No wonder, everyone wants to be a middleman and earn the difference...



Chapter [-] On pretending to be coercive

This time, it can be regarded as a complete solution to the problem of the war horse.

Finally, I was able to compete with Zhang Xiu on the plain.

Cao Cao stood up and walked dexterously, about to walk out of his unruly youth.

But suddenly, he thought of another question, a very serious one.

This time, the crusade against Wancheng is very different from the last time. The last time was when there were too many people and few people—everyone dared to do it, but this time, the soldiers of the three armies will inevitably have some murmurs in their hearts. Well, if the battle situation is against the wind, it will be a bit of a stewed pig gallbladder with berberine - a taste of bitterness.

Cao Cao was thinking...

The Northern spear king Zhang Xiu and his Xiliang iron cavalry are hard enough to deal with, but they have to add another Jia Xu and Jia Laodu. These two guys are in a mess, one can fight, the other can seek, and they really want to capture Wancheng. Revenge is not necessarily so simple.

This fight is over...

It can be said that in the previous battle of Wancheng, Jia Xu's plan made Cao Cao suffer, and now Cao Cao dare not look down on this old Jia.

What's more, according to reliable news, Liu Biao's rushing troops have arrived. He and Zhang Xiu have joined forces and have occupied favorable terrain. Cao Cao's defense line has been shrinking again and again!

Thinking of this, Cao Cao frowned. "Brother Yi, I have to ask you something..."

"Hidden brother but it's okay to say it." Yi Xiaotian stretched out his hand and made a "please" gesture. "Which one of us is with whom? Besides, Brother Concealer not only helped me get back Huma, but also helped me earn a lot of votes. I don't have time to thank you!"

It sounds like a polite remark, but to be honest, Yi Xiaotian is really grateful to his brother.

If it weren't for the fact that he lied to his brother, many of his ideas would be difficult to put into practice in this troubled world...

However, Yi Xiaotian breathed a sigh of relief this time after seeing the position of Brother Concealer in Xuducheng. He even felt that he had a backer. Many things that he didn't dare to think or do before can be practiced.

After all, don't be afraid if something goes wrong, we have a backstage, who are we afraid of?

Cao Cao didn't know what Yi Xiaotian was thinking, so he blurted out a word.

"Brother Yi, what I want to ask is precisely this war horse..."

Cao Cao's expression was solemn, and his words were particularly low.

"I'm thinking, if Cao Cao gets this batch of Huma and forms a new cavalry, then at least two or three months, as long as half a year, he will definitely lead his army to attack Wancheng again, and he will be ashamed...but..."

Speaking of this, Cao Cao hesitated for a while, and he was actually a little ashamed. After all, if I am such a proud person, if I say something in my heart, I want to win, I am afraid of losing, and so on, he feels ashamed.

Cao Cao is speechless here...

Instead, Yi Xiaotian helped him complete the words. "I understand what it means to lie to my brother. Even if Cao Cao has new cavalry, he may not have a chance of winning against Zhang Xiu, Jia Xu, and Liu Biao!"

These words directly spoke Cao Cao's heart.

Hearing this, he nodded, and immediately let out a long sigh.

"The current situation is not optimistic. Cao Cao sent his brother Cao Hong to stay in Wuyin County, but Zhang Xiu and Liu Biao joined forces, and Jia Xu's plan, Wuyin County has long since missed, and even Huyang City lost."

"In the current situation, all the levels between Xuducheng and Wancheng have been occupied by Zhang Xiu and Liu Biao. Our side is wide open, but the other side can attack and defend, occupying favorable terrain. ."

As Cao Cao spoke, he took out a map from his arms.

This is a map of the line from Xuchang to Wancheng drawn by him using the finest cotton silk, which is accurate to every mountain, every river, and even every small village and town.

This time, Cao Cao did not dare to be careless at all, let alone take any chances. He had already lost once, and he must win this battle, he must win.

To this end, he summoned a lot of local people and dispatched numerous scouts. It took half a month to draw this topographic map along the way.

call out…

Yi Xiaotian had heard Cao Cao's analysis of the situation. He did not speak directly, but instead stared at the unfolding map.

In my heart, I secretly admired Brother Hidden and Cao Cao. This time, we are fully prepared!

At the same time, he carefully recalled all kinds of things in his mind.

According to the records of historical documents, Cao Cao challenged Zhang Xiu three times in total. The worst defeat was the first time. Using his familiarity with the terrain, he won a small victory the second time. He completely pressed Zhang Xiu and Liu Biao to the ground. The friction is the third time...

Even so, Jia Xu played a pivotal role in every battle.

For example, the second time, Zhang Xiu gave up the land that he had finally seized under Jia Xu's suggestion, and directly returned to the boundary of Wancheng, which was more familiar with the terrain...

And it turns out that this decision was a wise one.

Cao Cao was too familiar with the terrain of Wuyin County and Huyang County.

Liu Biao, who stayed here, was ravaged by Cao Cao all the way because of his unfamiliarity with the terrain. The final result was a rout, and this defeat also helped Cao Cao and Cao Cao's three armies regain their confidence.

There is a third time, when Cao's army withdraws, Zhang Xiu and Liu Biao insist on chasing Cao Cao, but Jia Xu stops them, but they can't stop...

Really failed.

Facing the depressed Zhang Xiu and Liu Biao, Jia Xu unexpectedly persuaded them to pursue them again.

It is precisely this time of defeat and re-chasing. After all, Cao Cao, who has always been thoughtful, never thought that in a good situation, he was beaten back to Xudu in a disgraceful situation.

It can be said that in these two battles against Zhang Xiu, if there was no Jia Xu, Zhang Xiu would have been cold long ago.

Thinking of this, Yi Xiaotian put his chin in his hands...

He wondered in his heart, how to deal with Jia Laodu?How can I explain it to my brother-in-law?

Speaking of which, he is a historian, not a strategist.

He is not good at deploying specific strategies on the spot, nor does he think that he can do better than Cao Cao or Cao Cao's strategist group in arranging troops...

But well...

For some details, Yi Xiaotian can still use his brother's mouth to mention Cao Cao.

Similar to this "five-five" battle, the final victory or defeat is often tied to a series of details.

Thinking of this, Yi Xiaotian raised his brows and asked in a serious tone.

"Brother lie, let me tell you a few specific battle situations, I represent Jia Xu, you represent Cao Cao, how about we practice?"

Huh... Is this a sandbox simulation?

Cao Cao suddenly became interested, "Okay... I've never practiced the sand table with Brother Yi!"

As he spoke, Cao Cao waved his hand and ordered someone to fetch the sand table.

Of course, where is the sand table in this mansion?If I really want to get the sand table, I have to bring it from Sikong Mansion...

During this time, Cao Cao raised the wine bottle. "Brother Yi, let's do a sand table simulation before the war. I have a large sand table that records all the terrain along the way, which just came in handy."

"Hidden brother, you hid deep enough..."

As soon as Cao Cao's voice fell, Yi Xiaotian slapped his mouth and blurted out a word.

The word "Tibetan" made Cao Cao tremble all over, and he almost thought he had been exposed...

Before it was time to explain, Yi Xiaotian's words came out one after another.

"Unexpectedly, after brother Hide changed from a pure businessman to Cao Cao's chief counselor, he was so motivated that he even prepared a sand table for simulation simulations at any time in the mansion. The little brother really admires and admires it!"

Uh... It turns out that "Hidden" in Brother Yi's mouth means this.

All of a sudden, Cao Cao's mood was relieved a lot, and he replied with a moustache.

"Brother Yi, nowadays, life is not easy, so naturally you have to be... versatile!"

Ha ha…

Yi Xiaotian said "hehe".

Hide brother, your mansion is about to become "inhumane", and you say that life is not easy.

This feeling of forcing into the bone marrow is as if Ma Xiaoyun on TV was being interviewed before crossing.

- I've never touched money, I'm not interested in money.

——It’s hard to earn one or two billion a month.

——What I regret the most in my life is the establishment of Ali...

Ha ha…

Brother Hide's pretense is very similar to Ma Xiaoyun's.



Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Eighth

The sand table is set up, which is bigger than Yi Xiaotian imagined.

A sand table can cover a city, a county, a mountain and a river. Sure enough, money can make ghosts run the mill!

Of course, that's not the point.

The point is that Yi Xiaotian noticed one of the mountains on the sand table - An Zhongshan!

That's right, it is An Zhongshan where Jia Xu is sure that Zhang Xiu will fight Cao Cao decisively.

In Yi Xiaotian's memory, this mountain will be the focus and turning point of the battle of Wancheng...

speak up.

Anzhong Mountain is located in Anzhong County and belongs to the Nanyang territory. It was originally Yuan Shu's territory, but it was captured by Cao Cao. Now it has changed hands again and has become a frontier for Zhang Xiu and Liu Biao to resist Cao Cao.

Yi Xiaotian piled up some wooden soldiers directly near An Zhongshan. He represented Jia Xu's side and was the defensive side.

"Brother lie, I'm setting up a battle here." Yi Xiaotian said with a smile... "It's your turn to attack."

call out…

Cao Cao was stunned for a moment. According to the position of the sand table placed by Brother Yi, it seems that the battle line is a bit behind. Wuyin County in front, Huyang City has not been captured yet?Why did Brother Yi pile up his troops and horses to Anzhong Mountain?

Cao Cao was puzzled and asked.

"Brother Yi, this battlefield is not right. If you want to hit this An Zhongshan, there are still two levels of Wuyin and Huyang in front of you? How do you pass these two levels?"

"Wuyin? Huyang?" Yi Xiaotian repeated these two place names, then smiled slightly, and raised his hand to explain. "Brother, let me ask you, did Zhang Xiu own these two sites before? Or was it Cao Cao's?"

"Of course it belongs to Cao Cao!" Cao Cao replied...

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