
Seeing Lord Yim and Marine Fleet Admiral one after another, the battle was about to start. The Celestial Dragon yelled, covered head and sneaked away like a rat, was originally gathered in the vicinity. .

You don't even need to be reminded, a little self-knowledge, you have already left the two of them early.

A joke, a lion and a tiger are fighting, and a group of wolves are following around to make a living. Isn't this courting death?

Salted Fish Pierce ran faster than anyone else. He would not say that he is a descendant of the true king. He will fight for the glory of the Blue Stars. Typically, he runs after installing X. It’s really special. Meow thrill.

But he can't be blamed for this. It's okay to deal with other Celestial Dragons. It really makes him face Yimu and get beaten every minute.

"Zhouhu, you have this strength, why do you want to help those ants fight? Do you think you are saving the world? Or do you want to be a hero?"

Eim raised his eyebrows slightly, and asked Hai Lan.

Hailan smiled.

"Eim, don't tell me what you are going to tell me and rule this world with you, you have to divide me half of the nonsense, you are not such a boring person, are you? " " I'm certainly not. " Naim laugh loudly," I'm just curious, why did you try to do these silly things. " Just like Hailan questioning Yim, Hailan is not the son of a plane with his own brainwashing halo, and Yim is not an osmium-tongue-magnetism. Badger Mu is boring

Hailan wanted to explain to Yim what justice is, but he suddenly felt that it was unnecessary.

people who walk different paths cannot make plans together.

I thought a lot, but when it came to my lips, it became the simplest sentence: "Yes, I just want to be a great hero."

Eim frowned and said to Hailan This answer is obviously very dissatisfied: "Why?"

Hailan sly Issho, "It's only interest. Are you satisfied with this answer?"


Yim was a bit speechless with Hailan’s impertinent answer,

he had to shout furiously: "Arrogant little demon, if you want to be a great hero, you have to pay a price."

Hailan indifferent expression, he just asked rhetorically: "If you want to be a big boss, it also costs a price. Am I right? Im."

"Magnetic field. Dragon prisoner!" "

If a word was inconsistent, he started to kill, and the Yim field fruit ability was activated, and he was ready to use the skills he had used to restrict Hailan's actions.

Hailan was originally a "Logia ・Aurora Fruit" Ability User, and only 3 types of abilities can hurt him: Busoshoku Haki, which can affect the aurora's magnetic field, and the black hole that can even be swallowed by light.

Even "Zero" thought of using the magnetic field to restrict Hailan's actions. How could Yim, who regarded Bergapunk as a monkey, couldn't think of it.

The previous battle between Yim and Hailan did prove the effect of the magnetic field, and Yim's magnetic field greatly restricted Hailan's actions.

It’s just this time that Im miscalculated.

"bang! !"

Like dozens of brawny pushing the siege truck and slamming into the city gate, it sounded like a fist hitting the face.

It is a pity that it was not Hailan who was restricted from moving by the magnetic field, but Master Yim who was supposed to be on the superior side.


Yim didn't expect that Hiruto would completely ignore the limits of his own magnetic field this time.

How could he know that since Hailan awakened the ability of "One with Heaven and Earth", he was no longer a "Logia ・Aurora Fruit" Ability User, but a real human being, Return to the Natural State.

Just like a person can breathe in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, the aurora has merged into his own ability.

"...You really still have a secret!"

It is indeed Eim. The double blow of the body and the mind only stunned this one for a moment. Eim was very surprised. He soon returned to his calmness.

"Then how many secrets do you have? Eim!"

While speaking, Hailan has flashed in front of Eim, the dense shadows of fists like a torrential rain Generally densely packed, just the fist wind brought up can destroy the rock.


The space of the blockbuster was shattered, and Yim tried his best to parry.

One step, flying across the sky, one punch, shatter space.

People in the distance can't see the silhouette of the two fighting at all, and can't judge the pros and cons of the two sides at all.

There is only one piece of space that is constantly shattering like a hindsight, in the position that shows that Hailan and Yim once fought.

Hailan asked Yim again: "Eim, are you human?"

The speed of the two is too fast, and their voices can't keep up with their silhouettes. , Only the cold wind whistling in my ears.

But the communication between the two has not been affected in any way, because the two are no longer relying on voice communication, but pure high-level Kenbunshoku Haki, which is the power of the heart.

Eim responded to Hailan: "You can say that I am a human, or you can say that I am not a human."

Hailan coldly snorted: "dressed up as God, playing the Devil."

Eim continued to say: "Don't say you don't understand what I mean, aren't you and me the same kind of people?"

" Me and you? The same kind of people? What nonsense are you talking about?"

Eim's emotions seemed to suddenly become a little agitated: "Don't pretend, Hiku! You know why I never called Are you Hailan? Because that's simply not you!

Roger's strength is the ceiling of this planet. Why can you and I be above them? Don't you have any numbers in your heart? " Hoi heart suddenly" ge-deng "a bit.

Could it be that this Yim was the one who crossed over 800 years ago?

"Of course I am a human!"

Yimu fend off Hailan's fist, and asked Hailan angrily.

"Why am I not a human being?!"

"Bang! !"

Eim's fists were thrown out, fiercely blasted at Hailan His chest slammed Hailan into the ground like a meteor.

Levitating above the sky, Eim looked at the earth condescendingly.

"It's just that I'm not a human being from this planet.

800 years ago, my clansman and I chased this galaxy because we caught the thief who stole our technology , Found this blue star.

Uranus, is our invention.

Sea King, also we killed.

Dark King, it’s just These thieves, who are also commonly known as moonmen, and the ancient blue star people developed toys that thought they could deal with us.

And you?

You are from Which planet? How did you body possession of this blue star man named Hailan? Do you rely on technology? Or rely on special ability?"


Ruins Among them, Hai Lan laughed like a prime minister.

"I thought you saw that some secret was coming."

Hailan pushed aside the stone slab she was pressing on and stood up again, UU reading www.uukanshu.com patted The mud and sand on the body.

"There are always some people who just saw some half-knowledge, but thought they had seen everything. By coincidence, I am really a Blue Star person."

Although Hailan's "Blue Star" is simply not the same thing as Yim's Blue Star, but he certainly won't tell Yim.

"It's really didn't expect, Eim, behind you, there is such a series of twists and turns. No wonder the World Government was so attached to those cosmic pirates. It’s because of you.

It’s just a pity that this planet is now my place."

Hai Lan wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, her eyes piercing: "I care you are the Blue Star People are still lunar or cosmic people, in my territory, you have to listen to me!"


First set a small goal, such as 1 second remember: Shukeju

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