This trainer’s Pokémon is too out-of-the-box

Chapter 23 Zhou Zhou, is your Zoroa legal?

Zoroa is not an elf that lives in Kanto.

According to Eden, it once lived in a forest on a huge uninhabited island surrounded by the sea a long time ago. There were tall and dense trees and intricate paths. It and its tribe would often go outside during misty weather. play.

Later, the uninhabited island was developed by humans. It was also captured by humans because its color was different from other Sorayas. It was acquired by Team Rocket several times and sent to Kanto to be sold to a rich man who paid a sky-high price.

Thanks to the fact that he was constantly ostracized and bullied by other Zoroas since he was a child because of his dark brown and blue hair, and that he lost his protective color and was often discovered and attacked by other elves. Eden has developed a body that is far superior to that of Zoroas of the same age. ability.

Using his transformation ability and many unique tricks, Zoroa escaped from the Rockets cargo ship at the port of Dead Leaf City, and followed the gopher passage on the east side of Dead Leaf City to the outside of Viridian Forest.

In the end, Zoroa, who suffered many hardships along the way, died in the Viridian Forest.

When he woke up again, his body was covered with bruises and his limbs were getting colder. As if everything was moving away from him, Zoroa saw a translucent black cat rushing towards it...

Due to his past experiences, Eden deeply hates organizations like Team Rocket that wantonly capture, sell, and abuse elves.

As soon as it was resting in the elf ball when it heard someone outside calling themselves Team Rocket, it ran out of the elf ball and stared at the combination of a man, a woman and a meow in front of it.

It is worth mentioning that the workmanship of the elf ball is very exquisite. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for the elf to escape from a regular elf ball of satisfactory quality.

The reason why the Poke Ball is made so that it cannot be detached from the inside is very simple. There are three main points:

First, if a heavyweight elf like Kirby comes out of a confined space, wouldn't it explode?

Second, what should we do if the elf comes out and causes trouble when no one is watching?

Third, and most importantly, there is a switch inside the elf ball that can be used to get out, so you can still catch wild elf! ?

Therefore, if the elf wants to actively run out of the elf ball, there are only two ways. One is to explode the ball, and the other is to use forces such as telekinesis and waveguide force that can affect external things from inside the elf ball to normally open the switch.

Coincidentally, Eden happened to have learned how to run out of a locked Poké Ball when he was sold as a collectible... The reason why the Dark Gray Science Museum was able to disrupt Team Rocket unnoticed when it was attacked was also Thanks to this.

"They are Team Rocket. Don't let them go while they are alone!"

Hearing what Eden said, Arthur turned back and cast a questioning look at Zhou You: "Aren't you going to save them?"

"Not everyone deserves to be treated kindly. As for the bad guys, as long as they are not in a life-threatening situation, don't worry about them." Zhou You smiled and rubbed Arthur's head. "If you are in a bad mood, you can just add insult to injury."

Having said that, Zhou You looked meaningfully at the trio of Team Rocket, or to be precise, Meow Meow among the trio.

Meow Meow who can speak human language!

If I remember correctly, Team Rocket didn't actually conquer Meow Meow, right?

He subconsciously reached out and took out an empty Poké Ball from his pocket, thinking about whether to throw it directly at it.

With the hand strength of the Super Cleansing Man and Meow Meow's current physical strength, if he was knocked unconscious by one ball, he probably wouldn't even be able to shake the Poké Ball?

"What are you going to do, meow!?"

Probably sensing the crisis through his sixth sense, Meowth subconsciously hid behind Musashi: "A Pokemon that throws other people's Pokemon with a Pokemon ball is a thief, Meowth!"

"Don't worry, Meow Meow." Musashi said with relief, "No one will want a useless elf like you."

Kojiro also nodded in agreement: "Yes, yes, if someone wants you, we are eager to send you away!"

"Are you embarrassed to call others thieves!?" Eden complained at the side.

Looking at the Rockets' classic corporate culture of selling teammates, Zhou You fell into silence for a while.

It’s true that Team Rocket’s Meowth is a wild elf that no one can control, and his nature is not bad either.

If you seize this opportunity to conquer it, after a period of education, you should be able to occupy a place in both elven and human society by virtue of your ability to master human languages. Maybe even become a prestigious inventor or scientist with its excellent brain?

But regardless of the daily infighting between the Team Rocket trio, Musashi and Kojiro clearly regard Meow Meow as friends and family.

Not "one's own elf", but "friends" with almost equal status, the kind who can put food on the table.

It would be too disgraceful to break up this kind of friendship that transcends race.

Zhou You couldn't help but look at Eden and Arthur who were confronting Team Rocket in front of him. Did he treat the elves correctly? Is there any room for further improvement?

"You can go ahead with this useless Meowth, but we're Team Rocket, kid, hand over all your Katy, Charmander, and other elves!"

Seeing Shuyou's delay in responding, Musashi and Kojiro each threw a Poké Ball.

"Go, Arbor Snake/Gas Bomb! Use Bite/Poison Gas!"

"Qiaoqiao, what are you waiting for?" Upon seeing this, Eden quickly created an illusion and roared loudly in Zhou You's ears, "If you stay there in a daze, I will command Arthur."


Zhou You's special attack has been reduced by one level. Fortunately, the Super Cleaner mainly relies on physical attack.

Putting aside his thoughts about his relationship with the elves, he immediately focused his attention on the battle and gave orders without thinking.

"Sunny day, hold on."

Having said that, in fact, before Zhou You spoke, Eden had already tacitly commanded Arthur next to him to guard and ran behind it.

And it itself affects the fire energy in the atmosphere, amplifying it through its own waveguide power.

The fire of life on Arthur's tail burned fiercely, emitting an orange-red halo that seemed to have substance.

All of a sudden, the summer in Mount Yuetimi became even hotter, creating the illusion of a scorching sun as if it were on fire!

Arbor Snake wanted to bite the fox-tailed Kati dog in front of him, but when he saw the other person hiding behind Charmander, he had no choice but to bite the latter, but was unexpectedly blocked by the seemingly weak orange halo.

Even the poisonous mist expelled by the gas bomb cannot penetrate even an inch, and there is a faint tendency to be ignited and burned by the halo.

"Is this kid also a trainer?" Musashi frowned upon seeing this, and an ominous premonition suddenly arose in his heart.

"Sunbeam." Zhou You continued to order without wasting any more words.


Arthur nodded happily when he heard this, and the flames on his tail suddenly exploded, greedily absorbing the energy in the surrounding environment.

The violent fire energy gathered on the tail flame like a tidal wave!

Team Rocket was immediately shocked. They did not realize that this was a sign that an extremely powerful attack was about to come. They quickly ordered Arbor Snake and gas bombs to interrupt the opponent's charge. However, this interruption was released by Eden into an evil force. The energy shield formed by the fluctuation blocked it again.

Substitute to defend.

Before the enemy could attack again, Arthur, who had finished charging, swung his tail.

The next moment, light cannons overwhelmed Team Rocket and their elves.

“What a disgusting feeling!!!”

Information currently known:

Name: Eden (Zoroa/heterochromic/male)

Attribute: evil

Characteristics: Illusion


Personality: Bold

Birthplace: Kai's Island-Focus on the Forest

Moves: Unreasonable trouble/claw grinding/fake crying/evil wave/imitation/supernatural power/defend

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