point. He attaches great importance to it. All the tools and horse materials in the stable are the best.

Even the people who feed the horses are hired with a lot of money...

The horse farm is extremely vast, thanks to the fact that Youjian Villa is large enough, otherwise, just storing these thousands of horses would be a big problem.

Of course, not everything is perfect.

such as

... These humas seem to be a bit sorry for the audience because they are long, and the ugly ones really don't even know their mother.

This is not...

When Cao Cao heard that the horse was coming, he specially brought Cao Ren to Youjian Villa.

But as soon as he stepped into the racecourse, he regretted it a little. He felt that he had been tricked...

At the beginning, he deducted more than [-] horses from Hu Shang, but he didn't think much of it. Why are thousands of war horses placed together today, there are three words in Cao Cao's heart that are inexplicable - so ugly!

Speaking of which, this Huma is the predecessor of the Mongolian horse. It is low in stature, not fast, and lacks explosive power, and its shortcomings are obvious.

However, Genghis Khan, hundreds of years later, relied on them to gallop across Eurasia.

The reason for this is because their strengths have a more profound impact on the battle situation than their weaknesses.


"Brother Yi? Have we been tricked?"

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