This shop owner is not very reliable

Chapter 205 Clearing four mazes at once

"Ling Yu, why don't you want that demon god? Don't you like him?" Jian Zi asked after coming out of the general's tent.

She felt that the demon god named Astaroth was quite powerful.

At least there was a sense of oppression.

"His ability is like chicken ribs to me, and..."

"And what?"

Ling Yu's mouth moved, and he put on a disgusted expression.

"He is a man."

Jian Zi: "???"

So this is the main reason!

For a moment, she was speechless.

"So you are going to find a female demon god next?" Mei Jiu looked at him with a smile.

He was really bold, and he was so honest in front of them.

"How should I put it, it's okay."

Ling Yu smiled and hugged Mei Jiu's slender waist directly, and kissed her fragrant cheek.

Mei Jiu rolled her eyes directly.

Yes, it's okay, it's okay, could it be a man with a woman's appearance?

Thinking of this, Mei Jiu was a little worried.

It's okay for the opposite sex, but it's absolutely not okay for the same sex!

Thinking about it, Meijiu said solemnly: "Ling Yu, promise me that you will keep yourself clean."

Ling Yu: "???"

"Master Hongyan, is the shop owner a MAGI?"

In the tent, Lian Baiying asked the question in her heart.

"MAGI? But I don't feel any magic power from him." Hongba said puzzledly after hearing it.

"He is not MAGI, but he is the one who can bring me the truth of history better than MAGI!"

Lian Hongyan's eyes flashed with a desire for knowledge, and then he glanced at the two people below and said lightly: "So I need his help."

Lian Baiying nodded.

Living in the army, she still knew about Hongyan's almost paranoid hobby.

"Let's go, don't be surprised by what you see next." Lian Hongyan stood up calmly and said to his two younger brothers and sisters.

"Yes, Brother Yan."

Hongba clasped his fists respectfully.

Baiying also bowed.

At the original location of the Demon God Tower, when Hongyan arrived, Ling Yu and the other two were already standing in front of the huge pit.

"Here I am. I will start."

Hong Yan nodded.

Ling Yu reached out with one hand, and the blue structural force appeared instantly.

The structural force that was constantly rotating like a celestial sphere slowly enlarged, and a demon tower was actually constructed directly.


Such an incredible scene made Hong Ba dumbfounded.

He hurriedly looked at Hong Yan, as if asking: Are you sure he is not MAGI?

When the demon tower appeared, not only Hong Ba, but everyone who witnessed this scene was shocked.

If there was no military order, they would have swarmed over.

"We will have lunch later, so clean up your stomach first." Ling Yu said to Meijiu and Jianzi.

"No problem."


With a dizzy moment, everyone entered the maze again.

Unlike the maze of Astaroth that they had previously conquered, this maze was full of vitality, and there was a breath of life everywhere.

This time, the maze connected to the 37th pillar demon, the maze governed by Phoenix.

She is a demon of love and mediation, and also a demon with healing power.

Perhaps it sensed someone entering, and the maze turned on the self-defense mode.

One by one, the maze creatures with strange faces appeared, blocking the road ahead.

Hongba and others immediately took out their weapons and took alert postures.


Ling Yu whispered.

Meijiu nodded slightly, took a step forward, and uttered plain and clear words from her mouth.

"Godly Spirit Suit 5th Division!"

As soon as the words fell, flames appeared out of thin air.

The feathered clothes swaying like a veil were lightly draped on the jade-like arms, like white feathers.

The body was surrounded by flames, and the Burning Demon Killer in the heavy artillery form also appeared in her hands.

With the light red neon robe, she was like a Valkyrie fighting on the battlefield.

Perhaps it was the effect of the spiritual suit, the temperature in the maze rose suddenly.

Hongba stared blankly at the figure that looked like a fairy descending to the earth, a little confused.

"Full body magic suit?"

Hongming, who had some insight, narrowed his eyes slightly.

It is said that it is a move that can only be performed when the power of the demon god is developed to the extreme.

Every holder of the full body magic suit has the power to destroy the world.

Unlike the shock of Hongming and others, Hongyan had an expression of "as expected".

He knew that the people in the shop were not that simple.

Meijiu, wearing the spiritual suit, aimed the Burning Demon Slayer at the labyrinth creature in front.

The flames surrounding her body began to charge it.

Not long after, the energy storage of the Burning Demon Slayer ended, and red energy fluctuations appeared at the muzzle.

Buzz buzz buzz!

As if sensing something, Lian Hongyan's Fire Flame King Sword began to vibrate.

Hongyan gently pressed it down.

He understood that it was the demon god Astaroth in the king sword who was restless.

Is he feeling threatened?


With an order, the extreme power condensed by the flames roared out from the muzzle!


A sound like a volcanic eruption sounded, accompanied by a violent explosion and a scorching breath.

Countless maze creatures were engulfed by the flames the moment they touched, and the burning ghost-killing cannon destroyed all obstacles in front of it like a dead tree or rotten wood!

Seeing the smoke and dust coming, Ling Yu waved his hand and cleared the dust-filled vision.

After seeing the situation clearly ahead, Hong Ming and others suddenly took a breath of cold air.

There is still a little bit of the lively scene in front of me, it must be the scene after the volcano erupts.

The ground has completely turned into magma. Even the hard rocks are dripping with sticky magma at the moment. The hot airflow distorts the space in front of them.

"Here, how are we going to go here?" Hong Ba asked in a daze.

There is simply a magma cave ahead, with nowhere to go.

"Just walk over."

Miku said, switching to angel, the burnt demon destroyer disappeared in her hand, and then she pressed forward with her slender hand.

next second

Click! Click!

The sound of freezing sounded, and the ground was filled with boundless cold air. A layer of ice crystals instantly covered the ground, and even the magma itself was frozen.

"Let's go."

Ling Yu said something and walked forward.

Miku, Miko and Esther all followed suit slowly.


Hong Yan took a deep look at the magma frozen under the ice before speaking.

No wonder the other party looked down upon the power of the devil.

Even with such powerful power, he doesn't look down on Astalu!

Arriving at the deepest part of the maze, in front of the huge stone door, Mianzi controlled the power of the white tiger and waved gently in front of him.

In an instant, the originally hard stone gate turned into countless tiny stones and fell from the air, revealing the city in the center to everyone.

Ignoring the deserted city, Ling Yu directly led people to find Demon God Phoenix.

When facing Phoenix's inquiry, Ling Yu took out the Black Abyss White Flower·Creation and Destruction Spiral.

In this way, the female demon goddess of love and mediation turned into the Eight Fang Star and entered the Black Abyss White Flower·The Spiral of Creation and Destruction.

In the following time, Ling Yu, Mijiu and the others began to clear the maze extremely quickly.

In less than ten minutes, the second maze was conquered, and the Demon God of Truth and Condemnation, Belial, was captured in Ruoshui Sword.

Perhaps because he was familiar with the road, Ling Yu conquered two mazes in a row in the next ten minutes.

Within five minutes, clear the 9th dungeon and see the demon god Paimon of mad love and chaos.

In five minutes, after passing the 7th maze, Miku gained the demon god Amon of etiquette and strictness.

This speed stunned Hong Ming and others.

Are you sure you're here for strategy and not packaging?

Others conquered the maze and died without rebirth, but you are better off. The record of conquering the demon is faster than the last.

If Esther wasn't a sword elf herself, Ling Yu would have wanted to arrange a demon god for her.

In the four mazes in the guide, Ling Yu snatched away the demon gods that originally belonged to Hong Yan and Bai Ying. In response, Ling Yu gave each of them a pseudo-gem as compensation.

Embedding them on weapons can bring out the same power as metal weapons.

at the same time

Inside the Holy Palace

Ugo, who was training Aladdin, was completely confused.

What happened today? Five mazes were conquered at once? ! (End of chapter)

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