This shop owner is not very reliable

Chapter 210 Luna: Ahhhh, I’m going to ascend to heaven!

The fire stretched for hundreds of kilometers, and the air was filled with a pungent smell of burning.

The original Yinyin Grassland was completely turned into a wasteland under the attack of sky fire.

Just as the cuckolds crushed the imperial army, Ling Yu also displayed overwhelming strength and destroyed them in an instant.

The power of Ling Yu's unsheathed sky fire was not too strong, but it was equivalent to 400 little boys exploding at the same time, which could be regarded as completely burning the cuckold.

"As expected of the race that can withstand the most high temperatures. I even screamed "heat" under the sun of more than 40 degrees, but they were stunned and didn't even make a sound."

Listening to the crackling sound of burning, Ling Yu sighed.

As for the time-travel door connecting the two worlds, it had already vanished under Ling Yu's attack.

Let alone a small door, even a god in this world would be disappointed after taking Ling Yu's move head-on.

After taking a look at the dead and lifeless earth, Ling Yu took out the Black Abyss White Flower and revived the life of the earth through the power of the white flower.

After all, this is a real fantasy world. I might want to travel there again in the future, but it shouldn’t look too ugly.

Moreover, according to the reading comprehension, this is a good indication that he is a responsible person and has a strong sense of homesickness.


When Ling Yu found Luna again, she was already sitting in the position of the city lord.

Several shadow soldiers emitting light green light stood on both sides, like palace guards, protecting their queen.

"Who is coming below? Please tell me your name quickly!"

Luna opened her eyes while she was asleep, looked at Ling Yu who walked into the hall and asked sternly.

Ling Yu: "..."

Ling Yu's mouth twitched slightly as he looked at Luna, who was standing on the city leader's seat with one foot and supporting her chin with one hand, looking down at him.

He probably left less than half an hour ago.

In other words, you can't find the north and south as soon as you sit in this position?

Those who knew you were sitting on the throne of the city lord, but those who didn’t know thought you had obtained the jade seal of the country.

"Do you need me to help you get out of your position?" Ling Yu asked with a kind face.

Seeing that Ling Yu was not angry, Luna opened one eye curiously.

When I saw the other party's sly smile, I felt frightened.

However, she still couldn't show timidity on the surface, assuming that Ling Yu liked role-playing, so she clapped her little hand heavily and shouted sternly.

"How dare you! How dare you talk to this city lord like this!"

"Come here, take him to me!"

Luna waved her hand.

Death Lolita in Shadow Soldier state walked towards Ling Yu.

Looking at Luna who was sitting on top and showing off her power, Ling Yu's forehead was filled with black lines.

You even get to role-play, right?

He rudely slapped the dead loli away, and Ling Yu strode to Luna.


Before Luna could finish speaking, she was picked up like a kitten and thrown to the ground by her collar.

Ling Yu came behind her, stretched out his fists and began to give Luna a long-lost brain massage.

"Ah——!!! I was wrong. I really know that I was wrong. Shopkeeper, please forgive me!"

Miserable shouts echoed in the empty hall, but Ling Yu's hand did not relax at all.

"You're very happy, aren't you?"

"If you like playing, I will play with you."

Ling Yu pressed his fists hard, and he could hear the "squeaking" sound from the friction between his fists and his temples.

"I don't dare anymore! I really don't dare anymore!"

Crystal fluid flowed out from the corner of her mouth, Luna's pupils rolled up, her mouth opened wide, her eyes were almost completely white, and she looked like she was about to be ravaged to death.

Just when Luna was about to wander for nine days, Ling Yu let go of her, letting her go weak and collapse to the ground.

At this moment, Luna was like a down-and-out beauty who was forcibly ascended to heaven and then abandoned.

Both legs and arms were shaking.

a long time

Looking at Ling Yu, who had regained some control over his body, he looked at Luna and asked, "Now that I've solved the matter for you, when will you go back to work in the store?"

"Shopkeeper, ask yourself, how many people come to your store a day, and now that Feiya is back, it won't be a big deal even if I'm not here."

Luna, who collapsed on the cold floor, covered her temples and looked at Ling Yu who spoke coldly and couldn't help but say.

She is still paralyzed here, and you can't wait to leave.

What a heartless man!

However, every word she spoke touched her nerves, causing her to grimace in pain.

"You mean, it doesn't matter even if I throw your bedding out of the house?" Ling Yu asked with raised eyebrows.

"You can't understand it like this, and it's not like I can't say it back." Luna muttered in a low voice.

"Okay, get up quickly."

"Judging from the look of you, you should have plundered almost everything."

"There are very few things in this city, not even a single artifact." Luna curled her lips.

"Artifacts are not a big deal. If you want an artifact, why don't you go to the Holy See?" Ling Yu rolled his eyes.

"That's right! Why didn't I think of that!"

Luna's eyes lit up and she said in surprise.

"It's strange that you have such a comprehensive mind." Ling Yu complained.

Luna didn't refute, looked at Ling Yu and smiled: "Shop owner, can you do me a little favor?"

"Let's talk about it first."

"In the land of elves, there is a holy bow passed down by the god of elves - Biyue Liuying. I want it!"

Luna ignored the pain in her temples and looked at Ling Yu eagerly.

"Azure Flare is not useful?"

Ling Yu was curious.

Although it was made casually, the properties of the weapon should be okay.

He took a look and found that the axe gun in the hands of the Death Loli was not as good as it.

The so-called artifact is just average, at least the quality is not as good as soul steel.

"It's useful, but it's a treasure passed down from generation to generation by the elves. Legend has it that only the elf high priest can use it."

"Since it can only be used by the high priest, what are you doing here?"

Speaking of this, Luna felt a little embarrassed.

While stroking her temple, she twisted and said: "I want to touch it too."


"Do you like it? You are just greedy for its figure, you are cheap!" After a moment of silence, Ling Yu pointed at Luna and said with contempt.

"What's wrong with being cheap? The benefits you get are real. When I shoot an arrow, you will kneel down and call me mom!"

Luna put her hands on her hips and said unconvinced.

However, as soon as she showed off, the pain from her head broke her defense and continued to squat with her head in her arms.

Seeing that the other party was so persistent, Ling Yu couldn't do anything to her.

"Okay, I also want to see where the elves live. The place where you lived before was burned to ashes, and I didn't see anything."

Luna: "..."

You are really good at chatting!

You are happy that my house burned down, right!

She was very dissatisfied, but unfortunately Luna didn't dare to talk back.

She and Ling Yu were the only two people here, and there was no one to stop them. If she dared to talk back, she would only be bullied.


When they arrived outside the city, Ling Yu snapped his fingers.

The dark shadow ancient dragon Akunologia appeared.

After feeling the familiar elements in the air, it was stunned at first, and then lay down respectfully.

It is no longer the ancient dragon that was showing off its power before, but a loyal soldier under Ling Yu.

"Show the way."

Ling Yu, who came to the dragon's back, looked at Luna.

"Fly over there all the time, and you will see a towering tree." Luna said.

Hearing this, Akunologia's pupils showed a hint of understanding.

This description seems to be the hometown of elves.

It knows that place.

In the past, I liked to go there and set a few fires when I had nothing to do.

I remember that I once gave the daughter of an elf priest [the protection of the Fire Dragon King].

The ability is to burn all those who touch her with flames.

At that time, he was just watching the show, wanting to see what ugly things those elves who thought they were loyal and honest would do to that little girl.

But now that I think about it, I was really sinful before.

Akunologia thought to himself, but he did not hesitate at all, and spread his huge dragon wings and flew into the sky.

"Speaking of which, haven't you been to the Elf Kingdom before? Why do you need my help this time?" Ling Yu asked.

Luna was stunned, tilted her head and said: "The Elf Country and the Elf Kingdom are two places~"

"The Elf Country is where the original elves and the high priest live. It is a holy place in the hearts of all elves, and the Elf Kingdom is just a kingdom created by the forest elves, which is similar to the principality in the human world." Luna said.

"Is the Elfland far from the Elf Kingdom?"

"It's just that one is east and the other is north."

"So this Elfland is not afraid of people from other kingdoms coming?"

"The Elfland is blessed by the Elf God, and the high priest inside can even invite the gods to possess him. Generally, people with normal brains would not set their sights on the Elfland." Luna said.

"So you admit that you have a problem with your brain?" Ling Yu was surprised.

Luna: "..."

So your focus is here? !

Under the two of them, Acnologia was disdainful after hearing this.

Elf God?

What kind of garbage is that.

The high priest didn't know how many times he had been pressed under it.

The so-called inviting gods to possess him is just a bigger grasshopper. (End of this chapter)

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