This shop owner is not very reliable

Chapter 211 Luna: The high priest takes turns, today he comes to my house

The ancient tree stands on the ground, so tall that it reaches the sky. Even the white clouds can only reach its trunk.

The whole tree is surrounded by a faint green light, and the rich vitality spreads from its body.

It makes the surrounding trees grow much higher than other places.

The Elf Homeland is the holy land of the elves, and tens of thousands of elves live here.

They live and work here, singing and dancing, and live a peaceful life.

It has been half a year since the last disappearance of the ancient fire dragon. During this period of time, the sense of crisis in the hearts of the elves has almost dissipated.

According to convention, the ancient fire dragon will come here to harass every 3 to 4 months.

Because of the blessing of the high priest, the other party can't do anything to them, but it is really disgusting.

You have to be careful when going out, for fear that you will be burned to ashes by a dragon fire from the sky.

Just when everyone has forgotten the days when they will be dominated by the dragon, the nightmare comes again.

Acnologia did not hide its own breath. Wherever it passed, all living creatures trembled on the ground.

As the existence at the top of the food chain in this world.

Dragons are synonymous with natural disasters!

As Acnologia's figure got closer and closer, the soldiers on the elf sacred tree finally found something wrong.

"It's the ancient dragon! The ancient dragon is coming again!"

He shouted in fear, breaking the peaceful atmosphere.

All the elves' pupils shrank, and their faces were visibly panicked.

"Why is this disaster star coming again!"

"Didn't the high priest say it was dead?"

"No, my child is still outside."

"Ordinary residents go back to take shelter, all combatants come to gather!"


In the noise, the fear of being dominated by the ancient fire dragon once again emerged in the hearts of the elves.

As the alarm bell rang, the green energy spread out with the giant tree as the center, and finally formed a giant semicircular protective shield covering a radius of 100 miles.

"That is a high-level magic protection. It is said that it is one of the magics that can only be used by the high priests of all generations, and it is known as the strongest protective shield."

Luna on Acnologia's back saw this scene and began to popularize science to Ling Yu.

"The strongest, can you solve it?"

Ling Yu whispered and asked Acnologia below.


Akunologia let out a low dragon roar, and a trace of disdain flashed in its dragon eyes as it looked at the barrier.

What is the strongest?

In its eyes now, it is nothing but a chicken and a dog!

It took a deep breath of air, and the next second, a hot blue dragon flame spurted out of the dragon's mouth!


The blue dragon flame hit the barrier with a loud sound, just like a comet hitting, causing the entire barrier to tremble violently.

Looking at the crumbling barrier, all the elves clenched their weapons, and sweat soaked their palms.

The so-called dragon slaying?

It's just something that exists in picture books. When you see the dragon with your own eyes, you have no courage to resist except kneeling.

"High priest, the evil dragon is coming again!"

An elf soldier hurriedly ran into the tree house in the center of the elf town and said.

The woman who was watering the flowers and plants paused, but soon returned to normal.

After nodding to the elf soldier, the high priest said, "I already know."

Putting down the kettle, he looked at the blonde girl in the room.

At this moment, the girl was hugging her arms, trembling all over, with lines on her body like magma.

[The Protection of the Fire Dragon King], the girl is the daughter of the previous high priest, and was protected by the ancient flame dragon, but it is more like a curse than a protection.

Because the girl who received this protection cannot come into contact with anyone. Anyone who touches her will be burned or burned to ashes.

Over the years, there have been several elves who were burned to death. If she hadn't stepped in, the girl would have been driven out of the village.

At this moment, Acnologia appeared, naturally activating the protection on the girl.

"Don't let Effie show up."

A melodious voice came, and the high priest stepped out of the bookstore and walked towards the direction of the Elf Temple.

Facing an adult dragon, even if she stood at the top of the elves, she had to borrow the power of the divine bow.

According to her guess, Effie, who was given the [Protection of the Fire Dragon King], was likely to be favored by Acnologia.

There are examples in ancient books that dragons favored foreign partners and assimilated them into dragons.

Once they were allowed to come into contact, Effie might become another brutal ancient dragon.

This is why she didn't dare to let Effie show up.

As for killing?

Protection is not that simple, it has its own protection mechanism.

At the same time

Just as the elf high priest Yue Na was performing the bow-taking ceremony, the barrier was attacked by the dark blue dragon flame of Acnologia.

It was like a broken mirror, and fragments fell all over the sky, leaving a beautiful reflection in the sky.

"It just broke like that? Where is the strongest shield? Why is it different from what is described in the book?"

Luna was stunned.

It was only a minute and a half in total, which was a bit too much for her expectations.

I thought Ling Yu would have to take action, but his shadow soldiers could easily break it.

"How many of the books you can read are true? Most of them are bullied dragons who don't know how to write books, and then some elves forcibly exaggerate and praise them."

Ling Yu yawned.

"What do you mean by books that I can read? All I read are ancient books!" Luna said angrily.

Logically speaking, country elves like her are out of reach. She had read these in the documents of the Elf Kingdom.

Ling Yu was too lazy to argue, "Do you know what that bow looks like?"

Luna shook her head.

"I only know the name of that bow, and the fact that when it is injected with magic power, it will automatically form arrows. It is silent and has the ability to hit the target with perfect accuracy."

"When you said that, I suddenly wanted it too."

"Shopkeeper, you've already been punished by heaven, so you can't rob me!" Luna looked at Ling Yu warily.

She had no doubt that [Biyue Liuying] would be obtained, after all, Ling Yu took action himself.

Ling Yu smiled: "I'm afraid you have forgotten what my ability is."

If he really wanted to, he could snap his fingers and create a bunch of them.


At this moment, a light shout came from the opposite side.

It turned out that the elven soldiers saw that the barrier was broken and had prepared their attack methods early.

The next second, countless densely packed enchanted arrows were shot from the front.

Acnologia didn't even look at it as he spurted out a burst of dragon flame, burning all the arrows into ashes.

As a giant dragon that likes to kill elves, it is tired of seeing this kind of attack.

"Move gently, what if something burns out?"

A kick to Acnologia's head.

Although it was not painful, Acnologia also obviously restrained himself a lot, waving his wings and rushing towards the elves' land below.

"It's coming, attack quickly!"

The elves started a second wave of attacks, but they couldn't even break the scales.


The giant dragon landed on the ground, as if there was no one around, and a dozen elves flew away with its tail. A few unlucky ones were trampled to death without even making a sound.

Blood exploded all over the floor.

A breath of dragon flame blasted out.

The elves were forced to open their protective shields, but even the so-called strongest shields could not stop them, let alone their small shields.

There were countless casualties for a time.

Finally, Ling Yu spoke, and Acnologia became quiet.

After all, they were here to discuss, not to fight.

They are all civilized people, and it is not good to fight and kill many people every day.

However, when the remaining elves saw Ling Yu on the ancient shadow dragon, they were all shocked.

"Human, human?!"

Some elves exclaimed in disbelief.

They couldn't believe that the giant dragon standing at the top of the food chain had been tamed by humans? !

Even the Elf Goddess may not be able to do it.

Putting aside her ability, she would definitely be beaten by the Dragon God if she dared to take action.

Although they are both gods, there are differences in strength.

The Dragon God is the strongest, the Death God is second, and the rest are ranked randomly.

"May I ask, where is your high priest?"

Ignoring their shock, Ling Yu glanced at the elves below and went straight to the topic.

"Your goal is the high priest?! Damn it! Don't even think about taking another step forward!"

"We will never let you get close to the high priest until we die!"

"Despicable humans!"

After hearing Ling Yu's purpose, the pupils of many elves shrank, with the awareness of common death in their eyes.

Ling Yu looked thoughtful.

It seems that this high priest is very popular.

"I wonder why your Excellency comes to the holy land of my elves?"

Just as the two sides were confronting each other, an ethereal voice sounded in the dense forest.

Along with a faint green light, an unparalleled beautiful elf woman wearing a white dress walked out holding a long bow.

Yujie looked like a fairy descending into the mortal world.

In other words, none of the elves are ugly.

"High Priest!"

"High Priest, please leave quickly. Their target is you."

"High Priest, leave quickly, we won't let him succeed even if we fight to the death!"


The elf soldiers quickly spoke out after seeing the woman appear.

And Luna was also stunned.

Why does this high priest look exactly like the elf goddess painted in the picture book?

"The shopkeeper, that's the one!"

Suddenly, Luna's expression condensed, and she pointed at the green long bow in the hand of Elf High Priest Yukino and said.

Although she didn't know what the Elven Divine Bow looked like, she still knew the relevant description, and it was held by the high priest, so it must be right!

"You are also a member of my elf clan. Why do you want to bring outsiders into my elf land?"

The moment Tsukino saw Luna, she was confused and a little angry.

"Because it's your elves' land, not mine." Luna said expressionlessly.

Ling Yu was stunned after hearing this and looked at Luna in surprise.

Okay, okay, you are a native of the motherland, right?

I didn’t expect that you look stupid and have quite a lot of ambition.

Yukino frowned and explained: "The land of elves has never been personal. It is the place where the elf goddess first came. It is the holy land of all elves and cannot be polluted by personal interests."

"Then you have been a high priest for hundreds of years, how about I do it instead?" Luna said in a leisurely tone.


"Be bold!"

The elf soldiers were all filled with indignation and glared at Luna.

If they weren't afraid of the ancient shadow dragon, how could they have had Luna, an ordinary elf, act so arrogantly?

"If you want to become a high priest, you need to be recognized by the Elf God Tree. If you are qualified, you can do it." Yue Nai said lightly.


"By the way, what is our purpose?"

Just as Luna was about to speak, she was interrupted by Ling Yu.

"We are here to get the Elf God Bow [Blue Moon Flowing Shadow]." Luna said honestly.

"Then why are you talking nonsense to her."

Ling Yu slapped Luna on the back of the head, and then his eyes were fixed on Yue Nai: "Just kill and rob!"

If Luna is from the motherland, then he just doesn't eat beef!

Anyway, so many elves have been killed, so this one is not bad.

Luna was dumbfounded.

Didn't you say that you should be civilized and polite?

But the dragon eyes of the shadow ancient dragon under him were very clear.

After following Ling Yu for so long, it still doesn't know who the other party is?

"Wouldn't we become villains in this way?" Luna pulled the corner of Ling Yu's clothes and whispered.

"So you really want to be a high priest?" Ling Yu rolled his eyes.

"It's not that I can't give it a try." Luna scratched her head and smiled.

The high priest is the most sacred and noble profession of the elves. Almost every elf has this dream when they were young, and she naturally has it too.

"You two are too confident. This is the land of elves, not the territory of you humans!"

Yue Nai's tone was unhappy.

Listening to the conversation between the two, even she, who has a good temper, couldn't help but feel a little angry. (End of this chapter)

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