This shop owner is not very reliable

Chapter 204 The Despised Demon

Astaro cast his eyes on Hongyan.

Then he heard Lian Hongyan say: "I don't need it."

This answer almost made Astaro stumble and fall.

"No, don't want it?"

Astaro was completely stunned.

Even when he was in Almatolan, he was the patriarch of the snake people. When had he ever been so disliked by others?


Hongming was also stunned, looking at Lian Hongyan in disbelief.

Isn't the purpose of their summoning the maze to gain the recognition of the demon inside and become a metal tool user?

Now that the demon is close at hand, why don't you want it! ?

"I, Hongyan, don't need the charity of others." Lian Hongyan said calmly.

Hongming understood instantly.

It seems that Hongyan also has a grudge against Ling Yu for bringing him here directly.

'I guess it's because my brother thinks that the maze is not his own, so he wants to give the demon to him. ' Hongming thought in his heart.

However, he guessed wrong this time.

Lian Hongyan had never intended to take this maze.

Compared with the so-called maze and demon, what he really cares about is the value of the store!

The dimension of the heavens means a wider world, more information and historical records!

This is deeply attractive to him as a senior history geek.

If the demon is gone, he can find another one, but he doesn't want to miss this opportunity.

Jianzi and Meijiu looked at each other, and neither of them spoke.

"He is not the demon I want to find, so I don't need it."

"But you are different. Astaroth's ability is fire, which is a very suitable demon for you who has the Fire King Sword."

As he said, Ling Yu glanced at Lian Baiying and the other two.

"Becoming a maze conqueror is originally the strategic policy of your Huang Empire. Are you sure you don't want it?"

Lian Hongyan: "..."

He was silent.

Because Ling Yu was right.

It is incredible to be able to conquer the maze without losing a single soldier.

If he refuses the power of the demon god now, and then attacks the maze by himself, without the power of the demon god to back him up, he might lose his subordinates and expose his brothers and sisters to danger.

If he accepts the power of the demon god now, it will be very helpful for conquering other mazes later.

He can also help other brothers and sisters to prevent them from getting into trouble.

The thought only lasted for a moment, and Lian Hongyan made a decision in his heart.

Astaroth, floating in the air, was a little embarrassed at the moment, looking at the two people with complicated eyes.

What is the situation now.

He is the 29th pillar demon god, but no one wants him!

"Demon god, I want your power."

At this time, Hongyan spoke.

Looking at the flash of light in Astaroth's hand, the Xinyan King Sword appeared and was placed horizontally in front of Hongyan.

"Now, give me the power!"

Hongyan's tone was still so unquestionable.

"You are the conqueror of the maze, I naturally recognize you."

Although Astaroth's mood was complicated, this was the rule.

Hongyan conquered the maze, and if no one else had any objections, he was the one he needed to pursue.

And he could clearly feel the kingly aura in Hongyan, and such a person was indeed what he was looking for.

After answering, Astaroth turned into a ray of light and flew into the Xinyan King Sword. In an instant, an eight-star appeared on the blade.

Thus, Lian Hongyan obtained his first demon god.


"Brother Yan has become a metal tool user!"

"Congratulations, Lord Hongyan."

Hongming and Hongba were very excited to see this scene, because this was the first metal tool holder belonging to the Huang Empire.

Lian Baiying was also happy for Hongyan.

Although the elders were a little strange, her admiration for Hongyan was from the heart.

Hongyan nodded slightly, as if accepting the blessings of his younger brothers and sisters.

Looking at the Xinyan King Sword in his hand, the hand holding the hilt slightly exerted force.

The next second, a white flame with a blue glow appeared on the blade.

Unlike Amon's golden flame, Astaroth's flame gives people a chilling feeling, just like phosphorous fire, which makes people shudder.

After using it for the first time and finding that it was not difficult to control, Lian Hongyan put away the Xinyan King Sword.

Compared with the power of the demon god, he cares more about things.

He strode to Ling Yu, stared at Ling Yu with a pair of light red eyes and asked: "How much is this maze worth?"

He did not forget the conversation he had with Ling Yu before coming.

"Counting the demon gods and wealth in your hands..." Ling Yu stretched out three fingers, "30,000."


Lian Hongyan's eyes flashed.

He did not expect this price.

Although he thought that these demon gods were very powerful, he did not expect them to be worth so much.

He brought so many things from the palace and only exchanged for 2,000, and this maze was worth 30,000.

He did not know how many such mazes there were, but whether it was the development of the Huang Empire or the demon gods themselves, it was worth continuing to attack!

At this moment, a huge Bafangxing teleportation array appeared under everyone's feet.

Astaroth's voice also rang out: "This is a teleportation formation, which will teleport you back from the maze."

After that, the light of the Eight Fang Stars under everyone's feet shone brightly.

When everyone came to their senses, they had already returned to the military base.

As for the Demon God Tower that connected to the maze, it disappeared.

Of course, in addition to everyone being teleported back, the treasures of the maze were also brought out without exception.

"Lord Hongyan!"

The soldiers who noticed the movement quickly surrounded him.

"Lord Hongyan, have you obtained the metal tool?"

Several of Hongyan's trusted generals asked hurriedly.

In response, Hongyan just nodded faintly, but made everyone excited.

The Huang Empire finally has its own metal tool user.

In this way, the pace of unifying the world will also be accelerated!

In recent years, the news of metal tool users has been spreading all over the continent.

Among them, Sinbad of the Seven Seas Alliance has the greatest reputation, and his threat is self-evident.

Now that Hongyan has become a metal tool user, it means that the Huang Empire will be fearless in the future!

In the general's tent

"Did the shopkeeper get what he wanted?"

After pushing all the troublesome things to his younger brother Hongming, Lian Hongyan looked at Ling Yu and asked.


Hongba and Baiying in the tent couldn't help but look weird when they heard this title.

The title of 'shopkeeper' is generally used by Western countries, while in the Huang Empire, they are called shopkeepers.

So they are still outsiders?

Ling Yu nodded.

Hong Yan continued: "If you need anything, you can tell me."

He had to admit that he was able to get Astaroth with the help of Ling Yu.

Maybe he could have conquered him, but he was definitely not unscathed.

For this, he needed to thank Ling Yu.

"Then I really have something to trouble you." Ling Yu said.

"You say." Hong Yan's face was calm.

"Next, I will summon the Demon God Tower and need to borrow a place."

The strange color in Lian Hong Yan's eyes flashed, and he nodded: "No problem!" (End of this chapter)

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