This shop owner is not very reliable

Chapter 203: The 29th Labyrinth Astaroth

"If you sincerely invite me, I'd be happy to come." Ling Yu said with a smile.

Lian Hongyan's eyes flashed.

"Even the shop owner is so concerned. It seems that the water in my world is very deep." Hong Yan said meaningfully.

Ling Yu smiled back: "I just like to open up new maps."

Hong Yan's expression returned: "The maze has been guarded by the army and can be entered at any time. If the shop owner wants to, he can start conquering it today."

After hearing Hong Yan's words, Ling Yu glanced at the time.

It's still half an hour before lunch.

It's enough for conquering mazes.

After all, the so-called maze test is only used to test the wisdom and courage of ordinary people.

Let the demon who is observing in secret see if they have the King's Weapon.

The so-called maze is completely childish to Ling Yu.

But...if I go there, will I really come back just because of a maze?

As mentioned before, there are two demon gods who are favored by Ling Yu.

"Miko, Miku, you also come with me."

Ling Yu turned to look at the two of them.

Since we are conquering the maze, we naturally have to seek some benefits for our own people.

There are so many Labyrinth Demons anyway, so missing five shouldn’t be a problem.

The two people who were called came over curiously.

Lian Hongyan raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at Ling Yu questioningly.

The latter chuckled lightly: "Don't worry, I will make it up to you later."

"And after I conquer the maze, except for the demon, all the other items will be yours."

Although Ling Yu's goal is not the maze where Hong Yan is, it is also true that he wants to take away Phoenix, who originally belonged to Hong Yan.

Therefore, it is appropriate to give Hongyan some compensation.


Lian Hongyan nodded.

He could afford a mere maze.

But Lian Hongyan would never have thought that what Ling Yu wanted was not the maze he summoned.

After asking Sera to postpone lunch for half an hour, Ling Yu left with Mijiu, Miko and Esther.

As for Luna?

I haven't come back from absenteeism yet.

When the five people appeared again, they were already in a handsome tent.

The entire handsome tent was empty.

It seems that Hongyan deliberately signed the screen and retreated when he went to the store.

After imitating Hong Yan's clothes, Ling Yu snapped his fingers.

In an instant, blue structural power lit up on the four people.

When the light dissipated, the four people including Ling Yu were replaced with ancient decorations.

This scene made Hongyan's eyes narrow slightly.

If he remembered correctly, there was this light when the Xinyan King Sword appeared just now.

However, it is not unacceptable that there are metal weapon users and magicians in this world.

Under the leadership of Hong Yan, everyone left the handsome tent.

The moment he came out, he saw the confused eyes of the guards.

If they remember correctly, Master Hongyan should be the only one in the handsome tent from beginning to end!

Where did these four come from?

Hongyan was speechless and led Ling Yu and others directly to the Demon God Tower.


"Brother Yan!"

"Lord Hongyan!"

Three calls came, and two men and one woman trotted over. They were Hong Yan's three younger brothers and sisters.

They rushed over as soon as they heard the soldiers' report.

Lian Hongyan nodded slightly after seeing them, and then looked at the door: "Open the door of the maze."

"Brother, didn't it mean that Tian Tian started the official strategy?" Lian Hongming asked confused.

Lian Hongyan: “Because it’s no longer needed.”

"It doesn't need to be..."

Hong Ming wanted to ask something else, but Hong Yan looked at him and made the younger brother swallow all his questions immediately.

Helplessly, he could only hand over his hand: "...Yes!"


With the push of the two soldiers, the maze door slowly opened, revealing a hazy curtain of light.

This light curtain has a teleportation effect, and anyone who touches it will be teleported into the maze.

In order to ensure that no one would commit suicide, the empire sealed the entrance with two stone gates.

Lian Hongyan looked at Ling Yu.

"Let's go."

Ling Yu nodded and walked toward the light curtain with Meijiu and the others.

"Brother Yan, who are they?"

Lian Hongba asked when he saw Ling Yu and the others.

In response, Lian Hongyan glanced at him lightly: "Don't ask what you shouldn't ask."

This made Lian Hongba pause, with a look of disbelief in his eyes.

Because this was the first time Brother Yan said that to him.

Lian Hongming was also thinking deeply, because his brother was not someone who would target without reason.

It can only mean that these four people have secrets that he doesn't know about.

Although Lian Baiying said nothing, her beautiful eyes were focused on Ling Yu.

There are not many people in this world who can practice Hongyan Queen.

As they touched the light curtain of the Demon God Tower, everyone felt a suction coming from them, and then they were brought into a place similar to the universe.

Looking down, there is a blue planet with dozens of light beams shooting into the boundless darkness.

The so-called maze is nothing more than the dungeon of Almatran.

Through the teleportation array at the entrance, people who come into contact with the Demon God Tower can be teleported to Almatran.

Each of the pillars of light bursting out from the planet in front of me represents a maze that has not yet been conquered.

As the planet rotated, one of the light beams struck.

The next second, everyone was teleported into the dungeon where the 29th Pillar Demon God Astaru was.

"Have they already gone in?"

Outside the Demon God Tower, Judar, who arrived late, was stunned when he heard the soldier's words.

Didn't we agree to go together? What do you mean by leaving me alone!

He was so angry that he decided to ignore Hong Yan and the others and flew away alone.

In the maze

Ling Yu, who landed steadily, had a light flash in his eyes.

Just now, he had analyzed the transmission method of the maze.

Now he can build a transmission array to reach Almatlan by himself.

No MAGI is needed at all.

"Brother, is it too risky for us to come in alone like this?"

Looking at the dark maze world around him, Lian Hongming wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Hong Yan's wave of his hand.

Then he looked at Ling Yu: "Just follow him."

Lian Hongming: "..."

"Brother Ming, what's wrong with Brother Yan?" Hong Ba stepped forward and asked in a low voice.

Lian Hongming shook his head.

He himself didn't know, let alone explain it to Hong Ba.

"Found it."

At this time, Ling Yu suddenly spoke, attracting everyone's attention.

Then, Ling Yu reached out with one hand, and a dark golden imaginary space opened directly in front of him.

This made Bai Ying and his sister startled.


"Follow me."

Lian Hongyan was very frugal with words.

After saying a word to his brothers and sisters, he followed them directly.

After passing through the imaginary space, when everyone appeared again, they were already in an empty hall.

It was filled with various gold, silver, jewelry and weapons.

According to the ideas of the demon gods, if you want to become a king, you must have money and weapons.

So anyone who conquers the maze can get these properties.

This is Almatran, where living materials are extremely scarce, and only money is left.

"Good, so much!"

Lian Hongming, who came to the maze for the first time, was almost shocked by the gold, silver and jewelry everywhere.

As a military advisor, he also managed the food and grass.

The treasures in front of him are enough to support an army of 300,000 people for five or six years!

This is also a considerable income for the entire Huang Empire.

Lian Baiying looked at Ling Yu.

She had also heard rumors about the maze, saying that there were countless traps inside, and no one who entered could walk out.

Now they had actually avoided all dangers and arrived at the treasure room directly.

It was all because of the person in front of them.

‘Is it Magi? ’ Lian Baiying thought in her heart.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Just as everyone was thinking differently, the sound of several flames erupting was heard.

Along with the crimson flames rising from the surroundings, a blue demon god with a terrifying aura, snake scales all over his body, and densely packed snake heads appeared in front of everyone.

“I am a demon god composed of terror and meditation, and I have the power to control fire.”

“Now, who will be my master?”

The huge blue demon god folded his arms and looked at the people below.


Ling Yu pointed to Lian Hongyan without hesitation.

This made Hong Ming, Hong Ba and Bai Ying stunned.

Lian Hongyan also looked surprised.

The reason why he brought Ling Yu here was to measure the value of a demon god, but he didn't expect Ling Yu to not want it. (End of this chapter)

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