This trainer’s Pokémon is too out-of-the-box

Chapter 21: The Dog That Devoured the Sun

The days of hard training in the mountains are always monotonous and boring. Fortunately, with the companionship of the elves, no matter how boring the training is, you can always find fun in it.

No different than Dr. Ohmu's backyard or Nibi City, in the relatively sparsely populated Yuejian Mountain, Zhou You can unscrupulously use the special abilities he somehow obtained to treat and restore the elves.

With the help of Phoenix Flame, the training progress of Arthur and Shengfan improved by leaps and bounds as if (?) they were cheated...

At the same time, his understanding of the newly joined Arthur and Leftovers also deepened.

Cady, a puppy Pokémon, has an honest character, is close to humans, has a keen sense of smell, is brave and reliable, and can fight against opponents stronger and bigger than itself without fear in order to protect its trainer.

As an elf that has been domesticated since ancient times and coexists with humans, Kati dogs are more common in cities. Coupled with their reliable nature, they are loved by most people.

There are even dedicated people to train the Kati dog breed, allowing the best of them to serve as police dogs that cooperate with Miss Junsha and other police officers.

Lengfan is such a Kati dog who was born at the Kanto Police Dog Training Base and received formal training.

It's a pity that because his characteristics are not intimidating, his personality is too naughty, he is unusually close to humans, and he is very gluttonous.

As a result, Leftover's training ended at the reserve stage, and he failed to become a police dog like his brothers and sisters.

Winddog is both charming and reliable, and is a very powerful Pokémon, but how to train Leftovers made Zhou You a little bit confused for a while.

Although pure fire attributes can resist common output attributes such as fire, grass, ice, steel, and monsters (insects are so rare that they can be ignored), they are restrained by the three output attributes of ground, rock, and water.

The racial value is as high as 555, but the distribution is too low. The speed of 95 is neither high nor low, and the physical attack and special attack strength of about 105 is also really impressive.

Despite this, the intimidating Wind Speed ​​Dog with skills such as Loud Roar, Will-o'-the-Wisp, and Morning Light to support durability, or the violent output of skills such as melee combat, fire push, and speed are still among the best choices.

The problem is that leftover rice has a fire igniting property, and fire stones are also non-renewable resources that require one piece at a time.

This is difficult to do.

But after all, it was related to his "Legendary Pokémon", and Zhou You finally found the direction of training Leftover during his three days of training.

That afternoon, because Eden and Arthur were both injured in the battle and lost the ability to fight, Zhou You had to temporarily put them into the ball and undergo flame treatment, so he only had leftover energy on hand that seemed to be inexhaustible.

"Wow!" He exhaled loudly. At this time, Zhanfan was lying on the stone and staring intently at Zhou You as he prepared dinner.

This dog is too greedy.

Occasionally when Eden or Arthur has some leftover food, the leftover food will always jump out when he calls out the first syllable of "leftover rice", and eat everything up at lightning speed. After eating, even the plate was as clean as new after licking the leftovers!

This speed is enough to leave afterimages and the faint white light that appears when running...

Zhou You suspected that Gouzi might have mastered the flash of lightning and high-speed movement in order to eat leftovers at the police dog base.

Well, this is very scientific. The fire-generating Kati dog can turn the energy in the body into flames and wrap it around the body as a means to increase physical fitness. For this reason, it is necessary to eat more to store energy.

However, after a while, the energetic dog stopped focusing and turned to look at the orange-yellow sunset in the distance.

As the sun sets in the west, looking at the setting sun that looks like a pomelo fruit, the eyes of the deep orange Kati dog are full of longing, and the laughter can't help but shed tears.

I like the sun, this is the second special thing about discovering leftovers when traveling around.

He originally asked Eden to use illusion to ask Zuanfan why he likes the sun, and the answer Shanfan gave was "My body feels warm after basking in the sun, which is similar to the feeling after eating."

The little guy seems to regard the rising sun in the sky as some kind of food, and he seems to really be able to regain his strength after basking in the sun.

Unfinished Morning Light... But the Wind Speed ​​Dog, which has no intimidating characteristics, is not very suitable for this trick.

Thinking of this, Zhou You poured various fried ingredients into the pot and began to cook curry on the bonfire lit by the small fire dragon's tail flame.

At the same time, he gave new instructions to Zhanfan, who was looking at the sun like a stone lion, and the other elves in the ball.

"The basic intensive training is almost done for today. You have made great progress in three days. From now on, you just need to maintain this pace and slowly improve."

"Wow!" Hearing Zhou You's praise, Zhanfan proudly jumped off the rock and squatted in front of the pot with his tongue hanging out.

"The curry is still cooking, don't worry."

After telling Leftover not to do stupid things, he continued to explain: "Next we should start practicing our special skills."

"The ultimate trick is to have the ultimate in front and the trick behind. Having a trick without a trick is like having a treasure mountain in vain but not being able to get it. Having a trick without a trick is still better than having a trick."

"(Doubtful)?" A big question mark popped up on his head as he stared at the leftover curry rice in the pot.

"Well, let me explain it in detail."

To put it simply, it is to maximize your strengths and avoid weaknesses, and gain advantages by maximizing your own strengths.

In the face of supplementary strikes, this skill must be practiced well!

"For example, if you say Leftover, your strength lies in speed, because you eat a lot and gain a lot of weight, you also gain good durability. Combined with the ability to use flames to improve your physical ability, the style of play that can best take advantage of you is indeed Mad Dog style... …I mean melee style.”

Looking at the pot full of curry, Zhanfan nodded in understanding.

"Stop staring at Curry and listen to me." Seeing this, Zhou You decisively walked around the campfire, picked up the leftovers and came to the side.

Although he was scolded and taken away from the food, leftover food was not depressed, but seemed more excited, probably due to Zhou Yu's close contact.

"Don't move's so heavy...just put it here first."

After gasping for a few seconds, Zhou You continued to enlighten:

"Before we can eat the curry, let's practice for a while. With the leftover rice, we should actively turn on the ignition state first."

Similar to the "Fierce" trait, "Fire" in reality is actually a semi-active and semi-passive trait.

Although it is not completely immune to fire damage or even change skills like in the game (you will still be burned even if you exceed the upper limit of heat storage and heat resistance), it can greatly improve the control of fire energy, and in Store the energy gained from other means such as the food you eat during battles or daily life, so as to explosively improve your abilities when necessary.

Zhanfan, who has been a glutton since he was a child, has naturally become proficient in his fire-making ability. As soon as Zhou You gave the order, his whole body was already burning with flames.

"Very good. The next step is to hit the rock in front of you while avoiding your vitals, just like you did when you hit me during dinner. Don't worry about getting hurt, I will heal you immediately."

After hearing his trainer's instructions, Shanghan slowly spit out a question mark made of flames: "Woof?"

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