Teleportation can control space for a short period of time after concentration, allowing oneself to appear in sight or at a location where coordinates are set. The energy and mental energy consumed increases with the distance. It is a superpower and a group of people with powerful mental talents. Special transformation skills that elves can master.

Old Kanto people all know that although the frequency of appearance has become a bit bad as the price of artificial fire stones has dropped, as a legendary Pokémon, the wind speed dog with mysterious talents can master the teleportation skill.

(There are teleportation skill machines in the first generation and LGPE, and 12 non-super-type elves can also use and learn teleportation.)

Because of this, Zhou You also spent more time and energy on this skill.

Now that he was about to challenge a super-type gym, why wouldn't he target it in advance?

While Arthur was unleashing the power from the Fire Stone to attack the waves with all his strength, Zhou You was also keeping a close eye on Nazi's father and his Yongjira, always preparing to deal with their teleportation.

Suddenly, Nazi's father's eyes emitted a light blue shimmer, which was the sign of some humans using superpowers.

In an instant, the blue light on Yongjira's body became even brighter.

Zhou You had already predicted that Yongjila, who was unfavorable to Bo, would not choose to forcefully take advantage of this burst of explosive flames.

"Look back and dig!" So he predicted the timing of Yongjira's forward motion.

Teleportation is said to be teleportation, but it actually has a starting point (you need to concentrate)... and it often flashes to the visual blind spots such as the opponent's head and behind, to avoid attacks and prepare for the next attack.

It's impossible for someone with a crispy skin like Yongjira to teleport in front of Charmander with his face close to his face!

Yoongiara initiated the teleportation.

When he heard the command, Arthur turned around decisively, turned his head and sprayed the flames toward the floor behind him, turning the original jet of flames into a continuous huge vortex of flames.

The next moment, Yongjira himself appeared in the flame vortex!

Nazi's father was shocked for a whole year!

Screams of pain and the stench of burned fur followed.

This whirlpool of flames with the bonus of the Sunny Fire Stone crossed the level barrier and directly and effectively caused damage to Yongjira!

[Hold it, and then take the opportunity to move to the maximum distance instantly! 】

Only then did Nazi's father understand why his daughter judged the other party as a trainer who could have a major influence on Kanto in the near future by predicting the future.

He admitted that he might have been a little careless because of the other person's youth.

But this talent, command, adaptability... He is not as sophisticated as a 10-year-old kid who just walked out of the house, but more like a professional trainer with ten or twenty years of experience!

And just when Yongjira was about to use his own superpower as a barrier to isolate the direct burns of the flame vortex, he took the opportunity to concentrate again and prepare to teleport to a distance.

"Come back and rest, Arthur." Zhou You took the turn decisively, "Leftovers, go and spread the fire."

A ray of red light retracted the Charmander, and the red and white ball containing the Kati dog fell beside the flame vortex at the same time.

Yongjila's defense took effect, and the flames were gradually isolated.

However, the damage caused by the flame vortex is not only the direct burn of the fire, but the extreme high temperature is also burning the air inside, making Yongjila have to endure great pain even to breathe.

The use of superpowers requires concentration, and the current damage will undoubtedly greatly reduce the speed of teleportation.

It is true that Charmander is just a Charmander, and Yongjira is just a Yongjira after all.

The Kati dog jumped out of the elf ball and faced the flame vortex with his usual expression, looking particularly majestic under the golden-red firelight.


After a low bark, it began to use the flames in front of it for its own purposes.

Under the control of fire-generating properties, the flame vortex is like a flush toilet (crossed out), like spiritual believers rushing towards their master - leftovers!

Covered in dazzling and powerful golden-red flames, the originally playful and naive Cady Dog turned out to be as radiant as a burning flaming star!

Without wasting any time, Zhou You gave instructions while absorbing the flames: "Use this (fire) state to use Flash Charge!"

This is not a fire-starting state that can be triggered by just any wild dog on the roadside.

The sunny day created by the leftover rice, the fire stone that traveled around and charged, the fierce fire that burst out from Arthur, and the whirlpool of flames of this system that was released by combining the power of the three.

Then integrated and absorbed by Kati Dog's innate fire-generating properties, it finally surpassed the limit and explosively increased the power of Leftovers!

At this time, the sunny weather continues...

The explosive power of the fire elves is unmatched by the super elves. With such a baton-like tactic of passing the flames, Kati Dog's next move may even be as powerful as the main force of an elite gym leader!

If it is in this overloaded state, this Kati dog may really be able to use the fire-based trick such as Flash Charge! ?

【quick! Move quickly! 】Nazi's father was a little panicked.

The flame vortex was sucked away, making it difficult for Yongjira to concentrate. It maintained its super power and finally began to move forward instantaneously.

But can it be too late?

In the next moment, Zhanfan, whose physical abilities were increased to the limit, exerted a speed that lived up to the name of "wind speed", and turned into a red light like a cannonball and soared into the sky - Flash Charge! ! !

This type of Sunny Day Fierce Fire Stone Is Catching Fire. This type of Sunny Day Flame Charge, the multiplier cannot be calculated at all with this messy increase.

But there is no doubt that the power of this move is comparable to the main force of an elite gym leader!

The dog wrapped in blazing flames smashed it into pieces with crushing power as if it were nothing, and then he crashed into Yongjira who was performing teleportation without losing force.

I don't know if it was a collision or a sonic boom that suddenly sounded. Yongjira was knocked to the ceiling of the golden gym at a speed that was difficult to detect with the naked eye.

Dust, spoons, and pieces of ceiling fell.

However, Yongjira, who was knocked to the verge of death by the blow, was embedded in it.

"Ouch——!" Stepping on the bent spoon that fell to the ground, the leftover rice roared majestically like a stone lion.

Not only that, he also used the morning light to restore his physical strength.

The turbulent and violent flame energy came happily into its body, quickly replenishing it with the energy and injuries lost in the battle.

Wang is already extremely high!

Arthur in the elf ball looked at the leftovers that were coming four months later and were far better than him, with an envious and longing look.

"Yong...Yongjila can't fight. Please replace the elf with the next one." The referee woke up after a long time.


"You've done well, Yoongiara."

Nazi's father frowned and sent out his last elf: "The next step is up to you, King Slow."

A pink hippopotamus wearing a big-tongued clam crown appeared on the opponent's field. With its water attributes, it was an extremely difficult opponent for the Kati Dog.

Big wood!

Zhou You commanded without any hesitation: "Flash Charge!"

Before she could make any response, Nazi's father's Slow King was knocked to the end of the room and lost its ability to fight in the blink of an eye.

Whether it’s resistance, special shield, or joint defense, it’s all done in one move!


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