The shape of the sword used by the girl in the dream to pray for rain is exactly the same as the single scabbard she picked up from the leftovers. This is enough to prove that the strange dream last night was caused by the single scabbard.

As for whether the sword itself was a single scabbard, or whether the girl's soul attached to the sword after she was killed with a sword after Qiu Yu ended up being a single scabbard, Zhou You could not tell further.

Who made him forget the follow-up of the dream?

Shaking his head to get rid of the repercussions of last night's nightmare, Zhou You parted ways with Eden and went to the Golden Gym in compliance with the time reserved at the Elf Center last night.

Now Nazhi has left Kanto to join the film industry in Hezhong, and her father is the leader of the gym. Compared with a girl with unpredictable super powers, a middle-aged uncle should be more cautious when facing a 10-year-old child... Right?

It doesn't matter if he doesn't let go, the worst case scenario is that he can smash the substitute on the spot and shake Eden to teleport over and crush him.

"You already have 3 badges, are you from Zhouyou from Zhenxin Town? I have been waiting for you for a long time, come with me to the battle arena."

Ten minutes later, he rode a public bicycle to the Golden Gym. A kind middle-aged uncle guided him to the battle venue in the gym.

The super power system is difficult for most trainers to deal with. In recent years, Nazi's reputation is still vivid in their minds, so most people often choose to avoid Golden City and challenge other gyms.

This also made Nazi's father, who took over as the owner of the museum, feel very helpless.

Qingxian is Qingxian, but his family runs a gym. How can he become famous without challengers?

Moreover, his daughter's predictions about the future also made him feel quite uneasy...

After a while, Zhou You was brought inside by Nazi's father, Mr. Gray (pseudonym), who was unable to reveal his real name to avoid being attacked by a curse.

The two of them stood at the trainer's seat at the referee's signal, waiting for the signal to start the battle.

Nazi's father: Stare~

——Trainer: Travel around

Number of badges earned: 3

Kati Dog: About level 33

Charmander: About level 21

Caracalla: Level 12

Fairy Milk: Level 5

Ibrahimovic: Level 1

Egg: not hatched


Is this one of the trainers that my daughter mentioned to me a few days ago who will have a major impact on the entire Kanto region in the near future?

Apart from his delicate and handsome face, he looks ordinary, right?

Why is the expression on the ice-like daughter's face when she mentions this boy so gentle, entangled, and complicated?

Could it be...

Upon closer inspection, Nazhi's father found that the more he looked at Zhou You, the more he felt displeased.

He decided to do his best to defeat this kid!

Zhouyou:? ? ?

Why is this uncle staring at me so hard, making people feel a little hairy?

Fortunately, the referee on the side quickly ended this awkward staredown:

"The challenger is Zhenxin Town's Zhouyou, who has 3 badges, so the battle system this time is 3v3.

“In addition, the challenged hall owner cannot be replaced, and the elves need to be sent first.

"The battle begins!"

The gunshot symbolizing the beginning of the gym challenge rang out, and Nazi's father took the lead in sending out his elves.

"Go ahead, single egg ball!"

I saw a light yellow cell floating in mid-air, wrapped in green liquid, appearing in the opponent's half.

Zhou You frowned. He remembered that this was an elf from the Hezhong area. Was it Nazi who was sent across the sea to take care of his father?

Most likely.

Without rushing to send out his elves, he first took out the illustrated book to collect information:

"Didi~ A single egg cell ball, a cellular Pokémon. (Noise) The body is wrapped in a special liquid, (sharp sound) can survive in any extreme environment, (Snowflake Screen) will communicate with its companions through telepathy, and release Spiritual power to defeat the enemy.”

This illustrated guide seems to be out of order. Is there a problem with the radio waves in the Golden Gym?

In short, just by looking at his appearance, you can tell that he is a low-speed, squishy one with a special attack and explosion. He is basically incapable of playing outside the space system.

In this case, the elf that should be sent out to fight is naturally...

"Leftover, the decision is yours!"


As soon as he came out of the ball, Zhanfan's whole body was ignited with blazing flames, and he howled playfully at the strange-looking elf not far away.

It is trying to lower the opponent's physical attack with a cry.

Single egg cell ball: "..."

but failed!

"Ugh..." Seeing no response from the other party, Zhanfan looked a little frustrated.

"This Cady dog ​​has been well trained." Nazhi's father smiled slightly when he saw this. "It looks like its strength is almost the same as that of the police dogs trained at the police dog base."

"(Proud) Woof!"

You originally came from a police dog base, so you are so proud!

“Its characteristic is to ignite fire, and its future achievements may not be worse than those of police dogs.

"Leftover, let's decide the winner in one go, with a flash of energy (fire attack + lightning)!"

The first is an illegal skill with +1 speed and +1 initiative. How can you block the low-speed crispy guy on the opposite side!


After receiving the order, the katy dog ​​immediately turned into a red lightning, and rushed effortlessly to the other half of the single egg cell ball in just one second!

[Hold on, go ahead! 】

Nazi's father's eyes emitted blue power, and he transmitted his commands to the single egg cell through telepathy.


I saw that the single egg cell ball resisted this blow with a power comparable to that of the Flash Charge without fear. The liquid protecting the internal core was splashed everywhere, but at the same time, it also used superpower to capture the Kati dog in mid-air, and released it almost self-destructively. All your own superpowers!


The Kati dog was severely injured on the spot. It screamed in pain, dispersed the flames surrounding itself, and fell heavily to the ground...

"Double jump, lightning flash!" the command from behind issued in time.


The sound of traveling around made him regain consciousness from the severe pain. He used his tail to adjust his posture without any force. He created a diagonal reflecting wall in the air and then stepped hard!


Nazi's father was so sensitive to superpowers that he was immediately surprised that there were still people using light intensity/reflective walls in this way!

[Quickly cast guard...]

That's too late.

At the same time as he was transmitting the command through telepathy, the Kati dog, which used its double jump to send out a flash of lightning one step ahead, had already crashed into the single egg cell ball that exposed its fragile core after the special liquid splashed!

On Earth, players often refer to the output wind speed dog as a mad dog.

There is no other reason. With the blessing of the Life Jade, the speed dog's power through Flare Charge/Crazy Voltage/Metal Combat/Super Speed ​​Suicide Attack is unparalleled (not in God Battle mode), and it is definitely worthy of the reputation of the legendary Pokémon.

The standard is that as long as you can't hit it to death, you will hit it to death.

Now, after eating the leftovers and getting angry and acting recklessly, he still regained his mobility and attacked again. The power of the mad dog is evident!

"Come back, single egg ball."

Just when the Kati dog's electric light was about to hit the opponent's cell nucleus exposed to the air, Nazi's father decisively put it back into the elf ball with a red light.

Regardless of the liquid outside, the body of the single egg cell ball is extremely weak, and if it resists this attack, it may be on the verge of death.

However, in the gym challenge, the gym owner took the initiative to take back the elf, which meant that he acquiesced that the elf had lost its fighting ability/will.


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