"That's what she said~"

Luna looked at Ling Yu obediently, and even picked it up.

It was as if she was saying: The other party said so, why don't you show your power as a human and let her see how powerful you are?

Listening to the soft voice, Ling Yu was speechless and rolled his eyes at her.

So sweet, you're not going to die.

We are the relationship between brother-in-law and sister-in-law! (Luna called Meijiu sister.)

His eyes swept around the elf soldiers who were staring at him, and their eyes changed obviously.

If it was despair before, now they are holding the heart of death to die together, which shows the weight of the high priest in the hearts of these elves.

The thought in his mind moved.

In an instant, countless shadow soldiers appeared and counter-surrounded the elf soldiers who had originally surrounded them.

! ! !

The elf soldiers were stunned when they saw the shadow soldiers who suddenly appeared in front of them, and then their faces changed slightly.

Because they didn't feel the breath of living people from these shadow soldiers, that is to say... they were dead spirits!

"Undead magic?!"

Yueno, who had some insights, also changed her face slightly after seeing those shadow soldiers.

However, what really made her look ugly was not the undead magic itself, but the strength of the shadow soldiers.

As a high priest, she was the elf with the highest affinity for nature. She could clearly feel that every shadow soldier exuded a pressure that was not inferior to the ancient dragon.

On the contrary, the strength of her side was uneven, and some weaker soldiers were even directly oppressed and couldn't breathe.

Just when Yueno was shocked, Ling Yu waved his hand gently.

The next second, those shadow soldiers rushed towards the surrounding elf soldiers like a tide.

The shadow soldiers did not show mercy, and killed them with every move!

Some elves couldn't even react, and were ripped out of their hearts by a black tiger move, and bid farewell to the world completely.


Yueno said hurriedly, and the whole person was lit up with a light green light.

The next second, the trees swayed, and a faint light fell from the big trees.

When it fell on the elves, they were instantly amplified as if they had been injected with chicken blood. Not only were their injuries healed, but their exhausted magic power was also restored.

They reacted and fought towards the shadow soldiers.

It was a pity that they were bleeding, but Ling Yu was immortal.

"I didn't expect it to be a support."

Ling Yu looked at Yuenai.

The latter's expression did not change, and he still looked at them solemnly, and the majesty of the high priest remained unchanged.

"You have seriously violated the rules of this forest."

"I'm sorry, as the high priest of the elves, I can't let you do whatever you want."

After the heavy and solemn words fell, Yuenai slowly picked up the green divine bow and aimed it at Ling Yu.

The bowstring was pulled apart by the slender jade fingers, and the naked eye could see a huge amount of magic gathering, and finally turned into an emerald arrow, which was put on the longbow.

When the Akunologia dragon opened its mouth slightly, intending to meet an old acquaintance, a figure was faster than it, and turned into a gust of wind, passing it and rushing towards Yue No.

Not daring to be careless, Yue No directly released the bowstring towards the figure that was shooting at her.

With the characteristic of hitting the target every time, the arrow did not need Yue No to aim at all.


The air explosion sounded, and the arrow was like a compressed hurricane, with an unstoppable trend, breaking through the space and shooting towards the figure!


The explosion sounded.

There was no scene of the enemy being defeated as imagined. On the contrary, a girl in black Gothic Lolita clothes, carrying a giant axe gun, broke through the dust in the air and stepped into the air towards Yue No!

The high priest was stunned.

It seemed that he was surprised that his attack did not work.


The sixth-level magic circle lit up under her.

"Wind pillar!"

The wind flowing in the air began to speed up, and finally turned into a giant tornado barrier that wrapped Yue Nai inside.

Swish, swish, swish!

The Death Loli's axe spear hit the tornado pillar, and the powerful rotation speed almost bounced her away. The Death Loli who failed to hit could only retreat back to Luna.

"As expected of the high priest, it's not that easy to get close."

Luna muttered.

The sneak attack failed, it seems that she is not suitable to be the sixth.

Ling Yu on the side was silent.

Want to be the sixth?

If you had said it earlier, I would have taught you!

The wind pillar slowly dissipated, and Yue Nai looked at the two people on the ancient dragon.

She wanted to see who broke her attack.

However, when she saw the black figure beside Luna, her originally calm eyes were completely uncalm.

At the same time as being shocked, she said word by word: "Loli Mercury!?"

There was disbelief in her eyes.

She never thought that the one who attacked her was the priest of the god of death!

As the spokesperson of God, Mercury's status and strength are much stronger than hers.

She is at most a spokesperson, but the other party is a real sub-god, who can even compete with dragons.

If she fights with a dragon, even if she loses, the dragon can't kill her at all!

But looking at the current situation, Death Loli is obviously resurrected by the magic of the dead.

Death Loli was chosen as a priest to become a sub-god at the age of 13. She is 961 years old now, which is longer than her, the high priest.

At this moment, Yue Na felt her scalp tingling.

Even a strong priest like Mercury was resurrected as a dead person, and was driven by the opponent. Do they really have a chance?

Even if they ask the gods to possess them, it will be useless.

From what the opponent said before, their goal seems to be the divine bow, but the divine bow is a legacy...

For a moment, Yue Na was in a dilemma.

"Bring me the divine bow."

However, Luna had no idea what Yue Na was thinking, and she gave an order.

The next second

Mercury moved.

She was agile and almost instantly crossed a distance of hundreds of meters and came to the front of the high priest Yue Na.

Facing that exquisite face, the death loli raised her axe with an expressionless face and chopped her hard!

Faced with life and death, Yue Na finally reacted and raised [Bi Yue Liu Ying] to resist.

The next second, the light green light on the longbow burst out, forming a barrier in an instant, blocking the attack of the death loli.

"There is also a defense mode?"

Luna was surprised.

But she was more happy.

The more and stronger the divine bow showed its abilities, the more excited she became, because the next master would be her.

Ling Yu observed Luna's expression from the side.

He found that the other party seemed to be more suitable to be a villain than himself.

But it was not incomprehensible. There were not so many villains in the world, and it didn't matter that they had different positions.

"Call the wind!"

Taking advantage of the gap when Duan Zang blocked the death loli, Yue Nai shouted and stretched out her left hand to the front.

The next second, two magic circles appeared on both sides, and two wind blades of Mercuri strangled and killed!

However, Mercuri didn't dodge the wind blades, and let the wind blades cut him, and then a scene that Yue Nai couldn't believe appeared.

The wind blade directly penetrated the body of the death loli and spread towards the void, as if it was chopped on the air, without any hindrance.

"How is it possible!?"

While Yue Nai was shocked, the axe gun in the hand of the death loli lit up a strange red light.

As a priest of the god of death, how could she really only have martial arts?

Death Lolita expressionlessly controlled the enchanted axe and slashed at the barrier!

With a "click", the barrier protected by the Elf Goddess was directly broken.

Although the high priest wanted to use magic to avoid it, the Death Lolita's axe was faster and directly cut off the high priest's hand holding the bow.


With a cry of pain, the high priest retreated backwards, and a slender arm fell directly to the ground.

Without time to think about it, he quickly covered his bloody right arm and began to use healing magic.

"High priest! *N"

The elf soldiers who heard the voice were shocked.

The ending was that they all died.

Dare to be distracted when fighting with the Shadow Legion?

Ignoring Yue Nai's gnashing eyes, Mercury calmly picked up the longbow on the ground and kicked away the slender jade arm that was cut off.

"The Elf Goddess will not let you go!"

Yue Nai, who couldn't beat him, began to speak harshly, and her delicate and beautiful face was full of anger.

However, Luna didn't care at all.

Her eyes were full of joy after getting the divine bow.

She didn't dare to approach this place because of fear before, but now it's different, she has a big thigh to hold!

"We got the things, it's time to go back." Ling Yu asked.

"Okay, okay."

Luna also knew that she couldn't waste time like this, because it was already lunch time.

Ling Yu was a person who could take other things lightly, but he took sleeping and eating very seriously.

This might be a common problem of salted fish.

She also took it very seriously.

"Your Majesty..."

However, just when Ling Yu was about to leave, the shadow ancient dragon under his feet suddenly spoke.

Ling Yu looked at Acnologia below with a little surprise.

This was the first time it took the initiative to speak. Usually it was like a fool, and the other party would do whatever he said.

"Your Majesty, I want to ask you for something."

Ling Yu said with doubt in his heart: "You say."


As Acnologia told the story, Ling Yu's face became more and more strange.

According to Acnologia's meaning, he was asked to find the elves hiding in the land of elves and protected by it.

As early as when approaching the land of elves, Acnologia sensed that the elves did not expel her, but hid.

If it was before, it must be mainly joking, but now, it has a new idea.

Offer the female elf to the king and keep the position of the legion leader!

When Ling Yu heard that anyone who touched her would be burned to death and had a tragic experience of being alone until now, he felt strange and agreed without hesitation.

It was definitely not because Acnologia said that the other party was a great beauty.

But the girl's name was very similar to the heroine in a comic book he knew, "Black Summoner".

At the same time

The battle of the shadow soldiers was also coming to an end.

Although there was a high priest to assist, the overall strength was not as good as Ling Yu's shadow army, and the high priest was now broken off by himself, and he was depressed and had no time to continue to increase.

The final solution was that a large number of people died.

However, considering that Luna was also an elf, Ling Yu did not kill them all.

Instead, he castrated their vocal cords first, then broke three legs, and left them to roll on the ground in pain.

As a man, Ling Yu knew too well which part was the most fatal.

"I'll leave for a while and come back later."

After learning what Acnologia said, Ling Yu also decided to leave.

He said something to Luna and disappeared directly without waiting for her to respond.

It is not too easy for Ling Yu to find this person who has the aura of a fire dragon.

Soon, he found the tree house where Elfilu was.


Before the two guards guarding the door could finish speaking, their lives were cut off by two magic swords.


Pushing open the door, Ling Yu walked in.

As soon as he saw it, he saw an elf girl with long golden hair and beautiful appearance, curled up in the corner of the bed.

There are faint red lines on the skin.

The moment he saw the girl, Ling Yu knew he had found the right one.

Because the elf girl had exactly the same appearance as Efilu ​​in his impression.

With his mind slightly moved, Ling Yu walked towards the other party, reaching out to grab him, but Aifei hurriedly dodged him.

"Don't touch me, you'll die!"

she shouted.

Even though she was scared to death because she felt the shadow cologne's aura, she still couldn't help but remind Ling Yu.

Ling Yu's hand didn't pause at all, and gently held her slender arm in the face of the other party's tearful eyes.

It's cool, comfortable to hold, and not as hot as expected.

The girl was also stunned, looking at Ling Yu in disbelief.

With the [Fire Dragon King's Protection], she could not be touched by anyone. Even the high priest of the elves had his hands burned.

But the person in front of her was able to touch her and it was fine. For a moment, Eifelu was completely stunned.

"First meeting, beautiful elf lady, my name is Ling Yu, can you tell me your name?"

Looking at the elf girl in front of him, Ling Yu asked softly.

"My, my name is Aifeilu."

Aifeilu said blankly.

Her pair of gem-like blue eyes stared closely at Ling Yu's hand holding her arm.

"Let's go. From today on, this blessing is no longer a curse."

After saying that, Ling Yu directly hugged her like a princess.

"wait wait wait!"

Ifeilu wanted to say something, she was already carried out of the house.

Outside the house, there is the shadow cologne that has been waiting for a long time.

The moment Effie Lu, who was in Ling Yu's arms, saw it, her face suddenly turned pale.

Although the color was a bit off, she couldn't admit it. This was the ancient dragon that had put a 'curse' on her!

'Are they together? ’ Aifelu thought to herself.

"Your Majesty, are you satisfied?"

Akunolokia sent a message, Ling Yu smiled and kicked it, and also responded: "You know what you are asking."

Acnologia chuckled.

"Don't be afraid, from today on, your status will be on top of it."

Ling Yu comforted Efeilu in his arms.

Acnologia, who was still giggling a second ago, suddenly turned pale.

And Aifeilu was also very confused.

Next, Ling Yu took Efeilu to find Luna.

The latter expressed doubts that Ling Yu brought back another girl, but was not shocked.

Ling Yu did this kind of thing often.


Effie Lu, who was in Ling Yu's arms, was shocked when she saw Luna.

She had never seen such a miserable high priest, and he even had a broken hand...

"Aifelu, do you want to go with them?!"

Tsukino no longer had the sacred posture of the high priest, but became a little bit resentful. (End of chapter)

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