This shop owner is not very reliable

Chapter 202 Lian Hongyan: Do you want to conquer the maze together?

"I'm going to kill this guy!"

Aili said angrily after being silent.

Because of the excitement, the ground was even covered with a layer of frost.

However, when Ai Li turned around and was about to leave, Marina grabbed her.

Ai Li raised her head and met a pair of complicated eyes.

"If you kill her now, what will happen to mom?"

As soon as Marina spoke, Ai Li was stunned.

Yes, what will happen to mom.

Mom finally got out of the shadow of divorce. If she knew what happened today, she would definitely be devastated.

"What should I do then?"

Ai Li felt very uncomfortable.

She wanted to stop the trouble forever, but she didn't want to see her mother sad.

After all, Akizuki Kozo, the beast in human clothing, did a good job on the surface.

Let their mother Huayoko love her to death.

"Go ask the owner." Marina said.

Ai Li's eyes lit up, and she began to contact Ling Yu.

Hearing the two's distress, Ling Yu chuckled: "It's not that simple, just modify his consciousness."

"If you ask me, this Qiuyue Xiaosan must be kept, in case your mother will be abducted by others in the future, it's better to keep it."

The two sisters discussed it.

I think Ling Yu is right.

According to their mother's naive personality, someone might really take advantage of her.

If someone more perverted than Qiuyue Xiaosan comes, it will be more trouble than gain.

Aili: "But how to modify consciousness."

Ling Yu: "Friendship price, one hundred per shot."

Aili: "...Can I buy on credit?"

Ling Yu: "Since we have known each other for so many years, yes."

Aili: "Ah?"

Aili was a little confused.

They have known each other for less than two days, how can they have so many years.

Is it like a year?

After booking a time with the Qiuyue sisters, Ling Yu went to the world he longed for - "Father's Love is Like a Mountain"

As soon as he walked out of the space channel, Ling Yu saw the Akizuki sisters in casual clothes.

Unlike JK, casual clothes are a bit loose, and because of the hot weather, they are very white.

He took a look at the layout of the house, well, it still tasted like 16 years ago.

He took another look at the entrance of the old actor.

Finally, his eyes fell on the protagonists, the Akizuki sisters.

It's not that he wants to look at people with tinted glasses.

But the memory is deep and lingering!

"Shopkeeper, eat fruit."

Marina brought the cut apples and put them on the table.

Ling Yu picked up a piece with a toothpick and put it in his mouth. After chewing it, he said, "Take me to find Akizuki Kozo."

This room can't stay any longer!

The two sisters did not refuse, and took Ling Yu to the police station.

After asking, Ling Yu went directly to the place where Akizuki Kozo was imprisoned.

The people patrolling around seemed to have not seen the three people, which made the Akizuki sisters very curious.

Looking at the slightly embarrassed figure inside, the Qiuyue sisters could not feel a trace of pity in their hearts.

Because it was all his own fault!

Through the imaginary number conversion, Ling Yu led the three people over the railing and walked directly in.

With a wave of his hand, Qiuyue Xiaosan's eyes became dull in an instant.

"The general modification is that he has no ability to "do" things, he is wholeheartedly for you, for this family, he works hard and never complains, and he will not exceed the slightest in life... Is there anything else?" Ling Yu looked at the two sisters and asked.

"Add one more to obey orders." Ai Li said.

She now completely treats Qiuyue Xiaosan as a tool.

Since the other party has that kind of idea about her, she naturally doesn't mind doing it to the extreme.


Ling Yu nodded, and then urged the power of consciousness to modify Qiuyue Xiaosan's cognition and thoughts.

Qiuyue Xiaosan now is like being hit by another god.

From a lewd ghost father to a nanny + licking dog.

After modifying Qiuyue Xiaosan's consciousness, the three people returned home.

"Thank you so much, owner." Marina bowed.

Ling Yu waved his hand, indicating that it was not a big problem.

"Although I will still see that annoying face every day in the future, if he really wants to atone for his sins, it is not impossible to forgive him."

Ai Li crossed her arms, her face full of tsundere.

Marina was also satisfied.

This way, she would not make her mother sad, nor would she have to worry about life.

After solving the matter of Qiuyue's family, Ling Yu said goodbye directly.

This family may not have any problems if it is taken out alone, but if Qiuyue sisters are in it, Ling Yu will be very uncomfortable.

Because wherever he swept his eyes, there were always battles.


The next day

Almost the moment the store opened, Lian Hongyan walked in.

But his face was terribly dark.

Because he had been waiting from morning to noon!

During this period, the store was not connected, until just now, he came in directly.

"Would you like an orange?"

Ling Yu smiled at Lian Hongyan with a dark face.

"No need."

Lian Hongyan took out the card directly, and countless rare treasures appeared.

Then he looked at Ling Yu and asked, "Are these enough?"

"There are still 500 left." Ling Yu said after looking.

Lian Hongyan: "Exchange it."

Ling Yu nodded, waved his hand, and all these items were collected by the store.

And there was an additional amount of 500 on Lian Hongyan's card.


Lian Hongyan looked at Ling Yu with burning eyes.

"Don't worry, everyone in this dimension knows that I am the most honest person."

Ling Yu smiled slightly, light flashed in his hand, and a big sword appeared on the table.

The center of the sword is red and the edge of the sword is white, just like an ink outline, clearly depicting the shape of the Xinyan King Sword.

Lian Hongyan felt a connection with the sword as soon as he held it.

Being able to send and receive messages at will is a small benefit given by Ling Yu.

After all, a sword is not a sword if it cannot be stored inside the body.

Lian Hongyan was in a good mood after getting the Xinyan sword. This was the first time he had such a strong desire for material things.

"When do you plan to conquer the maze?" Ling Yu asked as he slowly peeled the orange.

Lian Hongyan's eyes flashed.

He had never mentioned the 'maze' in front of Ling Yu.

But he still said in a deep voice: "Tomorrow."

Ling Yu nodded and did not bring up this topic again.

"Does the owner know where the maze comes from?"

Seeing that Ling Yu no longer mentioned it, a look of urgency appeared on Lian Hongyan's calm and confident face.

He desperately wants to know the truth about this world.

But the more he investigated, the more confused he became.

It's as if a pair of invisible hands cut off the history in the middle.

Now Ling Yu seemed to know something, which made him curious.

"I think you can ask Lian Yuyan this question." Ling Yu said with a smile.

Lian Hongyan frowned.

Lian Yuyan, this name was something he never expected.

"What does that woman know?" Lian Hongyan asked.

"I can only say that that woman hides deeper than you think."

If Roswaal from scratch could seize the body of his offspring regardless of gender, then Lian Yuyan could only take a step back and seize the body of his own daughter.

Regardless of the body, the soul must be old and dirty.

"How many origin points can be exchanged for an entire maze."

Lian Hongyan suddenly spoke, which made Ling Yu pause and couldn't help but cast a surprised look at him.

Normal people's thinking should be to conquer the maze, obtain the power of the devil, and then exchange the items in the maze to maximize benefits.

It's better to practice Hongyan and just choose to exchange for the maze.

To put it bluntly, this person's brain circuitry is frighteningly clear.

It seems outrageous, but for the Huang Empire, which holds MAGI, there is no shortage of mazes.

"The price depends on the situation. After all, the power of the magic staff held by each demon god is different, and the price will definitely be different." Ling Yu said.

Lian Hongyan nodded, and then asked: "Does the shopkeeper want to conquer the maze with me?"

"The maze." Ling Yu narrowed his eyes.

To be honest, among the many demon gods, he really wanted two.

One of them is Belial of the 68th Labyrinth.

The ability he possesses is the life magic that manipulates perception, which can make creatures feel non-existent hallucinations, and has the application effect of rewriting other people's memories.

The second one is Phoenix from the 37th Labyrinth.

It is rare to see a wet nurse who is big and very capable. (End of chapter)

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