This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 136: Bread Terminator

Two days later, William, who liked the girl's two-piece suit, finally returned to the royal army's station.

However, not only did no one come to greet him, even the wooden walls were mostly torn down, and there was not even a patrolman at the entrance of the huge camp, leaving only an empty camp.

The breeze swept the fallen leaves, and William felt as if he had been abandoned.

He led his horse into the deserted garrison, and found that there was really no troops left, but when he came to the entrance of the queen's tent, he faintly smelled the aroma of barbecue.

The corners of William's mouth twitched. It turned out that someone was still there, but who is so talented to actually make a fire and barbecue in the tent? Even if you're not afraid to smoke yourself to death, don't you think it's too hot?

He cautiously opened the curtain and walked in. Sure enough, Avril's tent was as hot as a steamer.

A sweaty young knight was blowing with his mouth desperately by the fire. There were two branches dressed in meat on the fire. He made the smell of barbecue that William asked about.

"Master Commander!"

After seeing that the person who came in was William, the young knight stood up with a face full of surprise, grinning and revealing a row of small white teeth. The already dark face was full of soot, which made the teeth stand out. more shiny.

Um? Call me to lead the adults? In other words... this fool is actually a member of the Royal Capital Knights (pseudo)?

The young knight didn't know that William saw through his "realness" at a glance. After giving a knightly salute, he said eagerly:

"After you left, there was an emergency military situation. I was ordered by Her Majesty the Queen to stay here and wait for you to come back and show you the way.

On the night you left, the Farrell family sent people to attack the capital and surrounded the Farrell family in the palace, so the Farrell family asked Her Majesty the Queen for help, hoping that Her Majesty the Queen could help Farrell The family beat the Farrell family away..."

William gave up studying the incoherent report, but silently opened the person's attribute panel and took a look.

【Spirit: 4】

Oh... I seem to remember it, so it's you, that's all right.

William sighed and waved his hand to signal him to stop first and stop wasting his saliva.

"Has Her Majesty the Queen left me anything?"

"Oh! There are some!" The young knight fumbled around himself for a while, then pulled out a few folded papers and handed them over.

William glanced casually and found that it was a letter and a hand-drawn map. Putting the map aside, he unfolded the letter and read it.

After reading Avril's letter at a glance, William couldn't help but suddenly realize.

Turns out it was Leonard who started doing things again.

After he killed his brother and father and succeeded in ascending the throne, Leonard, who usually only knew that he was having a lot of fun, actually showed amazing skills.

It was very different from the chaotic situation that everyone expected. It only took him two months to suppress all the opposition. Not only did he quickly receive all the inheritance of the Farrell family, but he also quietly gained the support of a group of nobles. , initially controlled the two major duchies that were beaten down by the Farrell family.

Logically speaking, what should be done next is to play steadily, gradually clear up the internal discordant voices, and completely secure the current position, but Leonard's choice caught everyone by surprise.

Not only did he blatantly send troops in a situation of internal instability, but he unexpectedly chose to fight on two fronts. On the bright side, he kept harassing the Grand Duke of the Northern Territory, and even colluded with the barbarians on the grasslands.

He actually looked back and digged behind his back, turned around and took a big bite on Jessica's turf, and broke the royal capital neatly.

If it wasn't for Peter and his father, his father's father, and his father's father's father who built the palace strong enough, Jessica would have been cold at this time.

William received the letter, and by the way, he lit an everlasting light for the female knight in his heart.

Sigh... I already knew it would be like this. Jessica is a good general who charges and directs battles, but she is not a good marshal who can strategize. With Jessica's brains, it's not just food delivery when you meet Leonard. what.

Unfolding the map with the smell of barbecue, William carefully studied the current situation.

Although the plots drawn on the map are not very precise, the general shape is quite standard, and each part is carefully marked with small characters.

On this hand-painted map of Flange, Leonard occupied the largest area of ​​land, with an irregular rectangle as a whole. Her Majesty the Queen painted all the places occupied by Farrell's house in black, stroke by stroke, and large black swathes accounted for more than one-third of the map.

In contrast, the site of the Grand Duke of the North is smaller, but it is quite long and narrow. It borders the sites of the royal army and Farrell's family, and the castle and defense measures are arranged on the north side. I am afraid that it will face internal attacks. Pierce with a chisel.

The land of the royal family of Farran was divided into two, with the capital as the boundary, and the part to the south to the border with the Holy Empire was still under the control of Avril, and was marked by Avril with light green ink. The part to the north was originally in Jessica's hands, but now it's all black, obviously it belongs to Leonard, as for Jessica...

Sorry, the little red dot in the middle with a diameter of less than one millimeter is her entire territory.

When smearing on Jessica's position, Her Majesty the Queen should have poked with the tip of the pen very carefully, but it seemed to be a little too big, and it seemed that she had wiped off a lot with a handkerchief, so it was barely accurate.

If William hadn't read Avril's letter and knew that she was trapped in the capital, I'd probably have to search for a while to find out her location.

Putting up the map, William sincerely sighed, so people really need to be self-aware!

Three months ago, the female knight vowed to unify France, but three months later, even her home was stolen.

The worst thing is that not only was the house stolen, but also the thief pushed him into the toilet and squatted with his head in his arms. Seeing that others were eating and drinking in his own house, he didn't dare to fight back, so he could only call the neighbors who didn't have a good relationship to help.

What a shame for Jill!

After complaining about the unreliability of the female knight, William turned on his horse.

From the current position to the capital, it would take about three days to ride on horseback. The royal army brought a lot of food and luggage, and the speed would only be slower than his own. If he started now, he should be able to catch up.

At this moment, the young knight kicked away the fire, and reluctantly picked up the meat skewers from the shelf, and hesitantly asked for instructions:

"Lord Commander! My meat is already roasted, or let's eat before we leave!"

William, who had been on the road for two days, also ate dry food for two days, and now he really wanted to eat something warm, so he nodded and said:

"Then take it with you, ride slowly first, and eat while walking."


The young knight excitedly climbed onto the horse's back holding two branches, first bit himself hard, and then handed a bunch to William.

William took it, but unexpectedly received a system prompt.

【Elaborately cooked delicious kebabs】

[Physical strength +1 (temporary)]

[Ordinary barbecue, ordinary branches, ordinary bonfires, plus a little talent and dedication to deliciousness have created this unusual kebab]

What the hell? Can you make food with added attributes? Talent!

Taking a hard bite of the juicy skewer, William nodded in satisfaction and patted the young knight on the shoulder.

"You are too talented as a knight, let's be a cook in the future."


"I don't want a cook!"

Jessica pushed away the brown bread that the little girl held in her hands, and covered her head with a headache.

"And how many times have I said, I don't eat this."

The little girl in a white dress took a step back timidly. " don't want waste from the Farrel family...but my mother only taught me to do this..."

The female knight slammed down the table. "That's not what I meant. Also, do you know what you have inherited? That is the legacy of a false god! Now you are a genius, do you understand?"

The little girl was taken aback by the anger on her face, she stumbled back a step, and answered with a pale face, "Understood! You are right, I am a genius, then you... Then do you want to eat it? A bite of the bread I made?"

Jessica was so angry that her long legs twisted and twisted, but she still couldn't do anything about this difficult little girl.

When she was in the capital, she realized that something was wrong with this little girl from the Anderson family.

She was obviously just a little girl who could lift her up with a handful of hands, but she was surprisingly strong in both speed and strength. Not only could she keep up with her own movements, but her two thin, thin arms were like iron pliers, and she was able to grab it twice. Can't move by himself.

After parting ways with William, she returned to the capital and began to collect people who had accepted the "legacy" of the false gods. She planned to spend a few years cultivating them into professionals and using these people as a team to form a new army.

The little girl named Daisy in front of her was the biggest surprise. Her home was in the alley next to the central square of the Royal Capital, and the [Bone Fountain] happened to open in front of her house.

An old man who lived nearby said that Daisy was sitting at the door eating brown bread at that time. Except for a woman in black robes who was strolling in the square, she should be the closest person to the false god.

As for the black-robed woman, it might be because she was too close, and she was probably crushed to death by the bones gushing out from the [Fountain of Bones]. No one has seen her anyway.

As a "lucky person" who had close contact with the fall of the pseudo-god and was almost killed by the ruins of the Fallen God, Daisy received an extremely rich gift. Although she did not acquire the knowledge related to the sequence, her physical fitness has been amazingly increased. .

Under Jessica's coercion, the little girl shivered and completed a series of physical fitness tests.

The test results are quite amazing. Although Daisy's physique is quite weak, her strength and speed have reached the standard of a third-order professional. With a little training, becoming a professional is almost a certainty, and she can even grow into a professional soon. Excellent instant combat power.

However, the biggest problem is that she is too timid.

The illegitimate daughter's high-pressure life in an aristocratic family made her extremely timid, and she trembled when she was shouted. The first time she saw a tall warhorse, she was so frightened that she almost fainted. Not to mention weapons or something, I would close my eyes in fear when I saw a kitchen knife.

Under Jessica's coercive order, she reluctantly got on the horse's back and picked up the long sword, but her whole body was shaking like a sieve, so she could stab her horse to death with a sword, and she couldn't run very far. It will fall straight from the horse.

After tossing for more than a month, Daisy's training still made no progress. Every time she saw someone raise her hand, she would still close her eyes subconsciously, unable to perform even the most basic fighting training.

The only thing that can be called improvement is that she has become familiar with the horse, and even occasionally steals beans and oatmeal from the kitchen, sneaks into the stable in the middle of the night to feed the horse, and sometimes hugs the foal directly. sleep there.

This little girl's biggest dream is to be a cook in a noble family. Like her mother, she hides in the kitchen and makes all kinds of bread every day, and then she can pick up some bread crumbs and expired bacon to take home.

Jessica tried everything she could, except putting the knife around her neck, she used almost every trick, but she still couldn't change her mind. As long as she couldn't find her, she must be peeking in the kitchen Others make bread.

After several tossing, Jessica finally gave up the idea of ​​cultivating her completely, but the little girl who was freed began to feel uneasy.

Why doesn't Lord Jessica "torture" herself anymore, because she feels that she is useless and wants to drive herself away?

Afraid of being driven away, she began to work hard in her own way, but the only thing she knew was making bread, so Daisy would bring the brown bread she made every now and then, eagerly hoping that Jessica could taste it. One bite.

Faced with these "delicious" brown bread mixed with bran and sawdust, the pampered female knight couldn't swallow, but the more she refused, the more uneasy the little girl became. Finally, one day, Jesse couldn't bear it anymore. Ka finally scolded her.

In the end, the little girl who was scolded miserably was very happy, and even did not continue to deliver bread for several days.

According to the life experience she summarized People who will be scolded will not be driven away, so most of them can stay.

Unfortunately, it wasn't long before the two of them were clean, and Leonard started to do things.

In just three days, the territory that Jessica seized from the French royal family was swallowed up, and her subordinates were either killed or betrayed. They didn't even have time to react, they just disappeared. most of the site.

The female knights hurriedly assembled their troops to face them. Although they won two small battles, they still lost all of them as a whole, and there was nothing left except a royal capital.

After barely persevering in returning to the capital for a day, Leonard's army destroyed even the capital, leaving a lonely palace and thousands of defeated soldiers.

Daisy didn't know these things at all, but she was happier than before. Seeing that Jessica, who was "going away", was "coming home", she quickly made her own unique black bread and brought it over. .

The little girl who was scolded again hurriedly ran away with the bread. After breathing well, she quietly lowered her head and took a big bite on the hard and sturdy black bread. Chew happily.

Lord Jessica is very... fierce, but a good person. Not only did she arrange work for Mom... Mom, but she also allowed herself to go to the stables to see the foals. It's a pity that she doesn't seem to... like eating brown bread, how could she be? Who doesn't like brown bread? How strange!

Next time I'll add some small stones to the bread, the weight will definitely be bigger than before, and Lord Jessica will definitely like it.

The little girl thought happily, and then bumped her head into a tall man. The brown bread on the plate rolled twice and fell to the ground with a bang, causing a huge cloud of smoke.

"Do not!!!"

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