This shop owner is not very reliable

Chapter 201 The latest information: Xiao San is in jail.

"Now that you know the rules of the store, you should understand that all items need to be exchanged at equal value." Ling Yu looked at Lian Hongyan and said.

"How many."

Lian Hongyan asked directly.

He was never stingy in his thirst for knowledge.

"All I can give you is the ability to directly read the contents after seeing the book."

"This requires a thousand origin points."

Ling Yu raised a finger lightly and said.


Lian Hongyan didn't hesitate at all and handed over the card directly.

One glance passed.

Two thousand, quite satisfactory.

Lian Hongyan is not the protagonist at first, and the number of appearances is not high. Two thousand is considered a high number.

"Let's all go, five ordinary and five rare jars each." Lian Hongyan's voice came.

Ling Yu was naturally very happy about this.

A ball of blue light was condensed on the palm of Ling Yu who had scratched out the origin point. This contained part of the power of Herrscher Litchi. Although he had no ability to analyze, he could quickly help people read documents.

The light ball was thrown into Lian Hongyan's chest, and the latter did not refuse and allowed the light ball to be contained in his body.

After absorbing it, Lian Hongyan didn't feel any difference until Ling Yu handed over a book.

The moment he took it, a pop-up window appeared in front of him.

[Whether to extract the content from the book. ]


Lian Hongyan said directly.

The next second, all the massive information in the book was poured into Lian Hongyan's mind, allowing him to read the entire book in an instant.


Feeling the information in his mind, even Lian Hongyan, who was known for his calmness, couldn't help but feel a little excited.

This greatly reduced his reading time.

Not only can it help him quickly acquire knowledge, but it can also play a major role in leading battles.

Afterwards, Lian Hongyan and Ling Yu came behind the counter.

The first thing I saw was the Herrscher Shinfire figure placed on the counter.

In front of her, there were two swords, a broken flame sword, and a long sword with burning flame effects.

This made Lian Hongyan's mind move.

In his world, there is an existence called 'Maze'.

There is a demon god living in it. It is said that those who conquer the maze can be accompanied by the demon god, hold a metal weapon, gain powerful power and become a candidate for the king.

He also wanted to conquer the maze, but two days before departure, he came to this mysterious shop inexplicably.

"what is that?"

Lian Hongyan looked at Herrscher Xinyan and asked.

"The Lawyer of Xinyan symbolizes the fire that is passed down from generation to generation and never ends." Ling Yu said after looking at it.


"That sword must be a metal weapon."

Ling Yu looked at Lian Hongyan in surprise.

Got it, this is just for your eyesight.

Also, although metal weapons are very strong and good, their appearance is indeed not as good as the weapons in the Honkai Series.


Soul steel is also a type of metal, and it is perfect for carrying the power of the devil.

"What's its name?"

"Xinyan King Sword."


A strange color flashed in Lian Hongyan's eyes.

The word 'king' is very sensitive to him with his ancient background.

"How many origin points do you need to get that sword?" Lian Hongyan said again.

"It depends on whether you need its form or its function."

"Is there a difference?"

"The shape is just the shell. It has no special abilities. If you can, it would be more important. This sword carries four abilities. In terms of your world, each one can kill the devil."

Lian Hongyan's pupils condensed, and the corners of his mouth curved: "Interesting."

He suddenly became interested in the story of the Herrscher Xinyan, but now was not the time to listen to the story.

The army still needs him to be in charge, so he has to go back early.

"Just take shape."

Practice Hongyan Tao.

Ling Yu raised two fingers with a smile on his face.

"Two thousand?"

Lian Hongyan thought for a moment and then made a decision.

"I'll come back tomorrow and hope to see the sword then."

"no problem."

Ling Yu readily agreed.

Soul steel rubbings could be sold for two thousand, and he suddenly had a bold idea.

You might as well print more shells of the Sword of Promise of Victory in the future to fool new guests that it is the Sword of the King, and the holder is the destined king.

However, the person you sell to must be a one-time seller, otherwise your reputation will not be guaranteed.

Ten jars were brought to Hong Yan.

Lian Hongyan calmly pulled out the sword from his waist.

Cut him off with a sword.

Click! Click!

There were constant cracking sounds, and ten jars cracked in an instant.

Again, he was in a hurry.

After opening the can, Lian Hongyan calmly put the sword back into the scabbard and held the only purple one in one hand.

[Tian Shift]: You can move at will as long as you are within sight, and you can move at will even if you are out of sight as long as you have been there before.

"Can it only be one person?"

Lian Hongyan frowned slightly after seeing this skill.

The thing is good, but the practicality cannot be maximized.

It would be great if we could mobilize the army...

In this way, he can ignore the distance, and he can control the Huang Empire no matter how large it is.

After crushing all the other light balls, Lian Hongyan got a RV with unlimited water and electricity, and the rest were all dispensable things.

"I'll come again tomorrow."

After leaving these words, Lian Hongyan didn't stay long, turned around and left.

He was a man of great wit. If it wasn't for the time it took to collect the items he needed to exchange, he would have come in the afternoon.

The main reason why Lian Hongyan was so anxious to get the Xinyan King Sword was that he would lead the army to conquer the maze the day after tomorrow.


Soon after seeing Lian Hongyan off, Meijiu and Jianzi also came down from the second floor.

From the smiles on their faces, it can be seen that the [Xiang] card made them very satisfied.

So the two of them came forward at the same time and kissed Ling Yu on both sides of his cheeks.

But how could Ling Yu be satisfied with just one kiss? He immediately hugged the two and started to bite them.

In the afternoon

The Qiuyue sisters came with news.

According to their description, their bastard stepfather actually molested his mentor's wife, but was caught by his mentor and is now in police station.

Ling Yu was confused when he heard the news.

No, aren't you, Xiaosan, only interested in your daughter?

Why are you obsessed with someone else's wife?

Is the weather vane crooked?

According to Ai Li's description, the wife of Qiu Yue Xiao San's teacher is almost 60 years old, and he was so scared that he ate.

It seems that he is really hungry!

But a new problem arises.

Why did Qiu Yue Xiao San suddenly change his target?

Ling Yu suddenly thought of something and began to edit text for Ai Li.

Ling Yu: "Aili, check if there is a surveillance camera in your room, or if the USB flash drive is there. I suspect that Qiu Yue Xiao San has secretly read "Mother's Love is Like Water."

Ai Li was stunned when she received the message, and then she spat with a slightly red cheek.

The bastard shop owner, she almost forgot about the USB flash drive, and he reminded her now.

But what Ling Yu said is not unreasonable. According to the pervert's behavior, it is very likely that surveillance cameras will be installed in her room.

So Ai Li began to rummage through the room.

In addition, Qiu Yue Xiao San was caught in bed and had a certain social status with his teacher. He is now in prison, so his room was empty. Taking this opportunity, Ai Li decided to search it as well.

But after she looked at the panties and underwear that she had lost for no reason in the cabinet, Ai Li fell silent.

Marina was the same, she couldn't believe that the usually gentle Kozo was actually a beast who attacked her daughter.

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