This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 138: Scouting and War

Harry nodded in surprise. Although he couldn't understand what he meant by being courteous, it didn't prevent him from feeling that the female knight's behavior was a little weird.

Jessica looked at the tall man opposite, trying to find William's shadow on his face.

However, regardless of facial features, temperament, or demeanor, this man and William are very different, and there is hardly any similarity. He and William look like strangers who have no blood relationship.

The female knight's eyes couldn't help being a little scattered.

I remember... William's dossier mentioned his mother's situation briefly, and he had a very bad life in the Vankins family when he was a child, and he was not very well received by the clan, and his father's attitude towards him was also very general.

In addition, William's character is relatively cold, and he is completely different from most of the Vankins family. The style of talking and doing things is not at all like the people of the Vankins family... Could it be...?

"This is Her Majesty's reply."

Harry didn't know what the female knight was thinking, but took out a letter from his arms, held the right wrist with his left hand, and politely handed it over with the letter.

Although the people of the Vankins family are full of fights, as an earl family with a long history, they will not lose their proper etiquette, um... Under normal circumstances, they will not lose it, and when they can't remember it counts Special case.

Harry was quite satisfied with his aristocratic demeanor, but to his surprise, the beautiful and arrogant woman opposite actually accepted the letter with both hands with some humility.

Jessica sat upright with her legs together, her beautifully curved back straight, changed her arrogant look before, and opened the letter demurely and read it.

However, the further down she read, the worse her complexion became. After reading the entire letter, it was so gloomy that it almost dripped with water.

"Come on!"

The female knight crumpled the beautifully written letter into a ball, and then pointed at Harry, who had a surprised look on his face, and said, "Chop this man for me... catch it! Even if Leonard kills me, I won't give it to me. That woman gave in!"


It only took one and a half days for William to find the traces left by the royal army.

In addition to the signs of the large army passing by, there are many messy hoof prints and bloodstains. Dozens of corpses were hastily buried on the side of the road. Broken swords were inserted into several small earthbags, and one of them had a broken sword. A dark red rag was tied to the handle, and a strong smell of blood wafted in the wind.

William walked over to check and confirmed that a small-scale chase might have taken place here, and wrapping the coat of arms with the coat of arms around the sword and sticking it on the grave was an expression of admiration for an excellent warrior.

Reaching out his hand, he untied the cloth strip and took a look. The blood-stained strip of cloth was painted with a long sword that splits thorns. This coat of arms was quite familiar to William, and he even used it for a while.

Thorn Slayer Emblem, it seems that these dead people should be Leonard's scouts.

William frowned and thought for a while, then knelt down on one knee and pressed his hand on the tomb bag to start the resurrection of the dead.


Under the horrified gaze of the young knight on the side, the tomb bag gradually arched up, and a hand covered with mud grabbed the broken sword on the head of his tomb and arched it out of the ground with difficulty.

Whether it's those godless eyes or the deep wounds on his chest and abdomen that can be seen, it proves that this guy is not a corpse, but a real corpse.

"Tong... Master Commander! There may be a necromancer nearby!"

The young knight raised his long sword on guard, and said anxiously to William: "I heard that the necromancers often steal tombs to find materials, and they also arrest living people for experimental materials, and they can also spread terrifying plagues, we Let's go now!"

William waved his hand to indicate that it was okay, his eyes were fixed on the corpse that crawled out of the grave, observing the various traces left on it.

Although everything on the corpse was almost unloaded, judging from the rest of the attire, the scout must have been quite well equipped during his lifetime.

Not only were there marks of being strangled by a strong bow on the fingers, but there was also a little lime powder on the waist that was used to mark the path. In the pockets of the corpse, there were straws and charcoal pencils for sketching, and there was still a broken piece in the pit that he climbed out of. the command flag.

William's expression suddenly became heavier.

This is an elite scout who has undergone a lot of training. At this point in time, has Leonard already started dimensional reduction attacks on others?

There are a large number of true **** churches in the continent of Austria. The theocratic power of most countries is above the royal power. Coupled with the system of the nobility, the overall ruling power of the country is very low.

And the military service system, daily training and logistical support are all in a mess. So most wars proceed like this.

After the two countries decided to start the film, the king called the big nobles, the big nobles called the small nobles, and the small nobles called the knights and the people. Then everyone started to collect money to collect food, and if there was not enough, the tax was temporarily increased.

The big nobles who usually need to hunt and suppress bandits can still afford private armies, while those small nobles can only pay to hire them. These yellow-faced and skinny things can run and jump, carry a pitchfork and stick to it, anyway, I am out of the crowd.

As for the scouts, this kind of expensive armour is completely irrelevant to the nobles.

Need training? Equipment is expensive? Still need to read? What can I do with this money, Laozi? The romance of a real man is to bring everyone A up! Oh my god, that cub in front of you is worth fighting for!

In this kind of war with almost all F2A personnel, those who understand the importance of scouts naturally overwhelm others. Gilber's subordinates keep a group of trained scouts all year round. is their limit.

And these scouts carefully cultivated by the Farrell family can do a lot of things, such as finding water sources, exploring terrain, drawing maps, judging trends, passing messages, providing markers, and even actively harassing robbery and killing people like some light cavalry. food team...

The quality of the scouts compiled by the Farrell family is quite amazing. If it weren't for the existence of professionals, the direction of the war would have been greatly affected. Based on the "skill" of arranging troops, Leonard would be like playing games. It can be said that the command level is not on the same level at all.


After checking the scout's equipment, William stroked his chin thoughtfully.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Leonard is already so difficult to deal with. It seems that he must be tricked as soon as possible. If it goes on like this, I am afraid that he will not be able to stop him. I also expect to eat the soft rice of Her Majesty the Queen.

Under the trembling gaze of the young knight, the unfortunate scout slanted his neck and got back into the earthen bag and buried himself again. The arm responsible for burying the earth even patted the earthen bag quite spiritually. After taking a shot, it was confirmed that it was compacted before retracting.

[You voluntarily dismissed the summoned item "Zombie Scout LV1", there are currently no remaining summons, please add it as soon as possible]

"Under...master?" The young knight's worldview collapsed a little.

William reinserted the broken sword and got on his horse. He didn't care, and said, "Don't think about it, it may be a little panicked and just want to come out for a walk. Don't worry about it, let's go on."

The young knight followed William back on the road again and again, and when it got completely dark, they finally caught up with the large army of the royal army.

After confirming his identity with the patrolling soldiers, William was taken to the Queen's tent. He waved his hand to reject the soldiers' notification, opened the curtain and walked in.

Avril in the tent was wrapped in an old white cape, sitting at the table and writing something with her head down Like torn.

William's eyebrows twitched. The style of this cape was somewhat familiar, like the standard cape of the palace guards. He also had one. But before the two left the capital, he gave the cloak to Avril. If nothing else, it should be this one, but I didn't expect it to be kept until now.

Judging from the arms exposed outside the cloak, Her Majesty should be wearing thin silk pajamas, wrapped in a cloak to keep out the cold. It's a bit cold at night now, and even though the candles are lit in the tent, her arms are still shivering from the cold, but she still holds the quill and draws something on the map with all her concentration, without anyone breaking in. Noticed.

William looked at it silently. Her Majesty's long brown hair that was slightly curled was being gently **** by a simple hairpin, revealing the smooth and lustrous forehead below.

Because of the lack of the maid's service, and the unfamiliar skills of Her Majesty the Queen's hair, a few strands of mischievous hair broke free and fell quietly to block her vision.

When William came in, Her Majesty the Queen was frowning slightly, trying to tuck the fleeing strands of hair behind her ears. The plain white and lustrous palms and the delicate ears were placed together, giving a strange charm under the shade of the hair.

The wind brought by the opening of the curtain disturbed the candlelight in the house. Amidst the shaking of light and shadow, Avril, who was twirling her hair, moved, raised her head and showed a smile full of surprise at William.

"William? You're back!"

MMD, why don't you just lift your hair, what are you doing so sensually?

William turned his head slightly and didn't speak, feeling that he needed to restrain himself.

No way, the current atmosphere is a little too good, and Her Majesty the Queen is wearing a little less If you don't control it, you will have to think about how to adjust the position later.

Seeing that he didn't respond to her own words, but turned her head away, Her Majesty the Queen couldn't help but look dark. After gently putting down the quill in her hand, she sighed resentfully, and took the initiative to change the subject.

Her Majesty the Queen stretched out her finger and tapped lightly on the map in the center of the table.

"William, how much do you know about that man named Leonard?"

After hearing this question, William's face showed a confident look. This is equivalent to asking the academic tyrant 1+1, asking the cook for salt and sugar, and asking the driver's license plate number.

Leonard? Then I know all too well.

From the length of each of his three legs to the type of girls he likes, to those weird hobbies, I know everything. Although I can't say that I can master it all, it can be said to be familiar to me.

Especially the length of a certain leg, nearly 10 million human beings and 300,000 aliens in the whole flange, as long as they have seen the gold coins issued by him, they can basically calculate it, at least at this point in time, there will be no Someone who knows him better than I do.

William nodded reservedly and said, "I know him fairly well. I've been following him for a long time."

"A long time ago..."

Avril nodded thoughtfully, and tapped lightly on the table with her long, fair fingers.

"click, click, click"

Her Majesty the Queen looked up. "William, what do you think... what kind of person is this man who killed his father with his own hands?"

William raised his eyelids and replied without hesitation: "Cruel, cunning, insidious."

After thinking for a while, he opened his mouth and added another word.


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