Cao Cao scratched his head and looked at Cao Ren's test drive from a distance, feeling very uncomfortable...

"This Huma has a short character and an ugly appearance, but it is not as fast as a horse in the Central Plains, and its explosiveness is not enough. It is clearly the worst horse!"

Cao Cao said it well...

When the two armies fought, the speed of the horses determined the timing of the cavalry’s charge, and the explosive power of the horses determined the power of the cavalry to charge, but these horses, whether it was the timing of the charge or the power of the charge, were simply incomparable with the war horses in the Central Plains, let alone the speed of the horses. The faster and more explosive Xiliang horses competed against each other.

Ride them to fight with Zhang Xiu's Xiliang iron horse?It's not even a fight, it's more than half lost, right?

Thinking of this, Cao Cao looked like his heart was dying.

"Hidden brother, calm down, calm down..."

Yi Xiaotian gently patted Cao Cao's shoulder. "We can't judge people by their appearance, ah no... judge horses by their appearance..."

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian made a gesture. "To be honest, this is the first time I saw Brother Huo, and I also felt that Brother Huo was not handsome, nor burly, low and Deyun Club... ah a 'fat and round' person Middle-aged greasy man."

Yi Xiaotian hurt Cao Cao for a while, and then he paused and continued.

"But when I came into contact with Brother Concealer later, I realized that Brother Concealer is very powerful. He has both vision and courage. He deserves to live in a mansion and be a high-ranking official..."

uh... this...

Yi Xiaotian's devaluation made Cao Cao's mood very complicated. Am I so unbearable?Is there such a "soil, fat, and circle"?

"Cough cough..."

Cao Cao coughed and waved his hand.

"Brother Yi, don't make fun of me, let's talk about these Huma, Cao Cao spent a lot of money for them. And the acquisition of amethyst and Hanshisan, that is the power of the Central Plains! But...but Huma looks like this, how can I explain it to him!"

Cao Cao simply moved out of his own name.

In fact, his heart was bleeding and weeping, and he was even thinking about it, Brother Yi, how much can you explain?

"Explain? Where do you need an explanation!"

Yi Xiaotian clapped his hands, and some horse breeders understood it, and picked out a tall horse from the stable.

This horse is handsome and tall. If it were a human being, it would be the type of female screaming in a crowd.

Wait for the tall horse to approach.

"Brother Hide, this is a Xiliang war horse that I bought from the black market at a high price." Yi Xiaotian patted the body of the Xiliang war horse, "Brother Hide, you ride this Xiliang war horse to compete with Brother Ren's Huma. ...and you'll know after a try."

Ahh... a contest?

Cao Cao was stunned, and he couldn't understand it a little. The so-called one inch long and one inch strong, tall and long hooves, fighting must be more powerful!

There's nothing wrong with his idea.It was as if Ximen Qing wanted to fight Wu Dalang, he only needed to hold the opponent's head with his hands. He was short in stature and had short limbs. Under such a shortcoming, Wu Dalang had exhausted his power, and his fists could not reach him!

The battle of the war horses is also the same. In the face of the Huma who is lower than himself, the Xiliang horse is simply crushed by the momentum...

"Brother lie, don't stand still, try two steps... If you don't believe me, try two steps!"

Seeing that Cao Cao was motionless, Yi Xiaotian nudged him.

Cao Cao shook his head helplessly, and had to get on his horse... During this period, he did not forget to look back at Yi Xiaotian. "Brother Yi, look at it!"

In a word, galloping horses...

Cao Cao fought in the South and the North. His equestrian skills were first-rate, and Cao Ren's equestrian skills were not weak.

Those who know horses will test the war horses by means of hedging, first to test the courage of the war horse, and secondly to test the explosive power and speed of the war horse...

Of course, in Cao Cao's view, there is no need to test this at all, and the war horse of Xiliang is simply a complete abuse!


Just when Cao Cao was full of confidence, the two horses were about to collide...

It stands to reason that when two horses meet, one of the horses must take the initiative to open its body.

Although the IQ of the warhorse is not high, he knows that he can't hit it directly. He is also afraid of pain. Out of instinct, one will take a step away.

In the same way, the criterion for daring is that whoever opens his body first will prove that he is cowardly.

By the way, right now.

Under Cao Cao's astonished gaze, his Xiliang warhorse actually took the lead. Facing the Mongolian horse that was much shorter than himself, it took the initiative to drive aside...

It's not just the surprises...

Xiliang's tall horse took a step to the side, but it seemed that the Mongolian war horse didn't mean to let it go, and it rammed directly into its belly...


Together with their horses, Cao Cao and Xiliang's high-headed horse fell to the ground in unison.

Fortunately, Cao Cao put on the protective gear in advance, otherwise this time, he would have to cut a layer of flesh.

Of course, these pains are nothing at all...

Surprised, amazed, shocked!

Cao Ren was stunned, and Cao Cao was also stunned. He didn't even bother to check if he was injured or if he could still stand up.

"Is this Huma so fierce?"

The repetition in Cao Cao's heart is just one sentence.

Sure enough, Brother Yi's eyes are vicious, not only people can see it accurately, but even horses can see it accurately!



Chapter [-] Don't look at me ugly, but I'm gentle

"Brother lie, are you alright?"

"Big brother? Are you not injured?"

Yi Xiaotian and Cao Ren had already trotted over and pulled Cao Cao up together.


Cao Cao You took a breath, and with the strength of Yi Xiaotian and Cao Ren, stood up and patted the dust on his body, but the corners of his mouth were wide open, he was smiling, smiling excitedly.

"Brother Yi? Your Huma really brings people infinite surprises!"

Although Cao Cao fell hard, and there was some pain in his body, these were nothing compared to the feeling of being a treasured treasure now.

In his opinion, the fall was good and the fall was wonderful, and this "huma" was simply arrogant and thunderous, screaming when he fell!

"Brother lie, don't look at how ugly and short this Huma is, but they are all very strong. Even on the battlefield, they dare to fight and never give up."

Yi Xiaotian helped Cao Cao and pointed to Huma to introduce him. "Moreover, this is one of their characteristics, and it has many advantages!"

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian remembered that there are some biased records about horses in ancient Chinese historical books.

Often in ancient books and documents, when a good horse is mentioned, it must be from Dawan. Whether it is Lu, Jueying or Chitu, there are records of being produced in Dawan.

It is undeniable that there are indeed many good horses in Central Asia and West Asia. Even before the crossing, they are also the main producing areas of world famous horses.

But it is precisely this kind of short, cheap Mongolian horse, that is, the Huma, which is on a par with the valuable Dawan horses in the competition of the World Equestrian Competition.Even in some projects, it has come out on top.

Not to mention, it was thanks to them that the Mongol Empire, the descendants of Genghis Khan, penetrated Eurasia!

As for the reason...

Precisely because this long Huma, which even its mother doesn't know, can adapt to all kinds of bad weather and all kinds of bad terrain.

Because of the harsh growth environment, they endure hardships and stand hard work for many years, and have long since acquired a strong ability to adapt quickly.

You must know that in the process of long-distance rushing, changes in the environment and different climates have very high requirements for war horses, and this "huma" is just the best here.

In addition, although they are short and ugly, their bodies are hard and they are all tendons...

It is as simple as having an ugly guy with eight-pack abs crushing a rich and handsome guy who can only stick out his orchid fingers. The two are not the same heavyweight at all.

Yi Xiaotian told Cao Cao these characteristics of Huma in detail...

The more Cao Cao listened, the more surprised he became, and the more he couldn't stop laughing.

Looking at these Huma in Youjian Racecourse again, for a while, my heart is itching, I can't wait, and now I will bring them back together...

Cao Cao even has a feeling of finding a confidant. After all, he and Huma have the same characteristics - I'm ugly, but I'm not easy to mess with!

"Brother Yi, this Huma is really amazing! I love them to death."

Cao Cao thought about it for a while...

He even thought of using the characteristics of Huma's adaptation to the climate and geographical environment to find a mountain that is not flat and start a decisive battle with Zhang Xiu.

In this battle, victory is in hand.

"Brother lie, this Huma has many advantages, I'm afraid it will take three days and three nights to tell you in detail."

What Yi Xiaotian said was a little dry, and he didn't even bother to tell the most perverted point of this Huma.

To know.

When you ride this thing, it's a real light-weight ride.

According to historical records, when Genghis Khan was cutting gold, he set off from the Krulen River and marched [-] kilometers in four days. The soldiers were fed and slept on their horses. When they were hungry, they drank mare’s milk. Drinking horse blood with a knife...

As the saying goes, "Drinking the milk of a horse will stop hunger and thirst, and one horse's milk will satisfy three people." This is the kind of horse we are talking about!The point is, these horses are milking and bleeding, and their stamina is still very good... The combat effectiveness is not reduced at all.

As long as there is grass to eat, people will have horse milk to pay for it. It's so light and simple, and a blitzkrieg is going on. It's not even a heifer flying on a plane - it's awesome!

These details, I'll tell Brother Concealer later, make a Zhang embroidery, the known characteristics are already more than tigers and donkeys, and these other characteristics are not used.

"Brother Yi, if you can win this crusade against Zhang Xiu, you've done a great job!"

Cao Cao couldn't help but praise Yi Xiaotian...

Yi Xiaotian waved his hand very modestly.

"Brother Concealer should give the first credit to Brother Concealer. It's quite hard work for Brother Concealer to help me earn this money, I have to let Brother Concealer get some rewards, right..."


Cao Cao pondered, why did this topic turn to himself rewarding himself for his stature.

Originally, because it was raising money and contributing effort, it was a waste of money for the people, and Cao Cao always had a feeling of blood dripping in his heart. Now, Cao Cao has two lines in his heart.

——This business is really fragrant!

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