This shop owner is not very reliable

Chapter 200 Magic Flute MAGI Lian Hongyan

"Okay, this is none of your business today. Just don't talk nonsense, I won't bother you."

Luna said after putting away the arrow.

Yamano Mitsuha nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

She was just an ordinary office employee, without even a background, so how could she dare to disobey.

Seeing that Yamano Mitsuha was so honest, Luna also relaxed her vigilance, looked at Jianzi and sighed: "It's a pity that I didn't find a flying evil ghost, otherwise I could experience the feeling of flying in the sky."

"If you want to fly, you can go hunt some flying dragons."

"Aren't there a lot of them in your world?" Jianzi said.

Luna's original world was fantasy, so there was no shortage of fantasy creatures.

She couldn't beat those ancient dragons, but she could still deal with ordinary flying dragons.

"You're right."

"I must build an army that will impress Ling Yu!" Luna said with a fist.

Luna's ultimate dream: to make Ling Yu kneel in front of her and sing "Conquer"!

Although it's a bit far-fetched, I still dream about it often.

Jianzi also cheered for her good sister.

Shanye Guangbo was confused.

What evil ghosts, flying dragons, and military personnel, are they really not playing cosplay?

Shanye Guangbo was full of questions.

But when she looked up, she found that the two women had disappeared.

If it weren't for the pain in her back, she would have thought she was dreaming.

After searching everywhere without any results, she had to go home.


When Luna returned to the store, her mind was full of Feilong. After saying something to Lingyu, she left in a hurry.

"If you are absent from work for one day without reason, your salary will be deducted by 100 yuan."

Looking at Luna's back, Lingyu said slowly.

Unfortunately, Luna's figure had completely disappeared in the store.

Jianzi and Miku looked at each other.

There was a common word in their eyes.

Good dog.

"Jizi, do you have any abilities you really want to obtain?"

At this time, Ling Yu's voice came. Jianzi pondered for a moment and said, "I should be lacking anti-air equipment."

After the divine spell, she has a strong jumping ability, and it is no problem to stay in the air for a short time.

But it is also true that she is passive when facing enemies in the air.

Ling Yu nodded and threw a card to Jianzi.

Jizi took it and found that the card was a little familiar.

"It's a Clow Card." Meijiu next to him said.

"This is a Clow Card named [Sho]. After using it, you can get the ability to fly."

"Don't worry about the energy. It is provided by me." Ling Yu introduced.

"Ling Yu, you provide energy to so many people, why won't you be squeezed out?" Jianzi asked the same question as Meijiu before.

"My energy is unlimited, it can't be used up, it can't be used up at all."

Yotani Jianzi: "..."

Why is the tone so Versailles.

You can't use up your energy, but your energy can definitely be used up.

Drain you tonight!

Of course, Jianzi would only think about this kind of thing. If he really asked, he would be the one begging for mercy.

"Can I use this [Xiang] card here?" Jianzi asked.

"Of course."

Lingyu still satisfied his little wife's request.

So, Jianzi put his index finger and middle finger together, clamped the [Xiang] card, and habitually pressed it against his right arm.

The next second

the Clow Card turned into two white streams of light and flew behind Jianzi.

Instantly, a pair of white wings stretched out from behind Jianzi.

Feathers fell to the ground.

Like an angel who had just come to the world.

"So beautiful..."

Meijiu was stunned.

The white feathers, matched with Jianzi's flawless face, looked extremely holy.

"Now Jianzi can also be called an angel." Meijiu smiled.

Hearing Meijiu's praise, Jianzi scratched his head embarrassedly.

"Your divine power and spiritual equipment are not bad." Lingyu said to Meijiu.

The pure white spirit suit of the first one feels like a wedding dress. Every time Meijiu puts it on at night, Ling Yu's heart beats.

It has nothing to do with the number of times, but a kind of appreciation from the bottom of his heart.

"Meijiu, I'll give you a [Xiang] card as well." Ling Yu said.

If the divine spirit suit of the first one is matched with the white wings of the [Xiang] card, it is simply a real angel descending.

And Meijiu also accepted it without hesitation.

After using the [Xiang] card, Jianzi felt that her whole body was very light. With a light tap of her toes, she easily flew off the ground with the flapping of the wings behind her.

"Is this the feeling of flying?"

Jianzi murmured in the air, with a touch of excitement in her eyes.

"Flying is the highest realm of enjoying freedom." Ling Yu also smiled.

"Ling Yu, I want to go to the trial place." Jianzi looked at Ling Yu and said.

The store is too small and she can't show it.

She wants to go to the wider sky to try out her newly acquired wings.

Ling Yu naturally would not refuse this.

Just like that, Jianzi and Meijiu went to the second floor together.

Ling Yu did not follow them, but sat down again with Esther in his arms, and continued to wait for the next source person to come.


After an unknown amount of time, the door was pushed open.

A man with a red head walked in.

He had a resolute face and exuded the aura of a superior.

His stern appearance seemed to keep everything out.


The moment he saw him, a trace of thought flashed across Ling Yu's eyes.

The corresponding name appeared in his mind, Lian Hongyan, the first prince of the Huang Empire in the world of "Magi", who possessed three demons.

However, under Ling Yu's observation, he did not have the breath of a demon.

In other words, the current Lian Hongyan did not conquer the maze to gain the recognition of the demon.

"Come and sit down."

Lian Hongyan did not refuse. He came to sit opposite Ling Yu in a bright red ancient costume.

"I saw the desire for knowledge in your eyes. I guess you can't suppress the doubts in your heart."

"What is this place?"

"Who are you!"

Lian Hongyan looked at Ling Yu with burning eyes.

"You are also a rare male customer in the store."

"This is a transit station of the dimension, a place called the Dimension Store."

"Transit station of the dimension?" Lian Hongyan raised his eyebrows.

"My name is Ling Yu, the owner of this store."

"Well, it's a bit troublesome to introduce it. You can see it yourself."

Ling Yu took out a card and threw it to Hongyan.

The moment Hongyan caught it, his body was shocked.

Soon, he came back to his senses from the flood of information.

"Interesting, not through reading and explanation, but directly instilling information into my mind?"

Lian Hongyan murmured, his face full of excitement.

This is a method he has never seen before.

If possible, he would like to get this technology!

So, he told Ling Yu his idea.

This surprised Ling Yu, because this was the first time that anyone who came to the store had proposed this idea.

Should we say that he is a man with a strong desire for knowledge?

This may be classified as a strong desire.

The other party should be able to talk to Echidna. (End of this chapter)

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