This shop owner is not very reliable

Chapter 213 Heaven and Earth Alliance

"No, it's not."

Just as Aifei was about to explain, Ling Yu hugged her tightly.

In the former's doubtful eyes, Ling Yu looked at Yue Nai and asked.

"Can you help her remove the protection?"

"Can you let her have a normal life?"

"Can you sincerely be kind to her?"

"If you can't, just shut up."

Yue Nai hesitated, and Aifei Lu was also stunned. She looked at Ling Yu's face blankly, and her little hand on Ling Yu's chest felt helpless.

This was the first time in so long that she heard someone speaking for her. Normally the high priest would just ask her to 'be patient'.

But what comes after patience and patience?

"So what if I can't, it's not a good thing it did!"

"Without its protection, Efilu ​​might be able to become the next high priest."

Tsukino looked at Shadow Cologne and said.

Acnologia was angry in its heart, but Ling Yu didn't say anything, so it couldn't take action.

In response, Ling Yu kicked it directly.

"You're right, so it will be Effilu's mount from now on."


Tsukino was shocked.

Even Aifeilu was confused.


Although Acnologia was puzzled, he still nodded honestly.

"Impossible, this is impossible!" Tsukino said loudly.

"It's impossible, go to bed early."

After saying that, with one look, Yue Na fainted immediately.

Not killing her was for Effie's sake.

I've killed a lot of elves, so I can't go too far.

"Shopkeeper, don't be too frivolous in your work, otherwise you'll be restless at night."

Luna, who was holding a divine bow, came over with Death Loli, glanced at Effielu in his arms, and said in a tone that sounded like someone who had come before.

Giving her a rude look, Ling Yu hugged Aifeilu and left.

It seemed that resisting the protection had consumed too much energy, so Aifeilu fell asleep in Ling Yu's arms halfway through.

"Ling Yu, where did you kidnap a girl from?"

Returning to the store, Mianzi who greeted him at the door looked at Effie Lu who was held in Ling Yu's arms with a strange look on his face.

Did they not squeeze it clean enough at night?

He actually still has the energy to find other girls.

"You misunderstood. This is not what I want to bring back, but Acnologia's."

While Ling Yu was throwing the blame away, he told Mianzi about the [Fire Dragon King's protection].

After hearing this, Jianzi couldn't come to her senses for a long time, and suddenly she could understand why Ling Yu wanted to bring her back.

Anyone who hears what happened to Aifei Lu will not be able to bear it, let alone Ling Yu who has the blessing of the opposite sex.

"Give it to me. I'll take her to the second floor to settle her down."

Mianzi, who sympathized with Aifeilu's experience, pinched Ling Yu lightly and said.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Ling Yu chuckled.

While handing Effie to Miko, he did not forget to kiss Miko on the cheek.

Luna saw this scene and naturally had no problem. After all, she had eaten enough dog food these days.

But Feiya was stunned, and her whole body felt as if she had been struck by lightning.

Brother... actually kissed his sister? !

What happened during her absence!

If it was just sleeping, she wouldn't suspect anything, because she often slept with Ling Yu before, but kissing was completely different. This was something that could only be done between people with a close relationship!

For a moment, Feiya was confused.

"Fia, what's wrong with you?"

Qiong next to her looked at Feiya, whose eyes were dull, and suddenly became worried. He waved his hand in front of her, but the latter seemed not to see it.

"By the way, Sister Miku! Sister Miku must know something!"

Fiya suddenly raised her head when she thought of something.

After saying that, he ran towards Miku regardless of Qiong behind him.

Qiong: "???"

"Fiya, why are you so anxious?"

Mijiu, who came out of the bathroom to wash her hands, looked at Fiya who was running up to her, breathing rapidly, and asked softly.

"Sister Miku, brother, he getting along with sister Miko!"

Feiya hesitated for a while, then gritted her teeth and asked.

Miku was stunned.

To be fair, she seems to be the first one.

Seeing Fiya's anxious and panicked expression, Miku asked calmly: "Does Fiya not like to meet her son?"

Feiya was stunned and shook her head.

"No, I like to see Sister Zi very much, but..."

"But do you feel like you were the first to get there?" Miku asked.

"Right, that is it!"

"Sister Mijiu, do you feel the same way?" Feiya asked expectantly with her eyes wide open.

Miku chuckled.

She did, but she solved it the same night the idea was born.

He squatted down slightly, looked directly into Feiya's eyes and asked, "Feiya, according to Ling Yu, you should have survived for hundreds of years."


Feiya didn't quite understand why Miku suddenly asked this, but she still replied.

"Then the body should be fixed so that it won't grow any more?" Miku asked the next question.

Fia nodded, but then shook her head.

"The body is just a carrier. If I want, I can become as big as sister Miku."

"What about Esther?"

Miku was stunned and asked.

"I don't know much about Sister Esther, but because I have many forms, my body is more malleable."

After all, she can transform into a total of 32 machine forms.

The loli state only makes it easier to move, and the loli appearance makes it easier for people to lower their vigilance.

Miku nodded after hearing this.

Since Feiya can grow bigger, there is no need to worry.

"Feiya, you like Ling Yu, right?"

"Well, Fiya likes her brother the most!" Fiya affirmed.

"Then Feiya definitely doesn't want Ling Yu to only be kind to Jianzi in the future, right?"

Fia nodded.

"Well, you try to transform into an adult first, and then see if you can maintain it for two hours." 2

"Why two hours?" Fiya wondered.

"Because you are the last one in line."

Miku nodded Fiya's head lightly and smiled.

Feiya: "???"

After placing Efeilu on the bed and covering her with a quilt, he went downstairs.

As soon as he entered his eyes, he saw Xilin sitting in his arms, Esther sitting on his lap, and Ling Yu eating melon seeds.

Unlike Luna, who had to eat by herself, Ling Yu had Esther to help him, so he ate smoothly.

"Her condition is not too bad, but she is physically exhausted and is expected to wake up at night." Miko said.

Ling Yu nodded after hearing this.

"Jianzi, listen to me, I am no longer what I used to be."

Luna said, raising her proud chest.

With the blessing of artifacts and priests, she is confident that she has become the first T team among the customers of the store.

"Congratulations then." Mianzi smiled.

"Sister Luna is awesome." Xilin also said.


Mijiu smiled proudly, then frowned slightly: "Speaking of which, did I forget something?"

"You forgot to bring back that blue-haired magician."

When Luna heard this, she suddenly realized: "That's right! And that magician, how could I forget her?"

Then she touched her aching temple, and she suddenly understood why she had forgotten.

After being bullied like that by Ling Yu, it would be strange if there was nothing wrong with his brain!

"Forget it, I'm just a magician. It doesn't matter if you want me or not."

Luna said, sitting down again.

Then she looked at Ling Yu secretly and found that the other party really didn't show any sign of getting up. She was also wondering in her heart. Could it be that she had misjudged Ling Yu and wasn't he really greedy for that magician's body?

at lunch

Fia followed Miku out of the next room.

Meijiu first gave Ling Yu a nice roll of her eyes, then lightly pinched his soft flesh.

This made Ling Yu a little confused.

After lunch, Luna began to take out the Elf Divine Bow and began to show various tricks.

Gradually lost in the praises of Miko and Miku.

As time passed, the girl who was sleeping in the room gradually regained her consciousness. She stood up looking at the unfamiliar ceiling with some confusion.

She remembered that she seemed to be taken out by someone, but when she wanted to recall, she found a headache.

Subconsciously, I found the window and prepared to open it to let in some fresh air.

But when she saw the scenery outside the window, she was stunned.

Because the scene before her eyes was completely different from the world she had imagined.

High-rise buildings, noisy streets, dense crowds... this is something Efelu has never seen before.


At this time, the door opened, and Aifeilu quickly looked towards the door.

I saw a girl with long black hair and straight hair in a maid uniform. After seeing her, she smiled and said, "You're awake. Did you sleep well?"

Aifeilu nodded subconsciously, and then asked softly: "Who are you, and where is this place."

"This is a dimensional store, and I am the clerk here."

"Who's the clerk?"

"You should have a lot of doubts. It doesn't matter. You will know everything when you go down."

Regarding Efeilu's doubts, Miko chuckled lightly, opened the door, and made a gesture of invitation.

Aifeilu pondered for a moment and chose to follow.

At this moment, several people downstairs were dividing the cake.

Because Ling Yu hadn't eaten for a long time, he bought a durian millet and came back.

Everyone in the store didn't dislike the taste of durian and enjoyed eating it. However, this made Effie frown slightly when she smelled durian for the first time.

I secretly thought: ‘These people’s tastes are so unique. ’

However, the moment Aifeilu saw Ling Yu, her green eyes suddenly shrank.

"It's you!"

The memory before the coma was restored, it was the person in front of her who took her away from the land of elves, and was also the master of the ancient flame dragon!

"Wake up. Come and have some cake when you wake up."

Ling Yu greeted her and said.

Aifeilu nodded gently and came to Ling Yu.

To her, Ling Yu was her savior, because because of him, the curse-like protection on her body was hidden for her use.

Although the taste of durian was a bit strange, Efelu was stunned the moment she put the cake in her mouth.

The sweet taste hits the taste buds.

It’s much better than the fruits I eat on weekdays!

"How's it going? Is it delicious?" Luna smiled.

As an elf, she shouldn't understand too much.

Effielu nodded her little head, she had never eaten such delicious food.

I'm afraid even those elven nobles have never tasted it.

So she ate it in small bites.

high speed.

"Some things just smell bad but taste good."

"The same goes for people, such as Luna. Although she is not very good at everything, she is not incapable of eating." Ling Yu said with a smile.

Luna: "???"

Luna, who was eating silently, raised her head in confusion.

The look he looked at Ling Yu seemed to say: What did I do to provoke you?

The others were not surprised and just laughed softly.

"Lord Ling Yu, Lord Yan Long..." After hearing Ling Yu's words, Aifeilu hesitated for a while and asked.

"Don't worry, it won't cause trouble for you again in the future. I've also helped you change the protection on your body from passive to active, so that you can contact others at any time."

"Really, really?"

Aifeilu said in surprise.

After hearing this, Mianzi gently put his hand on Effilu's shoulder.

"Look, am I okay?"

For a moment, Effilu had the urge to cry.

Finally, he buried his head in Miko's arms and sobbed softly.

this night

Because Ling Yu's family was very large, Efeilu was placed on the second floor, which was the original Mijiu's family.

Of course, this is not a big deal. The real big deal is that Feiya doesn't sleep with Qiong at night.

At the same time, Meijiu stopped sleeping with Ling Yu and took Feiya back to her original bedroom on the second floor.

Ling Yu keenly sensed something was wrong. The two of them had a little secret they were hiding from him!

"Mr. Ling Yu, Feiya, do you dislike me?" Qiong's voice came from the side.

Looking at the lost Qiong, Ling Yu patted her head comfortingly.

"No, she probably thinks you are too young to give her what she wants."

Qiong felt even more uncomfortable when he heard this. He looked like he would cry if you said anything again.

Of course, Ling Yu didn't sleep well tonight.

One person was missing, which made Ling Yu, who was used to having two people together, not very happy.

It has been four or five days since Efelu came to the store. She has successfully become a part of the store and gets along well with everyone.

Perhaps it was the first time she felt family affection, so she cherished everything now.

These days, Mijiu and Fiya have been tired of being together.

Qiong became visibly haggard.

Although Ling Yu was also curious about what the two of them were doing, he was just like guarding against thieves and wouldn't let him get close at all.


this day

The shop door suddenly opened.

Ling Yu glanced at the red button that hadn't been pressed yet, and saw Wenya running toward Ling Yu with a cry in her eyes.

"Brother, brother, something happened to dad and mom!"

"What happened?"

Ling Yu's expression changed and he quickly came to Wen Ya.

"Yes, it's the leader of the Heaven and Earth Alliance!"

"He has brought many armies of Warcraft. In order to protect us, my father and mother are fighting with the giant spirit dragon in Nangong City."

"Here he is after all."

Ling Yu gently stroked Wen Ya's head, not surprised at all by the appearance of the Heaven and Earth Alliance.

"It's okay, it's just a Heaven and Earth Alliance. Brother, I'll find the place for you."

"Let's go help too."

Miku and Miko also heard the sound and came over.


Thinking that the Jade Dragon Kingdom was quite large, Ling Yu nodded.

"Thank you, brother, thank you sisters!" Wen Ya said quickly.

"Did you tell this in the group?"

Wenya shook her head: "I came to see my brother immediately."

Ling Yu nodded, and then shouted "Tian Zhu."

Tianzhu opened his eyes early, and after hearing Ling Yu's call, he quickly fell from the eaves.

"Cailong, please come with us."


The evil dragon roared, and the mini colorful dragon flapped its wings and came to sit on Ling Yu's shoulder.


Sierra stepped forward.

Ling Yu: "I have to trouble you to look after the store again."

Sera shook her head slightly.

She was used to this kind of thing.

On the contrary, Effie was a little confused.

After all, her time here was too short.

"Brother, let me come too." At this time, Feiya walked over quickly.

Ling Yu hesitated for a while but then nodded.

I rejected her last time, and it would not be good to reject her again this time.

And when she heard that Ling Yu wanted to use her, Feiya's face also burst into a smile.

After all, it was an emergency, so Ling Yu didn't waste any time and walked towards the store door with a group of people.

Only Sera, Xilin and Qiong were left to look at the store together. (End of chapter)

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