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Chapter 206 Xinyan draws his sword!

Ugo wanted to investigate, but Aladdin was too young.

This made him unable to leave at all, and he could only temporarily suppress the doubts in his heart.

But then I thought about it, now that there are three magi in the world, it seems that it is not unacceptable if five mazes are conquered in one day.

So Ugo continued to focus on training Aladdin.

Aladdin is the son of King Solomon, which can also be said to be his spiritual sustenance, so he does not dare to relax at all about Aladdin's education.

Hong Ba, who came back from the maze, felt as if he was in a dream.

Looking at Ling Yu was like looking at a monster.

How could there be such a terrifying being? He could conquer five mazes in a row in one day. He was simply scarier than the stallion of the Seven Seas!

He suddenly understood why Brother Yan wanted to make friends with the other party.

With him here, no matter what magi is not magi, maybe the metal weapon users of the Huang Empire can surpass the entire continent in an instant.

Although Hongyan didn't say it on the surface, there were waves in his heart.

Mijiu felt warm in her heart as she looked at Ba Fangxing on the burning demon destroyer.

The demon god Amon was considered a gift from Ling Yu. She liked everything Ling Yu gave her.

"Okay, I have helped you restore the first seal of the Xinyan King Sword."

"Working with Demon God Astaro, we should be able to unleash the power of burning the sky and boiling the sea."

Ling Yu returned the Xinyan King Sword to Hongyan.

Lian Hongyan looked at the orange gem that was lit in the center of the Xinyan King Sword, his eyes flashing.

Then he looked at Ling Yu and asked, "If you want to light up other gems, what do you need?"

"Because this is compensation, I will confiscate your money. If you give it individually... five thousand each." Ling Yu said with a smile.

Jianzi opened his mouth, but finally chose not to speak.

She knew that Ling Yu had started to trick people again.

But the source points that Ling Yu cheated would be used to pay them salaries.

It can't be stopped, it really can't be stopped at all!

Therefore, Jianzi could only wish Hongyan to get more origin points.

Hongyan's eyes narrowed slightly.

Excluding the Astaru one, all the treasures in the other four mazes that Ling Yu conquered were brought out and all were given to him.

If it weren't for the lack of supplies in the army, he really wanted to exchange all these for cost source points, and then unlock all the abilities of Xinyan King Sword at once.

Too bad he couldn't do that.

So Hongyan planned to wait for a while and then go to the store to unlock the other gems when he had some spare time.

At this stage, let him try the so-called power of the devil and the power that resembles the plague gem.

Lian Baiying's simulated desire gem was also inlaid on her feather fan by Ling Yu, just like when she was able to use metal tools in the original work.

In the following time, after letting Hongyan join a group, Ling Yu said goodbye and left.

Before leaving, he did not forget to give a reminder.

"If you encounter an enemy that you can't defeat, shouting "Xin Yan, draw your sword" will have unexpected effects~"

After saying that, he disappeared into the space channel.

"Xinyan draws his sword?"

Whispering these four words, Lian Hongyan decided to test it now.

After all, the sooner he masters it, the more helpful it will be to him.

"Where's Judar?"

Hongyan walked out of the commander's tent, looked at his general Li Qingxiu and asked.

"Master Magi heard that Master Hongyan was going to the maze and left without waiting for him." Li Qingxiu said with a strange expression.

"I got it." After hearing this, Hong Yan turned to look at Hong Ming next to him, "Hong Ming, send the order for Judar to come back."

"Yes, brother."

"Judar, as a magi, should allow me to use your true power."

After Hong Ming left, Lian Hongyan looked at the Xinyan King Sword in his hand, his calm tone mixed with a hint of excitement.

not long

Judal came back on the magic carpet, but his face was full of dissatisfaction.

Don't you want him? Why are you calling him back?

"Can't you conquer the maze by yourself? Why are you looking for me?" When Judar came back, his tone was very unkind.

Others were afraid of red inflammation, but he was not.

Being a magi is a privilege in itself.

However, what Hong Yan said next made Judar stunned.

"Judar, fight with me."

At this moment, not only Judar was confused, but Hongming and others also looked puzzled.

Judar silently came to Hongyan and looked at it, then came to Hongba and asked in a low voice: "Does your brother have a fever today?"

Normally, anyone with a sound mind shouldn't want to fight Magi.

That's not asking for trouble.

Hong Ba shook his head, he was confused.

Brother Yan today felt unusually strange to him.

Looking at his younger siblings and Judar, he said, 'Are you sure there's nothing wrong with your brain? ’ Hong Yan’s face turned completely dark.

He said in a calm voice: "I want to test the strength of metal tools and need a sparring partner."

"So that's it, you told me earlier, it scared me to death." Judar exhaled.

After all, they were friends who had known each other since childhood. He didn't want Hong Yan to have a brain problem.

Lian Hongyan: "..."

"Yes, yes, I'm just a sparring partner, I promise you." Looking at Hong Yan's face getting darker and darker, Judar said quickly.

Then, a small wand inlaid with rubies was held in his hand, and as it danced gently, black Luffy flew around him.


Hongyan shouted softly, calling the demon god's real name.

The next second, the sword blade ignited white flames, and a layer of scales like snake scales attached to the arm.

This is a low-profile version of the full-body magic suit, a partial magic suit.

Although the strength improvement is not very obvious, it is not something that ordinary people can contend with.

"Is this the new power of the demon god you have acquired? It feels pretty good."

Judal said, and a bright yellow barrier lit up around his body, and then he crossed his arms.

"Then come on, let me see if this so-called demon god power can break my barrier."

Everyone who saw this scene dispersed, leaving room for the two to fight.

Hongyan didn't say anything, but quickly came to Judal, raised the Xinyan King Sword with one hand, and slashed at Judal's protective shield.


A huge explosion sounded, and the ground under Judal's feet sank slightly, but the protective shield did not have any ripples.

Judal yawned in the protective shield: "To be honest, if it's just like this, I'm a little disappointed."

"Is this magi?" Lian Baiying murmured.

Even Lord Hongyan, who had obtained the power of the demon god, could not break through his defense.

"Judal, this guy!"

Hearing Judal's arrogant words, Hongba could not help but clench his fists.

Hongyan did not speak, and slashed down with a sword again, but it was the same as before.

This time, Hongyan did not attack rashly again.

Judal has been a magi for many years, so his strength should not be underestimated. He has only obtained the power of the demon god for less than half a day, so the gap cannot be made up so quickly.

But... his main purpose is not to test the power of the demon god.

"Judal, adjust the strength of the protective shield to the highest."


Judal was a little surprised when he heard what Lian Hongyan said.

You can't even break the current protective shield, and you asked him to increase it?

But when he saw Hongyan's eyes, he still cheered up in his heart.

"Come on."

After concentrating Luffy again to strengthen the protective shield, Judal said.

Lian Hongyan took a deep breath and slowly raised the Xinyan King Sword in his hand.

Then his eyes condensed.

"Xinyan-draw the sword!"


The moment this sentence fell, the King Sword of Fire seemed to have activated a code.

The whole body was orange-red.

Crystalline objects appeared around the blade.

With the momentum of sparks, this sword slashed heavily on Judal's protective shield.


It almost collapsed as soon as it touched it.


Judal had no time to be shocked, and hurriedly mobilized Luffy to resist, but he couldn't stop it at all.

He was blown away by the spreading explosion.

This crescent-like slash lasted for more than 500 meters until a mountain was blown away.

Looking at the scene of flames in the distance, the soldiers looked at each other, and they could see the shock in each other's pupils.

"Is this the strength of a metal user?!"

"Too strong, too strong! Under the leadership of Lord Hongyan, we will definitely unify the world!"


The soldiers said excitedly.


Listening to the soldiers' cheers, Lian Hongyan raised a smile.

At the same time

Astaroth in the Fire King Sword was confused.

You have this strength, why are you still trying to conquer a maze! (End of this chapter)

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