This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 137: see parents?

William's old father was startled by the piercing cry of grief.

Harry looked down and saw a black and thin little girl half-kneeling in the dirt, looking sadly at the two thick black sticks on the ground.

He quickly grabbed the black, thick and long stick-like object.

After a hasty inspection, Harry found that the black rod not only had a very hard surface, but also had excellent toughness. The sound of hitting the ground was so loud, but apart from a small gap on the top, there were no scratches.

He breathed a sigh of relief, raised his hand and handed the black stick back.

"No, here it is, I just saw that this thing didn't break at all, don't cry, I'll beat you up if you dare to cry."

Daisy took her carefully baked brown bread tremblingly. The "fluffy, fluffy, fragrant, and soft" bread sticks were stained with a lot of dust. Even if she was as frugal as she was, she knew that the things that fell on the ground could no longer be eaten. , otherwise she will have diarrhea, and this unfortunate black bread is about to leave her completely.

The little girl cherished the bread and blew the ash tentatively, trying to take a bite of the part that didn't touch the ground, but a big hand like a fan suddenly stretched out and pulled the black bread to the ground with a slap. , brutally destroyed her last hope.

"Why are you biting that thing? Don't you want your teeth?"

Harry's surprised voice sounded, and the slap just now was undoubtedly his masterpiece.


In Harry's surprised eyes, the dry and thin little girl grinned, and the two rows of white teeth flashed with a frightening cold light, and pounced like a hungry wolf.


Jessica looked at Harry, who had scratches all over his face, and asked in surprise: "You think she caused the injury? But usually even a goose can chase after her. What are you doing to her? What did you do? To be beaten like this by her?"

Harry touched his bald head in distress, and roared angrily: "How do I know! No... I didn't do anything! It was this little girl who hit me first! She was the one who hit me first! Hit me, do you understand? This little girl slammed her head into my belly, then jumped up and scratched and scratched at me, and even opened her mouth to bite me!"

He raised his arm and showed Jessica a look. Harry's muscular and knotted arm had three characteristics of black and tough, and it looked a bit like a loaf of over-baked brown bread.

Now, the tooth marks on this piece of brown bread are stacked on top of each other, and it looks as if it was bitten by a small beast with bad teeth for a long time. Even the thin iron elbow pads left half a small tooth mark.

"What the **** is this little girl? Is it a humanoid hellhound? I've bitten off my gauntlet by her!

Harry touched the cracked gauntlet in his pocket, glanced at the shivering little girl under the table with lingering fear, and then raised his fist sternly.

"If it weren't for her young age, I would knock her over with one fist!"

He said so, but he took a cautious step back, for fear that this little monster would jump out and give him another bite.

At the beginning of the "battle" between the two, Harry really wasn't ready to make a real move, just a dry little girl, just fight! Even if he hits tomorrow morning, I won't be able to shed even a single leg hair.

However, something unexpected happened, this little girl who looked malnourished was surprisingly fast, scratching his face in a single glance.

Those two small, dry fists were like small hammers, and they smashed his breastplate with two blows. The small white teeth were even more terrifyingly strong, and the fine iron gauntlets were bitten by force .

Thinking about the scene at that time, Harry's back is still chilled.

Apart from being thrown in the face by a hungry wolf when he was a child, this was probably the closest he had ever been to death. In a hurry, he could not hold back his hand. Although he endured that he did not draw his sword and slashed over, he still grabbed her and severely Two more punches.

But an even more unexpected thing happened. This little girl, who seemed to be blown down by a gust of wind, not only did not lie down after receiving two punches from him, but instead cried and jumped up again, and the attack was even stronger than before. Three points again.

If it wasn't for Jessica, who heard the cries, rushing over, the patriarch of the dignified Vankins family, a professional who had just been promoted to the third-tier great knight, might have been planted here.

Harry rubbed the ribs on his chest with lingering fears, where he was smashed several times by this crazy girl, and it was still a dull pain. Maybe it was already cracked. Even a little girl was so violent, Farrell. What kind of monsters are the people at home?


Following Harry's annoyed accusation, Daisy under the table began to tremble non-stop, and then she just hugged the legs of the table and began to cry. Weeping in a low voice, he threw the things on the table all over the floor.

Jessica picked up the huddled little girl with tears in her eyes, and waved to an older maid, asking her to take him down and comfort him first.

Amidst the cry of the little girl, the female knight rubbed her brows and explained, "This she the cook I hired? She's a bit special..."

She looked at Harry who was covered in and asked suspiciously: "By the way, you are the one sent by the queen to deliver the letter? Didn't I say in my letter that William must come?"

After hearing the name that represented the beating, Harry's three-month-long tragic memory was awakened again.

After painfully recalling the tragic years when his nose was blue and his face was swollen, he curled his lips quite unhappily:

"William? That **** little **** went on vacation. I don't know when he will be back. Because of the emergency, Her Majesty the Queen asked me to come."

Feeling the hostility towards William in Harry's words, the female knight's brows could not help frowning.

Although the man in front of him was a third-order great knight, William was the one who killed a fifth-order vampire, and his actual combat power was at the top of the fourth-order.

According to William's level, the third-order great knight can clean up as he wants. Isn't he afraid of offending William? How could that sinister woman send a fool to deliver a letter to herself?

Jessica folded her arms and leaned back on the chair, her slender legs folded proudly, the female knight raised her head and pointed at Harry with the tip of her chin dissatisfied: "William? who?"


After hearing her question, Harry raised his head proudly and slapped his shriveled breastplate hard.

"I'm Harry Vankins, the current patriarch of the Vankins family!"

This name is a bit familiar... I seem to have seen it in William's dossier. The female knight's legs trembled, and subconsciously she put down the raised legs, and the arms in front of her also swung back to her sides.

"You... are you William's father?"

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