This trainer’s Pokémon is too out-of-the-box

Chapter 22 Since you asked sincerely

Encouraged by his trainer, the fat and strong Zhanfan directly used the rock half a man's height in front of him as a circle. He used all his strength to sprint, sprinted with full power, jumped into the air, and bumped into it with his shoulder!

Covering its whole body with flames and slamming into the opponent to attack, this is the prototype of "Fire Wheel".

It's quite easy to practice, but the wound medicine is useless before you master it.

Even Zhou You had to take a few steps back to buffer the force of the attack launched by Zhanfan. The rock in front of him, which was half a man tall, was undoubtedly broken into pieces by just this impact.

The gravel and dust exploded. If he hadn't had the foresight to put a lid on the pot, even the pot of curry ten meters away would not have been spared!

Since he had not received any professional training before, Zhanfan's first flame wheel inevitably caused him a lot of injuries, so he had to struggle to finish a whole bowl of curry-filled dog food before returning to the Poké Ball. Receive treatment that travels around.

Coincidentally, unlike Eden and Arthur, the leftover rice, which has fire-inducing properties, seems to be able to absorb and store even the fire of the phoenix, which greatly enhances its durability and explosive power.

Time flies, time flies.

The three giants of Zhenxin Town parted ways at the Damu Research Institute and reunited again twenty years later (cross out the entire sentence).

Four days later in the morning, after a whole week of hell training, Arthur's tail flame suddenly bloomed with a dazzling bright white brilliance.

"(Restless) Wow!"

"Charmander evolves - reload lemon dragon!" Eden translated randomly on the side.

"BBBBBBB, ah found it."

Zhou You skillfully pulled out the illustrated book from his pocket, pressed the "B" button on Arthur, and used the special radio waves emitted by the illustrated book to terminate its evolution.


The sudden evolution was forcibly terminated, Arthur gasped for breath and sat down restlessly.

In the past seven days, this was the countless times it had burst out with dazzling light of evolution.

But according to Dr. Omu, if the elves can suppress evolution for a period of time after meeting the conditions during the growth period, it will be more conducive to the growth of the elves.

This move aims to fully develop the potential of the elves, so that they can become even better when they enter the next stage.

From a game perspective, this is reflected in the fact that if the elves continue to upgrade after reaching the evolutionary level, they can master more powerful skills one step ahead.

Because of this, Zhou You used the illustrations to stop the opponent instantly every time he was about to evolve. Arthur is currently less than 7 months old, and it is still not the best time for him to evolve.

"Thank you for your hard work, Arthur." Zhou You put down the illustrated book in his hand and gave the other party a hug. "With this kind of training, I think even many water elves who can restrain you will be able to ignore you."

At the same time, seeing the opponent's evolution terminated, Zhanfan, who was watching enviously, picked up a rice ball from the food reserve and ran to Arthur to reward the opponent.


Looking at the elves who had already gotten along harmoniously in just seven days, Zhou You couldn't help but smile with relief.

"Qiaoqiao, after training to this level, you should be able to challenge the next gym, right?" Eden asked from the side.

"Well, your training is progressing faster than I thought. It's almost time for us to go out."

After saying that, Zhou You glanced at the luggage inadvertently and sighed silently.

The training was progressing at a rapid pace, but the consumption was also expensive. He originally thought that he could plunge into the mountains for half a month with so many supplies, but to his surprise, they were almost all used up in just seven days.

Fortunately for Zoroa, who has a small appetite, both Charmander and Kati are standard dry-food pets, consuming nearly four kilograms of food almost every day.

It’s no wonder that most trainers choose to buy feed specifically for elves when they travel. Taking care of the tastes of all elves and using fresh ingredients for every meal is an extremely tedious task...

Fortunately, the training progress has exceeded the standard now, and it is almost time for him to go back to the elf center at the bottom of the mountain for supplies, and then go over the mountain to the city where the second gym is located.

After the last day of daily training, I packed up all the camping equipment, picked up my backpack again, and headed down the mountain.

And not long after, he heard a faint sound of "ouch, ouch, ouch" not far away.

Next to him, Arthur raised his head, looking for the source of the sound.

"(Doubtful) Wow?" It stretched out its paw and pointed in the direction away from the mountain road not far away.

"The sound seems to be coming from that location. Do you want to go over and have a look?"

Arthur nodded quickly. He was a little worried that some humans had encountered an accident. It was very dangerous to encounter wild elves off the main road.

Zhou You thought the same thing, so he followed the sound.

After taking a few steps, they discovered the source of the sound.

It was a desolate rocky mountain. There was a man, a woman, and a meow lying weakly on the ground. Their bodies were charred and black, as if they had just suffered an explosion, and even the ground they were on was completely broken. wrinkles.

It's as if he fell from the sky after being hit by an explosion.


Looking at the other party who was wailing intermittently, Zhou You seemed to remember something.

"Who?" He asked tentatively.

Hearing someone ask a question, the combination of a man, a woman and a meow moved reflexively.

"Since you asked the question sincerely!" The woman with a hairstyle that required several pounds of hairspray stood up.

"We will tell you with great mercy!" A young man with blue hair came to the woman's side.

"To prevent the world from being destroyed."

"To protect world peace."

"Carrying out love and truthful evil."

"A cute and charming villain."

"Musashi!" The dark red-haired woman announced her name.

"Kojiro!" the blue-haired young man said immediately.

"We are Team Rocket traveling across the galaxy."

"White hole! The white one is waiting for us tomorrow!"

"That's it, Meow!" Meow with the gold coin on his head jumped between the two of them.

However, as soon as they finished their opening remarks, the three people started saying "ouch" again.

"Oh, Musashi, why did you jump out!"

"I don't want to either, it hurts, it hurts, isn't that what I heard someone ask!"

"That's enough, you two idiots, I told you a long time ago...ah, don't hit me, meow!"

Traveling around thoughtfully.

The next moment, a katy dog ​​with a fox tail jumped out without anyone touching the elf ball.

"They are Team Rocket!" Eden pointed at the letter R on Musashi and Kojiro's clothes and said unhappily, "Take advantage of the opportunity that they are alone, don't let them go!"

Putting aside factors such as the fact that it is easier to learn skills before evolving, the reason why there is no rush to evolve is because rushing to evolve actually has hidden dangers.

In Sudo Tsuyoshi's Muji novel, when Ash loses Ma Shishi and hesitates whether to use the Thunder Stone, Joey has made it very clear:

"With this stone, it is very simple to evolve... However, even if Pikachu's form and electricity evolve into Raichu, if you cannot control that power well, it will be harmful to your body. If you want to use Raichu's power , it is best to let it gain more growth and experience in the Pikachu era. For example, Raichu's electric shock will occasionally exceed one hundred thousand volts, but if it releases one hundred thousand volts of electricity at once, it will probably be stunned by itself. No, in the worst case, the heartbeat may stop.”

"Many Raichus who have just evolved from Pikachu have been sent to this elf center because of cardiac arrest. The only way to treat them is to resuscitate their hearts through electric shock. Because their hearts have stopped beating due to their own electric shock, and then use the center's electric shock Resurrection, how should I put it... you can understand. No matter which one, it will put a lot of burden on the body. Even if they are lucky enough to survive, many Raichu will be unable to send out electric shocks again. "

"But what is particularly sad is that although electric shock cannot be used, electricity is a necessity in Raichu's body. They will gradually resist absorbing electricity, and their bodies will gradually no longer be charged. This is called electricity rejection. The originally chubby body is skinny and skinny. . That’s right, Raichu’s body looks like a giant Pikachu. Can you imagine your Pikachu turning into a deflated balloon?”

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