After Yi·Teleportation Tool Pet·Dian rested for a while (mainly to relax after being exhausted by Zhou Younai and use his super powers), he teleported back to Jinhuang City with Zhou You.

It takes 10 minutes.

"I have only been studying with the Imitation Girl for two days, and there are three more elves around you. Qiaoqiao, are you too philanthropic?"

Green Onion Duck, Caracalla, and Gala Gala, except for the Green Onion Duck, whose swordsmanship talent is ridiculous to a certain extent, which one of the latter two can fight against each other.

It’s not like Alola’s regional form of Gala Gala, which is fire + ghost + lightning rod. It can play doubles in the space system. What can ordinary Gala Gala do?

Eden felt that he could no longer study leisurely and he had to come back early to give this trainer a hard blow when he was away and would catch anyone he saw.

Otherwise, the number of elves traveling around will be unstoppable!

"Actually, there are more than just three elves." Zhou You defended weakly, "I even picked up a single scabbard from the leftovers."

"Woof!" Zhanfan waved his tail proudly and said not to compete with him for the teething stick.

"I'm not going to practice bite-type moves."

Single scabbard?

That's not bad. It's suitable for grabbing some common physical attackers at the Quartz Conference, so that I can use my (← evil attribute) combat power against Shiba in the future.

Considering this, Eden decided not to argue with this carefree trainer for the time being.

"Give me one night. I will master all the essence of imitation today. Then I will teleport back to you!"

Having said that, Eden brought up another thing that it was very concerned about: "Speaking of which, I felt some weird emotions and waves coming from you in the middle of the night yesterday. Did something special happen?"

"Last night..."

Seeing Eden mentioning his emotions last night, Zhou You showed a very complicated expression.

He also didn't know how to specifically express the situation he was experiencing.

After returning from the Pokémon Tower last night, after taking care of all the Pokémon and filling the scabbard with some life before going to bed, Zhou Yu, who was still in the developmental stage, fell asleep without even realizing it.

After that, he seemed to have a mysterious dream.

"Dreaming? Are you having nightmares because you saw a ghost?" Eden guessed.

"Please, you know me. I always walk upright, sit upright, and do everything with integrity. I have never been afraid of ghosts or ghosts."

Eden, Arthur, Leftover Rice, Fairy Milk: Stare~

Caracalla:? ? ?

Aren’t Qiaoqiao people very nice?


Probably because he was being stared at by his own spirit, Zhou You hurriedly changed the subject and said: "The specific content of the dream is basically forgotten after waking up, but after waking up, I quickly realized that something was wrong, so I took advantage of the memory to It still hasn’t faded and I’m forcing myself to remember some of it.”

In last night's dream, Zhou You was no longer Zhou You, and even her gender had been reversed, becoming a lazy and charming young girl who could tell by her appearance alone.

She was dressed in a simple yet solemn and noble special outfit that seemed to be a priest's robe with some kind of meaning. She was crowded onto the high altar by a group of ordinary people with simple clothes and a haggard appearance.

The girl looked around with lazy and pitiful eyes.

As far as the eye can see, the land is desolate and dead, scorched earth, and there are weak and bloodless tribesmen everywhere.

It was a desolate field with bleak life, a wasteland that people who had been displaced by war and the ravages of monsters spent a lot of time to find.

They worked hard, but no rain brought salvation from beginning to end.

A blue and white flower monster with a red flower floating in the wind told people:

If there are humans who can communicate with it and work together, they can direct their own power to bring rain and slowly turn this place into a vibrant ocean of flowers.

And the girl is obviously the human being chosen to have a connection with the Flower Monster.

So she climbed onto the ceremonial altar, dressed in clothing passed down from her ancestors, holding a precious sword, and danced with the other party in a dance said to be used to pray for rain.

At this point, the story came to an abrupt end, and Zhou You showed an embarrassed smile like a dog:

"I forgot the rest of it."


"Generally speaking, there are people who only remember the first half of a dream and forget the second half that is closest to when they wake up!?" Eden complained in pain.

"I just forced myself to memorize it from the beginning, so I forgot about it halfway through."

Despite Zhou You's defense, the elves were still confused by the story that ended so hastily.

If you suddenly travel through time and space + change your gender in a dream, it's no wonder that the other person's emotions will suddenly fluctuate.

Anyone else would have thought it was too sudden.

The monsters mentioned in the dream are actually the common name used by humans for elves (life-killing Pokémon) in the distant past when there was no concept of Poké Balls.

In other words, the dream of traveling around is at least a dream about something that happened thousands of years ago.

Still full of imagination.jpg

"Dreams are a microcosm of reality, but I don't think this dream has anything to do with the thoughts in my head... I'm not that boring."

As the saying goes, what you think about every day is what you dream about at night. What on earth could you encounter during the day that would cause you to have such a complicated and logical strange dream?

Compared with his own problems, Zhou You is more likely to have other things affecting him.

For example, does someone entrust you with a dream?

The flower monster with blue and white flowers and red flowers must be Carlos's flower foliage (Flower of Eternity).

The ancient Carlos King AZ used huge energy to resurrect an elf who died in the war, transforming it into a special individual of Huayedi with the power of destruction.

After that, AZ created the ultimate weapon, which completely ended the war with unimaginable power.

The resurrected Huayidi was dissatisfied with the other party's crime of sacrificing many lives for her. She left AZ in disappointment and began a three-thousand-year wandering.

Therefore, there is no doubt that the time when the lazy girl and Huayidi met and danced to pray for rain was three thousand years ago...

"The question is whether the prayer for rain was successful, and what happened after that." Zhou You thought, "and why I suddenly dreamed about this last night."


A clue suddenly appeared in his mind. He quickly took out the illustrated book and turned to the results he obtained after scanning the single sword scabbard yesterday.

Name: Single Sword Scabbard (Single Sword Scabbard/Female)

Level: Level 5

Attributes: Steel + Ghost

Features: No defense

Moves: Guard/Sleep/Charming/Metallic Sound/Pray for Rain/Electromagnetic Levitation

"I just said how come this single scabbard doesn't even know a single attack skill, and it also mastered such an incompatible move as "Pray for Rain"! "

Isn't this the ceremonial sword used to pray for rain in the dream?

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