This trainer’s Pokémon is too out-of-the-box

Chapter 86 Never confront JO’s family

"Well done, boy."

Nazi's father unintentionally shed a cold sweat and praised him without hesitation: "This Katy dog ​​can cheer up and continue fighting without hesitation despite being seriously injured. It shows that the relationship between you is very sincere."

After all, Kati dogs themselves are spirits that have lived with humans for millions of years.

After they identify their owner, they will often pay almost absolute loyalty, even if they risk their own lives to protect the other person.

"But this Kati dog is your strongest elf. Because you attacked rashly without testing, it is almost losing its ability to fight."

Leftover HP: 1 point.

"Vadokana!" Zhou You took this opportunity to say the lines he had prepared a long time ago, "You must not have noticed the changes in the battlefield."


Hearing this, Nazhi's father paid careful attention to the venue...

"Here, it's a sunny day! When?"

Unexpectedly, the temperature of the battle arena in the Golden Gym suddenly rose like a fire. The brutal fire energy gradually spread to every corner of the venue!

"Leftovers, use the morning sun."

Zhou Youcai would not tell the other party honestly that the flame armor that dispersed when Zhanfan was seriously injured by Mangan was not unconscious due to pain, but was actively creating a sunny day.

The fire-drawing feature is far weaker than lightning rods and water-drawing features in the game. It is a difficult-to-use feature that will only benefit when others actively attack you with fire-based skills. Only by utilizing rotation and zone defense can its true effect be exerted.

But in reality, igniting fire is surprisingly useful.

I won’t go into details about the illegal fire-spotted cat that comes out of Ash’s magic with a bell that absorbs fire.

Just talking about leftovers, it can rely on the fire-kindling property to store and absorb the energy in the food or the traveling phoenix flames. Not only does it have the effect of upgrading while sitting on the ground, but it can also actively turn on the "fire-kindling" state during battle to spread the flames all over its body.

It can be used to attack when advancing, to defend when retreating, and it can also be used to create a double, sunny weather and other moves.

Or maybe it's just that this Katy dog ​​is more talented?

Anyway, the leftover food was the fire-generating elf that Zhou You met for the first time, and he could only attribute it to the attribute - how could it be such a coincidence that Dawu just randomly picked and sent over a genius Kati dog that couldn't be used as a police dog?

Wait, that was a huge miscalculation by the Hoenn Champion...

"(Comfortable) woof!"

While Nazhi's father was in a daze due to shock, Shanghan worked hard to absorb the surrounding fire energy mobilized by his own flames, and restored his own physical strength and injuries at an extraordinary speed.

In the game, the morning light on a sunny day can restore two-thirds of the user's maximum health at one time.

Naturally, it is impossible to recover so quickly in reality, but at least the combination of fire-drawing and phoenix fire can restore leftover's physical energy to the level of yellow blood as quickly as possible.

In terms of spirit, it has not suffered much loss, so it is still capable of fighting.

"You actually have such an idea? You have great opinions on the training of fire elves, young man."

Just from this illegal skill combo, it can be seen that the 10-year-old boy named Zhou You in front of him definitely has the talent to become a specialized fire-type trainer.

But based on this alone, he is not worthy of being treated differently by his daughter!

"It's a quick fight, go ahead, Yugira!"

Yuyou's best fox-type Pokémon appeared on Nazhi's father's side.

"Come back, Leftover, and leave this to Arthur." So he decisively rotated and let Leftover rest slowly in the elf ball.


Charmander, who had a fire-resistant satin bag hanging around his neck (the registered item he carried was a fire stone), jumped out excitedly and glanced at Yongjira.

The super energy system is unpredictable. Being captured by the thought wave means GG. My tail flame is like a candle in the wind!

Fierce fire, open it for me!

Nazhi's father: Full of blood and fire... It would be unworthy of you not to inherit Xia Bo's fire gym on Red Lotus Island.

In any case, wanting to defeat his own Yongjira with a level 20-plus Charmander would be a bit underestimating!

[Yongjira, strong spirit! 】

In the situation of level crushing, Nazi's father has no intention of using the changeable super power to contain him, but intends to directly deal with the opponent with explosive output!

"See through its movements and spray flames!"

The strong wave of thoughts distorted the atmosphere and light, attacking the Charmander who had not yet evolved.

The latter took a deep breath, opened his mouth and spit out scarlet flames, and crashed straight into the Nian Bo!

There were no bells and whistles, the two sides started to fight as soon as they came on the field.

"Huh?" Nazi's father quickly noticed something unusual.

Mental Power and Flame Jet are both 90 power skills with the bonus of this system, and Yongjira has a higher level and stronger special attack. Logically speaking, there is no doubt that Yongjira should have the absolute advantage.

But why is the mental strength on my side vaguely equal to the flame spray of the opposite Charmander?

He made quick mental calculations.

Yongjira (left): 90 power*1.5 this series

Charmander (right): 90 power*1.5 this type*1.5 fierce fire*1.5 sunny day

By the way, it was the fierce fire and sunny weather that made the jet flames explode with even greater power!

Zhou You: Actually, it’s not just for this reason. The most important thing is that you are standing on the left side of the screen (monitoring recorder)!

After all, the left side has lost against the wave since ancient times.

The confrontation continued. At first glance, the two sides seemed unable to hold on, but the Charmander on the right was clearly showing signs of fatigue.

Arthur, who is not very talented, is only level 21 after all, and his durability is naturally weaker than the Yongjira used for assessment at the 4th badge level.

"I have a rough idea of ​​your current strength, Arthur, use that."


And just when Nazi's father thought that Charmander would soon be unable to resist and be defeated by his Yongjira, the situation on the field suddenly changed.

The satin bag hanging between the little fire dragon's neck suddenly burst into brilliance, bursting out with dazzling light!

Nazi's father and Yongjila couldn't help but narrowed their eyes slightly.

Flash spell?

No, not just flash!

In a daze, the shadow of the opponent's trainer appeared behind Charmander as if they were one and the same!

The fake trainer Mirage made a gesture to launch a wave missile.

At the same time, the flames ejected by the small fire dragon became more intense, and the color of the jet flames became half a meter thicker and even changed into a dazzling golden red!

As mentioned before - the Fire Stone can be used as a Fire Gem to a certain extent.

The function of the fire gem is to apply the internal energy to the user at once, increasing the power of the current move by approximately 30% to 50% (depending on the strength of the elf, too strong or too weak may also result in an increase in power) inaccurate).

The fire stone charged by traveling around will of course be enhanced by 1.5 times the maximum!

The balance is broken instantly.

The jet of flames immediately rushed towards Yongjira with overwhelming mental strength!

Nazi's father shed a cold sweat.

This can't go on like this!

[Move behind it instantly! 】

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